Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1958, p. 5

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SALESMEN INCREASE YOUR INCOME hleld£ CONTACT In RUSK We HDSOI Burla 03nd May Much lll LADY BOOKKEEPER Accounts rocoivrbll uperl erred iiuot be sole to vriublo lrmnodlriely Apply in writingto Rive The Barrie Examiner Limited Blnic Ont 144m core type Pmlm LICENSED AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS by IIIKE Pruzreulva Pord desler Ideel working conditions Top rum to the righ men Pord experience prrfcmd APPLVZMR JACK HUNT BRAD WALKER MOTORS musz NEWMARKEI iaida COST Accountant stoic experience ago rnd nvrlirbliity Our employees Ire this udvcrtlsemcnt In Town Orllllh WRITE EOX 96 BARRIE EXAMINER 12981 more or EXPANSION HAS CRFATED NEW OPENINGS FOR MEN WITH EXECUTIVE POTENTIAL Age 21 la is IsnlLs or control background helpiiii leh School grodunte or cqlilvoldnt Impreuive personality ind epperp shoe IExcellent nlfllnl 11er depending on qulllflcntlonl plus our lllownrica Apply between lJrl Ind pm dolly Even rigs by appointment All lnqull treated cunlltlenilll OulDlrlown applications accepted BeneficiaI Finance COMPANY OF CANADA JOHN GILLESFIE Manila 15 EAYPIELD ST PA 85931 2215 DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH FREE WANT ADS FOR THE UNEMPLOYED If you out or work at the moment The BarrieExaminer will print your DSITION 2g 11 WANTED FREElIiihrer consecutive tomes oi Tho Earllo Exnmlnu The Examiner FREE Positions Wiut ed lid wul be listed in thenornni Way WELIIOIIC leIII lpechlly mllked among the regulor ads Bring your Unemployment lnruronce 8091 or If you In New Canhdlln YoiirLhnding Permit to our Dulce THIS PUBLIC SERVICE To KEEP ALLEWATE SEASONAL UNEMPLOYMENT lililESlIllmljlfllllillllllls pm rIleék day Deldlinc For Copy nEAnuNE POitMOilnAliSATUMIAY 100 mm ApLETs MAYBE TELEPHONE PAozm 4Eeuch word llBGl scio mammmm llamaswhipnunum WeiumJIch Ill FARM REPRESENTATIVES midfimmfitodt Mint be lmcrukd in work to lmnul benefit NH not unduly Salli And camtum APPLY IN WRITING OR IN PERSON JALIES BAIRU MANACER BEAVER LUMBER CONPANY LIme 129 BRADFORD 51 PA 85943 13144 REQUIREO IMMEDIATELY JUNIOR AD MAN FOR THE blsrLAY AOVimlsma DEPARTMENT OF THEBARRIB EXAMINER osmglcli ie zl Muit be put in uppeerencc oilye the ability lo Inert rhe public anu driven Ureme Expcrleoce not oecussery Thenyounl men we went wul In BOKENOI lmlfl hove dear to work hord Ior Iuture edvincemcnu To ARRANGE APPOINTMENT Eon INTERVIEW TELEPHONE PA 324 ASK FOR HR BRDCKWELI 4041 CLEnKTYPlsT with some bookkeeping expcrlcnnc for local office Apply Box 101 Harrie Exnminer 4N1 YOUNG MAN or delivery truck nnd wrrchouic work Apply llr Wiiilirns Torsls Aiilnmollve le High 59 BI rle 151 FULLTIME soleslidy needed Pleasing personality Neuindsr esicrltlnl Apply Weston Credit Jewellers in the moon lnc 1194 AMBITIOUH YulIll mlll wanted to learn the hillidlnfi Hide Steady am ploymont Apply Bax 1W Barrie EX omlncr iawl LADIES Hirdresscr wanted lully ex perlenced Apply MurJorIesdelr Styl ing Camp Borden Phone 133 Clmp Borden 131 YOUNG LADY or modern rules in BurtIll Oliice bookkeeping mathIna el perILIire prelelrcd Plum Hr Brlfi tow PA 55911 lloM MIDDLE ACE Housekeeper to live in rcludbly one with no home swoop dd child Phonc Hemlock 35433 oven