Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1958, p. 10

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halt line fa Organization Ontario Union Farmer There is consistentrequest from the Federal Government in Ottawa ind also thePro vincial Governmept ln Queeg Park inioninio that Unions and Federations get to gether and comewithrongte voice Amalgamation is term used in Manitoba for more than two years has been heard in Ontario on the County levels and lately suggested by Gordon Greer newly elected president oi Ontario Fed eration oi Agriculture and re portedly suggestedreccntly by ii llnnnam of Canadian Federa tan of Agriculture Amalgamation is not new telm Manitoba Farmers Union suggesied tth to Manitoba Fed eration oi Agriculture and Coop eratives almost three years ago Interprovincial Farm Union Coun cil suggested it to Canadian Fed eration ot Agriculture one year ago Some Ontario County Un ions and Federation organizations have toyed with it but so far there has been no amalgamation Why an Federations nutrient Some clear understanding oi the constitution and organizational setup of these organizations must be understood When reporting the amalgamation meetrng oi the committees representing IFUC and CFA and held in Port Arthur last Marai Arnold Plait IFUC representative suggested to the lFUC joint Provincial Board meet ing in Winnipeg last jui that in SPEEDY linto Repairs Ferndaie nunlnp St PAULDUBOIS Pirone Pii til7869 an opinion not practical 119 organisation he ions the educatedthatthe Fed in practically every province and all were roprescnted on the board of CFO Contrary to this pro cedurc IFUC is made up of repre scntatlvec eaehot the live provinces so far organized with each province having the exact provincial comparisons will be Plain the illtercn hetwcentlr orsrnizatlonll nuke up and opera tion of the pective organiza tions LUniorr Catholique des CultivgtcursQuchec Known as Quebec Farmers Un ion is actually Farm Union having some 40000 members and paying directmembership fees President Lamolnc is second vice president of CFA Organizational policies differ in that Mr Lamolno told his recent convention that farmers will have to organize as labor has organized also that farmers will havetocome more to governments Federations have refused to cooperate with labor Dr Hannam even stated fronf platform in Lindsay that CFA would fight labor if necessary Federation policy has been one of selfhelp through marketing boards and minimum of govern ment protection it has been suggested that the Quebec Union and CFA connec tion is mostly of nature of pres tlge for both Manitoba NAnnd CoOpcratives vs Manitoba Farmers Union MFAC is federation of farm ers commercial organizations as the name CoOperatives would indicate Strongest member is Manitoba Pool Elevators whose president William Parker is let vlceresl ent CFA The Pool has locals roughout the province wherewlevators are established lflhe remaining members are com posed areaoperatives MFAC is ilnanced by grants from its co operatives including the pool el evntors ManitobaFarmers Union is grassroots direct dues paying membership organization of actual producing farmers and financed mainly by membershipdues Re cently however the Manitoba ACCOUNTANTS MacLAREN CO CHARTERED Aecouurms Calller st Barrie LICEN MUNICIPAL nunlrnn HARRIS NEEDHAM CO Certified Public Accountants Toronto and Barrio Barrie Office Wilson Building Post Oliice Squm Telephone PA 3839 Resident Partner NBEDEAM CPA ARTHUR POWELL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 24 Dunlop sr Bust Barrio Telenhlmc PA asrao ROSE dc HARRISON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTI snnrunr nose era sanrunr HARRISON on as Collier Street Phone ea um VETERINARY DR FLEMING VETERINAMAN and SURGEON Sophia St name Phone ea H545 DILG SPEARIN VETIEIUNARMN and summon Steele so Barrie PHONE no war == LiFE lusuaANcr Apranon HARRIS Chimrvd undrmiiter Personnl Business Lile Insurlnvv ESTATE PLANNING GROth BENEFITS Representino London Lin Inlurante cm OPTOMETRY MAURICE BARRE none OmWT nunroa aitlw other Hours In more are BOBIERuM ILD orronmrs Dunlap St ome Hours in Ihvul nonnnr sauna no OPTOMEFRBT duly Hours Phony can nuhiop at East NOEL srnrnnnson no oyronarnrsr Ian at nun Phone 15 Collier st PIANO BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE narrlsurr Solicitors Nature Purina Conveyancers etc aron To more timer Owen EtBarrto WBrarlclerfilce Flmvale Ontario news oc suerm COWAN COWAN Banister Solicitor No Consulting Hour to am to pan Monday to may Ross cown MONEY mm Collier st nurre JOHN OTTON ILA Barristers solicitors Notariel 91 nunrop st Room nanm moms re um SMITH MW Oltr successors to human in Mccnurz no Beher EBmith qr Arthur when BIrrlstersSolidton etc 39 Dunlop 8h Phone PA NW LIVINGSTON ms Barristers Ind Bellman Phone In ouor MUSIC LESSONS Marlin nrnnsma cutinod fiusie men