Essential Services Undergo Major AlteratiopSICGE works cor aame waras helm One of the most extensive al rteration prognms resulting from the additional lactory area has been in the boiler room The increased steanirand air demand made itmandatory that we not only add additional horse power but also Improve consid erably existing equipment We have continuous demand for steam and air throughout each work week around the clock This demand must be satisfied without interrupting production schedules in the past we had two John Inglis eoalfired boilers and two large compressors One of these compressors was situated in cement storage shedat the rear of the plant The coal was stored in large bunker beside the original holler room The new plans called or con version of the two coalfired boilers to oilfiring enlargement of the coal bunker area to make room for the addition of yet an other new oilfired boiler and the relocation of the compressor that was outside The relocation and installation of all of thls major equipment conversion to oil plus the addi tional related equipment and controls so necessary to produce air and steam at an economical cost has been big undertakin requiring very careful planning Ind scheduling Ahuge central control panel was designed and installed which made for more automatic control of all of this equipment This maze oI gauges meters and electronic controls while it eliminates lot of manual labor required in thepast calls in great deal of technical know how to operate and maintain Water treatment equipment was installed to provide us with boiler feed water that would not corrode and deposit scale on our boilers andin our valves and pipes This equipment removes dissolved gases calcium and magnesium salts and reduces the aikiiinlty 20000gailon oil storage tank was installed along wi equipment necessary to heat and pump the oil to the boiler$ The type of oil which we use must be heated to 130 degrees before it can be pumped and burned otherwise it has consistency much like cold tar It is de livered to us in tank trucks at temperature of 150 degrees Steam coils in our insulated stor age tank maintain it at the re quired temperature Labor Relations BoardvTaVkes Searching Look at Union Shop gtGueiph lliercury realistic approach to the problems in revising Ontarios la bor laws is being taken by the Legislatures Select Committee on Labor Relations The public good it seems will take precedence over political considerations in the committees report Evidence on the point is the statement of Committee Chairman James Maloney that the com mittee will take long and search ing look at the union shop in On tario llIr Maloney told his com mittee that he has one witness who is prepared to testin that he lost his job after he was unjustly expelled from his union Under Barrie Juveniles Gravenhurst Gravenhurst Banner Barrie Flyers Juvenile Club had to come from behind to tie the Gravenhurst club 44 in hard fought contest Friday night at the arena here Ellis opened the scoring for Gravenhurst early in the first per iod on pass from Kerr Barrie came storming back few miuutes later with Shannon defenccman getting his first goal of the even ing MaeNab gave Gravenhurst the lead once again as he let go with backhand shot which caught the twine behind the be wilderedliarrie goaltender Scott getting the assist Iri the second period the Barrie clubdrew first blood ona goal by Lloyd unassisted Gravenhurst came right back with Duniop slap pingiiomc pass from MacNah The he hardlcharging Barrie club dthei score on Shannons seeondgoal oi the evening At this stage Barrie seemed to out play the locals However in the third pericdMacNab scored on dpasssirom Dunlop at thefivemin ute mark Just fétv seconds later Shannon wiring home his third goal ef the evening The game seemed to get pretty rough attimesand this may have resulted in the disorganization of the play at certain stages How over both teams were skating hard and puton aJerritic show before adisappointing crowd of 2505mm union shop contract an employer must fire anyworker suspended by union circumstance which puts very great power in the hands oi aunlon The danger to the working man inherent in closedshop contract has been recognized in the Uhited States where 18 states havepass ed what are knovvn as righttot work laws Such laws are simply provision that union member ship doesnot have to be con dition of employment it may be that the same result could be achieved by following the suggestion made to the Select Committee by more than one group that the law should permit labor unions to be sued for darn agcs virtually no means of redress it the law permitted him to sue the union