ues lrmnloclr ilscol llnti llovsxKEEPEn for udillts commenc lnlz alter Eastur Live nPflVlLe room rind bathroom Iteierencri required Phone Mr Liing PA 66031 14141 YOUNG MEN required tor minunc luring in local inn Age 2128 Merit be accurate in anthemtier Only sponslble Ambitious mun nerd Apply Kollnar ol Ciliado Limited 142 Vin torid SL Bhrrlc ldwl Frail Vegelalales CAILIIOAS irellh Hudrt hnsket or bushel Phone PA 151588 203041 BARRED ROCKS Still hlrd to bent or our Ind in Thlflysevenyuls person sale on behind our closed flocks Ontnrio op proved Pulionini tree Send lor price II KENNY POULTRY FAR PA 5638 FOR TOPS iN uvsbiiity teed savings egg quality and prodts pulse your choice nclnlb Chicks Orders ebould befleccd curly to be mooredundue dcs red Standard bred chicks who ovolirblc started pnueLr ovriloble or iervlce phone or write criig iinteiLliimters Poultry Form stroud WI mm Barrie Metal Salyage SCRAP mONMErA1smRs Pumas RAGE BATIERIES LIVE POULTRY our truck will call aflm lglle=7f1w= in £de MAXPUSHKOEF AND fflHPANY ford and 01m 204 must SUITABLE Building wonted fur cur mpalr flipp Ihorle PA um 31131 EOAL OIL Incuhotor wlutcd medium size good condiilon Phone Moonstone rla knoll ilreceillng ism minimilni 80 Fill wing Consecutive insertions ttwprd minimum 60 CASH RATE saw FolloWiIig consgdutive insert MUST BE PAID Bil ultilierd or rcplies lllfllqcll to ills illicit 25c Extra COMING EvENTs LOCALS FolioWlligEollsecuti cm word mlnlnumQLM turbine will liken aver EN Lha tel not sirllmc mrponnbllllyiorr oy error in phpn ord mi mum 506 thinword millimuni 40¢ nu oltUElt AUCTION SALES NoTlCEs Ac word minimum $1th idsertiotis word THANKS GAGEMENT or or yrrorl in copy RUBBER ST Rs MADEEmonn WEAYMOUTHfS vBOOK STORE BARR DUNIfP 51 WET TOP SALE STORAGE WAREHOUSE To be Removed Large rereading with golvuilud root Indr vculuoton also renlrereiloe equipment HARRY RARREPN RRApPORn Plich PROSPECI ball 74l4l CALEVDARS PENS Pawns BOOK MATCHES ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES GDODWILL GIFTS RUBBER AMPS GMAL INSURANCE THE KELCEY AGENCY is nolute St Always open Hm 72 APPLES APPLE BARN PAINSWICK Ra II Min Spy courtinnd Coolant Apple cider Apple Iluiicr PA 89459 McIntosh APPlu 3M FUR COATS We how number oi or cool or Ind limit All ill 00d Condl on Your choice or mm WURNKE SON lsz nuniop West PA E2632 141 IfLUCKY YrquYou CAN WIN FREE LUCKY RED TAG PRIZES PRIZES EVERY DAY Heiefs How You Get Yours glaring Your Roblnson mrdwrre Lucky Iied Tog Salli Polder ro ihe rtore Hunt ror ihe plrlnly marked Lucky Ntlmbeni on the big Red Prlcr TogL oi the number or your Folder mot ches number on one oi the Iicd ngi You HAVE WON YOUR SELF ONE OPTIIE is DAILY Pitizm CHECK YOUR NUMBER DAILY DURING THE DURATION OP THE SALE VALUABLE PRIZES DAILY ROBINSON HARDWARE DUNLOP ST PA 8201 7a 1954 CROELEY TV lunch 15 or but offer Phone 88345 73031 liAP KariLE shout 40 gsiionr good as new Phonc PA 5987 13011 TRUCK EDDY 12x1 srootrdclts in Perlect condition hessundble Phone PA mu flalat usEn WATER Wcll Drill Rig com plete with motor Will sell cheap Phone PA balm 1illil7 SMALL 5le Crib Cor Redio with ur Inl Qlllkel lpdce hcatcr hulomnuc conlrgls Phone PAdsin Ial RCA VICTOR Weed Tip Recorder nearly new icon toot tpc access orlcsi Phnrie PA 55407 Ifiill nc PortTABLE Electric