Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1958, p. 9

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lhabnndwnndM Indtyindlfll Mid the hustle and auntie Andhmr lhnvernindedwlthrncn Whemwflw Inneulkedivirhlhenoor Outcastbum But whether nun climbs To the topo the heap 0r begs in the street For his food He wasmado in the page And likeness of God And theres something inside Him thats good Forthe man who is pulling The bigmoney down gt And who sits in swell Office new Just may have reached there Through methods uniuir And not by the sweat at his Brow While the iellowwho hasnt cent to his name And scarcely rag on hrs hack May have fallen from grace Through noault of hisown And somehow just stayed Oil the thick But when they both come To the and oi the Lrarl Whether lite has been misery 0r funz Theyll bejudged by the things Thnt are deep in the soul Not nlone by tihe things ha one They Fr Gc mmm Visiting Mother George mat Dryden is visit ing his mother Mrs LurkV and Mr Luck Weekend Guests ThomasHnnltin spent the week end at King Mr and Mrs Mesley returned with him and are visiting friends here Mr and Mrs Peter Addison and boys RichmondHill vrsrted the Ward families on Saturday Sunday School Conference Mrs Hankin and Mrs Ward attended Junior Sunday School Teacher Conference rn Collier St United Church Barric on Saturday Miss Brenda Mow spent the weekend with her grandparentsI Mr and Mrs Lougheed Sunnir dale Corrie Mri aniMrs Donald Jacobsjandl lamily Elmvale visitedgher par entsMr1and Mrs Carson on Sunday Rev ings lshvisitedl with Mrs MeNabbJast Womens lnstitute News The February meeting of the Edenvale Womens institute was held in the church basement on Thursday Feb 27 with l5mem hers present cDonaid opened the meeting the usual way and thanked the members for helping with the50thanniversaryf Roll and Mrs Veals Horni It nd call was answered by naming recentsbook have enjoyed An interesting lolter was read from thegnprovincial president Mrs Haggerty Ontario WI branches are asked to donate 25 000 layettes for less IortunateEur opean babies and long sleeve sweaters or the ages at three to 15 were necdeditoo An ap cal was readirorn the Barrie of the RedCross and each member is asked to bring voluntary offering tothe Which will be held Mrs Keith Howell evening March 20 was passed to send the districtdirector Mrs Harry officers meetingnt McNahb convene of citizenship and educationftheu took over the meeting She re the day Saturday mother Mn alumnaedug sitcom vilthh band paid Mr nd Deaconmen satur ay night with gilt for thelrucwhoma ite ot theNnununtty Ire happy 9y warwas not The WA andWMSmet aL Mrs Deesonsaoh Wednesdaxratternoon with Mrs Gordanlllalbertin the drain hyrtrn sung and The Lords Prayenrepcated Eus iness was nttendedtii and minutes 01 last meeting reach Ben 11 was answeretf anda hyrnn was sung Prayerliy MrsfCop¢land Mrs Allenuand Mrs Copeland readtlie Scriptures andcollectlnn was taken and dedicated Mrs Russel Howe favoredwith piano soioeaudrflrs Allan and Mrs Council made the dandy hook Japan very interesting hymnlwas sungland benediction pronounced The usunl social hourollowcd Home or Weekend Miss Margaret Rowe Reg of Barrio woe homedor the week end Mrs hLWest and Herbert and Fohert Smith of Barrie were Sun day guests of Mrs Lecson Hill Harry Hulse received awiro from Necpawa Manitoba slat irig he won the prize for ex hibimr from longest distance Also silver cup for best bird in entire show An untried three biltB eockorell puller and licn won three first prizesin big class from British Columbia and UsAWeu done Hulsel Homemahlng club The on Homemaking Club ens Mrs Gordon Rowat Satur daylaiternoon with Mic Glen Murday assisting Meat in menu is whatlhey willbe studying in this unit learning how to cook had my the cheaper cuts of proteins ii cooked right There are IOgirls in this unit The officers are president Bar Hara Hill vicepresident Helen Rumble secretary Carpl Train treasurer 714013 Lockhart Meetings or wheld each Satur day at Mrs now ts Quiltin The ladies of like United Church held aquiltine at the home of Miss Evadlumble last worn Meeting joint meeting at the Willis and WA washel Tuesday at the home of Gordon Rowat Mrs Harvey Johnston presided givenby Robert Martin and 11 gt answered by Bible erse on Joy Mrs Albert ssiun prayer Mrs Richardson read few thankyourletters Mrs prertMarlin prjesid oven KLWIA business meeting andp nswere made for quilt Mar