VIOLIN ACCORDION do no ANNE SYREFY JOHN STEELE spacial DIPLOMA TEACHER mEonv neumasnsmrrn ADVANCED ms is MAPLE ave JESSIE BRYSON mr TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING and THEORY eunns prepred rar exam lnat ons at the Royal Conservatory or Mus Toronto all grades includinl nncr no em Metirods more 211 card st rune ra Hill amnesia nose no Registh Music Trichol instruction in plane mourn chi ehmfnubleefi eras no PLMHS pump Osteopathic wrrsoN panorama cumc Telephone PA 229 WIISON IUILDIN IAII EDWIN WHEN meow lllllllE an lentlon Provincial setups diflércd same type of union setup some hich may best BLACK Lillian it an blaek lamb quadruplets Born Pool Elevators has financially con Iron tributed to the MFU Saskatchewan Federation culture vs Saskatchewan Farmers Union SFA similar to MFAC is com posod oi cooperatives anain body is the Saskatchewan Pool Elevat ors which also has locals through out the profince where pool el evators are established SFU is grassroots direct dues paying membership producer or ganization and is financed mainly by its membership dues The recent Union Convention resolved toward amalgamation with the Federation there Alherthcderation of Agriculture vs FormUnion of Alberta As in Manitoba and Saskatch ewan the Alberta Federation 01 body at commodity groups and coops Again thePool Elevators is the main strong voice and strongest financier The Farm Union of Albertans in Manitoba and Saskatchewan is the grassroots direct duespaylng membership organization It is the policy making organization for Alberta farmers These organiza tions each understand their town particular function and have friendlyjand cooperative relation ship In fact they elect directors on each others provincial boards Ontario Federation of Agriculture vs Ontario FamusUnion Ontario Farmers Union al though only five years old has 22 County and some Distri or ganizations It is also direct membership dues paying organiz ation and is financed provlncially entirely from membership dues County organization in eitception al cases accept townshipdona tionswhioh are used in the county As other farm unions it family organization having own womens president and president it is controlled by its cooperation from governments press radio and news outlets that it now enioys Ontario Federation of 1Agricul ture has no direct farmer member ship but is composed of some83 affiliated organizations which in clude marketing boards and co ops even Womens Institute For finance it has guaranteed annual wage which it extracts from town ship and county councils co ps which make up its membership it is some 20 years old Unlike the Farmers union it professes to speak for all Ontario farmers al though being merely an organiza tion of organizations it cannot possibly know what farnrers sup port it Proof that it speaks for farm commodities rather than farmers was evident when Gilbert Arnold president and Alvin Rio tnul director of Ontario Cheese Ottawa Government againstset ting floor prica under milk to the producerswh the Farmers Union officials earnestly en couraglng the government to pro vide such assistance Those of the Federationpwere asking the government merelyto loan money to finance the madeup the iarmers who produce these are twoentir difierentjanm organizations grassroots farmer pr er or ganization and the Fe nbe ing Federation of Agrjoultural organizations there may be no immediate hope of amalgamation but there can be co working arrangemen thetwo ifhas in Alberta ther Linda Isherwood of Surrey BC poses with Agriculture is cooidlnating membership and Jras earned tile Produccrs recently warnedthe cheese andIignoring the needs of the Ontario Farmers Union being the qnnattd tarmn spear ion on her lath comes Law line in Daily Bladder April rs 1995 And the Unionism Foresees Weekin 10 Years Funny Not ntall ITiIere aré plenty of men now Working Dn duhour schedule who can mmemher working 55hour week in their youth and atthe Iurnsot the century the tillhour week was fairly common Naturallythere will be quite spread of time before them hour or even the ourweelt becomes the new ted thingin sulrheiding reads lSHbur depend on greater productivity creased mecba lzatrpn automa tion improve stribution not to mention centinuationof lpmspority Butuwhether the 80 hour or the whoulor the 1th hour week ambitiouslyforecast fer our greatgrandchildren wr or will nothbecdino fact is not the point at issue here The real pmblem ill be what toido with the 138 or 148 hours leis urc time that will be available Assuming that the majority will slumber the usual fsleep of the just itwiii still leave bet ter than 80 free hours each week Of coursepa of this time can he spent clu ring up the highwa shooting the acei dent toll ll her and higher thereby boosting the traffic policemans wor week to 50 hours and scoring lheskin off the cows ln roadside fields whoso mistyeyed