7lllll WAIIIED itswwnitrso Norma LADY Ability to type neat appearance aaawer phone and general alllee Store hours Apply Box in VBumIOer FARM to work Barrie 15144 REPRESENTATIVE Middle agod retired tanner ior tales Promotion Must be intererted llflnen beneï¬t necessary in working In Dorrie and District to Sales experience n01 Salary and edmnlmlnu APPLY IN WRITING OR IN PERSON JAMES BAIRD MANAGER BEAVER LUMBER COMPANYLINIIED 129 BRADFORD ST 35943 Ialdt AGRICULTURAL SALES FIELDMAN Required to call on arru iamillca operative tions to tell thutdchenlurel or large provincial organization co and agricultural organiza The debentures oltercd are popular aaic secure and proï¬table Investment backed by over momma in aseis Applicants with some agricultural background pretcrred with proven sales record Successrul applicant option or salary andor has commission with opportunity to Join regular stat wIlh goad employee beneï¬ts Please reply in complete conildrncc stating iull details to Personnel Manager UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONTAItio as Oak St WESTON Ontario REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY JUNIOR FOR THE DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT OF THE EARRIE EXAMINER OSinglelh to 21 Must he neat in appearance Ella Phone PA Ml lflava the ability to meet the public lllv drlvera lltcnse Expcrleirce not necessary The young man we want will be KOBetter work hard FDR INTERVIEW TELEPHONE PA c2414 ASlcFou ilit EROCKWEliL must have desire to or tuiure advancements To ARRANGE APPOINTMENT 4033 ummcamï¬ml lielween Sta years or business telephone Regular noro hum Slafl ing ware 25 weekly wnte nor loo narris Exmlner stating age experlv enee etc gt idldd LICENSED AUNMOTIVE MECHANICS largo regressive road dealer Idell working conditions Top wages to the right men preferred APPLY int JRCK iiuNl BRAD WALKER MOTORS LIMITED NEme MIDDLE AGE Housekeeper to live in helerlbly one with no name Helm Id child Phdne Hemlock E506 even nga Hemlock moi irltl HOUSEum wnnledf live in for father aiul loll Inn Old ND ob ioetion to person with children Virita Bill WltltealdcAnZI 14143 RELIABLE Woman wanted or children nd day Ill North St PA 5094 during day IIDUSEKEEPEE or adults Commenc ing after Easter Live in Private room and balhroum Relennce required Phone Mr Lalng PA to care yearr durlnl Pas lions Wattles APPRENTICE Mechanic with yeals experience Phone PA Midi 23134 DUTCII omce worker requires any type or employment Part time ortuu 23042 YOUNG BNGLlsIEAANI requires pail tion Any type considered Apply ltIichael Austwich hit Strand LABORER an OK work Pnlnunl 0951 on work carpentcrlng Good writer Robert Louis Milling RR Strdud 24214 PAINTEit ANn Decorator Own busi nesr experience Spray brush or roller estimatingdcslrcs position Phone PA 643736 zazat OIL BUINBR service man years ex perience also plumbing experience minor to try any type oi work Phone PA 84057 23042 mmrmcsu Service Station and tire repair man also warm work and some construction experience Phone PA com 23734 COMMERCIAL Artist art school grail uatc years practical experience into lnr artist one your tree lance Phone PA mun 23032 YOUNG MAN with iintiicd Experience in body and ionderwoflt desire podi tlon in hodyand1lcn erwoflbar this station Phone es tori HDJZ POSITION wanted as cook and baker years experience or as dcspateher handyman Will take any type at em ployment Phone PA 8494 Had rord experience PA 829m 175 RUBBER STAMPS MADETOORDER WEAYMOUTHfS BOOK STORE an DuNwP 51 WEST hAitiux 7star POitSAirE STORAGE WAREHOUSE To Be Removed LIIl warehouse vvlthlalvlnlxedmoal Illa relrllenlluu and ventilators equ pmen Apply iiAilliY uAItito BRADth PHONE PROSPECT uni 13143 CALENDARS Puts Pmcns BOOK MATCBB ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES coalme GIFTS Ruhhui 9mm GWERAL INSURANCE THE ranch AGENCY 7549 Holsale St AIWIYI open APPLES APPLE BARN PAINSWICK k3 llflllhwly McIntosh SPY Courtllnil Apples Apple Cider PA £99459 sAP IIIJCKEIS well its Om too NEW and quantity or Spllcs tonabis more 24 aliens sxr used borinaconnai lnalde doors double casement wtnl dows each sash light 10 Apply 73234 Ngw union large bedroom home one floor plan Very central Largo NIIA manure Ferguson stroud landscaped lot Apply at Eugenia Phone PA E491 143443647 SINGER Electric anblu la mil by week or month recs estlmnturxlveu gewlal mlchlfle APPU SLngcr Sewlnl nach iue Dunlap st West Phone PA ohm on repair or any make or Assails Wanted FOE TOPS IN Livabliiiy Feed Sav make orders should he placed early to be assured of date desired standard brcd Chicks stirrth PulleLl avail Phone or write Craig Hunterllunters Poultry Farrrt tiua inga Exit quality and proï¬ts your choice Deirth Chicks also available able For service Strand FOR SALE Cotith Apple nutter 7354 Pirï¬c Walter Caid 73 Galvanized sap Buckets Priced rea Apply May Hardware Crec 731 Property to sel loco PA 85934 INCOME HOME48300 Ind ml Ihla ca sellcontained belt ï¬ler Call Dln UOnnell hours phone PA 11701 IDEAL NONE FOR FAMILY WITH XOUNG CHILDREN cross to cm school this love ty homo haa many In nature lu you51min muuralty atoms au mm melodies the into room and bathroom door has living recur dlnlnx edgy tenn Irrlnled Clll DAN CONNELL PA me For your convenience3V9 PA If This MAY BE Yourt mm HOME Mm In Ill with lovely tiled 00 on heatta one cor range and low taxes is lovely rural home must be seen to bo nyplvclakd Phone Percy Porn SOUTH OF BABRIE Thu moat bungalow baa every coa vrnlenee ior modern and comtortablo living close to stores and bun actvice meat to see phone rcy Ford EAST END Split level brick home complete in every detnll The entrance on grade level is large to accommodate desk large living room with dining room very modern kitchen three bed roorna each with sliding door cioseii piece tiled starcorn antebcd recur ation room la ndry room with toilet on ground floor beautlrul ample the east endvai town nuanced Iintler NHA For unher inlOrntallOri call ntngs PA cues BEDROOM Diners BUNOALow Lama llvnx room with Iflrepllce dlnlnl room kitchen with breakfast nook ganlekflnlahed recreationroom laundry roam and fruit Ceilli Pull asking price only 5500 For an ap Palnlmenl l0 acethll home call Harold Forster days PA Heat or evenings PA 34465 For your convenience artar hours Phone any at Olll Salesman DAN CONNELLfPAISZTI AL PAithIIAitsoNLPï¬ 137682 PERCYFQRDPA Mm iiAiioLD FOBSIER PA was CHARLIE READ PA tidali In Alluidlle on doodriot I82 Apartmmt flpnalli separate eniranco Rent 1mm Ihe whole property New lore air all healing$1500 down POAP am For your convenience alter painted and buecrcnt which is tired arridivtdod lvttnd ï¬lll price 512300 000 dflwn nnfl llvlnl roam lad Inï¬llll Nam lhmulhoul also 111151 tiled kitchen inrfle la and law into Far nppolnl trees In the Matt on bul route to Harold Fomer days PA 35934 or eve hr and CARS REALTOR ux autumn Dunlap St Darti Phone lI 1an iF You ARE TEINEINGOP SELIJNG YDURHOME munThis hill at law day haveBold NUR 00m In Ital mantwahlfy our noun merlhegewem listed our ottice we will happy to auppiy you with the than Usfletl client EAST END Roomy ilx room ranch nyle house hmxeiuy iarra attached lame uv taproonr andï¬replace status room with view court rats three bedrooms piece bath on steel cupboards in kitchen duhwaahlr Porccd air on hosting uuiuy mom with builtin millionth Dawn Dayflnl to Suit Mellon Ted Dilution PA VIEW oi LAKE Cmam built brick bungalow modern minute hail open Into lane llvliu mm Bookshelvn Inn bar uparnlo Latrte slur enclosed china cabinta cover ln dining room From Orere we to tho modern klieh