NW in recentpaper received we note theofficial report of Innis in council meeting does not mention thatthe rceve was sup plied with statement of the township financial thï¬ by months time would have been part of the Isqnda Need Caretaker Not Fire3Chief The suggestion llml pcrmani ent lulltime fire chief be ap pointed would appear to he means oi making another job available for someone One could understand it there had been suggestion that caretaker be appointed full time at the township building Part of his work could be the care otthe fire equipment shovelling snow and generally attending to lhecare of the ing both outside and in This job might llelp to place some worthwhile eldcrly man Usually fire chief receives salary equal to thd police head with an average oitwo lire calls month it does not seem necessary that another high paid position be made in many municipalities it has been found that one man heading police firc ind civil defence makesai setup thatwnrks vell Storm Reports And Blocked Roads We hear tilat thestorms and high winds are playing havoc with the keeping open of the roads especially in the Barrie area We hope that lnnisiii roads department has been able togtcope with the problem The last trip we made with the road supervisor we com mented on the lack of snow fences Our remark was when we were told that none had been bought for 10 years and that it was difficult to get what was available put up We hope that Florida To Assess lltSURANCE AGE NCY 4t aunts mum 70 PA 84427 Q90 515 ripeC statement which he had requested at his ilrst meeting rWe hadexpected thisl lrost does not ruin it ed you don get storm We can well remember seeing snow plows hurled right inthe middle of the road or month few years back plows it should be run them open now Today we heard of Arctic winds thalwere coming down from Canada at 40 mph We nape that they missed some parts on the way it wasa warm sunny day here butvcool the wind Many Acres Of Thontotoes We toured tnmugn farming area south of the city of Miami vrnoWn as Homesteadp and on at trip we saw what We be was the largest tomato rm in one field that can be nund it as said therewerc 1000 acres in the tract it was is level as the table and if the will be producing tomatoes for the next three months The machinery used for works ng dusting and planting the land is all equipped with two may radio telephones and the hen ore taken in buses to the different parts of the work repair truck cruised about in the southcrly port of the root tomatoes were being pick whiie at the otherend the olants had just betn sol out The owners have awarchouse and ship their products in large tractor trailers in packages wrapped in cellophane ready for the chain store to market to the users Danger offlost was the tear that worried everyone in the dlstricivlmm the colored laborer to the owners Across the road il field oi string beans which had all been fixed to their supports was frozen black This field had several hundred acres and was total loss These crops had followed earlier cropsof strawberries At Full Value LeRoy estate Collins is of having Governor his sunshine isome difficulty enforcing an or der that county assessors adopt 109 percent valuation for as heséillent of allÂ¥11npél Rg presentatives and senators are both having pressures brought making them lukewarm of Athe stat study committee is holding pub lic hearings hearing on this and other taxation matters The governor had agreed that some control of the mill rate is neces sary but he is firmly of the opinion that the start is with an assessment of full property vai BS The state laws require full valuation for the past 60 years Si Ambulance CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS The St JohuAmbulance requires funds to continue its hunr anitarian workasithoroughly and efficiently as possible CANVASSERS All CW CALLING ON THE HOMES III BAIIIIIE DUETO BAD WEATHERCANVASSERS DELAY ED IF THEY IIAVE MISSED CALLING ON YOU Ma Your Donation Io sugary minimume BOX 325 BARRIE ANYTIME nunlNG run lexr mourn With four possible to FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23 1958 caught in real leys daughters They are left MacDonald Arlene Jackson but gradually the local assessors have been allowing this to get far beyond the actual assess