ForReforestation cowwnm Colonia would take advnun of the On tario En 1mm vhf icll regular moo meeting on flood March with prom was given for ruidentlai miles for water supplied to 111 all member pm Minutes of lart mmfwlerexcad and adopt an having accounts or dered paid hire Hannah Foster that road recounts be paid as read the tillage an qualify undatthe leaslatien to complete Morena tion work at the reservoir proper ty item decided by motion at this weeks special meeting Bay industries Charges for new hydrant to replace one broken in an accident irvoiving village auto were set mlementsry relief 10 Three we relief voucher we Mrs Elinbeth Milne $12215 Mrs Al ma Andershn Mullins MAI garet Henry $9850 For timothy up bnish John Bogart andhilcbaelliicliri were each paid $815 other relief items We Hu chisons Grocery at $225 0n motionof Davis and Denney 1mm of was made to the dealer Farmers ofEau WP $9 tothc Danie Fir Plan for Bridge onby Davis and Denney fl 1111 superintendent to be hatruct to havengie igwnslgp for relieflto Liscomb $4029 meerrpreom as or McCunig relief to Wilbur Mnrvbrldses and that he ad Burke $1975 Leslie Roscrelief Venue for lenders to construct to Crysdale Slz aild to Delinck the 511719 the rave of of direct labor costs for approved $20 also to Donnell $22 and tho department LOCI on are projmts up to May 81 1958 umng Dclroy $30 total 535 To Maur EDMSSIOII 10 0n Sideloid Coll warhnen tho are ineligible for legume for wood suppued go mission 11 on 25 Sideroad and on unemployment insurance re Crysdalc $17 Allandale Lmnher Connexion 10 between and 10 lease read by clerktreasurer in and Fuel fuel to Delroy Lots 31 and 82 formed council $1450 motion by Dermott and Page Council asked the clerk to pre Coleman hospfla he was that the clerk write the De parean application for the Cold con Don Hawkins $9125 Dow partmpnt ofrHealth and ask them water work Iployect ccn Roth $7105 Elliott tolnvestxilsatclfeomolalnt that some New man we An unusual Kenn giving some WV 9mm wnn Councillor Victor rum idea of the losses suffered in this tank dimmfl in cell Councillor Ralph Aikhlaon stat ed that about half the bush at the Goldwater reservoir had been thinned out in previous opera tion Reeve Lawrence Devlneiu ex plaining the possibilities of the government legislation said by an erpenditure of $300 on labor Coldwater could obtain $1000 worthof work The government would pay 70 Councillor Victor Turner was opposed to the street line exten sion He claimed that majority of ratepayers were iiifavor oi having pole linc atthe rear also it new street was opened as was possible there might be duplica tion of lines The motion prepared by Coun cilior Mills called for plan for the hydro line to be drawn on and carried out by qualified engineer Pete Jacob and other are to he interviewed in the search for an employee to assist on roads and other Goldwater village iobs Fire Mutual Aid Before final reading of bylaw dealing with Goldwater firemens participation in the mutual aid association the clerk explained that the bylaw only established TORONTO YOUTHS ARRESTED Two Toronto youths were ar rested by BarriePolice yesterday for car theit in Toronto Orvill Welsh16 and Jim Bass 16 were driving car they had taken in Toronto when they were stopped iby Cpl Brown Barnc Police Both were handed over to Toronto Police later STRESSES SAFETY MONTREAL CF The Clark street Sun twiceunonthly news paper put out by teenagers un der editor Sydney Stavitsky 17 hasbeen awarded certificatyeby the Quebec Safety League for its safety campaign The paper has circulation of 1000 in the cent nu gt AN OVERTIME GOAL gave Detroit 32 championship This game the second last vlctory over Montreal in the final game of the NHL series played at Barrie Arena last night The win gave the Detroit lads the of the twoday series was the climax of the 012303an THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 19 19584 News The 411 Club The first and sccbnd meetings of this years Homemaking Club were held on Feb and March 3at the homes of Mrs Vernon Jennctt and Mrs Orval Carr As there were 17 members they