Welder 175 amps mountedon rubber tires Will sell reisonebie Phonc PA will 72134 TIRECIIANGER complete with de mount bar bead expander Also Cell Tester And Gcrr Puller PA inset CiiEv Custom pwenler our 12 volt radio in good conditloll Apply Parry Automotive all Sophlh st West gqosl lAMESWAYjpllJSr odere largo size excellent condition with ull pipes Hall price John nichcnson phone Crcemoro 2122 131 ERANR NEW lzrlys belzc cult ilze 12 coslWrullior 375 Also buys brown tweed iochei size 12excelleni roriditlo Phone PA M595 7il OENERAL Tiosnuthlne and Sheet Metsl worlr Puirbonlrcliorre Conversionroll durum and Inrceil Ilr runners Clrlrc fleeting Sheet Metal PA H171 74031 Ichllie port lncaeh iEzlrtoir ll Conley l1 phqrie PA 34116 TYPEWRITERE ottice ables addlng mochln roles nnd service Princes SCI Eonl 780 smash Electric Porteblo to rent by week or monihFree estimator Ilvul fiufme Efremémflifi ne er in imlilypst weat Phone PA lMDiio Tmti permencnt ic Vlnlulled lolly ALUMINUM Awnings colors custommode Ruorontecdt Aluminum Scieen and storm ope oltd window Ornunen toi Iron Itiillnge Fred cetlmtor lien whiten phone PA 3371 Burl tween em Andi noo livestock for Sale CAR 13 monlhrvjoid proved brecde slim ome lime Plge Phoomaml Ellrivale 32931 INCOW duoxto romeo son ly ho Emlle W191 Nuts could elitism Rhth nil motlan Mom omelmofml mrw Three lovely Apartment hillmornic numeet Annul intm and Build IU in newlywnllnw Ind In excellent can diilon Priced right It EM wit itrnu SANFORDnST home rmfl Vul idigrwmui lkllcheli mopoccb dom Du Pu adamant in home could ule be doomed IRlv Oz um 0R0 511 In hon ICM ilth 13 Coold be bourh JVLA ST PAULS budalonrood mm 3017on bedroom limo fluid Ifilt iiuwmlh and iirden mm ot LOTS rindinbuilt Trauma Ono gorilla All services InyPrlce95 pcr oo l7 LOTS corocr oi Rodney lino Steele Sir mil prirclloooo will give bulld els iemu ACRES comer oi Cook end wulow deic lhll ti run huy quail APARTME TO RENT APARTst to chaotmlmln $91 per month irhueare centrally loco tcd And very modern LAKEFitoNT lieran now nvdlr able and Ind two bedroom Living room dintflu modern kitchen Rent 5110 And 3125 par mnlilh FARMS to choose irorn in nirrlc srepl Priccd mm $5000 to Mom SERVICE STATION On No ll Righwry between Orluln and Eorrie Only one yelr old rho dullix an excellent III hullllm AIS hilly equipped Junchmom Living our tero Pull price sumo Cliff BrOwn EVENINCS CALL THEEREPREWATIVI DICK EMERSON PA was sMITIi CAMPEELL PA um PETER sclluleNtls Member Blrrle and Dlltrlet licoi Eotute Balrrl Member Ontario Real Illuminati 1551 LOTS 0N LAKEVIZW CRESCENThull block from Codilnflnn Sella baytnlly serviced restore PHONE PA 327 view loqltrP ROGERS REAL ESTATE ALLANDALEZ SPECIAL sauna down will purcbuc this lovely twobedroom huualow on one or Allhndnlel hicret rtreeu ii iomod cm and complete with bright dry basement oil huhcc loondry Ibclt tion The grounds src very wide with good lrwns shrubs and trees poved driveway snd good wide Inu Phone PAwlll to see it now Full price $10500 MIA SPLIT LEVELMANY EXTRAS $14500 Ultra modern hrle room split level home on Shmnon street in top neighborhood Hus extru guest bedroom urdrn on lower leverwith Washroom ensuIte Very Immutable hnmlycampltle with lrbnrt Ind hedu Illul grounds ihrlibl flawmuid war one hundndebulbs