First of or scrlcs of concerts raise money for the trip washeld at Centralludi torlum Friday evening by Barrie Collegiate Band directed byWs overseas ovum labvat announcingnu lawmanu KE YNOTE IONf STATES Allen Fisher an Assisiin the centralCollcgiate GleeChg under direction of lliss Mary ri liberal Vliiindidiilcs Eonlidenl Unemployment wasdeclnred the major lssue of the elec wise Mus tion by Hon James Sincialr former Liberal Minister of Fish wag IM mm erles when he addressed small gathering at Liberal rally b0 mum Thu 3min held 134 Barrie District North Collegiate on Friday night Quoting the January figures for unemployment be accused CLUB PROFESSIONAL suznnne Emms holds her bouquetof yellow roses and smiles after very successful carnival With her Is this yearswlnner of the 33 Smitlil8isters Steal Barrie Siithllfnnualli crowdiof 2000 saw the most ucccssful cxhibltion yet put on Figure Skating in Barrie by the Barrie Club Saturday night Arena The Skin in Smiths Under Suc ninis the club professional thlssixth carnival corrected the mistakes of New lous performances sinoolhrflowing varied program No sisters Donna l7 aiid Marilyn 19skatcd solo each to steal the show with difficult Two to Hosp After Collision MapleRoss Corner Two persons were llQSPilfllJmiifllrcc cd minor cuts whcn two cars collidcd atlherlunclion of Maple Avenue and Ross St Saturday night Taken to itoyal Victoria Hos pital Barrie1 wereMrs Joan Winter of Barrie suffering from fraclured rightgfoolgand how old Dunn of Berkendale suffer lng from concussio The driver 011m rcrriin which Dunn was passenger Paul Gor don Grassic of inside failed to stop at unctgon while driving hurt on llaplc Aver llis vehiclerollid with the car drivcn by ClislonEarl Winter of Barrie which waisprocccding cast along Ross gtStrcet gt llicrc were six in Grassics car and in addition to Dunn thrcc others rcceivcd minor in iurics but were not taken to hospital Total damagé to cars iscsli muted $900 Charge of care less dri ng has bccn laid again lakcn lo Grassic club presidentWilliam Lloyd to present Hermann for the skater Marilyn Smith dgley Trophy cognition of her ability Marilyn was prcscntcd with the Badglcy lrophy awarded to the skater making the most progress by Other show stoppers were su lLannc Emms number executed with perfect form and timing and comediannon Cribars two nppenrances Don first enacted number called The Beginner and pulled such crazy stunts with chair that the audience icngerly awaited his second act In hilarious impersonationot flcmalc figure skatcr Two sistcrs Lillian Bakd gcorge and Georgian DOWth waitc starrcd la the Winter Fantasy and Lillian was solo ballerina in the ice ballot in the Clouds promising paini Nancy Craig and Victor Kn lit performcdcgpaocrniogd Eirccptlona ostunil Costumes wcrc cxcclléiit and were productoln great deal of hard work by Mrs William by Hian and her committcc ofllllrs Palmer and Mrs Al Harris Outfits for all numberswcrc colorful and attractive but the is Almost Springlike weather filled with interest and crowd most regular supporter could equalled made this years North outstanding in its history Soil and Crop Improvemen at Elmvale Community Hall on Lartycar the official attendance this years show arcnii rounded up by Philip Lch and his committee of the carnival committees nical production and dircctionis to the credit or Mrs Sue Emms Jils openinzzspectatular and The Seven DWarst its unior bars of the clubitook the time and effort put into cos tumipg could be seen while ltive world all rmer Vmaklngtheimost progress one or the star sololsts of Photo by Clubs gure Skatingsllllw and precise manoeuvres In re costuming of the ilowcrsof Snow Whlte combination of cute and clever creatures and thc forests in the number werc Music and lights two major defects in former carnivals were capably handled this year cs pccially thc spotlighting ofsolo ts Laurie Dowlhwaitc organ izcd the music while commit tce under Noel Stephenson was inlchabgc of lighting and sound The design on the ice surface as the muchadmired bandi ork of Maurice Mitchell of the staff Properties