if 52 ed 11 the committee and social hour enjoyed Homemaking Club will be divided into clubs air the toursc on Cereal Shell with Mrs Wes Cochr1ne and Mrs Henry Davis as leaders The other club will have Mrs Hur oid Gibson and Mrs Stan Apple gate as leadels Merry Mufï¬ns The ï¬rst meeting of Mrs Gib sons club had nine members pruentand chose lhe Merry Muffins as their name The course was outlined by Mrs Gilr son Literature was distributed Officers elected presidentGrnce Amulegnte secretary Marie Hog gnnth treasurer Peggle Gibson press reporter Mary Lyn Apple Kate Mrs Gibson reviewed the with plan and explained food equirements Demonstrations in measuring were given Check heets in the record book were ï¬lled in The score sheet or one days meals was filled in al so instructions for filling out the following weeks pages were given Second Meeting The second meeting of the MerryMuifins was held at Mary McDermotts on March Roll iii had resldedln North Vlnéfltvér He was machinist JAvcdnlntlom ntor smenupuu Comm IGK 5101 preparedjo reopen the latter part this 4H Homaniolring 5cm on Itch 24 withMMr would Mervin Martin and Mr and Mrs CIaenqc £033th in change was much Enjoyed Winners Czrruthem high dent Bruce Broley low gent HaroldGlb son lone hands Mrs Fredï¬cl son gt Reireshnlents were serVedhy thoscin charge word of thedeath recentiy at Vancouverof Maude Lover in his Dthye Invtring wasbornr on the Luvering homestead not Main street Goldwater and Mrs new Edwards Tomato were weekend home of Mr and rs Derruott Mr and Mrs Doug Dunfon and family of Burleigh Fulis spent the weekend jthf Rev and Mrs Bl Monks him Sunday Next Sunday Mar 1301a Puhnlnmsenï¬ce will be in Chdst Climb church will be deemmom on Easter Sunday Holy Com palms from the Holyilahdvsée luunlon will be observed April vice onGood Friday at ocin at Irnlm week The Itore Illuminate as from the recent tire inthe Handing block muons nn There willebe no regular log of Goldwater Home and School Association this week Isftherpub lie schdol teacheralarrangedan open house instead at the school as hart at Ed onWeek hirs hmwn andsMr Hanan are chargeot an ments for next months meeting on April 23 The members were pleased with the resnonseto the card pnrty they sponsored at the snhool dent Mrs Lawrence Devin about 134 attended and appro atelvfllo was made Mrs Devine said on executive meetingvlould be held to plan on whatprojecta the money would be nt One of these would be lot uniforms or nupils in school rhythm bands she believed IOs BIG PROBLEM Indian where 12000000 babies are born every yarstili faces serious shortage of midwives LASTISIAND eval Comm Swamp in Flori is one of the few re maining stands oI virgin veypress in the Mmdqaod meetV aunt under the On Wednesday lareh 26 mm hunt Couple Cluh are gucst the Young couple Group attend flc so sunk my in Leia Palm Sunday lornins prayer with Chunk4N me be new at lose tor the runner months Herb Batmanï¬diwahlmk Sandy Hes Next Thumbnnvening Mar$121 Hunted SalVina Holy Week lsteln obperved on the alluring chm Ill the United churches Topic PassionDeath and Resurrection atJegua Christ EdonvaiéTucsdny April at Subject rowan Pur pose is This Wastel éAnyen MillsWednesday April Subjeet Do Not Kim The no lt erth Chimin Thursday Apnlahat oclock Subject Int Kim Crliciï¬ed Every one inMidhurst ifsurdinlly in vtcd to attend this Lenten set Cl gt Minaaingieood Friday Snb ject The Earth Did quote and the Rocks Rent fnlanEd by communion Eastersundsy inail churches regular ï¬nal The Lord Is ills en Indeed 9n the that Sunday in May the= will Mr and mgr anxio we tew din in Torontowk week via iting their rdauahteruithem Mr mid MKS Free mastoid spent Sunday with Reid sand Gm Mr nndurs William Davies Willow Creek spent Sunday with Mr andZMrL iron an enjoytale with in Del Rio Tana While the in Ben preached at avlamcs Ghurrh Del Rio and Trinity Church San Mandashowed them around and took thcmllnto Mania Shiner Vialt Mr andddrs Keith Robinson Kay and van visitedvdlhhr and MnAlbert Nobel Sinner on Sunday lllcmonble Day Miss Pegxy Stevenson who as sisted the forlth opening at Trinity Church new Parish Hall is granddaughter of Mr and Mrs William Wallace very memoréble occasion for this lit tle girL Kitchen Queen Stroud No 44 Xitzhen Queens held their Imeethfl it Mrs Robinsons home era was good attendance very enthilsiastic young girls Ibcy made macaroni and cheese ap Dwt in oiSt Pauls church in the evening mu oilmuzhter anglatulatians to Mr undid met the mine clean April Stewarfl Beanï¬sn 11 the hirlhol daughter mrtnymLCGnnunlty Sympathy 1mm this oonmunI lty goes outh the widow and children who were bereaved do the terrible tragedyal 13X An gm ¢9 non snow The list Miamiexhibition held in Canada was am of the products New France at Qudiec in 173 uncuILRENI on action Diefenbaker Government is GoVernment of ACTION inthe short spaeejoi eight months they laid the foundation for New National DevelopmentPolicyto equalize ooportunliy and raise the standards of livingior Qanadlnns in all the pro vinces They reduced the taxes by $178000000 including income tax for 41 million panadians increased Old Age Pensions in creasedshe Armed Forces and Civil Servants salaries Extended YOUR WILL BE READING HISTORY 100 history to date has shmlhulll£ili ransom and Lllllillhi muons gunmanma The Iuiure oI those who come liter us delljends on how Wlilvoleonlilurolliiisl ii Canadas Unemï¬ldyment inslirange Benefits and undertook vast bro sa IIberal Government ls VIIAI ro burrsmusmcor The Proposed Liberal ï¬BOWERMAN Municipuliimnls Your LIBERAL CANDIDATE Qléde lt hismgorousseflorts will materially assist ANIEISWN in providing better Sewage Systems Waterworks ulld other essential lllunicipuLServices iorg ToALL HIGH ANnPuoLIc SCHOOLBOARst that the Iax burden Willy Government with NATIONAL POLICY in iaet it is rNationai Government with azï¬rm belief that All cansda shouldprosperu$87000000 in financial assistance has IihélzDieIenbaker Goizemmeni mle reunions2n Mmgqescfldu an adverse effect on small hosmesses and various industries beenprovldcdtothelprovinces They have progressively eased the tight money policy of the previous govarhentlechhéd Thei Diefellbaker Government Isiai NATIONAL GOVERNMENT With Canacia Firsi lrhe Progressive Conservative Government has taken grant Inca suresto find new markets for nur wheat and other lian iEEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ducts and to recover airport markets which had been drastically reduced while hut resources were being exported in rawtor so processed form The Progressive ï¬enservative Party bellev more rawfmajtetiais in Canada thereby more jobs and greater economic opportunity ioz anadians BnAoIioltn cabxsToWN GRAND VALLEY2 ORANG VILLE BURNE Tghé ï¬iefenbaker Government ALLCANADA GOVERNMENT The Progressive grentel eli pdreniï¬nnd ldre edilcalion th ampl olarships an