decided todivide their club into two groups with the name lccn Queens The girls have learned Can adas food rules and at their next meeting on March 27 they will prepare certain and using whole wheat so come out girls and enjoy some delicious muffins etc made from the cereal shelf Visits Cousin Lieutenant Shields of Kingston visith with his cousin Miss Edith Greene last Thursday Called on Friends Mrs Scythcs With her daughter Mrs Harold Lawrence of Malton called on friends here one dayJast week onttheir way to Barrie Mr and Mrs Carr visited with Mrs igan and family in Barrie recently Simcoa Presbytery Meeting The congregation of Trinity Italom United Church are reminded of the meeting at Collier Street Upli ed Church Barrie of the Simone Presbytery Mens Council on Tuesday March 25 Recent Friends llccent friends with Mr and Mrs Mac Boyd were Mr and Mrs David Miller and sons of Harrie Mr and Mrs Truman Pad dison of Painswick and Mr and Mrs Alan Rodgers of willewdale Weekend Guests Mrs Isaac Jennetts last week end guests were Mrs Wesley Red Elmcr Denney of Baxter and Mrs William Henderson Sr of Allis ton Sympathy of Community Another very sudden death oc curred in our village here last Wednesday in the passing of Wil fred Hopkins He was in the cmv ploy of one Lands and Forests De ihat morning for work but return ed with his son during the fore noon not feeling too well We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs Hopkins and Ross in the sud den loss they have experienced CKVRuTV CHANNEL 515 not wsnuesnav moment as 245 Tut Palmn no Numrv School mm 31 cmuuan Selene Mawomana snow 400 your 1111an can Howdy needy shalom thr rmnu sac 11m Tin Tin 00 comma mun Llwrlgioahrrrfl 713 aas arm as sum moo sport mo nun1 moo Folio 12oz Today 1215 Movi ra moo Tn chvy Show moo one Newl 1114 In Weatherman no In smart communist um as wmtllnu chicane rnunsoav Manon an ramm 300 my school rim is 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Vise too Last or the Motinns no Plaufla runny mo Patti Mun1 Show soo Fedora simmn Campnan 10M III In Filhtl 1045 Jim Collin III CIC NM 114 Til Weatherman 1117 106 seem 112 commun an 1155 Inï¬ll Porternan Limbo tn 1mm 1210 All Night Theltre on com insncrt saruuoav Milton 22 10 Teal land Manhunt mane a1 Inav Men and 111m up onion an onion no nun Willravat 1ov Nelldly Harrell needy mm no aoo um coma snow no NHL Hockey 11115 tuna anthw mac nit um 11oq cal um untoJutitt snw use Wmtuna 1230 Minot11 CKBBI PROGRAMS DIAL v1Â¥230 1115 endemic0y snow annuals Manneran 1200 Headline News muttonv 915 and Mann Show and News anon Boom ans rum Mum 1W 2ith 5M scores ms Rentedl Weather HillHeadline Newer 3733 51 now and an 830 ï¬ï¬‚wl Ind 900 ewl 335 Sï¬hfmiiaim me aw ME Gill no um 05 Homemakersvahow as Ssc an any on 11ileanoml ransom 1145 audiulldauuflldu 1200 silhouette FIIDA 12i3u1ifii mm Newant 121w auueuu anus 100 Ho NONI at Tllhi Show namrjnun Report Bluest counts run News am New Newscast lone News and sport 111711 News and Bpnttl 1105 mm on runny ll coo stream or us on us we Jim Carer annw 500 ï¬eldilne jun two on dick Mrs Dan Edgar and Mrs partment lie hadJefL as usual Friday March f4 Recent Guests Mr and Mrs George Dunn and Barbara Ellen of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Boy croft on Saturday Toronto Visit Miss Georgina Barton and Miss Myrtle Strangway were in Toronto on Monday WeekendGuesta Mr and Mrs Page and Penny of Toronto spent the the home of Mr and it Kcurns At Funeral Mr and Mrs Grayattendcd the funeral of the late Mrs Watson of Bradford on Thursday Drillia Guésts Mr and Mrs Cuppagc and family of Onilila visited Mr and Mrds Hooper during the week en Mr and Mrs Cecil Ferrier at tended the funeral of the late Hopkins of Thornton on Sat urday in Hospital Mrs Hummell is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Allistou Weekend lnTorontc Robins spent the we with friends in Toronto Mr andhirs Donald Watson and family of Toronto spent the weekend at the home oftbc lorin ers father Fred Watson From Toronto Mr and Mrs Robert Woods of Torontospentthc weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Kearns