Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Mar 1958, p. 7

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lliiilSili MES ByRs MONDAYMARCHl7zi958 sectioner Pages7tol2 bangsgag selloutinonnllsalm rlilzul =nunrslMeelIBarrie accordingfito sanctified plan cvcmhing poasible to avoid the is bad enough to be up negligent Id By BASCOM ST JOHN magnum one bung 559 In GB 331 orhbllfangmicegsfefmf gfigfimny occurrence Wearead at Mr St John senior editorial writer th 351101 ed on population hula in bob but me Town of Bmonc or more in nearly ievery Giohe dc Mail has 01M year specialised In¢dlllI tario town apd cities public addéd mm by pkg bolpaper but until they come home tionni questions and is recognhed authority on the school trustees are ordinarily ligating signs along the street lEiie in our SIIMECL gt glfld Ulllfl WI Whli Herbert RumiirNeltigton com beside the license ofllcey Town mnls kc me °f The opening up of finned ior geherai settlement which wd which 115 Wh nu child of people with whomvwe film gun oneg twoIgmrtecs when he Mimi folice gets mfgfi mantra mine regularly we do no begun in endneg in the late agencienhtgldggfi mb Mm Co hm floggmd many in mm regard them as serious 5de EmP Wish immlgra on tom in bigger centres the board or 13 neighboring town in Simcoe Coun coincided roughly with the birth of the movement for pub education is common Tlua com and be bi pbbbc $33lzifigwiifi $3 nefimfifgaiiiy amigo llcly supported schoolsin Europe and North America prison both file public school bubm sun ll worked their way through the shown This is the third of Demand book were and uan bum elected It lmeby bb Eng agfgtnpgofi ed as junior with The Bank at from there lineup three accidents thfh have hai atJhe very first meetin oi the ratepayers ls bladed wm or Tenant In 1905 we WW like ml Gauge pond in dsmuimund Wham Lezmawnsif uP Britlsh Columbia Maduraire in Ontari the rural dlagtriCi illegal ggrelgltflle no 51 Johnston lttPP why we from ing the area where this happen perCanada in 1792 but the pane reduced the bumbeb of its Ml hie5 school Area bonds are Lumen to fish Bl in whfle me name areas have 40 come cd Them 15 need or an edu we or am llMunch was mm dunk mm 670 1° 31 Winiod by councils oi the Partic at downe that he me into Barrie to get these plates calionai Program backed by the not fully accepted or many years wim boardso five seven Mung are or munidmlmes ed ma Ed Sr Surely there are places in the WW board WIN11 find similar demands were made in the members electedby the tab on mane ua evens Exam the earlth days inOntarlo townships that could be madc the police department Maritime Provinces and in Lower cm Saskatchewan has mm After 17 years as managerot agency to issue the standard li long batk Maker Canada Although Government complex 5319mm inflame an mgnmoglgtfiglggmfifl the Market Branch in London censea 1059 norm hook milled support for secondary and higher subdivided into five at nub Rust was appointed manager at While we were at the bureau mat bI sylsicm cg gxamtlngiio education was not thought £1 uhng Representative to the wards3 Barri $939 HijDliiiedhglwl 591° 35 Parked the Side Ce °n masoniblh elementary lien 11 large nrcahoard are elected by Absolute Bu et nix on one was oi the pmhibited simt while 9315 safety The Coun tor long time had to rely on on ratepayera or the subunits in Ontario Saskatchewan most elected director and finally he TEDDYn tw yearoldch1mpanzeeyis shown with alerade the armor was getting his ii 61 Passed iii local organization dimmlh Locai hoards remain for adviaory oi Quebec and in Manitoba 93 came president in 1942 one student lurwumlpegwhere he made hit with adtzmon censc Otherwise he would have miller oi one of the boys using The condmons pioneerMa purposesé As in Alberta there cept Winnipegachoolhoarda have Ru has 51w been aw in straw or beam brushing and other in rule 9P had to lvnlk into town He may an inferior machine wrote to are also arate sehoolboards for absolute control over their cur community service He demonsmtton included dance for the find parking ticket also Rand i0 mun lhfli they Should not gggllgffnfiénfiigfilfioxgi the Roman Catholic raiepayerx rent budgets in Ontario capital director and president of Banlb firwtgl conditions have been responsiblc lake any Milan in this matter