where there are plenty or cup iorga window also kitchen ta Three bedrooms and piece lulln comp tea the brain noon The bars nrent contains iorced lr oil turuaee and hnankilplor an on maiic wssher and dryer There is ample space lorn large recreation room Dont miss this hoaatirui home call ied Emotion FAO6431 todsy $8000 Hill cull wail built house lame Int good garden garage nirnace Large kitchen bright ilvirrgrooni two roomy hedroom3 niece bath lot at closet space good home easy to heat low tunCall Ted Enema it PA WI ANOTHER BETTER HOME Erick bungalow close to school churches and stores We bedrooms kltcbca dinette living room tour piece bath an very tuterully decora ted Easement is divided contains complekd recreation room laundry tuba and torcod air oil Iurnace Titera la an outside entrance to the basement To sea this better thanavenge home call Ted flliolson at PA Mini my time $5500 FULL PRICE $1000 down balance on one easy mortgagc Now renting tor $60 pct months seven room stucco hour central to schools store Ted liotlon PA 66451 NEW ItllIA HOMES 21m to $2500 down mu price from slum to 31300 25 years to pa With or without garage Three be room homes completely decorated you ncluuw you may choose the colors Occupancy la approximsteiy month Callled Elliotson PA mil HAVE YOUSI300 An opportunity to Own Brand New Brick Bunga ow ln aaexeeptlonally nae locationVery attractive Roach Type with three large Bedroama extra large kitchen spacious livinl roam nrliy tiled bath completely decorated In your choice of colors close to schools and shopplnl The payman are lesathln mill Ballnt on one mortgage Call Jerry Quinn PA 6648 names oi trtese more wk STAN BRYSON stirring mm pm Mauve Monti GORDONVSIOUTTILTEI heal rataio 102UNIDP ST WES PHONE PA 85901 Mica aAciIuoI Aputarkai exclusive die trieLanone PA Plr$ili°u en coat om PA mini lsmt noaadmnmmhhed abundant sell roa close to Aliandale Phone PA um lsm momma iiooms Bedsitting alnir nndhltllHa cupboards nrntititrd Apply Brock st site Amummmnm mlntyunmrallhedchul¢d bedrooms Phone PA isoids ROOM Apartment Adults Wate iinrt and beat included supernatant hone PA com Alilid hoomlnrralihedaaartoron heated Centrai Adults lqund actiitles Phone PA com more ilr ant lx gt BACHELOE Apartment modern imam uli canmntdal rooms an ba nlaned or unfurnished Phone PA Hm FURNISHED heated Apartment One block hum Post omco Phone PA motring dayPA Hm In even in l541M oxDitooM deluxe nrtmeatsl Del contained with in solution AvaUahlc immediately Phorro PA 1031 iszztr 0N8 lBKDEOOM and mm Ind and 1bedroom mulled with lulllla conveniences Apply Dan Kreiger Will Bud 15lm HOUSE 50 monthly Churchill tth con Poona Mr Dcltiarca Toronto Lennox 23113 ior inspection Sunday 10 and to pm 15 as ROOM tinnirnished apartment with bath separate entrance Adults Vic lnlty Hmcreat School Available April Phone PA mu 154ide haowmn tarnished apartment good home Suit hinlnm or Air Force cod ie Airstainers No children Phona PA 84156 FURNISHED Apartment ciea ultahle tor adults only neat ed Lovely vlew Private entrancevcry centra Phonu PA lism lsaidz one single bedroom with aunroonl living To bath and kitchen Alsn bedroom apartmentrPhoncPA 8m6 154254 AvAILAuLE March 20 Camlamhle rimmed apartment fully furnished well equipped kitchen and other cost venicncu Phone PA 965 153th UPPER DUPLEX large rooms oil the use on det Nora Ecat CAu Jul Downfr PA FLOOR CQVERING Wallmud uninhibited ll Toriata loss 51 53 Owen at REFRIGEKAHON SERVICE PiioNEPAatioz 83Ci1vpemnst am FURNACE CLEAN NO on written sitiwics renown sr hubmusi AWOLFENDEN Platinum DASHSi cotiicMOtors in Maoists Barrio mourns5301 GENERAL TINSMITHING Pirraaeca Oll humer savestrougaing etc CLA 113E HEATING 8t SHEET METAL PA Hlll 53144 ELEClRlC MOTOR SERVI For New Mot Needs Rewindiiiand ticpaus HAROLD HART