Ell mu 52pm nsxcri mac Iflvlee flu are pm nu ma In yIe ind works department lPIIMBd 11in council SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD IINV ARTICLE Barrie spent Sunday withjlr and Mrs mm Visit Mr Id In Plrtridle and uni spent Iewd with Ilr IM Lyra marine It canon Mn andVlirsV Charles Simpson and orally visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs LenDuan at Crounliiili gt Waddlegaunt air and Mrsl Mnuun attend ed Ihe JooryCook wedding at VMidv hum Bideth McLean visited with Mrs Carrulhers or Iew days inB rri Vic Dicker attend oi Mrs Lillle An Much sympathygoes toMr and Mrs Lyle Henhum on 1118502 oi their infant son William to AccoUNTAN7r FMac1AIIEN on waétii simaflti genusmyï¬ï¬xcrï¬nyaunmn MRBIS NEEDIIAM WRIGHT EmmaPom Ammun Toronto and Burn 131 °3€in so in Wuoori an nu re Telephone in um maiden Farmer NEDHAM cu ARTHUR El POWELL HARIERED ACCOUNTANT mum at Em name TelIncl no Im ROSE HARRISON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTI SAMUEL nos cn outrun rmnmsoï¬ucn as Collier Street Phnne PA um VETERINARY rm FLEMING7 VETERINARth Ind SURGEON supra at Barrie Enona pa Hm DR SPEARIN VETERINARIAN nnd SURGEON steel arr Burie many um =1 TrishRXNCE vn mennsmaannrs Clurhrd LII Undemrihr menu Business we Insurance Esnfra PLANNING amour BENEFITS nonmenling Landon Lire Insurance co gt0PTOM ETRY MAURICE mm luao Ommlï¬l Bunion an Bum omee Ham Irri lo 530 run can In 32 BOBIEB BA 110 anonmzsr Duniov at our Home rnun I4 ROBERT SMITH LO DHOMRTRIKT noun daily Dunlap St East Phone PA 5253 NOEL STEPHENSON ILO OPTOMETBISI InnInn Ir nnm Mui ua um BUYS SEAGRAM ls ROWE Inninn Solicitors NotIdea Palli mnnyann ole Ith omm lamIi 0mm ROWE ch sauna coWAN eowlin ter loikltnr Nam onauliInl Roma in un to pm Monday to man nan conn MONEY LOAN name at Bantu our JOHN anon on Bunslen solicitors Nauru Dunlap st noon BARRIB moms PA Mu SMITH McLEAN anmum nun hutcom Kc Irene znmih noncrnnnnx an flnrnxlm Sollbltorl ere nunxnp at Phone in use lemasmN mans nunnun ud auan Ill Cullilr Im IMD BARRII oerVu mi lard1 The corielpdhdenc you notes ner read 111man gamma gringo 1k ross ca warn ed lo he held on Mm the achopL limit Wtifn Advice is so he wim neuis It Lhclcas The rollmil ekewas ahmrud by 101 manure and seven visitors Mrs Gordon Caldueii actedjs chairman to elect the following we 1st remnant Mrs 712 Fraser seéret Ir surec DnPnrtridgg he tré Mrs Canndionin sï¬rio Lean homeecorrbrn csxaf Mrs KMpLeBIl million until iiies andrpublldJrelatlbhs In Churles Sirnpsdn thistnrleal we search andcurrentgvgntg Mruv Dicker eitizemhi and Mutation Mrs Everett Iution Simpson Mr MéLean Mrs Sheilswoli hiss Wright Sick committee it Mrs Dicker Lunch commiflee chiidon MrsC Simpson Pianist Mrs CSiynpaon Mrs Vw Johnston Press correspondent Mrs Bidweii The lucky draw was won by MrstPercy Bumicy MrsVK Lean gave the current eve Mrs Gordon paidweli gave very interesting talk on Talk School that she attendediastrwéek aer and Mrs Johnstons home on the Second Line of Fibs The meeting closed by singing The Queen Lunch was served by he lipab ess assisted by and Mrs Dieke MUSIC LESSONS mm armsma Comma Hallo frozen or vronm ACCORDION THEORY 30 mm sunr uni JOBN STEELE SPECIAL DIPLOMA PIANO TEACHER THEORY ans AND ADVANCED rums If AVE has JESSIE It BRYSONBMT rmch or PIANO SINGING um rrneony Pupil prepared or um muons or Ilia Royal Conservatory or Music Toronto all zndu Ineludlnl A3421 Modem Methods amun 21 nudism It none on H11 ANGUS ROSS ILA Eellsleredsflusic Teacher infliction In ninno Indtheory nun coachinz In French nun Ino nom ainzr achnfll whim no In Dunlap Irl harm Osteopathic WILSON OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC Toiumone Pn azza WILSON IIIILDINO 3mm Wilson run 00 HAUan MUM D0 noeton al umnnxiu an mIi spur3a annui ol iecrsz President ta Shells ernmehtrï¬ The Consgrvatlve guG ernrnent in the last parliament had dniyemanaged tojpass legisla tion so long as MrVSt Laurent uritypensionsw It njeant that Send one to minnows earï¬offlhe rrielExaminerPat tern nepL60 Front Street lnronto lent way InvincreaseLyaur ward robe Clinic hiauaeahd More Mliflnatch fashionsan excel sldrt are designed for shorter Kniierxtlgureseaxy sew Printed Pattern 47 Half sue undue um 20 22 24 Si1e 165i blouse requlres ynrda3Mnch labrie skirt re quires 2ynrds Printed directions oneneh pat tern partlasier accurate Send FIFTY GEMS 500 In coinsstamps cannotheaccepted for this pattern Please print plainlySlZE NAME monass erLr NUMBER ExplodestTIIzn Minority little munity Hallron Thurs nlght DP Rynard MP Conserva tiv pandidate IorSirticoe Ea reluted the suggestionthat mi ority government was good gov guve it his support The dayiir Pearson walked rntofarliament asleader ofV the Liberals Iheisituation changed Ilse eandidate fVor Simone East claimed that one oi the ï¬nest Conservative govern was toincrease he see oyer $19000 more money would When you se elm Lemon Pie in you now you have hit on your goodnsss TRut madam ofthe dream arms the end at good govein merit eeomi gjnto Orilliakdue to the mm 5mm FAR A5 it mm gem xpyommsnénsmmus MADE WWNMIIIIM ammo row ml smear