Manitoba has mixed system or expenditures must be approved by chamber of Comercg also be 32 for many not gciling their maikly We are regular user of the fjgjflgfldfifffigcpflffim large and small unlLs councils and the Ontario Munlc ed five yum bx drug of the Nfliv iwnd his Section and mm at local administration become that The four Malitlme provinces 31 50 InMbSJ 9nd Canadian Chamber of Commerce SCliDDl times out or in We have even Ontarios dynamic Dr Egan have been moving toward xys 35 colmbhl mm may 319 Always interested in the Huronla blic Busin over schoolhudget demands and ess noticed consl crab mdltfcrence to Rycmm found it necessary to tempt larger units New Bruno so oi deadlock an issue Historic Sites and Tourist Asso on the rtof ii ha at financial NeEd open To Public and cellathnt goalsd obcsafceoii ExrlLiersfifllbfnlnl rggulciantlolllhl Elfsschogls ci1Ilslmi= years may be Vbltlam Ma Sliggerlgeilfv as 41mm and in an cdiiorinl in rcccnt reeled wit more edumubnal mama Canada this day Wm local boards or bdmibmn ltlmes council appointment and Globe and Mail credit has been programs We could have 15 lion Municipal councils appoint Prescnlmflnr 10 59m no given to London paper terminate program once week in BISlf Uh about halt the trustees in the boardslmmles check hm having brought the matter of every school together with The basichunlll of tmost Oi the Maritime boards Egggfifiswanggmfimndhnd 53 press privileges to the fore is safety atrol made of volun Canadian 50 00 SYS 9m was worthy of any readers Ihoughttccrs Jim would be glad to help 1003 138 resembling the SW mimsgxteigfncgmgcofml pi MflrkTW3i1 has been Edi However it was not all to tnelsec that chime of he Lender existent Ontario school simian sh except in large bumTb with the cynical remark God which is part of lhc Trent sys can or the London one press age of the recent victim do not which has for many years been hasbmugm be number otcblb first made idiots that was tor CODDVYATEFIsl 9° he tern waa with the late Bill whlch docs dqscrvaysomemmdfl come to harm They forget so defined as an arcaof not more out boards down about 15m practice Then he made school champmnslup cer rmgly Bush father oi Reg Bush of The weekly papcre have been easily at that age we can than our square miles and With Fromm schools have bad 10 hoard Witty as thnt view may and hockey teams Aflhm 9° Goldwater who paddled noo nagging or years about the con member beingknockcd down by minimum at thy children he elmed adminismuon in ruta1 WWW fileunited 313 Pu0 MIME h35ddbdc°n tram Wauhaushene to PoflgSeV 31mm or pubmr business be mm and cum be school tweenthe ages of five and twenty areas but barge units are being at eighty years ago it would libel alderablcuwolsht hilt c0 mile em Into Art bum hissum hind the closed doors of coun many years ago We just forgot Onc 0mm whims ex organized Trustecs are locally navenge Gamma °h°°l mam liea go we ml bus 11 P001 1926 runner Let us traitorssininanztat erected in Méngreai and fifiiliiiinéiéiimn no man an or la epaycrs an some ing started in every Quebec where the so 001 com 55 mm is deer hunting and trying hlsluck MP Mes WM °h°°l° was lithe adginmrllule dis $30M PPOimed The raccralmfilan Schogol Tgusteea on Flare rugby class $355 Wmducks WW mg nubile money often With 5° °° Prolesiant commissioners are ill Association is one otlo national aim Con insulin To calls his first deer huntingmp Amore indffemnc um To Pric The are 315 consnlidaifd P°lni¢d bythe bleuienank GOV organizations which sponsored Anengsbn beobkwabd was to Darling with JimuKiichen elected members of councll school urea5whlch usually in gamer and the City Council and Cam tan ldwa er Art is never ha C°M team when they won their fliSl wc wauml include school ortho cludcboih rural and urban town the Catholic commissioners by thnt gallant Ottawa February loan intercollegiale ORFU cb man pier than when out in ihe open boards and bowmmecs also we and Village unlts and om corn LittllIlElilaiillv llovcrnor and thenitendcd by more than 790 mmN ship whether enjoying the breeze 55m i3$3°$lnf£szfi To Bradford Man iéflflimiiiii Enffim if life Tum heififiéfineiilififfig33325 immerse Emit PK Tip if Amman i333 ififlllééaiifiuii 15933 taiive oi the public the press area are brought In maulother al groups The responsibilities of was