Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Mar 1958, p. 4

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rtlgaf chums An unusual gathering and one Alfred 0Walherg Toronto who which are some idea of the whistling development in agri cultural commercial lines was the Coop Services blg Co lor this section 01 Ontario taking in 12 counties with 80 managers and depart ment managers or the various Coop centres inIthat area and rmu with registration also lzsales managers and the production manager from UCO Toronto all present Coming the 10 est distance was Joello Gr of Picton 190 miles away The mm was staged in Col lier Street United Church hall and the Womans Association at thcchumh planned and served ee inthe morning The event opened oh luesdfay lowed by banquet making an cnloyablc gettogether This was followed by nnoutstandlng ad dress by the UCO production manager Hamish McLeod on The Challenge for 1958 The speaker pointed out that against background at chang ing economy the face of agri ulture was changing also Over the past halt century radlcal shifting of our population 1mm rural to urban had occurred In 1901 the population on farm was 60 per cent in 1941 28 per cent in 1951 it was 21 per cent in 1956 18Iper cent and the present estimate is downto 10 per cent Canada has farm population of three million people living on which have the meals required and also got opened the series 01 fBuild right for future bright with Coop Feeds allowed by Chatterbox Ion eachfsubleoi Reg Rooney of Toronto conclud infAgriculture ed the first day with thetsubr ject of Grain The Future Bright coutinu ed next morning with Clyde Rolr ertsou on Seeds that Really Glow follhwed hy Wilbert Doherty on Hardware Alter an intermis sion itwas farm supplies by Art Saunders andtheu farm equipment by GordonltMalher Luncheon followed with all as guests of the UGO IThe afternoon started with Donald Molten on Coop agriculJ tunil chemicals anduJoc McCann wound up the series wilhBuild lng Right with Coop Petroleum or Liquid Gold An interesting itcmwas that there are 65 tank truka now delivering gas to the farms and other customers for 175 cooperators in Ontario Final speaker was assistant general manager Leonard Har mon who made use of black board to emphasize such move menis as Departmcntnlization and dwelling on retail sales and volume thorough Cooporamn et icct in the large assembly hall was attained by the advertising stall ol Toronto headquarters who tronslormcd it by many posters streamers and other decoration in connection with future bright in raincurmusnom connirlons near the junction at Rb streetled to threeoorcol Winminhtanniealln unenwos hurt but the damage to vehicles is estllnnted at $1590 lislon early this morning were Elizabeth Bowman Thefirstcolumn 7Coutinlled irom page one agreel ltis colorful city Timmeas on lVISunday and he was quoted byFrank Willis as having stated in one oihis seven books that thcrc is onlyone city in CanadaMontreal Thc others are only overgrown cawtowns Hutcheson noted Well you might argue with him about Halifax Winnipeg Chl gary Vancouver Quebec Car tainly notToronto or HamiltonI is the downtowndistrlcis th critics compare If you gel into the residential areas of Great er Montreal likcI lilount Royll cf lsHdmbled 76 Drivers ot the cars involved were oncesslon Three Vespra ldwaterIIEnlry coubWArERLColclwntgr ren try in che East Simcoe Rural Hockey League which was in IirSt place at the endiof the regular schedule was humbled 745 bl 3h third place North River team in theflrst Semifinal match between theItho Thejeams meet for the second tilt March Wilzh two markers ill Kinnear ind che goalgettingorl North River OtherIs to score were Don Beaudoin Alvin Em lerrygliel eipo Burton Bolyea and John Kingsborough Goldwater goals were tamed by