Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1958, p. 6

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nu runom or on orJnfll Irv earuicrm Illbin non rum naus in cm Coach nusrun gun 35 too color me 11952 FORD TRAGlORJ 004 rubNY Mull molar lJML MASSEY HARRIS TMCTOB salmon new polu job ood roam omuorn candida in belt lull SJ $1 my son first you mrsr hmMilk an and Elk ai choice Dehlb CHE onion would be euly to be mm oi data aired standardurea Caleb niamlvllilbil SWPIIJQLI Ill Ahie For mu 1ADJUSTABLE WlDE FRONT AXLE for John new 50 lmlor ism GIBSON magma imch Stanley Simon San loilN DEERE SALES AND smvrci CRAIGHURSE PHONE 86mm 392440 mum Mllkinfl Machine in Am cinl snipe Enoulh pipeJ or Cowl Phone WOm um ennuile Combine mu keoih good condition Repoucsflom lmlnedlll role can ho nuanced 381445 Phone rm ram MISCELLANEOII COLLECIIONS No collection No clim Credit Rumu ot awn H152 40 at St Phone PA or Ditching Excavating Back Fill Dozer Wérk or Loadin PHONE SISEWART minimum PhunelPA ml 54ith Barrie Better Pointers 71 CAMPBELL sz SPRAY aimst FLOORS PAPERING Qt PHONE PA M010 BABEEM NBA wnlul Hamlunlnl Room wlnied or miennu Phono PA was lizs nmnaLz filNANl wnnld house to mill nepiy ruling vicinity rent ind other plrtlcullrl in flux Ir Ho Examiner No children 25 wnuran nv Much is mm mm lobed aplflmenl wiin print blthi or working couple Downtown or floo piiul ireluihnne PA arm pm Ruins For Rent WilNlSllEDDmrnoln Central Plume PA M545 4515 mumsmm Bedroom Cenirni mono iszms BA pom FURNISHED Housekeepinm Room Ap ply so Mlple Ave Aimnon anli noon warin comiarllhlfl nlrnlrhed ru conveniences Rentnunnahie Cen tnl Phone PA mm 4525 Seed and Feed lmuill HAY or rule Squrr bales no per ion some sun stoyurr iiinu um muss on Clem when straw ior rule Dried fromrthruher Stored in barn rrur Pearson Minulnz ooono mi 1015 CUMMINO FEED MILL cnrrlu Loom plete line ut Pioneer Pellets Ind auntie or All your poultn Ind livestbck needs Phone PA 54164 or PA M500 Anne SL lhrrle iiilaith HIST and roman DUNCAN GREEN Russ Len PAINTING CONTRACTORS Reuonnbie lute Free Btlmnlu 14 DUFFERIN ST EARRIE PA Mill BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE PHONE PA H562 33 Clappgrton St 54525 FLOOR COVERING OArmstronizs Floor Covering Ruhher and Asphalt iile Illinoleulns Pinstie er1 Tile Mnlnriuls Supplied Intl lnflailed minim WOLFENDEN 2m Tannin si Phone PAw DASHS oEleclric Motors 10 Ross so some moms so assm IW ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE For New Mom Nona Rewinding and Repulrs See HAROLD HART Burrie Electric ménn Owen Ph rs 52200 545 RURAL TOOL DIE Tnnu Dir Speclnl Machinery PressVWork AURORA gr PArkview 75325 Aylett RR Connie miles east Aurvri 52435 PLAIN SEWING Migrations Dressea nude rrom your plitelns Modente charger Phone 7mronmown 524st Mini Betweme ghost lie ome Charade refeth required andllprdeusiexpennn mSTDiplnsiun rhinestone hauler on Highwly 400 between Burdi flos uurpnt and llama Finder please phonu Port Mchtoll collect Re wnrdi 1027 REWARD For informlien and or recovery oi Royl iiino Bicycle red andiwllllc sen1mm vnonJut mo hndikleh rune nndi wiro delivery on kl 011 handlebars Phone PAGWG l7¢2 LOST0n lrldnx analnoon red lea then WIHEI Eunlllnlnll largo sum or money driver emiliholue key Pic uranhetwemi hm Paints nnd Hill Sires possibly lnn hnneaiwolhi PA 32750 172925 cilicns BARRED ROCKS sllilJiurd to hunt or em and mm lhlnyscven years pennxul ulgctinn bellin ur closed riociu