Imi perennials flowziqovers Jinan sage $7843 including 21x25 BELOW THE HILL Very comfortable nlodem 2mm brick bungalow with renaming room lovely living room urge lrlichco end illcd blth pcricctly dry basement and oil tumcc Owner leavlnlvnlh rle alter excellent buyfllll1 ash or open martian with 3500 down See it immedletely byphouiog exclu elvc rgeoi PA 4337 Beautiful HomePlus Income $12500 Roroly do you rec modern duplex to compare with this Building is red brick modern design Ind top ilight coustmctiou hunt in mi flu living dining lhrxefbulliin kitchen three big bedrooms and tiled bothioom downstaire Upstairs vie reporete en tronce is nnc roomy slumpcot renting yeer munfl et sol Docted in good central rcsideotlrl district clove to everything Owner alienexcellent open mortgage to or quickclghn sole Seev it toils or cveologi QUEENS PARK AREA 51150 incrpcnrivo income property consisting nlIlfisiorey briclr xiihert ed rcsldence convertedr into three peltcanninedeInIndnu rqu ented ot will monthly Property is in good repair Ind will proyarexcallent In vestment ior your money sumo down paymentlr required Tolnrpcct ho Gritfl vT MmtmnmpmenuuwtfiAmsszflflrnppuim Well ocplcliicdrio lv li very wide cliolcamihneflllnm ledh io If builizlllzllalouwiiinfie ind clash toTowri PHONEPA 663W ANYTIMEDAT cit EVENING ChariesA Rogers H1 HOUSE Brooms dbrthroom run bosomcnt levcly loglie ln Alihton NEW forced llrllleltlnt iy em Phonb Alllslari M0 193143 MOMBlinnlaw ou mghwi It st Pdfiillp gawk defigfitaliflu philaw 01 itu one limo Slivde lur lulI ort colre ii Rim roonil Itglrt with igr living room illling IllW effou PA huhheth room kimhelu new In REALTOR nilin at use DAILY Win IF YOU ARE THINK OF SELLING YOUB EDIE find Pith9e Pm HAVE zou $300 forffimmfil ufleuem flnllouuanVery llillddllt MAX Par your otter noun PAUJISO SHANIY BAY ROAD Umbriiucicdjvisworour In This ui ennui Mick nneli Mo hnir Autumn rubber lllo noon in heih on kitchen Iliiinimun norm vnudoiri dottrod remtier room Too new aim to mullInn Priced or an rolemoo Herold Punter how oyr PA um evenlngoiPA was VERY LARGE INCOME HOME WMQMI Porkeand close to the homuol Grin31tu rcvaoue on Tnlrproperiy to in excell enitmdiiion Oil Mflrnn not levyfiring llllllblnl Au boon oven hauled meantlied ctc Yourgoldco opportunity to mike on invert meut Vendor mint consider trede or modern homo Canadianr by oopolntment only For Iurther Furflrulun nil IIMIDLD POBSTER Man Por your convenience tier hours PA Mics BEDROOM 1SIOREY With gnr etuched Close to Icth Only to dewla Anexccllept em ily home In most lmmrculiiecoodi lion Poi mrthurJnlomlllan ull Dln Council Fltant Por your con vcnlcoee elirr hour PA liqInd CUSTOM BUILT RANCH STYLE Owner museummust sell this bei ierihmi ovrmgo modem brirlt burr glow lies nutty oriru Reoutiiul nnplicie in clhrtc living room pl deluxe dlvlilrd blihroalnDaIible link In whom hIle bedroom Ind dih eitc All itormA Ind screen Extr llrzg lot NflAJullo with mark Elle Enrica In only VII month lateral Pflnclpll and nxn CID Dln Council PA 85 Foryour convenl ence an hour PA 51101 coll Ted Ellioicon rt PA but five ltll hm luu Bedrooms uniu kitcheoprpulw livid room Klly tiled balm complqu deconlcd Inhyolrrnglulce of colon clung us no ohopplii will Aronleu tléhlrlll rotten unclean mile to IIQ CITY II