Doug Beach and Art insley Mo each Doug Peden lhCha The mental muu Bowman Doors open summer Salegnt True Bills Hall on March 1under auspices Canadian Lady Foresteru 232473 llummlge Sale nth the CddIfell ows HalL nonhuman under 01 Doors open Inn auspices of St JutEsWA tonDoors open 10 Benefit Euchre rdr nanny nel mm Toronto and Earl IPovcro speaker Thompson chairman Lol Metropolitan Perlts CommissionSubieet Some Sim pl StepstoaGond Home Gar de Everyonc welcome 252 commas4M coma in Curlw Ave Toronto on Sunfllylmh in Ann Slnltlhlfl her 93rd year dearly beloved wife ot Cuulnl dun mum or In The on Cody Florqu lPele Mn Dnvlsonl Tmnto gtPelnllmkl am Put tun Blrfla CDKEIM Hanil unimen or Mn no lmluit and Mn 11 ounmnnau Tomlin Ruthtat the Above dresl unul Wednesdaylo theneo to tho mil Funeral Home 1111 muraltn Ayo sorvlco Wednevdoy It Into out Ianen Memo ll Glldan signed tor the at home 8de tom 011an Indwill be regular morningfeohtn at 845 dingy sitting vacationIlium propet use of cosmetics new mu indothes maul few or usein to he heardonlime 197 rented by the alibiva Hour norm mo um 65 Have yawheer shéckedby¢hs Suurday nitht5unfly Imam late late movie yet CONGRATULATIONS go out Mrs rlabel Keen Nelson rie The lucky lad sun 32 in al winnerjon Bs mystery quizIAuIdio Mist ade Forgilessmg myst personality as being ldonoGreor Mrs Keen Walesthe proud scssor of new electric irange She told us that up to 100 phone cllli Werereceivedhmn uei bors and friends elatendingzcoI gratulationsfiliy tihe way anotberI months norm rooms in 53 mm as mun Education Week and to mark this immortals spent at eolnmunily ylite CKBIB will carry series 01 special promInnis dealing witheducatiom 0neof CKBBS Big lotrrp Junk Rattle says he can birely copewilh he flood of phone czlls on his cumnt nigh show So you guysnud do goeeasy eh with our Jocks Ratings on the 13 Show hays increased tremendously since Elmira New Sound was laundaed few months back Thestation isIstill receiving plaudils liarthe line roleit played durihgjast blizzard One woman phoned in to say she found won derful comiort by rhaving her re tIunedrin to CKBB during the snow blow LATELCHANNEL SCANNERS can get theimllowing movie are during the current week Thurs day Mysterious Mr Moto Pri day Roadhouse Saturday Shoela Sunday Heaven With Barbed Wire Fence filming clinician ulollnnvnmuc am rm punm 11 um $10 Home on open mrumy Duo1v zoo The noun annualo 515 thlldnnr Khulna thnflmml no tamlnl nnu no Wnum 1mm on Fund1w lmn um 1111 rumor union uas cmmunny Mm no Wyatt hm 500 mm Thotr 1000 War shunt 11m can um 11u Weatherman 1111 Toad1 in amt 1125 community Name 11 wiuuinu Ctlunar rliuhsnnv mncn thnllenn 25 YOII Pamrn lectipnI ms sale shin moo Dun nu 43a Howdy moor sou mum mu 315 urny 60m atriumn sacu 100 Numry School Time allow in Your IIEAIIII lly HARRY HOLIM DC npcron or cmornlicrlc VITAMINI Much is known about tha Dvitumln to the ream0 the hull nm but unfortunately this is natm with the llymnn the 32000 arms and Doug Or shaw wlllbe beldibyPIainswick Community Centriz on WIednes uy March Painswick School Ill pm Admission 150 Lunch pro vided 2d North Sinicoe Seed Fainat Elm vaIlev Community Hall Friday March7 at 130 pmISpenlter Parks Field CropSpecial ist Kemptville rlcul tu ral no 11 Van Loo Cami mu c1o wmm Thotn us nun rankt 1125 pagan wlnunav Indium Tent Intum no Nellwry School 315 chrlnhn Scin mamalumna shw stock of the latest in farm refrig erntlcns and other modern neces sities As an indication of the sales volume of Burries own Coop manager Emerson Swain purchased the full display shown of those appliances for local and district sales and Hampstead lor instancc they mnI dont look or act abit different than Lenside or Queensway Moonstone Ieams Get Triple Win COLDWATERln the luster the regular seriesImatches in the East Simcoe Little