harrie Electric arson Pb PA 82206 b4i5t RURAL TOOL 8t DIE Dica special Machinery Frets Work AURORA PArkview 75325 RE lett miles cast ot Gentile Aurora 52435 Illllot hlm idea AUCTION SALES itarch ta Auction ass or may Hoisttn Cattle Implements Pia Ear dadma ior Alex Gribsm at South Con la soaaidalc new ship mulln north or Highway on to County hood coax toward winga ncsciu Tenui Nnreaerve sale Ihup Jerry sougaiia Auctioneer pass wedateuy Mares Auction sale hptudbold eiircla ior the ester or tirelate italph sea at the Viiiag or utopia tinge Thuito bcc mm flit PJfl Ilp TY n2 gt uooeer altar Maren as Auction nIVoi implements Cloversoed drillian Elmalol John Galley at it con Nsitawasaga Towa lhly miles South East oiShyner to town llne Term can nna as the no is sold soc at pin sharp JerryCoulhlln Auction ear on Wednesday March 26 Auction sale IllnkJlocl implements gr noisebold reflects ior sill meanem fluoritlli alfrmmhl C021 linntaiil owns On WI beteon Cockatown nd Thornton silo at ipJn sharp Home aa lnrai is told Tarhrs chsn Jeriyumm lin Auctioneer and sudrduMarcn 29 Auction sale or homhaldcaatenu ior Mr and Mrs iiarry seweu at Victoria Stainarrle detailed list wfllbe published Wad aesday March le Marts at 130 pm lernu cash Wlter Mn Auclt tloneer AUCTION SALE Household Effecls The undersigned auteloncer has received instructions irom TIIE ESTATE OF lllE LATE RALPH BELL Village of Ulapiu Ta selllby Public Auction on WED MARCH 19 AT pro stiAitP THE FOLLOWING Gibson eu it electric trig good now Electric nangc Nectary burrrer good repair coal or wood good repair Electric washing Machine good rcpalr new tric iron Kitchen Chairs Kitchen Tablea Sideboards Ann Choirs Quantity or Dishes and Heater cont or wopd Easy rhair Rocking chair wrlung Desk Living Room Couch Electric Radio RCA Bedroom Stilte complete Single Beds springs coinl pietc cheats at Drawers Lawn Garden Tools wneclblrrow Extension Ladder Swede saw Kl antanal Pots and Pans Tons or cast Cords or hardwood Slabssd many other articles too humemua to iist lKl1 Kitchen itange Il evenings PAT25in NEARLY NEW DUPLEX UNDER $I2000 nrleh Duplex to an excellent location urge beautiiuuy isndscapcd lot oil heating This is wonderful appartlln ity You can live rent tree mori nl LOW down payment Thu is as exclusive listing Per itrrther ur tormatron can deny onion PA Mal evenings PA mos 1631 MEAT CUTTER requires position as meat cutter construction work or art ver Hus license Carr supply reier enees Willing to take any position Phone PA $7946 23031 youNG LADY experienced in travel bureau recreation switchboard rc ception typing with Junior matricula tion desires May work week Box Barrte Examiner 241d MTDDLEAGED Englishman requires employment Experienced technical stock records clerk Wlil consider In type of cmpioynrent Apply Thirdas Austwlck ER Stroud 23031 TermsCash Deï¬nitely no reserve as estate has to be settled and house is sold Jerry CoughlinAuctloneer phone PA 35449 Lizi booted piece bath spacious tiled bathroom spacious llled kitchen our boards 90 Phone PA adiso 153142 51100 bedrooms apartmentpheat ed hot watcr mg und stove 3100 per month Apply 830 am to pm Mia Hogan Slmcoe Medical Group 41 Colier st 153031 itooyi upper apartment rntahcd Work guarnntced Apply 30 Mary st stove irig cupboards oil hea edwat Phone PA Hm H141 er supplied suit couple No children itcnt rcasonablc Available immediate Pm Now lsuie time tohava iy I24 Henry St 155133 your trait trees pruned Dipert work manship Reasonable raies Free ant LARGE modern Bplrllnenl kilchen males Ona ire wholeï¬amhanl with stove and trig living room Henry Klnls Phel st Phone Elm bedrooms and bath at water hell Vale 57f 58240 ed laundry room and dryer facilities Phone PA 85325 or PA 224 iiiat QUOTATIONS will be considered for re cement or electrical