Were William Lloyd was irman Tech PfeTfy Elia éy and primary Here Fluffy bunnies ands hite 7and black skunks Turn to page two please xcellent exhibits program of aslze that noteventhe remember had ever been SlmcoeSeed Fair the most Sponsored by the North Simone Association the fair was held Friday lt in had to ling simcoeï¬seed Fair Draws Record crowd was sold out and another $50 was obtained for the tour Open ing the performance was ntrndl tor Brass Choir In which thg band horns dlsplayed deep tonal quality despite restricted acous tics of thc tongnaimw hall Handels Allegro dame nod Allegro Declso from the rWaten Music Silltc were given Ides nuathieatmentas flrst mal number Each movement brough forth the partlcular rcq inputs of the various depart meals of the band yWoodnina dorm Beethovens Divertlmcnto No was played by the classic wiiidqulntet ol the band eon Mam Fisher oboe TedLo clarinet Jeanne achcnzlcbnsg lsoo Kay Livingston Erenclg born The renditlon was lovo ly Mr Fisher explained tha such duintet was one or in means peoplc used to entertal themselves in Eulopein carlie years Closing the first part of the program was more familiar songs from the Hebrides medi lcy of popular Scottish songs iii which the bandv swung toLhe occasion oiee Club Brigndaon The Glee Club chose exccrp mm the Broadway mus al hil Brigadoon continuing th highg land theme of the bands 21y ions number This gmup of voices directed Miss Wasc was in its rel San bï¬ï¬‚ir high continue Gail Pelhick and Gale Nelson handlcdithc solo parts Judlth MacDonald was the danger Jack Graham the piper an Heath Piano ac companimentt was by Dennis Thompson Mtcrlntcrm rdonatlons were made to the band by the Key Club through President Sam Blown and the Gled Club through President Don Lainson Doug Morten president oftlie band responded wlth thanks Trumpet Solo An intercstlngnumber to open the final part was Trumpet lri the Night nocturne for solo trumpet This was played by 15yearold Karen Emberson newcomer to the hand from Wisconsin where she had grade training on the lie performr Percy Jixson nlyears scrvlce in rallway office gmmpet shamdian National Title Turning in Theirliiiiour lhc three Llhcral candidates for Simcoe North and the 1d ioining riding of Shame East and Dutfcrlnsimcoe showed every eonfldenco in lbe ï¬nal outcome ofth coining election when addrcsslng Liberal rally sponsored by the Show North Liberal Asoclatlnn at Barrie District North Collegiate on Friday nigh John Mac pane Slmcoe East said am fully convinced the tide lsiturnlng in our fayor We Md are some to see great change slstlng of Beth Currie om we alot of people who any thatilnat time they voted for change and now they are sorry JohnBowynnan DidfennSim cue said am interested in Cookslown and Angus both qf Which have problems After March 31 Al intend to secAngus is helped iiiovercome mob 1m Wllllllll Campbell Sltnme North said lt is your duty and mine toputan end to thismls handling of the nations money Nn Budge vet The Liberal candlate f01 Slnlcoe North said one of thelreasonsforthls election was the fact thatth conservatively enuncnt had not yet prod cod he balanced bud election issues trade plan to coinbat uneinployincntl hc commenicd FORlY3YElRSWIIHRllllllYt CLERK PERCY DIXSONRETIRES Notwithstanding the changing railway conditions retirements still take place and arermarked by special gatherings which give ample evidence of the employ ces popula Such was wntb over 40 he use after work who retired on Tuesday March 1958 from the cm servathe more trade in 22 weeks than the input thhlnk the Prime Min estimated um that experts Dlefcnbakers Frlme Minister plan would actually make only 60 million dollars of new money avallablejnd that not immed iately no trade he said that Prime Minister Dlefenbakers diversion of trade nthet than expansion had already had its repercus sions Trade that meant jobs lost Everyone wasof one mind on the matter ol peace said Mr Cnmpbell The issue was which party ludged on past record could best sefvc this country in the cause ofpeace Tlle Liberal party bellcved in the relief of Ciincinployment