League farm area at 180000000 acres It is also noteworthy that the average size farm has increased ram 125 acres in 1901 10280 acres in 1951 The speaker then gave two statements which he said may well be controversial that Can ada is landII of family farms with more than 75 per cent op lmoo lmdio on non can 1114 Ytu Wurhumn 11 roanynln sum 112 Communlty mun 1131 annularrant Irussnav Muclq 215 Pattern 10a Mumv scum 315 To chriltflll no Womens Innu no can Noun local citizen approached me the other day and wondered when we had been tor the pastIcouple of weeks Understood We havo been in tth Bahamas Skip that weve got labor trouble enough in thiscountry and locally Fact sumo human no Advenmmfl Hearw no mu Inkn so low no ml in on umpainn 1110 Tn 1101 cm unw 1114 Th 1111 no Loom Eggstam nuntn mu Inning us Snoru rm him It Tn llhver 112 cannulan erntcd 13 Bayou from the land value fixings for him by the owner 0th to Industry Farming is chariging ircm cnft tpyc to that oi an industry and 50 the word Agribusiness is coined but the iamily farm is not disappearing it is simply getting larger and more effi cient The concentration of pur chasing power in the hdnds of fewer and larger units is chang ns the farmer his buyingbah and Coop services must be ovcrned or geared accordingly sPcople now on farms nré largely there to operate on business basls jnsteadIof way of life Specialized agriculture had come tostay Thefarmer must he specialist in his field and this will call for more do partmentalizotion for the co operative with ndditionalI new services an immediate problem changing agriculture replno es labor by capital and with the decrease in the numberof worlo ers has come the increase in capital invested in laborsaving devic Here again every prob an opportunity An estimate of the capital in vested in livesiock poultry and mechanical equipment would his $5000 on the average The family farm of century ago was completely integrated The farmer produced hisown supplies butchered and cured meats churned butter and made his own cheese and sold th surplus from door to door in toivn or bartered with the local merchant for coal oil clothing andthe few staples of life in that day Now we have con racts for such things as cannery mp5 and sugarbeets CouhactIFarming as it may contract ae larming is now changing things down on the farnr praised by its advocates damned by oppon ents more than any other do velopment sinceptractors entere ed the field ear in the men tury Contract farming in many rms has come through more 653 voluntary movement oil the part ofIfarmérs and business men to get togelher rind this has been accomplished inIone of two waysIthe farmers cooper hve orlarm contractswith pri vnterusiness In one case the Ihusiness ImaIn hires the farmer than certain things for him in Ithe other the farmer hires business man to do certain operative Way Ithtr speaker lsthecoope live wayand thht vltherein lies the hopegof the future as we to getherdeve up iamecono he farmer is and no farm Completing 4015 years service with the Canadian National Rail ways where he wasemployed as clerk in the Motive Power dev prrtmcnt Dixson will cele brate wiuh triendsat an open house in his home at 50 Caroline Street bulimiaooh Stations DuringLent beSlations oi the Cross Sunday eveningsat 73 and one weekday mass at 315 Monday morning in St Marys Church Brentzwood During the cold weather United Churchlservices are being held in the homes on Sunday instead of in the church Mrs HarryAllen is home after being in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Wc hope she is dealing better QBreaks Ankle Davidson had the misfortune tobreak an ankle fsirrlously ill Rev Sr AnaclIitu of St Josephs Hospital Peterborough Mrs Austin ico MrsEugene McBride To and Mrs Ted winter Bur are with their mother Mrs