Material was shown that was received from Enbonsv and mpsons lunch Was se edvby less assisted by Mrs Richard viewed two books sheghnd read recently introduced the speak er Mrs Hankin as an ambassador of understanding Hirnkin wasrecently electi ed eh man by acclamation oi Ragr of the Ontario tion rm Retarded Children sne when the leadership at Thompson Mrs and spo Region with membership oi 336 and atatal of 89 stu outs on ool Barrie and gt no1 retardation in whrclrfth iano tiny and presented chem have decidedto filly in our midrl gt and meotingwas held at their leadl iiieat in which are are as many THE COWCAICHER otra Do minimAtlantic railwaytrain op erating between Halifax andDil by NS came up with this odd catch Conductor IAvard Morse holds the so nude killed by the hat 181 The initiation of two more members brought the total to 18 attending the March 10 meeting of tho Lndies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion this brings the total number initiated up to 66 Alas many being Army rthey have moved on to otherparls of Canada new flag was donated by Comrade shoe to be placed on the pole in front of the Legion Hall This was badly needed the old one being much the worse for wear Plans were madcaior the box secial Ladies dont forget those boxes Match box contest was won by Ann Perrier with total oi 180 pieces although Chappel managed 182 articles in hers After the meeting the lurich entertainment committee bucy Arkin and Marie Hig gins took over lovely lunch was the perfect ending to grand evening Wasaga Beach Regular meeting of the Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce was eld in the oyncil chamoofs dnesday rehj Present were Gene Langevin Mannlng Stroud Russell Poguc Stan Fless Jack Hutchison Stan McKillop Lloyd Dyer MrsHelen Gillies President Lnngevin called the meeting to order Minutes of pre vious meeting were read and ap proved motion Was made by Mr Stroud seconded by Mr Pogue to pay outstanding bills Motion passed Abriol discussion was held4con cerning the remodelling tithe chamber building with sugges tions as to washrooms benches flowers meansoi sing money for same but nothingdeii ely decided Herb Hull of Colllngwond spoke to the members about the coming centennial in that town and ways and means of theBcacli taking part in the festivities Mr Hutchinsonand MrMcGa ere delegated to attend centennial meetings in Coulngwood Letter to President Lange vm writtenhy Russell Pogue was read aloud This washer taining to walk to be held at the Beach during the summer niouthsjwilh the purose of in proving the health olthe Canads inn people by arousing their in terest in walking Mr Pngue had given great deal or thoughtlo his subject having whole pro iect worked ou etaii This very worthwne project will be triedout 1958 The president reported successful Buiial Wasagahooth pr ed to out tanding andreceiv greatdeal oi faverable irect enquiries win Resort brought operators and 2800 tolders ercc were at 01 tors can nodoil Some tim was spent final preparationsfor the To ronto Sportsmans Show to which the Booth will going next week Anyone canvspara 11 tie time for yellier work it Hughes discussed it is interesting to note that urin the Sumner at 11 how The lary Betty finalising pron nee celery Carolcbutc Helensw yel conductedtho business put at the meeting thenMra Dales discussed the record bool Mrs Guide ForHealth very Interesting mectlng waseninyed all The meeting closed wlth lunchLbeing sewed by Mrs Hughes The see and meeting oi the 4H club took placeon Saturday last at Mrs Dales with tour girle present Evaleen Sawyer presided in the absence of the president Mrs Dales demonstrated the making or muflins Mrs Hughes talked of cereals and diflerent types of llour Next meeting on March 22 at Mis Hughes Weekend In Toronto Mr and Mrs Pauliltussell spent the long Weekend withMr and Mrs Joe Mitchell Toronto Weekend Guest ltira Stetham Kneeshaw was weekend guest at Paulllussclls Mrnnd Mrs Granville Hughes were in Toronto onsundny bring my Miss Elizabeth Kneeshnw homo with themvior visit Mission Band On Wednesday March 27 boys and girlsymet in the Sunday School room of the church to hold their third meeting of the Missioannd for this year The hymn Little Drops of Water opened the meetingtolluwed by the MissionBaud Purpose Roll call wasanswercdby spring bird Theworship service was followed from the Worlds Friends paper Andrea Herring read Minter Poem Twelve hymnnrier