owners are still week rt of the time too lls properly classed as the Farm rs Commercialorganizaljonand the Union properly givenits jobof organizing andspeaking for farm ers this couldhappen and provincial have professed to represent and spealrvjor all fann ers Only the Farmers Union can possibly knowwfho supports it and for whom it speaks as it is the only organizationwlth directdues paying membership There is job for both if each propth attends to hi own jolt about once in every iambsweigh about tour pounds each slugging olrt Imhourl The Federationshutlrna and nied permission the campus for thelllast four 2g sérosrlthe you unfrozen to with almost ed 01 fBrit The campniln opened weé with arserley of mass and will gather Inp wlv in April with march iromj Pr1118a to atomic lie support to banning the hy drong bomb which the omn Lrarnb quads 10 non births Bf msnn can be vyspent omig eqrially mistyeyed gas stat nfope ors storekccpcrs arid restauran own ers back onto the 80hour sched ule or if one is that way in clined there will be Iple of opportunity to jest se Or battlewith ones spouse till leg ions of furious women descend 011 Ottawa like summer storm demanding repeal off this tropic isle lexlstenc theatre to theatre the while the illnsta sweit but mind when to make trough tures 104 ill the needed quota for this new classrof idler Scriqusly speakingtlre trend vhor demanddor constantly shorterwork week presents challenge to tile sociologists lust howmuchicisure time can the ordinary individual use in toliigentlyi Admittedly there areaiewhnen ulro live to work Many more work to live But the thought 01 pretty fair slicer tire population living to loafgexcept to handtul of con firmed workvhatcrs is terrifying Actually it makes mockery of common sense NoO leciro To Pearson Speaking On QAC Campus TORONTO CP Premier Frost stated he has not the slightest obiectionto Liberal LeaderIester Pearson speaking on the campus of Ontario Agri cultural College at Grrel He spoke the Ilegislature in swcr to quetsion by Harry NixonIrBiant who referred to report that the eollegeiprinl It hasnot been referred to irrejf replied the premier but if is there will rightoigway given ecr Leader aid said he himself had been de to appear on cheese producerheads members Or wander from since the great to often itemsay poses the Vsuprerite moral issu of thetimcs They would have Britain renounce it unilaterally if oped be The president of the cam paign philosopher Bertrand nus sell uid that as things go now it is on even chance whether any human being will be alive 40 years rom now Another speaker at the kitdr otr rally in London CanonJohn ire nits theth at Roehdale is just flea bite compared with what may happentopollticinns who persist with nuclear weapons CrushingSotbselt The mohdale reierence was to the cnrshing defeat the Con servative party uiiercd in the recent threeoornered tight won by gt it is hard toestllnute how in fluentlal the new banthwbomb in arming ritain bid will become out the passlon ate feelings of those involved have been clearly demonstrated The News nicle says the meetings added up to the big gest indoor demonstration in London since the warprobably popular front rallies ag nst Fascism in the interim Those present undoubtedly in cluded paéifisLsr and probably Communist syrnpathlzers Prominent persons rassociated with the movement are author Rose Maea lay Professor rr Woddington John Rotblai scientist Flora nuclear actmsies Robson and Dante Edith Evans playwright Pr stley and historinnAlan Taylo The campaign coincides with stirrings of unrest among some Conservative Ibacirhenchers on the British governments nuclear policy Concern has been on years would the pre fy the entirexpoii would have no objection to the students hearing my honor able friend lrbm 32 said the premier do mm anyrunwritt VIJll the college but in this matter aln ireewh ellngthe students can hear anyone they want try to culinpub Llr York3 Ir CPS scout le ers from all pm southwn em Ontario will BIN here No for the Great Conferenc oi Scouts Hunt for the ouedav nieet is thevcbotharn assign or last white paper imply Th lain wouldhe pre fourlieal clover it considered lucky because its our leaves form SMALL DEPOSIT Will Hot ANV ARTICLE lloven 5r range rags 25 Feb 58 want6 film be clear Donald MacDon When you huygiiiei uraneefit vitiriiy impor antto obtain pla Chiilnolfl situation ex tly Srm 1y buying policy can bee rooted to provide your family wrtll tire kindoi tailormade protection dt is available to them The plan which ri lit focyeu determined by number attiretors your scale oIiivirig your plunsior your our future prospectsthese and other details of yo Business and home finances Lilo reseutatrvo are trained to ink ullthep rtinentiucrs into unit in helping one rliie insurnri plan Mo over it is their job to assist you

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