Dumond who has been seriously ill for some tune Mrs Orser is ill We hope she will soon be well agaih Mus Robinson was taken to hospital last week We hope she Will soon be well again too utopia Roads Cleared Thankslo the men who work ed almost around melclock day illlel uay oauung the elements or nature really ina had mood mans are cleared once againann everything the community swinlng along in normal winter irthday Partyr Margaret Ellis entertained at wonderful birthday party for herslster Mary nurse train ing at Royal Victoria Hospital now in lorouto on three month course gt Tonight flle Gilbert ters are entertaining to ten Dianne McMas daugh on the occasion Inf her 1m birthdaI filllneg ICominiini Glad to report Robert Kale re coyeri tromI bou vwithIpneu in DafwsonMcCannI who is room Sick Childrens Hos akin atlsfactoryfpro men folk who have the Fifteen Stables plaerd weekly euohre is we spent three days in Man treal attending the annual cone vention oiI Class Newspapers of Canada Guestsat the Sheraton Mount Royal llavemany friends and oven relatives in this city so plenty to do Spuwln Montreal nuns his equal the Northwest Territories But the authoiitiesand the cit zens just ignore it They leave it there knowmg thatteventunlly there must comca thiiuLandl it will go away Walking is rough and driving is tough but people get around and manage to smile once asswhi Inr cityltuver grown CT not too far to the south of Barrie ii Quarter inch of the white stuffcomes downit calls for screaming headlines in the press and the wholeImetroA politan areais thrown into aItizzy anguished screamsI Nobody downtown there Ever smiles at any timefsodhat angle does not enterthe story Montreal has great many nighl clubs but we did not get around to anyaoi thenl Lasttime visi ted the Chez farce was with the manager and presidtlut 1949 var iety of the Barrie Flyers in recent times there has been change desp entreaticsI irém the entertainers thatthe tourist trade issuffcring Another mun icipal cleanvup drivevhas taken Place Toronto Telegram TalkVoi DurelleMoore bout has revived discussion of the pop ular rumor about James Park ers possible doublecrass ntthu hands of his New York advisers jEveryonesai his training camp at Sam Handlers MuskolgaLodgc knew how deeplyllarkér concen trated on iromsthebell swarm as being his only chnInce against the aging Moore Local handleré were astounded therefore tohear Parkers NY superiors giving himlast dressing dersto lioxand wai gleaned Iron latest trade bulls ti Richmond Secord Atkey nam chairman o£gtprov ionai committee setting up cw weekly newspaper association Eastern Ontario The terhazy Saskat chewan neivspilpe has changed v1 Moonshine boys hoclgey team achieved triple victory over North River teams Ribchard Cuthhertson two and Peter IstlorI givcMoonstone pcewees shutout over North River The bantam fixture saw Moon stone drub North Riyer41 Tallies or the winners were by George Cooper with two Doug Swaile and Ted Potter one each BillWalker got the North River marker Moonstone barely took the midget game by 65 score he MinnersigcalsznLe by George Cooper Ron Potter talliedtwicc and Barry Armstrong once for the victors Nortthjver goalgetters were JohnKingsbnrough with three and LouisCousineau with two scored one to 34 RUSSIAN SASQUATCH AGASSIZ BC CP letter from Moscow inreply to her re quest for information abouta Sas quatchlike creature nlcin coItth legendarywi1d onan of the BC interior reported being sought in the Pamir mountains says the in formation is being sent under separate cover name from Observer to Miner be cause the area now hasthe worlds newsstand largcst potash mine EsterhIazy is where Earl Stotes buryiolmerly oi Minesingwas until recently editor folgoth mention that Atkey served many camps news editor of tileliarv ie oumalr And