appliances BEDROOM and Kitchen unfurnished guns and refrigerator in the Home sink and rangette eonple no child onomica department at Central coll ren abstainers nnlrnultoble ior service eglatc Fa pcrtieuiars apply to men 513 Week Furnished bedroom li Fei Buslriasl Administrai Barri Young man 35 week Bnyfeid St In Hm HAND Painting and Paper hang in Phone PA 115605 or interview 55th saws saws Saws Complete saw ser vice hand and machine work Work nannieedr io McDonald st Phone PA 35750 58142 ï¬w anAttPizNiNc donehy machine cueutar handnwuld itnirhtug saws SIESSOR REALTOR on ExcflANGE OfficePA asses 8P DBOAI inboard 13 fl motor goo condition nu Wflfgghhgrgggngm pairs and mans bicycle Binoculars 1H 7x50 coated leiis snapon mechanics tools hrltlsh and American sizes Gun cabinet guns and ammunition wtil sell or exchange ior camera and dark room equipment Phone mil 234133 DOOM very central on bus iiire Can be seen by phoning PA 82791 Ase32 WOMAN Wanted to share home at once Phone New Lowell soils titdid PuitNIsuED Trout Bedroom central Girl preterred $5 per week Phone PA OURING THE MONTH OF MARCH FREE WANT éADS FRj THET gnlï¬Ã©iiréfliinï¬g UNEMPLQYED DAIRY EQUIPMENT Norman REAL ESTATE BEFORE YOU BUY Shelswel HEAL isTArs DUNLOPST Enoou alletillli Promoting purinu liquid Pig WOIIIIEI piperaziiie concentrate to be mixed with drinking wats er removes round worms 334 modular womis No plunge infeeding program lio2 starvation period needed Plasmid liquid solution containing iron and other minerals io be ddmi istered to young MILKING MACHINE Parts and Service on an makes or lullkerd Ali makes oi Oar trunk will can on paid pm used aillreru We rust have everything Elsi the dllrylniua needs plus complete PUSHKOFF sir conditions Phone us may at PA AND mum 3rd and mildew Turin at tr Acconrnrodo on anlésl YDUNG MEN would ukeone or two rooms with privileges complete air stainers Central Phone PA $367 115 BEDROOM tarnished apartment or small house required by young cou pie with smalllchllflrenby April i958 PhonsPA E7383 naldt kul win ï¬lï¬trlfénéï¬unu too pm 1751 WEDNESDA MARC 71 ior the construction at ndzumomytnr ï¬ï¬mhifdm pigs for the prevention and PLANS AMSPMIFICAT10NS ilin be ï¬tment of nutritional an obtaiuso trons Lheolllce ottheArdlil gt sshhï¬slhÂ¥ adminiï¬lï¬l plans Andspe¢iflcutlnng gin goodcon ane Plum Chill Livestock and Paullry dilion The lowest to anytcader ot necess ecntolotapalry snooty service 17 Muicastcr st PA 82982 ityou are on orwork at the moment The Baflll Examiner will print your DOSITION WANTED FREEin three consecutive issues or The hhrrle Examiner The Examiner FREE Positions Want ed ads will be usted in the norrast way without being specially marked among the regular ads cnner 5L Barrio == AUTOMonitss 1957 STUDEBAKER alter pan ozssz Barrie Farm su 117 Mut Emy titmu Phnne PA W73 138143 lets METEOR 5100 1946 Plymouth good gine radio 120 1951 Fargo ion ruckhflzs Find Slauon Shroud r12 iahldz isst CHEVROLET isn Sedan good con dition valve iob ln January snow tires onozowner private ior sale very reasonably Might tr de up into towmileage Chevrolet Sedan 1956 or later Phone risyt only PA omit evenings Oro 4323 litdin seed and toad rm FORBALE Choice any tiare ales GORDON 5T0 Km clover also Mixed Altair and Tim Real state othy lred Cook phone PA aodso 102 DUNLOP WEST rwum LP rA mt PHONE VPA 901 At any tied with other WANTED Riding Garden Tractor Give all particulars Also childs playpen Apply Box 102 Dorrie Examiner H1 BUSINESS onoonrunmss LICENSED HOTEL 20000 gallons old established busi ness is rental rooms plus owner lplriulenl Gaotl industrial town with excellent tourist trade Price $65000 with OM down EXCLUSIVE BLAKE ST AREA 317390 lull price An executive type ciixlom bull aplll lvlhnme wth perisctly arranged rooms and two car heated gauge