am ye snow tnget to his cottage in the and unless some personal mat Th° mppmel Shorhom bu types 71 merged school admin tionlallfithtlslakendltllenl can hmrlmm 7w mmg gellwyn It ae granflfauglvyfedl will gunnedmfs wMt d2 Winter Hm or flu in women ousa ucoware argcr elsa Hcrln vagc amwas apconcn qeabng WM mg Fdvdunblcentlc aznTaizmélll Saslc held re lSllflthE districts in Ontario the school aw Sun has over many subjects discussedfind It ls Canadian Annunde moms Ism or championship flies flui ear yearncyuwlth Gordo Lon is being hdiScusscd then the hnpIat $305 by mayammmlgg old 019 09 Mos main 2001M school bands includmg to hie hoped that public under 0mm in Germany but on course mg the season when they comjlhcrdalc of Orlliln Lloy Duniop pening ouid be subject to re Use stun ing of the work of these men of Moonstone and others For 0rd Thu was for Scotsdale Lax 16l RC separate school boards and ln England where they arcprelt peted the DEA semifinals fo 9° maNJWMLV no gt 0v ror anized 306isecondacy4eciloolboards nu Aw next th onu Eradi The new legislation mention Ic°r95°e champ the man or show for Bennett Geo Therc are in Canada at least ing the war the Ontario Dgpa um the wenknownlform at intlm eltlillolialbrwill allowllown 12mg school areas each with mum of Education actively foster m° hudWOTk C613N3z513mfi$ erColdfiralJcr gt pics or pu ac to have Lexicon Myst by the 1955 schoalbonrd to handle the éduca ed theioxmulion of township area lugfind hghmmded new were contemporaries ot Artweré we any dmumcms Whm Toronto and Ch tionni needs of about is millibn boards and about 560 of these Pubhc 5911001 Russ beam the bowl or Wlf Goldwater We been 1103 Viih by any champion Smlsdalgafi Ming$3 lpcople By contrast New York took the placeot more than 300i1 leeh 15 ClSlamalY 100k Stewards ior some years Jalned Moriay Elisrvxe 1mn lfiu Club Art is best known for his public body after it has finallylchampionoi the sh PG State with almost the same poru independeotrural hoards apprax down on school boards asvthe Iow the Masonlcprde 50 Yea 9g Mmmg fatd th ability as were hee Med and When nu Lodestone consignedwl all DWm iaiioll has only 1465 admin imtitcly halt the originhl totalr 95 0H1 Wllllulbfldicsrbut Dem 01 Bmckvme was Beagh Pcmen AKeIl is in demand at district func her privacy is required Baum Inglewood sold it 33006 istrative units which it is now Tilcpoiicy was suspended abo me hm a5°h°°15°°5des Mister lodge at gnSdowne gglellltsozhdflllgb rye mm thwc grep wlh we to Buchanan and hodkin Thames in process of reducing to about lv950 and very few new towhsh 13w ammun andereqmfi lnlpzo and elnb C0 Art ishappy his Plflcé bUSi clsiralgjfTfiggnisglnflgs bcemgmtieyiue 700 few years ago it was not boardshavc be formed for se flagging itgdniéwglhgiixf uan 336 iiack to The Gauls bass is known 35 the friendly mi ohe breeders inbthe mm ed that Canada had75000 trustees oral years cement progress Engl ancestry always en Arthur Cornells ancestors ave store It retains menu the sums who deal Withpubllc bust chased some me good Shim and only 73000 teacners llhe has been made however in the WWW mum Th men game of golf and been traced backtta the timeof homey amsphm the to ness and spend publlciundsxtAl born of the has Mmlm ratio of teachers has risen consid formation of rural district high 511W P79 11 was of 59 main hobby photography Well the Gauls imFranca Branches Tum to pagé nine please so that the legislation detlnc pniltiawpumnascd at 5625 Glen erably in the interval but it is schools establiShed on the larger the see same of his work in this line of the fondly went to Holland hélt mceuflgs and mm mm burn Wristlock son of the 1957 easy gm that Gamma is Wm moi are minim Ch semng Reasono For Serving at Mondays meotin and Pennsylvan and from the wt 55 may hold meetings for pay winter Fair grand champ organlzed educanonally on average area 100 square Asrmgm be expend pebble lattcr state at the union to the vnv gram czmlira Ion Moray lnckarno Dr Robert it is generally held among Ed 15 who fun or the school card are and rest and may want south to Canadau Srelatlve Dubliefi hgsrinzznahdvfizrllldlgnsuglf 510 iéndsgsgedf Renfitmr Dunr ucntors that the small administrai Large numbers of small school stirred by various moiivg Some get in and ebgngnu mat fzmded £0871 UIHWISHY roan pal