through lncr asing consumer spending wi the reduction of taxes It meant budgeting for deficit Election of the Liberal my back to government would assure leadership in the crusade for peace in his brief address Mr Ma lsaac Irlbcralvciandidvate for Slrn coc East charged that the Con government had lost Liberals had ever done They spent more moneyyours and minein 22 weeks than any other govcmm iberals were try workwlth goveriF istcr and many ther Causewa lives realized that ttmcvwns runI ning out especially Mr Mctcalf added his quota as did retired engin cer EarlLong who holds 50 yearpass Mr and Mrs Dixson heldfopen house that evening at their home 50 Caroline Street with friends and neighborsassisting ln1hereceplion when over 150 called durlng thcevening to ex tend congratulations and best wishes to enjoy refreshments thas domain takc away 10 Cana the Tories of deliberately holding back more recent figures About 125 people were seated in the gymn of North Collegiate to hear the former minister review the political scene and outline the Liberal pollcy Accompanying him on the platform were William Campbell Simone North Liberal candidate John Mochaac Liberal candidate for Slinch East and John Dowcmran DufferlnSlmcoc Liberal candidate The meetlng was chaired by Charles Newton president of Simcoe North Lib dal Assocfallen The former minkter said there were two sets of ï¬gures for un employed at the cndol January 800000 which included those who had jobs but were seeking other employ nt and 520000 which did not ncludc some unemployed who were not yet qualified for unemployment benefit No matter which set of flgurcs you take the hard fact is that the unemployment figure is more than double the usual ï¬gure at this time of year Jobs From Trade Jobs crime from trade and na tional dgilgeloipgent1 said Mr ISin car is era Party po icy hbd been to expand trade When the Tories had come into power every protectionist group in the country had besieged Ottawa with requests to increase tarifzfs He said the careless andounce mentf by Prime Minister Joli Dlefenbakcr that he intended to trade from America to give to Bri had cd to repeF cusslolfs th in st signiï¬cant of whichhad been the embargo on Canadianoll shochea Silence The British suggestion at the llllont Ttemhlant conferencelast summer that tariffs between Great Britain and Canatfl should be abolished had been greeted by Hon Donald Fleming iii shack ed silence We think it would be good ing for Canada and Britain to bu up tmdcin this way said Hon ir Sincla Partly Sunny Show Expected The past week was wintry with cold nights but very little more snow which is still in humilth Today lnd leans part cloudy and cool with saliva in somearcas Liberal Wlllto Paper In 1915 the Liberal party had issued white papcr in which they had declared that it was their intention never to return to the days of the up and down economy of boom and depression in good times taxes went up to create surplus in bad times theLiberals eut taxcsaiid budgeted for adc ficll This had been their policy in thorccesslon of 19413 and 1955 Hon James Sinclair gave as the Liberal policy in this election the immediate reduction of taxes to combat uncmploymcnt That inoncy will be spent hundred ways to spur all Canndlanin dustryi other features of their policy were price support fisheries pay ments and ii farm development bank These ideas will succeed be cause they succeeded in 48 and 55 said the speaker Tlicy will succeed because we believe Can adians can spend their own money better than government can through public works projects liberals Tait Cur Pure Nonsense says Heber Smith Hebers itb can Progress ive Consrya idate vfor Slmcoe North described as fpurel nonsenScLIester Pearsons claim that400v million dollarlax cut would euro unemployment He was speaking at meeting of far mars ntGuthric IConununlty lie on Thursday night Tax cuts wlllhelp whefiyunem ployment is heavy and encral across the country sai Mr Smith That is not our problem The speaker pointed out that unemployment was heavy in cer tain industries related to raw mat erials exported