Mr and Mrs Ewart Strangways and Mr and Mrs Ray Langford of Toronto visited Strung ways on Sunday Takes Teaching Jo Miss JoanPlattrhas fair position teachin in the ulnar room of Nicholston Public School Wiiliam Kettle attended ekcnd at Sidney tario Horticultural Socle vention held wr Meeting Heetoo Womens institute held thexr regular meeting on Tuesday March 11 in the hailme 19 members and three visitors present gt Mrs Ramspresided The meeting openedwithtlhe W1 Ode and Mary Stewart Collect fol lowed by the roll call and the minutes of the previous meeting The correspondence Wus read andconsidéred also letter from Mus Ann McIntyre home economist of Toronto whole in charge the short course=Meals and Money to be held on Wed nesday and Thursday Maid 19 20 in the Community flailA letter was rcad from the Barrie District Cancer Fund it was do srxurrm HOME nmucmc PLANV nememmne Harry Lowudes so 61225 lovely lunch The tea table was way was Isaac Speers 16 sheep killed by dogs $380 George Ellis for valuing sheep two trips $5 Ontario Hydro at Alliston re Baxter street lights $3826 Bowerman legal fees and proper ing bylaws $81264 Coxworth registering births marriages and deaths 1957 $660 In Wilson wood supplied to Burke $28 Robson fuel oil to Kenlovelly $888 Dr iiIc Harland drugs supplied to Elliott family $4310 Apple gatc conveying Immblcy child to Dr Baxter at Alliston $8 Clif iordDavis conveying Tromblcy child to Alliston Hospital $0 insulin toP1ee 47c Mc Donald fuelvoil to DcBoek $1110 Ontario Hydro Ailiston re Jennings Hydro hill $3220 Weld re surveying Conn Road drain $540 Whiteside Sun oco Service relief supplied to Langley family two months at $160 Art Wilkinson township constable 175 miles at $1750 44 hours at $44 Seven dogs destroy ed $21 total $8250 Harry Banting relief supplied to Tromhlcy family $3647 Plaxton relief supplied to Crysdale $12 VW Peacock for attending Rural Municipal Con vention $25 One meeting $5 FDavis attending Good Roads Convention 575 lCoxworth the some Gucragis supply wattle it an 98 Cfoxworth rcllief oflhnfzgls Ccell Specrs destroying two dogs found $10 to the cancer fund Mrs Hooper couvener of home economics and health ine troduced the speaker Miss Ruth Shaver home economist of Bar ric Miss Shaver gave most in teresting and informative talk Mrs Mason on behalf ot the members tendered vote of thanks to Miss Shaver forher kindness in paying our institute visit and for her very fine talk Current events were given by Mrs Kettle Meeting closed with singing The Queen and also theW1 Grace The hostesses Mrs Little Mrs Ritchie Mrs Kearns and Mrs Rae served cidcdrtd send donation of quite pretty with St Patricks cloth andva large bowl of spring flowers social hour brought the afternoon to close H1 CALL THE EXAMINER FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE PA $2414 Deartment of Health supplying ofï¬cDenney and Davis the clerk ls April at 10 an pt west half Lot Con of Essa This cellar was dug with the intention of putting building over it Motion by Page and Der mott was that council accept the agreement from the Childrens Aid Society re the Langley inm ily on the account of Goulds Elec trigzln Benton to the amount of Paypoctors Account Motion of Denney and Davis was that council pay Dr Menu lands account for supplying drugs to the Elliott family but that he be vised that no more bills will be paidand that lie be ad ed also of the proper procedure tocoilcct such items Onmotion toVbe instructed tohave arider put in the deed of the piece of re forested property near the south west corner of Angus village that it will always be kept for village use and that no portion of it will be sold for private use Cattle Spraying As per advertising the following tenders were received to spray cattle for warble fly For inspee tor Robert Arnold at $110 per hour and 101 1nlle for car and Gordon Blakeley at $115 per hour and the same terms for car For truck to draw and operate spray er David Alderson at $2111 hour and Elwood Wright at $250 an Cambell RR Barrie is otsupply powder in 15 111 pack es at 40c lb and in 