for damages the extreme power of the union would be effectively limited At the same time making unionliable to suit would help to curb unlawful strikes unlawful picketing work stoppages due to jurisdictional dsiputes wilful damage by pie keters or imported labor goons in their earlier days to protect them in their formative stage un ions were exempted from many legal controls that apply to all other groups But do unions any iongqcr need such special protec ion crowswhip Thomas 122 Crowes Automotive hockey team defeated Thomas Electric 122 in Barrie District Hockey League game at Thornton Monday The winners jumped to big lead early in the first period and added no it throughout the re mainder of the contest Don Richardson and Maloney fired three goals apiece for the winners Richardson and Jones connected twice and single tons went to Jardin and Kenning ton Bowman scored both goals for Thomas Electric Bay areas to the thousands of latest proposal has been supplied ltvrawor our con neutrons shows drastic change at CGE Barrie new oilTired furnace one or the com pressor and Works The Construct tricks on SevernyRiver 10 Complete Trent Waterway Orillia Packet and Times proposal new bolorc Trans port Minister Hoes holds more potential benefit for businessmen in Orillia and elsewhere in the Lake Simcoeï¬corglan Bay area than anyproposed piece of leg islation of recent years Sponsor ed by Dr Rynard memberof par liament for Simcoe Eastthc pro posal calls for the construction of locks at the Swift Rapids and Big Chute sections oi the Severn River to complete the Trent WatA envoy and open up the entire KawarthasLakc SimeoeGemgian cruising boatmen from central and eastern United States This proposal was discussed last week in the column on this page written by Patrick Nicholson our special correspondent at Ottawa it is one which has been consist ently sought by businessmen tour ist resort operators and others lnterestedjn the development of our rccrcational resources for many years and which has been so staunchly defended and champ ioncd by Dr Hale our great predecessor on this paper In deed much of the statistical data and other ammunitionflnfor this by Dr Hale probably the fore most supporter of the waterway There is no question hutrthat this waterway properly develop ed couldbc one of the greatest tourist attractions of thisvsection at Canada and would complete cruising groundthat is simly yachtsmans dream At the mo mentthis great chain of beautiA ful lakes and rivers connected by fine system of locks is complete save at its western outlet to Geor gian Bay The westernmostloek at Port Severn was completed but those at the Swift and Big Chute were never iinishedalthough the Iirstnamed was abandoned only alter great deal of the construe tlon had been done In place of the locks two marine railways were put in involving the haui ing of boats over the height of land by rail car This system oi necessity imposes great strains and stresses on large craft which require great deal of support under keels and bilges to avoid hull strain because the great weights involved the size or the vessels that can be accommodated since the ex lsting cables and machinery are not capable of hauling really heavy ships As result many of the larger boats do not enter the system at all and great many others only come as far as Georgian Bay at the western entrance or Bobcay geon in the east before retracing their courses home If these large vessels could be introduced into Lake Slmcoe and central por tions or the waterway it would mean many thousands of dollars in additional revenue to each town village and resort area along the shoresot these lakes In an example quoted byMr Nicholson an Ottawa yachtsman reported that sin le cruiser cost $150 otloat ao caygeon took on 2000 gallons of gasoline and the party of 30 hoatmen all enjoyed $4 steak dinners at nearby hotel This is thekind oi revenue that resorts and shopping districts in this area would stand to gain it large craft could be brought up through this part or the waterway Many boats now using thelower reaches have no sleeping accom modation hotels and cottago op erators would benefit from their trade All boats need constant re victualiing the increase in food drink meal and sundry sales wouldbc most marked here if these locks were built The construction of one look nun am it also limits ï¬zigosslsuds Ar Kivvqnls Dinner it wuhosehud Night Monday or Barrie Kiwanis Club when the mentors had their daugh ters to dinner at Community House There was favor and rose torneach Rosebud at the door Program was arranged by Ross Stephens chainnan oi boys and son anti Wendy Lines Aether related eï¬ulpment can be seen