were presented to the churchbyithe Mission Band The repeating of the Lord Prayer and Creed closed the meeting The two leaders told their groups partoitheslhdy books Lunch WA Meeting WA held the February meeting the home Bidwe The World May of Prayer service was conducted by Mrs Hayes Thezghistoryof the Victor Mission to iris was given by Mrs Hutuhinson Ar rangements were made for atquilt ing to be held in the chute History Edgar WA is tohe printed book form WAbooks are to be kept or future 1reter ence Proceeds of afternoon tea are to be sent to Fred Vic Mis sion for Giris The WA quiiled quilt in the United Church on Thursday March ti gt the knitting Mrs Johnston had short meeting Mrs Hayes conductr gt service The three ushers whowereelocted to attend the WMS convention Sin CollierSt United Church on May lareMn HayesMrs Hut The Wednesday oclock MrsTunk presided rnollrcnll an irish verseor is my veter atioynblc tlm rm glen Ornnge Illll here on Vfllday eyaring when trienda of Hill Evcninl Circlst Mrs Harold Drnrfys RevG Bnll attended this Lineeting Pro grams were unneed for the year Mrs llob Sinclair gave Vth ndcvolionn Tea hostesses were Mrs Mortis W63ennd Mrs Howard aldwiL The Marc mang warms held at Mr Dscar chkllngr March 191 luef pm Mrs ionAlkinsonnwill well totlonaL jlloll coma cashdone tion or kitchen shower Tea hostess Mrs Osean Hieklr Birth of Son Congratulntions to Mr and Mrs liobert Lackie onthe birth ota son Murray eeting Crown Hill Womens Institute met at Mrs Atkinsons on March 12 at The meeting opened with the gdc prayer and the Mary Stew Collect 4Motto Life is garden what are you planting Comment by several mernbers The district president Mrs Howardfiqampbcllf of Guthrie was the speaker ior thealter noon She gave account ol her trip to Ottnw which prov cd most interesting Mrs Viola Aconley read the minutes nnd business wasdis cussed Tea ho csses Mrs Gordon Dunsmoro ander Thomp SOH Thameeting closed with GodSnvethoA Quee Black Perceptcry No Orange Hall in Doris lowto Mrs Eileen Graham and Mn Edith Bovine spending ve meter with triends in Ten good attendance tthe euchre pint onvby the Royal in in the on Saturdly Hlflbv prized went toJhs auley and Butte Edgar orsum qoumsv AND Kmow cameraman Ail gramme gt msmesen cas snsunm more men funeral Hiring 30ltWorsley st Pore $55531 runrrfuleirrs CHIV Dr Lj Horny Fought fifiMf monorvfro om ma non pin mmcrrurrcn renallessened sworn Munat Talent BICIr Nighti stem is remoWSmr or chinsonai Mrs MHBayes Recent Visitor Sheardown and boys on Mund Mr and Mrs Strachan and Gary spent the weekend in Tor onto and Mrs Vasey anti ml of Vasey were recent rtors atJ McLeans sr crews PRESBYTEEIAN CHURCH omnu um am June Femon unuw Ailred surname Mml Orgmiltand Chaim tee spuomgmcnr r1 Mourners wonam 1n 5mm nut Baptism ru be dmlnhtend HmNrrv 800 nunHoly Communion SusannaChurchfichooi ll amMornlng PrayerI amnmeur rm rrrnnncron Nureery Kindergarten pmConfirmationClass Kdruu wr Teen MARCH Bl prn ems Seance la miniMORNING PRAYER Preacher new wM 7pmEVENKNG mam REV Jorrrvnrnnm voL St Giles drish EVERYONE weecou === amino noun serncésuv new SUNDAY Manon 161958 an sunsrahenwr rnngtroorrmurnn 4r Collier an John saber stunnermi 182nunlop Phil4511 on scnooz moo 3mm cue 1015 VINE Wonsum at llan Midweek unlcn Service Tinned gt Mm Temporarily lIcldIt codrington School courtroom smear HE sarwr ION ART ember 60 Collier Street SUNDAY MARCH re 1953 1pmunnchlng out with Christ SUNDAM SCHOOLS minnows Point Sun of my soul Thou Saviour dear It is no night it Thou be near may ocarth4born cloudarise cyes initier crIJECH Audion 524 Collier St mum THEOPENING or rue PARISH HALL sloo earnJIon Communion 930 limpFamily Service and Sunday School Baby Department Downstairs 100 armService of Thanks givi THE NEW HALL VCANQNA READ and Inspection 700 pinEvensong mo rovrmmrorvs 5SHERRING WEDNESDAY painAdult Bible Class notionLemmy DEVDTIOMS The Lords Disciples Th lleetor ENNISTCHUKCH EtRST Clappcrtnn st at Vnev mssnmrbuonm Organistan Clio Leader survmvgirancii 161953 Uniran new nine man nloyd mum Organist andcholrmnter sun is MARCH rs 1953 nmAMOIiNING srnvrcr cnuncn senoor nnlar Intermediate Departmean Study Group Jesus agemaven enema or run LAST EEK Ir Major and Mrs Crewe 11 for Indweilingf word 9145 nanSenior ll mqlunior To hideITbee irorn Thy servants Alwelcomc awaits you at the Army March lg 301 painopening Ceremonies

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