mcnls They must make faithful effort togel these values in line or surrender their job is the ultimatum he has placed he tore the committee He has stated that when the special comm teehascome up with the definition as to what is the full cash vaiues the final interpreta tion must be adopted The first meeting of this spec tal committee held this past week had according to the governor cleared the air some what Howevcrsit was reported any ofthe 20 resenV tativasuwentAawsy disappointed ReprEsentatives of agriculture industry and other tax groups had expressed the opinion that uncontrolled assessments on real estate would drive venture reapi lal out of the state One assessor forlan industrial area in Pensacola claimed that land assessments might encour age rather than discourage in dustry to loéate as it would guarantee that the tax burden would be equally strihuted He felt that any restriction on the county milv rate might re strict the ab ty of these coun ties to provide roads and schools which is their responsibility These are needed in orderto atlt iract industry Monenn DANCING MUSIC aarw ran murmurs operators TEMPLE nuances loor lava RIDAYI admission soc 91230 ror raizrs lrï¬sénis its Sixth Big carnival Barrie 8151 Saturday Maliihtii FEATURING non colon rue cilia east 110 loc fl ur skaters in usNow WHITE and To seveunwaltrst duction of the Pirates Feminine are these lovely iosstes playing General Stan outright Jo Pit front is Jane perform age North Guile and Ros 1N Senator Shands of Gainsviile felt that there should be con stitutional limitation on local tax mill rates Representative Herreil chairman oft the committee ciaims full values notvspeculntion values is only fair assessment Meet Neighbor lt 10n Florida Route We were ambling along the in side lane of one highways south of Orlando when horn blowing attracted us to look at passing car It had an license plate from Ontario The lady driver proved to be none other than her way from Dayton Lakelands and just chance brought uson the same road at the same time She hcads ï¬rth early next week as she with party of six some of whom have to be back the end of the month We pulled off and eluoyed fa diat ft is nice to see someone from homewlien distance is be tweenus and strange cars and people are everywhere Some oi the others with Mrs Webb in asecond car are stay ing in Oriandohfrs Jessie Wood Bellauï¬lnkeley Mrs Bristow are in one of the cars The other car was driven by Mrs Ann Morris of Bradford with two companions They were not along with Mrs Webb as they are at Dayton We feel slire their many friends and our readers will be pleased to know we heard of the Ontario cars are noLprevalenl down this way this year gtWe heard on newscast thatï¬the weather had warmed up some what back home The wind from thenorthwest is stiltpush ing the people into overcoais and behind shelter The warm sunjustcant outdo its blasts We went bacir to ourstation wagon coatfagain We spentafew days onthe seaside this week bubthewlnd iust keptthe ocean so stirred up that Veven Lhebeacll was not nice place to be One can get silnburnfif one can hidein aca bana chair away from the blasts We have been unable toget in our deep sea fishing date with Claude Pearce He says the fish go outtoofar and too deep with such weather Bunnie mm Vault Preset THE the ileaing femhlé vocalts He finally got geourse seems like good news of the busy each to smiled By Slonn Mr and Mrs Allan Brllicnger and John of Staulfville visited last Sunday with Mr and Mrs Allan Btu Norma Jean and Rank Bags They were stranded till Friday in the Bagg home due to the storm and blocked roads Speaker at Day of Prayer lllrs Allan Cerriganland hirs James Crosbie were at Baxter Fri day at the World Day of Prayer where the former was speaker Weekend Guests liiissDawn Butchers nursein training at Toronto General Hos pital spent few days last week end with her parenls litr and Mrs wButcilcrs Mr and Mrs Henderson spent the chkend in Toronto visiting their cousins Mr and Mrs Edward Denny They also visited Monday with itlr and lllrs Milford Plant at Laurel lllr Mrs Earl Smith Sha run an Gloria visited Sunday with hits Smiths grandmother Mrs Jr Little at Orangéville Bnrrle Visit tilr and Mrs George hic Cague visited Sunday evening with ltlrs hicCagues parents Mr