to the American market The American market is some thing we have through the grace of the United States Government He gave as an examplctha probleni of Britannia Mines in British Columbia Tax cuts wont beneï¬t the people in Britanni The Progressive Conservative government had made tax cuts which did beneï¬t the low income groups andtose with growing families The anges made meant that nowthere were 80000 Can adians who paid no income tax Tax cutsfwehave made do sti ulaie employment Mr Smith said that what the Ranvway ml and gettogether Telephone calls of congratulationsvwere re celved fimdloronto rand Tran ton du the cvening figure was 275 this year when the officialflgureJis known the attendance should show marked increase judging by learn to managceï¬flciénlly There were two ways of approachingthe problem of makidg more luioney stick One was to cut costs Yd here Bbranilalifax he intended scliool there andai l7 moved tol displayed good technique and solid tone in her first Canadian solo Robert Farnonpa Toronton Progressive Conservative goveni mcnt proposed to counteract employment was play public hr at Min Conservatch candidate for Simcoe North Haber Smith MP told meeting of Conserva live party WDlkelS from Vespra Township that the Dielenbakcr governmcnt had puthlghcst im pqltancc lcms arose lton agricultural prob thncvcr anemcrgcncy Clilékll an example the govern on ad pu ifloor nnlhc pr of urliayd and an cmbnrgo against to counteract tion had proved Our groivcrsr sell their turkey whilc the cons the packed to capacity hall Another outstanding fact was that this year grmVers whose names had become almost syn onymous with the championship prizes had to is way to other growers who had now surpassed the best New Champions Philip Rdbitallle of Penetang beat Gabriel Maurice also ofPe etang fial the Grand Ghampio ship ln potato classy Morris Darby of Waverley sc treasurer of the North coc Soil and Crop Improvement Association dmplonshrp which he won lastLyear to Dan Mcï¬rath of Elm my hard onshlp iiithe sses was won by with the reserve by noirgiai villa Agrlcu tural 93 are facedwith any hectirne the former champions in growing overall prbfit pregnant consideration the capabilities of overl6olsing of th specialised ore would cd peracr per farm The situation the other wasto increase sales of commodities off the farm ur only chance of improving our lot produce fences is to increase what we lines of Toughest Joli The speaker wentroii to say that in his opinion the farmers tough est job was the planning of his taking into the soil theneeds of his llvestodr and financial andfainlly needs against the Mr Parks war sk of crop failure In hl oplnlo thegreat est ere was either toomuclim gt they one more produc per nlmii per mam 11 Johns valiiabla bld Post Office building in as re wlfli 1nowlivingin England has writ ten some fine cohtemporary mus Extracts from this were played by the band With pleas aggresulis An original work covcertband instrumentation by Paul Creston Legend and aseloctionirom Cole Porters musical comedy brought this ppogram gr cltlrens nd tBnirla awriZCouncii tonight Thisaetion prqmp dvbeycause muchpo emed Over declslon to demo the vi to extend ngeii Street They fcel soon to tear down utilrst obtain nglneers report build Coul filer Trenton wherglicrniet his wife thetformcr Mabel Rogerson fflioy wordinarrled in that city He then en redjthclservices of the CPR and becamcohlef clerk on transportation With the out break World War lit took upanlnition wor AF and AM We at inclwon at which member of St Georges can Church By pm on march the mo live power employees had all gathered the office andl mdtive fore lighter Mrs ah of oronto all her law dried lidlchae and Rosemay xson is born gardener and Will be able to spend more time in his garden but he and Dixson arealso planning of trips by rail their first objective the coast both east and West with would be obs available now works gram so tha there This program was one of the reasons for calling anelectlun at this time Any government musthave clear majority carry outlong termplana ho declare