El llns phon lmieelJust cannot go along Edie president or The Belllelcphone Conway or Canada told shareholders at lhc lllth annual meetingol the comp nnyhéldonlhundnvllamhls llelerring 1110191957 earrungs 0151119 share251enu less than INSMr Eadie slated thi cann heregarded as satislactary vol earnings from toepoint ot view either0 those who look tousior somber riéc over the years those who have investedtheir savings in the enterprise onihamenmml women whoseeareeu have been devoted tothe business liaintaininetha earnings will 1m with thelowest mt eryice the longterm hingEadie said Our earnings than deteriorated in relation thnse oixother Can adian indus ice and if we cannot rcmetiy thls it will 1113 weaken our sompetitive ability to attract the savings roiCanadinn investors Apï¬uuflon Mode Due 103350 tap the Comp noted that an ap proval of higher rates Was nude in August l9ï¬7 to 111930an 0t Transport Commissioners Corn menting on the outcome in Eadie said twhlle theBoards judgment was handed glass rle sandal molar growthan itis one or promptly their ï¬ndings merely conï¬rmed the level ol earnings permitted in 950 and 1952 when the ï¬nancial rmplications of our operations were less complex and the associatedrisks were smaller Noting thathhe Boards de sion had so appealed by 35 municipalities I79 the Governo Council MrEadle said although the Government was inlormed the Companys earnings position the Cabinet eeided to deter on sideration of this appeal um alter the FederalJeleetionJ As result the Board ot iiransport Commissioners rate order whieh was initialiy to be effective on Jan 31 hssheen uspénded until May th deprivrug the Comp any of mllch neede revenues of $950000 amonth monotonyaimed 113357 is use an en tion or siérlvieeafandxlhllfthen will be similar need uterus ï¬nancing in 1058 MrEddle re can raise $50000000throulh itheuld oibonds in uheflnited Statesand added Jltgis not assumed that the exchange ratewill slay lave daindehntely but cmEidered il least this portion or our om ï¬nancial Mniremantr otrtside the more restticte facts at our business that hotheostr zor phange service ten to up as etelephonesin exchange in creasa Doll er there has been constant ndeldespreiad pressure ofrising costs of para in the Inca 0141115 Situation we have taken iarvreachjng meas pros to inhreasexthe Pmdueflvity of our plant and equipment as well 35 to employ ourpeople as efï¬ciently and tbcrelore as econ omieailyas possiblelf Expandins Service The year4937 was one of exgt panding service Expenditure on construction increased per centto totalmf $177000000 and the number at telephones in er yiee rose to nearly 3000000 tin ï¬lled orders Jbr service7 were re duced by 9000 and uniilledrord ers ior an individual ne mplace of twwparty line servrce decreased by 14000 seven and hampercen the number ofIlong tane calls carried was record eptedfasllion bornoidesireforlesflorm mound o6mpletodarranï¬gmetlls to noon March 15 at hind the venturerarehopingior leaching emplo the employees eoneqned atomizer rim class tele wufpointed on out 51m ed during 1057 and rulerem ml mdeitothe companys plan of in tmdnrinx direct distanee dialing 01 ion it made ulls to about 1058 500000 nloretcuxtomerl during human my personr ay mnhnlemmv Pnrehuolodls ma Tin Huronla Agridultunl Society uectors meeting at poldynter completed arrangements with James Ryan ofMedonte to ur chase posts and tiesliorehï¬rg ing the livestock sell as atthe lair grounds lie President ge Rad was hedSat led hy 91 ay alter hush lot on the Ryan farm to the posts Receive Rebate Goldwater Hydro Commission has received rebate fromlihe HEPC on the 13th bill of $17098 iOoidwater has also heneiltted during the past your bya re duction in the killowat Irate which is now $4126 in 1956 he same ratewas $45 perfkillo not ii and CardPnrty In order to raise undsjor some of the educational activ ities it supports the Cold ter lomehnd VSch Ass lolding cord party at Cold Naterpilhlie school ï¬day even ng March 21 The parents jbe good attendnae Due to ithe naturelol the affair permission has been grantedfor ise of itth elnssrooms in the lchooi for hr dge euehre and eribbage Desirable prizes have seen obtainedtjor winners nethe three branches ofcomp uon Mrs Lawrence Devineï¬ dent statéd onthe weekend that hore than how anjencouraging advance sale oftlcketsvtor the oci a1 posters play in stores Committee in charge or the March am is Mrs Williamson nd oveni Goldwater Ho an relation ha ablelctmtaettho eon School nrenls ted byinsuranda ribs to non 01 the canes The plan will he offered to and wouldLite subject to approval of the Department ot Educaliori Finance committee chairman Norman Matk late substantial niesto the 575 promised although it would con George Prie Alunnlrwill be telephone subsorihers and rent existing arrangement vw reque ts from caretak ers nt Iheeolle ate asking lilth er salaries an increase from $10 $15 or weekend firing of the darncc annual provision at unlforms nodthe closing at the school to oth wihnn caretakers during cleaning hours Mr Ortonsaidr his committee recommended an increase or $1001 year in carelakers salarn ies die proposed that setllig tire of $100 year be ï¬xed weekend iirlng along with sa ary Thls would represent aged dry each man yearlytor weekend ï¬ring Other requests were deterred Alderman Pete McGarvey