Onurlo rp filmed zuliorurn rree seminar price KENN POULTRY FABM rn sonar SHANTY BAY zrnrr cUuMlNarmunIvntrrunnowulro your order or ehlclu from Hillside Poultry Hatehary Ail pram prover slums Minnadir orglzeltcl Eli coma and sea us for mrther intermotion Anne st Pnnnei PAl M261 PAW zimirwrr run wars in Livlhiiit red wings egg quality Ind profl mike your clinic Deknlb Chicks orders should It mournearly in he ammooi dlte desired stnnurrd bred chicks also nvallabie Started polish available ror oervicu phone or writo Craig Hunter Hunters rouiiry Film Stroud uzou muons FISHERORCHARD Cinciqu all breeds Ind ull crane breeds both melt tlpe Ind layero aunqu pose Lyers lnbrud Crassbromme ind the over popninr Leghorn stim ed chiuitr will he ovuliniua almost Inytimkphonl wire or can or our onioeiorprise ust information etc Barrie Firm SunPly 17 Mulmter St PA 34932 ZHILWP gAucIioN SALES lilouilly Marci Auction nieor hrm stock implements em for min belts Lat 15 7th MnTe¢umseLh MMcEweniAuction=er rumor lunch Auction one Cows Holstein ileum saeep ntlrigs rin Erie Prith at but Con 14 recuuuethrownsiup on mile south miles west oiCooksinwn Sale p111 shn Nansene Jerry cough lln Auctoneer 1331 Tuasdny Mnith Auction III at Holsteincuttie implement PIKE my and Grain for Alex Grill at south Mirror Con 12 Sunnldnle Tier hlp one mile north or Hutwry 25 on the County Road Kainfifkowlld gvrsngla Bench ilermssuh Ntemmve ae pro srp erry our Auctioneer 1922254 21 and 35 years via truck éducstio State Well raved BLJYLYOUR VGOOD ONW UN themarker for truck 1957Dodge WARRANTY gt 1952 Fahgp mission DPuxle 1956 Chrysler 1954 liedmingblackzsédun withpowaiflito ed heatingisoiex glassradim 17956 Plyrhouih Savoy Vli Club Sedan radio Many otherspec features 1957 Dodge Crusader it omiitioned heating CAR USE OUJRSRE WINEER gt DELIVER my NH SEE usrpr COMPLEHE DETAILS Checkthese twn spécialztruckbuyslf you are in hene isyounsopportunily 1A loll Expross 103 mi nfniy citrus 3000 miles yawrnuck ton 1719 wb Caband ChassisI825x zbrtlresysgspeedtraus Forggond dopondnble ilsedCars study this list of selected models Handsometwo tone red and white vtwo door hardtop with powei equipment customradimwhitwnilswindow washersniir con ditionedhenting Lawmilmepmle owner car trdnsmlssion alrrondilioni new seat oovers poyrerflite transmission VB motor 4door Sedanhody Two tone deep andiaggonturquuise paint tori trim Wheel covers stonedefintas kcyisu CW air turn signals uuchre itng in Toronto with friends tor the past woolen ding ulnn homer eatIran Indias warranting ludi licenimnoeiiod purine sveniogj The outth onuopdny even ingin Canunultihn Sgliooi will turn Movmimthe Bunion Chlidrena Eundtln hurrah rn an ii iooiu dt In an altli Suvaand sow nmirdirflt ed oil leadtirs Mrr Glllnoré mp downsizing of flnosduy ovenlngEehdBr ii the home of Mrs Elmira Reid Torouto Visit Mrs Johanurriurlm been vis memo Goouo Mrs Eraser Throntorpent the Weekend with her mothgr Mrs Eva and Mr Ray Jack haslfeen visl ingwiih her daughter Mlx Catlicart noaztarniiy in oriilia fluid lnillry Teddy Shcldpn ironworksonic Mr andldrs Sheldoniiwas rushed to Sick Childmth Hqsplr tnl Toronto our Sundaywillu head injury after infill down thin Geller steps Latest report was that Teddy was getting along nicely Mlsslonilln The Mission Ban ted Church has issuudaminvitu lion tor all the lhdibs ofthe villi age and congregatitm to atte their meeting Mnrch8at in The childron will carry on their usual