or orager live unit otters much more llm areas tend to produccadministra merely want to stand out among Unite es glycine itzcrmnycafifl We age bull that placed second the filled educational opportunity than tch inciticicncy They cause an hairy neighliors through little No Control Qven Teaching Birthplace of Art Corhell in mm mil oldest class it $560 large unit will broader base Immense amount of reporting and official dlSfilllCuOn Some like ZPcopie With this view soon find 1900 was at the little known 19 anb 1ch report 15 Thompson Qnilla purchased of assessment and larger bettet paper work which is imposed an bossing the teacher and somezact they archelpless Trusteeshave hamlel of Christies Corners Ellis gill covclalgeL that Vlzrlardale McKinley son of the compiled and more effectively inspectors and departments of from strong sense of civic duty no control over the course of near pundasl He accompanied payersuw has imported hull Cluny Romeo tailed schools steps have been education They complicate the Some use the school board as study the professional tralnlng his parents as child to cold abbpcncd and who is resnon McLeod Stayner purehns taken in several of the provinces administration oi grants prna stepping stone to political and certifi tion of teachers on water and after few months Ed at $525 Scotsdalc Lochinvar especially in the westtorsimp ram and theyviend to waste tax career This is not in ltselfa bad teaching ads or textbooks they moved in 1903 nearb Im Chzld son of the Perth Scotland 1in administration The most unds Educationally ashas been thing as thcr shouldbe more These matters 21ng to the rn wnubaushene Itllls champion CairosSle Prefect striking change has been in Al stated they provide an inferiorknowledge otthe schools in the vincial Department of Education In 1912 by family rgtuynefi to Kllled on nghway lhliineltytwo Ziggrtglgélogulls In bertla which reduced its onetime SclViccq lligher levels of goiternment Therelilsza growirigUtfendency to de Goldwater where has lived gt 3V9 an lam 3935 591001 districts to Rural Boards Many become trustees because €91 comm sud we ever silica tugfihigozlgi Ugefggayofivembet finals of $6921over last years about flftymme unlui must of ltlost rural school sections are they are Insclnatgd by oneme as curricula but even those are Anci reébivmg ban bf bis saddened by the death of tth 0311 sex11001 510an and administered by threemember most interesting of human aetivv handled by the meessonal Peo education at Torontos Oakwood cbvmén bvn 0an nominatingoral 23 for hm W13 by me he mm gt us ees are ec not vote make best trustees Proba Nevertheless the trustees can wath to assist his iather Thom 5nd INSURANCE 55 $3 aha fidlufishfimg glfsihglllgfiledfllgiagglliém 3233 figural ass21 031630 $11 of the ratepayers at an annual few run tor the school baardb settne standard of educational as Cornell and mother in an ACE °F mum meetingone meiotic et tentmcnttnt7 hecnumllnstgzpcf be insantly killed The distress of gressln 1911 amounted to 5125 Alberta school divisions are run yea use 03 ave en opportunity in their schoo or as eratlon theCornel store an lievca YOU or worry thelparcnts can be matched with 000 1npoards representing larger ar by critical iicles or books on They have an immense ibmct bakery Mr CoxMulls passed sure at yourinsumnce Coveraxe you 25 AL by 31th tllreermm 01 IW 635 101 is usually an election educational methods fads frills influence in expressing public de away in Fehruany 1922 igimgluaiwyéhlfirfilg nhndmsnand mand tier improvements in the ad Art enjoys travel when oppor 1¥°clll°stnfil hes minim lucatianaisystemandsooner or tunityr affords and has taken ih 1u uh 5531ibiffiricifiéiiggfézfl fiéfiffififiexfifagfig ii STEVENSON sor ucalon ey 013 bans It lNSllllllliEE have Intihishcnuhtry thersdhoois belong 10 te pearl Se rn Rivennooster 4m mm sauna FIRST Fox it as By LORNE naturally Hisiirst touting anthe river State Ill harmonica ones The CANADIAN ml Nwere hosts at anon DeputyDistrictconlniapderaerald Brown non emberahipcbnfe nee held it re De legates tromacross latib sOHicsnpa Phillips Stmdlngfleit resident 13 art crunch halrman Bertie Branchlcecil McMuiki Field fiupenisor0n latent District Membership chairrua in der zone ticJackvmood

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