out in British Columbia during centennial year we find the shatteringannoun ment that The Semiahmoo Sun is nowItheIWhitc Rock Sun of which the copublipher is old acguain lanceNeston Izowsky formerly in partnership with Harvey Ware nor at the Prince George which récently went daily angler Warner is from Barrie and learned the printing trade in The Examiner plant Barrie people get aroun Unique sales presentation These Farmerettesf are used by the MasseyHmiss1verguson Company in atouling show to help tellrits 1958 product and marketingstory to dealersI and sales personnel throughout Canada aud the 115 Tractors anyonel on these School Entries to vvhe placed March ti knownuyfact lulu1 up the merovcnlontm the worm helllh wouldyrobnbly be most unumuu There are thmvot the vitamins whlehlm variole called theeutistrus nnlllalllue or ultimo vitqmlns Under normal con ditions they neemtto as needed in veryornnll amounts but during psi led at stresa mars or them are rvr qulma cnuamons ut ltren are prolt ducrdl1ytnrexalnplc exLexslvc lrus chemicals infections mver druu nous emotionl upset ma many lather halal1 nr Enhofls tement that minim sublesteato Itross but no given liver in their diet onen die unexpectedly mm heart mum indium filnendourlmportimic Inlnutrihlmi menu another dvltnmln if absent in autumn often causes dermatitis or eczema and they are very mceptlhle to art and lung problems Th lub rt nee Invldln present ureggwhue can combine with biotin in the intestinal tractand prevent ltfron1 trenching the blood Dr SydenstIrlcker ofvthe Unlverslty 21 Alabama studied biotin deflcloney in numn volunteers on nasquute one containing cgzwmte and tound that thcy developedmentnl do Ipresion dry skin fatigue distress around he and muscular pulu IAdele Davies tumour nutritionist msndnns several cares of severe eczema in childrenthat Cleared up pmuiptly when eggs were taken many mm their diet Fellm 11 another dlsense caused by acaciaicy the Mumplex The vital importance of the amm pic is evident and you should mks suretlnt youJupply your body with lta nssd gets 12 mllhoni eaéhfiwfik gt The and er in Ll mg policyawhers thinikr ar aloe abort ml lun Cum 12111 ram Mar neer 12ml spurts an laau haw mo elmzoo calm nun oonuu Ind Hum News ocnmnzul 11541 sumo Hum 00 11s 1oo Headline new gt 102 stun Tulor Show no mu 1210 New oo Headline New mm £40 NEIL 000 Bold New 05 sunlightcps on usuauun on Spur 610 Ner an nulmlu none Better o5o New You class Una NHL 700 Hemline Ne nevu 1000Newl and Short 1100 News Ind avert Tuscan AM can slur on lacalum lie noomrsumi rar Tooy 515 Bub Mulel show can Newc lad sports us rum Ierkct Renan Hg Wynn momentum sr um un nsrnllue Nelr 75a News le Report new izn Dllnnlund eu Inn Euoru aloe am ruiorshm aanrsnuwumo Review to Tamrao arm 05 Jun corny Ehow 115 Audio Mlsnucndc lzoo liedune um lam 1mm 1mm Report 1120an lungs and Home New lam nullsun nunn 0011031111 Néwl on sun ruylar Show line Null Bulletin Board 7MIHrIdlln New 702 Ink Rultlo show my and EnorLs sin or i1m Thurway nu rl wznuunnv Au 555 5133 new Lon slrsnnu to un my sis Bob mum Show 630 News and apart thing $45 rum Markg mum i2 dfsiu mm or no liedime new and 1am aaesummmuo Do me New sport aru not New 3° no can ruler show some 133 am 1100Newu an 4r 15 deNrwfml 11 Jim Corey Show 1145 Audio Masquerade wnusonv rl 1200 Heldllnc New cuttqu rum Bnn luo Sports Dilell 30 New 1245 slmcou county huh and cm mu 1250 Bulls in Bonn 1no Headline Nan roasuu Tailor snow 15 Barter am Illrket Report on snort Jim Gorey sun Headline New new 20 feet GOOD SKIING PowIdered snow lies deep in the ski areas during the winter serum Hon Christmi Science Heals THIS WEEK WICTORY OVER EXCESS WEIGHT gt cxvkrv 0151151 Flii CKBBIPRQGRAMS DIAL 1230 121o rum Market Mark Canadian Rockies

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