program and then servo lhnoh to tho Wilton Arsilver altering will be takenu The at the United Church held most cnihusiastlt meeting on Thursday evening The presi dent Mrs Young presided Miri utes the January meeting weré read by the secretory Mrs Sheldon and adopted During th business pérlod it was planned to turn into the churn treasurer $10 Aublils were pald to date and plans with rarnmitteos 7hr toicaidr to AmEasféu wad Lloyd Sawyer read the Sari urr alni Mr Husleph ens in lieuoi lesson tlloughts reada few aIllClEs from Fitzmclri Gays book Mrs Kelly interesting report on prong dMjs normally 6nthe financla relutn IFAwdalntyiuneh Mrs was served by th hostesses Mrs William Reid Mrs Douglas Reid gliders Roland Corner con Pitcairn aiue air conditionedheatlng 1953 Dodge Rage 1955 Dodger 1953 Nash Cainadian StstésmaliSedamo ed attractive bluevVery lea l9551 Chrysler Windsor SedunPatri an Blue IiiII EASY Show them Excellent Sedan fitted with overdriveand nishedComnstionfiiiiE New seat covers air conditionedmealing First class allithrouglh Three tonei finishnlioyal Lancer Custom radiarwlndshleidi wash crs air conditionedboating automatic transmission Gleanéas new oped turn signals hgatér Einish conditioned hsatin wheel covers hark up slits hlrnisfinais newseat covers NANCE rémieuiCK YAo is i953 FOR THE gt zest to the skiers arid tuhogg era asgtaeuagersand juniors héa saw 6rd restore Nero enors forlriarch meeting iDonnelly andI Mrs Kelly as tea hostess EmailsHerself ur Ladyvol the Snowsf ex ceeded her reputation this month providing weekend storms he one ofi Fehnle leftuo doubt in the minds 01 older that the old fashioued wi were at past Schools weré all closed the southernjsectlun oi the ownship The now plows idop as possible only to have theni re Hawévcr thereAwereho serious illnesses Valid nor shortage of fooduand file Many house wivesprovided hatchoi home made bread llfelr fumili extinct Itl Wilsr aim noel that the storm witit Jan and exnemecoid seamedto for them or tun and wlththe Ielnen anoint5F tiny andtsch is to l1 dedlca loll snipe which was postpoued will take pla Sunday March at ierhq ta hot lur ton hunch Mr ldlin joined Woiter Allan and liners speaker Everyone is welcaiiié WCommufiity Centre eningwas postponed till lator Minesiug spent showing the old inéthod 411 ms jam Helen nane cmoantiroutrrai on no not romanmoo manna iifcuumr non whiz gt hemvn doom mobuh 1m adminsAI new NNSrAli 64 native ol Eiheherqiee Milena hqsbeen nmuiotgd 5to director at the irailqurl dcpmmcnls pivli Him mil in 1986 and since 150 has bcclr assistant10 Rob Brt Dodds who has reiired amt Marion Moorew husiilirolren hone in her foot All wish her speedy mover Empathy on community Mn ml Mrs Reg Rutherford Mm William Hangman and cor don him and Mrs Wilired John ston Mr and MrsBelnarrl Johnston and Bryan wont lo vale to they BishopLynn Funeral Elmer flim MID Filmer wns resting 43m vlfederatlon Meetlhg Ruglzy groupi of theEndem llan ol Agrlcultum will meet on Friday evéniliii Eel 28 it 815 gatjithe home Mr and Mrs Don McLeod Allan Wall assutant agrlcule the representative will lJe the chk Home Len Rendition is home after spending some Vtime in the north working for paving com pany Mr And Mr George Bames Ind Wayne visited Witll dheir daughter and family Mr and Mrs Klrkwoodln Sudllury 0m lieddcrs Course Mrs Clark Home and Mrs Edward Langman attended the 4H homemaking ieadels course on Monday which had been postponed account