and Mrs Corbett alld Bianchc Barrie Dinner Guests Mr and Mrs Allan Corrigan were Sundaydlnner guests with the farmers mother and sister lilrs Martha Corrlgan and Han nnh Alliston FloridaNews flougnls touts an rs ert Gran w° hard my he llillsdnle spent few days gal tlib grower some few miles Troughmnys outh of Barrie whowas short of gas to heat his greenhouse At Convention supply in by tearn Thai of Maanrén The Operetta will tonlght at oclock intlle ate Ise of Amos attended the Liberal eon ventlon at Midland on Saturday Working in Toronto Jane Miller who has finished her business course in Midland has started to work in Toronto and was home for the weekend Oriilia Visitf Mrs Donnie Clark spent few days with her mother in Oriula Mr and Mrs Urbain Morreau NrPcnetnngJeanette Jacqueline for granted that the and Richard King or Tï¬ronto blile grower would be Bill spenttho weekcrld with Mr and Sierps on the 3th line west of Mrs Phil King Highway 400 Tllis bit of road townships respon sibility has inpast times been take are of by the county equipment It could be that they just felt they had enough to doiand also that it will re quire more mum just snow plow to open That it even came back on the township road system is of course unfortunate There have1 been several promises that it would become part of the coun ty system but until it finally does it isa hard hit to service with the township equipment either winter or summer We passfalong to the road supervisor our wish that his hemlaehes do not reach as far as us down here in the warm sunaud cold north winds We can appreciate that Councillor Mrs Law would be getting her taste of what goes withthat job when the 8th line was blocked story but it also shows that you folks up in Innlsfil are not all etting out and in as you wish We were talking to some folk who when home live on the Eu line and teamed that thosewho depended on getting to work dspecially at camp Borden were not too successtuiin their flPlaycd Havoc The weatherman played havoc with roads and school this past week Attend Contest Several from here attended the Queenol Hearts contest at the lioxy Theatre on Thursdayéven mg Congratulations to Shirley King who will be princess for the coming year Back to Elliot Lake William Troughtori has returned to Elliot Lakeafter being snowed in for week Loos tarocéetir to em Fund fMllllllllY Milli span on my snoww $17000 JACKiOT IOOF IIALL TllilllCINii cochlea sr Evin SATURDAY tumer Dances Tom Pattenden Gr probestra intuitions TEMPLE Collier SL Barrie anmsslonsoc auspices loor ii policies Maurice Fitzgerald and lngram ESTA BATTLE opal FEATURE ALso cotonV CHALLIHCE THE WILD FILMED IN TILE PRIMITIVE WILDS OF ALASKA chan in charge Mitclrel Silicate World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer vice was held on Friday Feb 21 at the homeof Mrs Albert Stra The service was followed with Mrs McKay president taking the leaders part Various prayerswere taken by lilrs Marshall Fletcher Currie Strachan J1 McArtllur and Fletcher reading and also Mrs Ansdeil The Power of Prayer Mrs Briggs gave WI Meeting The Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Albert Stlachan The meeting opened with thevice president Mrs Albert Forrester gt The usual procedure was foilowedbythe connnunitra= tions and thank you cards Current events were taken by Mrs McArithur en health convener Bionic elicits vs cirrus 815 PM BiiiliilE incur ALL SEATSgt$L001 AIME be installed lathe Mrs Bow introduced lifrs Scott who gave very interesting talk anddemonstra tion on First Aid The meeting closud with The Queen and The Lords Prayer Lunch was served by hostesses Toronto Visit ltlrs Russell Jermey is visiting with friends in Toronto Mrs McKay spent some time with her daughter Mrs Clarence Hewitt Beaverton Completed Project II completed worthyproject and were presen at Achievement Day at Guthrie Feb 26 tortune to falirand break her collar bone Dolmen travels is when you hm illsell all wrapped with lawsuits Ind cheap Insurancei which doesnt FULLY power you Cheap insurance no fbngnin it it doesnt pay claims Tobe rute of getting the best msunANcr at the lowest campnine rate consult an PISURANCE SPECIAUST Call us trainer lllSllllllNEEIr SEE US FIRST E03 Insurance of ALL KINDS 95 Dunlop St PA 86201 The Sew and Save Clubhave