re quested permission lor aEroup of young USA singers to use the school June 21 on their way to British drains festival Com sideration of the request was fllct with standard regulation thenuditorium not he made available to anyone from noon Saturday until Monday morning TeflphbneSflhs 5971 Mel Coldwnter Municipal Telephone mmission with allmembers present chaimranrlii Miiia Sn and James Kitchen met last week andset flplll as the annual meeting for the subscribers of the 3st em the cnmpanys finnneial and other operzlï¬ons and election missioners to till occurring Owingnto what is eonsideied too small an offer fronr1the Bell Telephone Company tozbuy the Goldwater system pmsent pol be company po$essio ot the sub scribes and proceeding with BB are below those charged by the Bell system andthro with ad jacent municipalitiesh there is no charge for calls between Me donte North Vnd Cold water jinBrier Icharles Robinson Coldwhter Divisi cently marked his 88th is recovering from fall Jie suiiere iraetured rr Douglas Tucker is leonva esoing at following treatment Iona lung ailment Ch 12 gié but ay Wh it rt whore Wark hu Webbs housninstmud Mr and Mn Webb are now residing in Toronto and myplannihg to move tostroud as soon Is their new house islï¬nished Weekly Euchre The weekly euchre on Monday March 10 had 12 tables playing the same 14de prizes were worthy Mrs Brndy Mrs Thompson and Jills Dietrich Bull5 prlles went to William Wrish en Siemensojr and Gina Syntalhy 6fiCornrnanlty The syrhpathy ni thiscommun ity goes one ML and Mrs Briice Comm ng ho wen sosild ly bereaved onjuesdny atternulm eh 5L by the Incidental death of their oldest son Andy in his eighth An was returning home lien crossing the wayhe was hikby aear and Instantly killed The largely at tended funeral service wad held on Thursday with interment in Midhursticemetery WMS News The Presbyterian wrts met Months at lir landMrs Fraser Campbells The rneetlng opened withfcali tmworship hymn and prayer by the president Minutes were readand approved Thanks for plants receivedrhy Mrs Frank Cowan and Stewart MeWhirter while they were lll An invita tion to StpAndrew Barrie to Hear Miss Jane Scott alsoan in vitatlon to the Easter thankotlen ing It StJames United on Wed nesday afternoon April splendid quotation on war ship was given by Mrs Frank Cowan Scripture reading was ken by Mrs Mel Ayerst follow ed by prayer hyMrnBruceCow an The offering was dedicated Ids by MrsW Campbell Medita tion was taken by Mrs Mc Vhirter The study hook Japan Light in theDarkness was taken by Mrs Campbell assisted by Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Fra ser Campbell This program dealt in Japan manyoi whom went to Japan as laborers when Japan ruled Korea nsa colonyandrnany homes to Japanese The Presbyterian Church in Can adaVundertook work among Km eans in Japan and rapid progress wasmade Then war came Dis eussion of aCanadiap visitor Khorean pastor and Korean to nditions lgm and prayer by president lwAiggktsrones fetter nunsnnvtrnlnnvsnrunflnnv ron mourfsnwus Innis voonneetionwith your home and th the Korean Christian Church hwomamgave aninsightin aWutw maxim was assisted by Mn Camp belland Mn Hughesinjenring and Mr and Mrs DonaldIJowery ted It the StroudCom munity Hall onFridayMnnh i4 Alter an evening of epehre the coupler wereyesewtedtg the out when Hurray Amoszandulilhert Smith and appropriate rim to the couples summarily or our Weather ill presented ihe touples with gins to Mr rndsns Campbell chair maxed racknndnioot stool and to Mr namtrx Lowery tourrioldingrhair and silver nary appropriate splies wereg niade by th Donald Campbell and Dpnllti lowery The remainder of theeve was spentin dbnelngTo the musre Mr and Mrs Bert Mulholland and Bill Euchre prize winners were men Mrs Mel Martln playw gar Thompson Sabin Johnï¬lunter amber Dproule calledAotf or so dancing An nnioyalile time was had by all who attended Rerninderi oi Horn meeting at the 01Mflmhvlg Amoetingwasiposiponed from Februory and to he open house Parentsand the inter ested are asked to attend wWINswnv The Womens lnstltute regular meeting will he held in Cornv ritually Hall on Thur 20 under community activities and public relations monvenership Mrs Nq Watson rllqllrealir Name an interesting event in anally motto use no learn until youcoasevto llv Memhers are remindedtowing thearticles forthe layette to this Eeting At BDCC OpenHouse numberme hers attended Friday night Maroii14 Congratulations to Mrs Thomas who celebrated her 801h onflarehJV fReeent Visitors Mr and Mrs Earl Dales and Betty Ann iltord withMr nd open house at the Collegiateon nele and auntyltlr and Mrs Dwightiflelson LIMIlEDr and Sehool March lrihday figure Prthgh milkedpg AntitrustIn ï¬nggingflirselps emulotus Orhreyouonedttlio luelryl on whose only problem it howto preserve rind protect yourloveiy moi iines unravel your problem the only sure arisprqisSpirella made to ï¬t you exactly to supportlyqu naturally and comtortsblih to help you looleand feel your veryï¬best inns CARMICHAEL om wt or mrr¢wvgthwmm earn1 mt Wnllsels trai ed Spiral rimwry iatnan show you the RdllRlslepsflto true ï¬gure Benuty Ask her or Your FREE From ANALYSIS Walkers all this weektto help youwith your figure prob iem nganlehrng hie breasted effect colors with contrast oildrbnd pockets to ongxttuxbuc oismartness Sizes