evenings PA use NEARLY NEW DUPLEX UNDER $12000 HHLXDIIPICX ll ll fitlm IOCIUM LI bullufully JamisonL IAI all Ile lv Thll ll wonderful oppumln My nII Glll live rent rec 55 m0 llln low down primal Till II leillolilzfilnlulg all nlatilwocilll no tin evenlth PA ONE OETIIE BEST BRAND NEwBurrpnlcxz Relay or lmmedlntu mutually Ian fill Erick Ranch Burglo This honn In or chemical recto tuxtoocnrcplosc uy luu Ind only ml kimien Three bit mou spicezxmA rge them This one Qiuflle Bxlru ihsi count Ind girl he punchodd with VERY low flow psympptxslpnu leo thallium one mortgoge can in Quinn PA my WmlwJA 5IHARESALE room brick bunglow resldcoun dit irlct our $201 yum old built tlnuly hp om ism midio tiled biih bedroom iorced its boot lnl looted int rotequ children hill price tluoo with umdomi use can Ted rilloiion PAM on ml PAINSWICK Neililrhlxngolllnflfloiw we Tflle er home modemlnd all heated home is miltoil on benulllully reed lot plmly room or twu more hound luII price 38900 down iynlent $3000 F0rlflh€l ili ionnrt on cnli Tchlliotron PA Midi $1000 DOWN Poland on one cary mortgage older home rtiicco now rented to two lmv Niel kitchen one lllfla Julfront INCOME PROPERTY Commerclucomer location class to plant 12 lowly Nam Math hoot In unit An Queue buy ll IIIMO 35000 down Add one mnnnn Cell non Council PA 86m For your convenience otter hour PA c7702 ror your conveniruco olter noun Phone any at our Sllesnlon DANCONNELLPA twjozl AL EARQIJHAR SONPA 87882 PERCY POWPA 7930 HAROLDHEQBSTER PA 34465 CHARLIE REAn IPA tidall 312 SLESSOR REALTOR OtiicoPA 85334 Member Ernie Ontario couodion and xNiallmll Rcll EliIE Bond 1531 SORRY ITS SOLD THIS COULD APPEAR ON YOUR PROPERTY We have molly buycrr for All types at homes could show you lmmedlrte acllnn Irom appraising to rolling to or rtrlxliig nnmclllg your rell ertite problems oreour ouunesc Far courteous competent service Norman REAL ESTATE in DUNLOP 5T ROOM PA SvBSGIDllly to am to No pm PEACEFULRESIDENTIAL gtDISTRICT4CUSTOM BUILT IASTOREY 14900 ll price This to no excep ooell well pimped room home icitu twobaths cosy log burning iirepleoe Loumoprnc windowr plenty oi cupboard and durable our trim throughout ailment lull olzo Ind luricred drivewny ls concrete mm street borut INCOME ln Kamila Dont min this PROPERTYVERY CENTRAL$10900 FULLPRICE gt Thicpropcrryis located iurc oi pup opstreet end cohorts or two com tetcty indcpeoueut apnrtmenu one roomuod one room and wul you halterthdn 10 Ihu noun or lurtreeently bceu dIIpIexed Indlsllii good cnndiimnu QUIET SUBURBAN RETREAT WITII unmemmlc BIN hull lid Iran and Ice lcsvat the buy rlillrrturdliy built family homelfllhlllfl laconic bullied Ina llIitrzeIW 300 for ténnls court and extensive gardening NHA BIN CALO moronhie down merit Priced suit on overre eonuel income oi month ulhclud llmél firnifi or thin 30 Tm on extremely well constructed room bungelo withmeoy elmu sudlocated pried kYconrr and public rclioolm 1531 enmi iult price lorPdiéW olow in excellent loolion edrocon ccrsmic tllco both umlnl Ind all IllIll Vlry div cllyd liom PA E11519 Clown price log storey Ironic mm on mucouilml lot close igghopping end churches Bu ll omagwltrt one bedroom downti rs rnlr illunled RANCH STYLE lull rillJar modemz bedroom on finlogflllwlih Wldl illbond or shadow rut Lon Indicl