Pictured is the man responsible for this area Owen swan 11 p73 rynard ropes and the completion of the other would involve the expenditure of more than two million dollars and would provide employment for every available person in the dis lriet for at least year It would be diiilcult to conceive of any construction which would return such handsome dividends to so many people and surely everyone who lives in this arcs will wish Drhltynard every success in his proposal Weaiher Tofday Sunnyancl Cold The week has been coldfso far with drnpagain this morning ifler rnldnlyat to it below but back up to below after am sunny and clear Temperatures were High Low 16 10 r5 20 °8 24 Feb Feb Feb Feb 11 Feb 12 early Below zero NEW STAMP 10 THIS IS THE SPECIAL five cent stamp to be issued March5 to mark Canadas role in the In ternational GEDphysical year The blue stamp was designed by Pollock of Toronto and shows large microscope in silhouette he hind which globe displays the Northern Hemisphere asgtviewed from the north pole IIIE snow caution SUNDAYMQNDAY éARRISONfTQHEATRE BQRDEN= 83ti pmf kind permission of Col Alforrnn no on Commanding Oiticer Headquarters Camp Bord conï¬rms MusrcAe nomcumc 54 RE rue mmsqu rum is open in ru PUBI on motion manual 11 ijICEs 300 259 gt1 Ticket Ave 48 collier StBorn lTluirs table at Cusdhhshhnrrhgcj 113 and girls work committee In his absenceon trip to Florida Ken Walls acted as chairman and introduced Miss Domthy lath at the stafl of Hillcrest School who gave brief talk on Puppetry and how she uses itin her teach She found it fascinating of Hill crest Miss Loth staged delight ful puppet program at four ori ginal skits complete with record ed music Thanks were extend ed by Vicelresident Ted Nettlc ton Prizes were in charge oi John Ough The draw winners in three diifercnt agé groupsrwcre Heather Brenneman RobinArmv strong and Sandra Fleming Past President llxltodgers officially installed fBert Allen as treasurer of the club dinner guest wasJ Ham ilton principal oI Barrie District North Collegiate hobo not Hos Ridiejy vs Hersey Rink it will be war Ridley vs Frank Hersey in the klabatt Trophy final tomorrow night at eight oclock at Barrie Curling Club Last night in the semi Iinal Hersey beat Jack Nixon 100 on an extra end and Ridiey beat Bob Green 36 Hersey is skipping the George Dangerï¬eld rink since the latter isaway at Oshawa curling in the Consois piayotts with Harry Armstrong Dangerfield skipped the iirst game of the Iabatt knockout playoffs on Monday and won but relinquished his team of Jack Quinn vice Ken McKenzie and Byrne to Hersey for the semiï¬nals RidA icy has Gene Flnkbeiner as vice along with Dr George Seymour who leaves or Bermuda on the weekend enduAl llood as lead In Mondays games the scores wereI Dan eriieid gt14 George Kennedy Al Nixon 10 Ralph lteive Green Bruce Rey nolds Ridley Blil Glbbins Last nights scores by ends Green 1410000 0218 Ridiey 11101008 10 rerun summer WANT an y7rnrvaw7vgï¬erIWWIFYLw3 BASIC KNOWLEDGE rahp5 in world we must have highsehouldiplornarlrnpub tic speaking in cookingintoik dancing But it seems instEdu cltion should be aimed at provldv lng knowledge not skills ht teabhlng the basic knowledge that is ab obvipualy needed Grande Prairie Altm Heraldlribune Are you driving 1800020300 miles per year it so it is cheaper to rent by annual lease that IIIIMPHNY Illil 0N0 CAPITAL INVBBTflm No INSURANCE ramuna No cost rutPAm 111an ONO DELAY wmu CAR as we iuzPAmu coawmz mBsnoM snort WORRY For loinrmatim and Rates For Annual Lease 102 Dunlop PA 56474 an arena lid 54 hilltiï¬l ST iii Our Entire Stock of Mens and Boy Wear Must Be Sold All Suits Top cnots Sport Coats Sincks Shirts Ties Sox Underwear Huts Jewellery Belts Work Clothes Sweaters Handkerchiefs Sport Shirts and Many Other Items All Layaway Must Be Picked Up By Final Day of Sale ALL SALESEINAL TERMS CASH Mrrrs warm YbllNGMENS surrs mens SLACKS sponr COATS WINDBIIEAKEIIS LEATHER WINDBREAKERS SUBURBAN COA MENS SUITS SPORTSHIRTS PULLOVER SWEATERS TIES NYLON STRETCH socrts nasssmc GOWNS SPORT SIIIIITS SUEDE WINDBIIEAKEII MENfS SLACKS CUFF LINKS TIE BAR CUFF BELTS wmrr nannrncnlrrs mens chess socxs sucks LEATHER SUBURBAN COATS SUITS JEANS Reg TS Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg 00 495 Reg 2150 3450 695 2450 2950 5950 to 6450 495 to 695 895 to 995 100 to 150 1495 to 1695 Reg 1495 to 1695 Reg 300 LINK SETS IReg 200 Reg 25c Jackets BtlYS vicar LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS no man BOYS sucks aovs JEANS novs reques waits on Reg 600 lt Reg 150 200V Reg 995 Reg 1695 Reg 1795 Reg 2450 Reg 395 Reg 150 ss Slllltrs Reg 395 297 Reg 595 695 Reg 295 750 11 AI 999 999 1611 995 411 $231