of bad maids closed school forthrae days rand blocked roads jTile dance Royl VldnriaHoan4 Isl Burle on Feb 31 to Illfi Hi1 Rotten custom int Vidal HMplilI Burris on hhm it LAC uid Mn Iohn Kuhn 11 BenKy is Blrri numyifinuufln HUMANm iwlnl rumor ll Victqrin llospiiu rrie on Fell 21 ms la lll Ind lrt Cllfl Park Bfl Elmlie on the mum11 MCKWkNAPRWII Vidorln Hospith darn rain 21 in to an no flCol hll Galen ISX Depot Am In mgmcrr TmmAyfloyl Victori Hon hi Elma 16 la Kr n1 Mu Brion Tnpneu ll Vlclnrll at Burris Im Hlnothy Brinni WllllllAMSIM Rayl Victor Hotplr mutiner all 81 to Mr Ind urn aniord willlnml li7 ucxworun muslin monomer cumMva rorooio on Timur dny no 21 mo mo Gertrude poem durly beloved wife the mo Gael or norm Ind loving mother orceeeu Mn uuey of Mull Bullnl nt Lloyd no sueiuow maul June Woniry Si Burris or urvlea on Sunniy Moran it 210 pro Innan Blrrla union cemetery Al me home it ills ninBol Kerr Tmmnuo 0n Wzdnesv day Jul Britten 321m Kerr hulblnd at the tha Myfllo Jane Morrllson Algidurecnlhir Audrfl 11 uri In Kindred Ind Borden ol Alllrton lnhll Min yur nesting It the Thouflu mi flAiilIlon lor 9811c LY 13ml lhtermemr Million union Cun eiery lACKiFAl lhe No demon normal Feb 1968 Mervyn Jlmu mile nutz or nail ahuiioa Avg WHI Hlmlllon pelovzd nuahllld vi Duelhy prln Ami II lllller oi Ronda our boaarmame nlld Robert at ll Dian MN llnhm ueklc Elm their oh Wuley oi OJMWLCIIIIHCB Painswlelr Eric Ernest Ind Bur uen nilol lerle Mn lnrry inl Inii Mr Carr Marriott urns Min malnutritionlint Toronto Mn lioy wuion or galmien IndMn inngene Elton or Hamilton lion in Lovcnuer Dutionn county he hld been resident at Hlmllton torjl wan omerly resident Ha wu secretIV oi Civil Servnnu Amullamnted Cans our Humilion Brunch MASON At nayl Victdrll Hospital Barrie on Wodnurdry Feb ma oun iiuoyiaroloy or strand in ioyeoiwiie at Garden Mason ml or mother of DonnaMari rm Ulmdx loyed drultiler or no mo Mu comm Brdley our sister or Mrs Ever2t Knoesnxw Lillian oi arrdroro nowani mo curonce baln Toronto in her245th your Ruth the JennultFunuIl Home Borne hlnenl service Snturdty M11121 n2 pm Intermrnt St Juneg Cemelg strand MirnaMr Goo Rut Home Mono mom on Weonuury Feb 25 195i Jacob Msyer at zopnyr huoved husband ol Janet Brno dear fatherr at tho Mn nonom Bell mum at Barrie in his and your huncu neo iiianon Suri Rustin it theTi2Iker and Brewery Erngrglgchlpfl 3423 mme sep St pm ult merit Mount Alhartcunetery MILESAt aoyu Victoria Hosplt Barri date due to ma The Crumps on Wednesday ljevening March at oclock eekehd Miss Balliara men ason of the weekend with Miss Alice Cole Miss Beth Nugént oi Cun es sprni Satu ay WilllI the olo iris Mrs William Walton spent the worker with MrsThelma0r Wheeler be Meat on the Moduli Flrstfinee ng ilbe at Mrs son Sinit urday March mitteé illcharge obsa war Mrs RHarris on Charles Coley handsMrs Tmttaud Ken Ddbsou consolationMrs iiiScott and Hubchinson Thore were eight thighs on Friday Fell Winners were Howevelg the hurch harm regular linksting president is Bath so with or Wiuian to Ho denr mother or ma Humaddy Elna Mrs Boyd Chums Alice Mr Alex Smith Georfier Frankllay and Roy mooring Lhe Pouiiok Funeral Home 121 Bay flIJd Barrie Service in tn termznl Mineslng Cemetery Wmth lo thunk the Camp Borden rim some tor their prompt action in cumin tolaur Men lira also the rum whu helped Th nk you Mrs lonnWmlseyAngils 25 wishto express my sincere thanks to Iii mr fiends nnd nelghbnrs lnr 12 cards