ed on cuphlurdl piece had rec ill rice is robin frame balm mi eminentiocotlom llu prod LA BETTER HOUSE In In excellent loolion closeto schools chunhu and ctoros ve nicely planned brick bungolow Llrxe windows in the liiicbeoi dinoito slid living room provide nice vi ol the runs iglm bedroom rsnce in our piece both on beliu tlmliy decorsied complete Lite mrin floor The bssement in divided into luur sections mrnrceroom Ind worlullip chlldrenl plryroom Jill rullonvroom Ind hundry Tom which vi on ouhlde em The owner or thin bciuiliui been trencirrred Ind It or role it ii $4000 wn rouiire°u°ueill Ii PA We or An Appointment to lee Ill flatter in Iverllelmmz 15 REAL ESTATE BEFORE You BUY TRY PHONE PA 8152978 osioommsroupr HOMES OFARMS OCOMMERCIAL PROPERTIES JTRI LEVEL HOMEsgv Built in Burlcl iinert reriden urge hr the executive AIDE Pflrchlle gt THESE PINE Rom PEATUEETRE FOLLOWING rooms including rumlly manly Builtln garage hilly plutered Elitrs woshrnom Open dreploce ot woier linting Fully decanted aTreed lots owmcr mainsrln sud plaidIér WM ELLVIOTVBLHLDER LIMITED gt Pc H909 AGENT illwatt This meonethst Ill below and their rilemoo ore roari gt vuy You deelouly with the REALTOR oi CAKE aridng BIIOWNCLKFF ntiighst CARSON nunlop COUTTs ll pwenstn HENRY ELRICR is owed Sl KELLDIJGH all iiilulu St CBY Hr Easement ROGERS cm oew irl eveihnm partle157 raider plu den utility room ni IEinqulé more stucco ry opprox metriy s5 ulleti nlllrcrr We jut ii REALTORE lion cooxbmwrlPIIONEoo gt ual STO TT REALESTATE ONE ANDJIALF SIDE lidpriced At only and DOLblb Inqu hold bedroomM 135 13 lfwflh ukbcoulih lots oicup plan bunmm utility mum Priced in all We have tomb very eueilent boilib lug lot in town end pronto town Friinr nzfiwifim lo mhr cw Nim on balm likerem noon mustum Pltonitms Youli Listmi INvmtn 102 OUNLOP ST WEST PHONE FA 85901 Member Diiurlo AM Cmdhn lieu xvito hairdo indtmltm 80h floated PA 31736 GmflflnJfllhl PA mi 1631 1A ReilliEstqte Broker Owen street Ernie $8800 FULL PRICE room NHA Stucco bunnldw 7o inongln Payment60 matime cludlnl print al Interrrt and tutu Mid Oiliired urncc more to schooli atom Ind blu line Clll Mr Mllslllll TOURIST RESORT lot solid bucli boot Ind outhoord moiom ten clbliu insck blu ond lodge Alilli nod note Irpalr over 400 rollhle on lhfl mid plenty allmnm or explmian resent Income M0 n2 Jarthou lea Iakln price $10000 Call Mr DOWN TOWN AREA room hunglow iwo ycorr old brick fleneer modern In ocilzn Ind linlrh Euut ior prescotowner who moving Selection or otherlinellomes CIII Mr Morrison lntcresicfd in reptile gt CIIl Couttr CONSULT US ON Ade Down Pumenlvflouml Plen Winn of mpenlu Neuonoi Ilouelng loon lhceme Properties onusnus opportunluu Propefly Mlnuunont PHONES omcc PA budsEvening PA we 1541 51mm brick bungalow dreplsec oil heited mllblsemen icncd gir Agelerru= lawn Close to dopntown Apply drewcn st orpiioue PA Hm 132134 NEW Imam brick bunglow cunv tuning uvlog room with otohc lire phcc dlnlnzrronm kitchen with ex iuust no Lbedmdnu ond tiled both Law down Pwulont under NIIA Loco tcd on Sliumon Ave Apply owner and builder oi PA R4893 1510 Properly drilled You ARE THINKING OFVSELLING YOUR HOME READTHIS PEw DAIIS we hevc LD FOUR autism in 1m than twenty iour boum eitcr they were listed willl ouroincc We will be lupPl to supply