Futures double glued picture windows pirec bails with vanity lug bedroom and double sink and exhaust air ln kltehnncnll us for inspectioni nboyt cure inrge kitchen trout mm8 hedmml blocks train down townPhono PA was 1631 HOUSE rooms and hathronm trill Propel12Wuaal9cll rattan NsAit Barrie Landaust be may level Need not be suitable loi agriculturai purposes Apply Box as iaarria Drummer 33min Money to AN 52500 WAEED repayablesso month ii attitudesr are it oment love location in Autston an ear rn YEmpal ox Nisw rorceo truncating system Phone 105 Barrie Examiner iiiera Auiaton 1m ios lo BUILDING Timon PAINTING AND Decorating by ex perienced workman Satisfaction or no charge Prod esilm Box 94 nan rle Examiner 152941 PA EaselDain COULD BE DUPLEXED brick MGM ofrtrfru fo nary r12 tin ciore to pant cod PHONE PA 85298 schoole NEW NHAKBUNGALOW OEOMES fm to mltran average annual incomeor to ti in °0MMERCIAL AND Sum isms MT $ï¬$m clu PROPEBTIES is an extremely well constructed roam bungalow with marry xtraa and EL public schools HOMES lorthe executive type purchaser mess 17le Hours Tumultlie POLwWINus rooms including ramliy room Bulltrlri garage tally plastered $8500 FULLEPRICB Ba 3AM Sm Very reasonabledown payment Priced locatedtona blo¢k iroln separate and guilt in Blrrles truest residential area Extra washroom Pura rliy accep War Mcbatn or Associates architects Io Arqulth Avenue Toronto 0am Bran your Unemployment Insurance Bank or it yaware New Canadian your Lhntllnl Permit to Our Ofï¬ce THIS is PUBLIC SERVICE To HELP lt ALLEVIATE SEASONAL Dpen Are place 30 Water henna lFIIlly decornledv Tread lots Walor mains in and or inM Bungalow on nighwsy ii at 293144 newiy decorated also new set or cupboard Largo lot Phon nm Strand ior fill parllcullarn Indus baled xar lale Can he de uvered Apply Wald Goodteilowlline UNEMPLOYMENT sing Pir 7l4Mlneslng 717sz wM ELLIOT BUILDERS iron BALE Quantityoi patents and LlMlm Hm Wheat Siflw Garry 0AM and Brant lI Eiiyrï¬nm $52 qu g333Mggegggmgwagï¬rggmm re em on nu rii APPOINTMENT To iNSP terraceiawn Close toldnyntwa DeadlineFor Copy 500 pan weekday preceding issue cwggfow mm lppiyal Ow PEAOILINE Poll MONDAYSATURDAY 100 cmmr Glm 592d 10 1e 11an 1° Yr iozati ADLEISIIdAY BE TELEPHONEDTO PA 32414 $25 320335 Hï¬n ï¬nflï¬ifï¬ new BOOM brick bungalow eoa T4 edeh wordm Also st Bemard ps Phone PA touring living room with stone tiicg Following consecutive insertionsyac word minimum 60 NEWNHA latch with 37538 10 sliAso iul price im new brick burr $3544 llhggï¬ms unrlnmad bald eslocluor Stile CASH RATE 3c word MtntmunlBOd Following consecutive insert ml 2c word minimum 40 in xceileill lochtltm Low down paymentunder Nahum €212 ecerumic tiled bath Ml ad on Shannon Ava Apply owlner and 3a swhsto lamb in April wiuaeii in any quantity Apply orgulon MUST BE PAID ml ORDER m4 basement andoll iurrracc Varyour added stroud PA want PunEthn Landraco hours Box Numbers or replies directed to thisolilce 25c extn monthnn1fl ply Donald grumpy vasey Phone ooaatooa Judaism IcoivnNG EVENTs LOCAIZS Cfltm SALisslNOTICEs Ac word inhuman$100 nEOis EEDAbe eenAngus Fenialoa Ealiowing consecutive insert at world minimum 15 Gandhi hmg Ch Psiisoitiit CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR SalliICE WC HOPE ï¬ggglwgirgiug and Id Itle WANTED to CnmppEaztien Sap vice corpa tima ofllce dallyIeave rhmkl litalylct nrci nine on xea noonAND DDAItD avaUable tor arr 20fl9ï¬13 éfllgeï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬wmm Phone PA um Allgin tarrn return pm rain Auandals Phone PA 051 MOMAND nosim hgme prlvli cs mm mu to share TV rhon PA clapboard aJedze olBnrrlaAIi conveniences ad beautinrliy docam icd thmllAlhauEHome tobo proud or to chill tree summer driv ltlinab endrlvenVety low Phone Heat storeyL home on atia Slum lell coati me with