trunk flowers and in ulrles while Linden lnlhcvlloynl Vcturill Hashim and sincotretumlng name spatial ihlnku to Dr medrich the nufilu and its Your thoughliulness li aiways be remembercd Mrs stgphenron Nomrn Lime In Cook on Roy Haynes wish to express their thinks IN appreciation to the fiends neighbors and firemen who so kindly ossntud hem the rurui their horns vrr oumedand ionth many letters um acts illndnus since hen lwuhto tnunimny may rolriiver triends annbull and nurses the Roy Victoria Hos oiiriror their help and klrirln dur ing my recenylunuoJ Mxs my cows Holstein Heifers Sheep Rigs rnu undersigned lsrec=ived instructions irom leczplrd Llle at two oclock In IN APPRECJA ion 25 Dr neianoy named sitar Badminton Houge seat at the Dish of Beaufort in England 79 10 Di whim rfiomumier miuid Stephens who passed my in in 4w mashered by son Don Mari unlunnlldlulhleh item and when Phillip Now mm tuned way 21 1957 hdly roisurr oy mother notor rMi ovum FORDIn luvlnfl munfllyol dur husband liill hitter Albert Yard uno pnucdinvvny sudde no my only in our inougina isomer In our hum abova ruelabored by wife and runny rs IENDERS ScaledJeniiul will he melvodghy the undersilncdunili much nu for in muodiuoningar the Healing Smear ul Lne Mbyluiun iiinu Alluton Out For further Qmiwhn contact John Faulkntr wgulnnon su Wen Alllrton nowm or my tender not nousonly JOHN anuuuam ml LALLIBTON Ollufllh mop norms ls lmnizsv olvm um tn commotion oi the Tipr of Sunnldllearili apply to the Loumin AmtDip oil 1110 Province anuno It luinwt Sminn mum NHL Achbe tuned eonllrmllil And yllifllt lnp Byilw Number nmtdeellrint lbw Md Byvlw iellli nildi midi hm nnyer them Ind mm the date Mthnr mun puslnw olvlhe said an erMCqunclliol mound cornernon ihu allw Brilw Iulharlluvflla coni flruclion at Cnmmunlly Centr It the Village of New Lowoil in the annhin ol Sunnldliw lnd provide on tile issuance ivDehenium ortho myrnenl at he said work in Hietotal amount oi 32200000 no amount or he ratehie prop ally oi the rowruhip ntrSunnldllov according totho llsl Nvilad Aug merit liou was nmmoo And in Fulani direct debenture debt ofthn sold Township is manna DATED at Barrie this 23rd day or January l95a snwnnr usrsi or man Owen Street Elrle ontuio Soilcltors nr llle A1th min or Billion Notice um proposed lanai31 calpontion of the Town Ill Barrie l0 closr Adun strut TAKE NOTICE vlhnt lrorn uni mar the nomination heron once IWeek roi iour succgssive ween in Igneou poper published in the Town of rle known inlhc Barrie Euro the council or The Corporationoi tho Town or norm intonur to pail By low in Close Adorn strgot ior 42559 reet Eastor Johnston street it copy of the 0J1 gdfiyvlrw may he the at cc mill Town Clerk at no Municile Building Collier Sllreet aarrig anturio AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE um this rig otjh Loxptladonaktiia iii hear any person who claims that nlt lund will in ore Judleinlly affected by the sll nun who implies to inc heardr or by his cqunsel solicitor DATED at lanrri ter 5th any or February no 19 smucm merit or the nv nous srnannm rows Solicitors rorfrne corporation al the Town at Butler was gt AUCTION SALE smcor COUNTY SHORTHORN BREEDERS CLUB Thursday April Btzrrie Flair Ground 11 MALES andhorgmus intario government Billl AUCTJONSALEj FOR cngnuonuus AP gt caclL ROBINSON sec rren comvvnran ourlinloi 15 49 inguponuio Marallonrlnd thmrtr Town LBuHL

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