50 lb bigs at 45c lb Powder to con tain not less than Rotenine On motion by Dayis and Dermott council also engaged David Alder son to draw audioperate the spray er at $2 per hour and Rdbert Arnold as inspector at $110 an hour and 10 cents per mile for truck Powder to be supplied by Campbell at 49c ii in 15 pound packages Petition for Street Lights The following petition Was pre sented to council We the under signed property owners as fol lows Lot 30 Con northof CN Railways Couison subdivision plan 1110 and that the Wilson subdivision east of Highway 00 hereby request Ess Township Councilto supply ths area vlth street lights assoonas possible petition was also presented asking for garbage collectionin the same area The petition was found to be in order and theL dro will be asked to proceed with the work Motion of adjournment was by Davisand Page until Wednesday AsststANT seem young man 2535 requiredAas Assistant Secretary Must have Secretariolability With knowledge of typing and general office redulrem respcnSlblllty entsflalso capable creaking mlsisapermanent positiondor right person state particulars of employment history education and salary requirements Forward application hi own damning to uncommon dissc hug from the motion res olution was passcldto pmcced with construction of new hydro line at the north end of tbe precedence by the Ontario gov ernment in their legislation cnv enlng mutual aid but did not in terfere with Coldwater brigadea Main Street following the street from the William Beach residence to the northern limits rather than proceeding with the piescnt line rebuilt at the rear of properties to the Beach residence Reeve bovine said he would support the motion not because he thought the route proposed was the most desilable but it Wu ap parently the only alternative to further litigation Councillor Raymond Mills spon sor of the motion contended that the continuation of the hydro line along the street from the William Bosch property line was the most feasible The Reeve Mviewed facts con nected with construction of the line to the point where it was halted by dispute with some ratepayers He stated construc tion at the rear of properties was economical greatly improved the appearance Main Street and avoided the recurring problem of tree trimming decisions on outside calls Cold water Fire Chief Herb Stevens Willdecide what fire to go to if there is more than one in this ma at the same time it was explained When the Goldwater brigade ao swers such an outside appeal neighboring brigade stands by in case of fire in Goldwater By motion the clotkw in structed to press for action on the calling hy Goldwater Assessor Henry TWorrell Sr of meeting for equalized assessment in the school section Council and school board want to learn if Goldwater is paying more than its share of upkeep of the Cold water school which also serves some Mcdonlc and Matchedash pupils in section and they have pointed out that meeting of the equalization board is overdue Sidewalk Repairs Councillor Mills raised the mat ter of planning sidewalk repairs Reeve Devine said this should He was still of the opinion the wait till departmental estimates ral section of the city RADIO hernias some CALL Days Evenings Weekends PA 39322 non PEARCE The Green Front Stare QUART cans WITH seduces N0 RUB wax nawns NO RUB WAX scnnrns rnsrn wax LUSTOR rifer wax dawns rnsrn wax unwrs rasrs wart LINSEED SOAP BEST OVAL POLYETHYLENE Rain Repellent floods Free amowax SELF POLISHING UPHOLSTERY RUG CLEANER LLAMOltENE RUG CLEANER 30 oz $159 UNBREAKABLE CLOTHES BASKETS TURQUOISE 11m YELLOWJtED Hardware China Gifts Withers You Buy This For less 103 Qts 801 Toys no YOUR SPltht CLEANING New JOHNSONS nan BAND wax rtasric FLOWERPOTS 25c 49c 69c MONTCALM DINanwauE so so STARTER snr $995 BLUE Balm PUDDING BOWLS THE OLD FASHIONED LINE SETS 0FTHREEBOWLS suso LLOYDS DOLL CARRIAGES $l295 TO $2495 lbs 03¢ 49c Qts 12a FANCY BU 279 gt pi $280417 Dunlap BASKETS SHOPPING BASKETS $125 Tossso BUN BASKETSPLAIN LADIES SEWING BASK 75 ETS $2 95 to $1 $115 532 CHILDRENS sumac BASKETS 51 3519 331 ï¬atmin $511311 STGRE