you with thehemes or these more CARSON 3581 LOW 3BEIJE09M SEIILEVELBUNGA it hired by lochl busincip rnC trel ocetion New or lnedrly new liome desired IApply to 36x15 BARRIEVEXAMINER limitihwuntodsdvsm uc wlflnrt one dine on lm in cs Box v118Bnrrle Post Clinic gt gasdon FARM NEAR Borrlu Lbnd must be fle level Need not bc suitable tor Agricultunl purpuea Apply Box 32 horrid Ex Eta1042 LAKESHORE LANDS wontcd Write giving description locationryqilr low esta pricelor cosh llA Sovereign Jiillist Cloir WestToronio io uioTP ner KINOMACHINE srtr Ind Salth nll inrirec at milho Ail motor at vPlylillIl eds can loll Tiekfllgsowm Ereci tho dilrynu liszPOimTRACTOR bod rubber jrlebidit molor 30 MASSEY IIAlmls TRACTOR and new point ob good rubber excellent cpnditioo VIId belt puuey lADIUsTAELEiwlnE TRON AXLE or loll DEEIB tic KING CUM Adm If We In PM AM hi lor Artist one you free minlo PA nan YOUNG MAN limited inbodymlelanderwrkdedmnd uon In bodylnfl Iandu wortor ItalIon Pawn PA 5540 POSITION muted urmk rod hour year experience or visual Blmnrwlll Inc may type ploymrnt Phone PA 04945 xxrlalmcm leill Workf an dxuflmce in herrlc r1 my bird or work Erperlc lorloirnonce wort Phooe PA um 273 CONmUmON work or term wort wontd by mm with inmily Expellde in conciructlon Ina Tenn work Apply llor 97 porno tmt tini CUTran ulru positionu meet cutter conilrluurllan Hamlin vex flu licence Con nipply niec chm WillinlAo telrc eny poolilon Phone PA Ema zmi YOUNC LADY experienced in mm buruu rccmtlori iwliehboord cepilon typing willr Junior or tumor tio cum wry work Box loo nerrie Eromlntr 2414 IillllllrfirAfll hillen rtqulrel employment Invariants behan flock mam clerk Wulcanlldlr my type or employment Auntlick Int stmuo 2qu POI SALE 0R EXCHANGE sPEEnEoAT inboard is it motor load condition hull need would re pllll ch nmnr bicycle mumism 1x50 cooted icnr snopon Ineélunlc mull Eriiieh And Americen rites Cun coblnet guns and ommunition will sell or exchshgr or cemcn lllil our room equipment Phone PA mil 73114 PERSONAL DNA Gm CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR SERVICE HOPE Dunlap We Mimis was aunt of Nov ASCMIJHW mwlw MISCELLANEOUS COLLECI ION Na collection No clnrllr Crede Bllruu was Phone PA 34752 Mil EL of STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE PHONE PA 84562 33 Clapporton st 521 RNACE CLEANING on BURNER SERVICE the Las all iot More gout CALL lERRY mum PA 36139 TnCRANVlLLE 51 sso42 ortDifchingl Excavating BackFjIl Dozer Work or Loading Bo nunlop st PhonulPA N081 5mfl Annetrongs Floor covering Ruhber Ind Asphelt Tue alunoleflma Plestlc Well Til Materials Supplied Ind lustllcd aidToronto st Electric Motors 10 Rosesm Barrie PEDNEPA absirr SERVICE Por New Motor Nech Rewindingand Rtpairs seo IllAnUtz Norrie Electric mroru id chxl 8t Pb Aj 872200 TOOL DIE Tools vies Speciei Mochinery PruszorlcvlH AURORA PArkview 75325 Gnmle quAylelt an HAND Pointing end Popcr hum PhoncPA um Iorintcrview FNTED Ridingcmlcn Tnctor ll pagicullloléslnfilsln gawk 1p ypeo IT Applwox sAws SAWS dSaws bmbléifm hand in moc he an in McDonlld st monnteed PA ii 57w ll ABPENINGIilnne by miehihm excllug lunarw and articulargm Work srsntecd Apply TIA with inf PHONE STEWART FLOOR COVERING AWQLFENDEN ELEclRlCMOTOR

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