Mission Band Feiésm Dolls and Bears forty girls and boys with their dolls and teddy bears attended Opllier street Mission Band meet ing on Feb Paper dolls were made and pictures coloredGmnes were enjoyed by everybody David Longstatte conducted the niecting Nancy Synnott read the minutes at the January meeting and Heather Campbell gave the treasurers report Elizabeth Parry Warti MR ANDMRS credo fill and EllMelh Parry Mrs Ferrisflolda storyand talked about the Festival of the Dolls and Teddy Bear Mrs Nesbitt who is the Mission Band secretary ior Simcoe Pres bytorialn told the children about the Friendly Church and had dolls at all nations Mrs Nesbit had Valentine or every child tram diflereot mission bands in the Presbyterial The meeting closed with the ROBERT SAYER Centennial United Church Stayner was the scene of pretty winter wedding when Joan Lenore MeFarlane Reg daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard McFarlane or stayner roare ried Robert Sayer only son of Mr and Mrs George Sayer oi Smiths Falls om Rev The bride given in marriage by her father was gowned in ivory crystal charm over satin styled on princess lines with long pointedsleeves and lace applique at the neckline The crown that held her fingertip veil was trimmed with lace seed pearls and sequins Her all white bou quet was at spider mums and stephanotis The maid of honor Miss Mary Hudak Reg of Toronto and bridesmaid Miss Shirley James of Toronto wore identical gowns of bluebird peau do soie styled on princess linesI with matching vel vet at the empire waistline and matching headdress They car ried white spidermums and pink carnations The flowergirl Miss Carol Mc Farlane sister of the bride wore similarlystyied dress of coral peau de sole with matching head dress and carried uosegay of white baby mums and pink rose buds The am that tells her Your heart 15 liters Dobson officiated The groom was attended by Ronald Granger at North Bay and ushers were Bert Reeve and Glen McFarlane Mrs Ivan Daley sang The Wed ding Prayer before the cer emony and illWalk Beside You during the signing of the register Mrs Henderson was the or ganist reception ior 60 guests was held in the Sunday School rooms The brides mother chose for the reception dress of aqua crepe with white accessories and wore corsage of pink sweetheart roses The grooms mother wore royal blue gown with matching hat and her corsagewas of deep red rose buds The couplelett immediately for their home in Terrace Bay on tarlor The bride chose for travel ling sheath style dress of win ter white witnmatching hit and gloves and turquoise coat yvith grey Persian lamb collar and brown accessories vaummrs DAV iraauaav um sins QDIAMoan waldoseminar canons tr Oakley parksmnaer garten and Grade Qne raiseds wecthhe sum going to further the work of theJuntor Red Cross Themothers oookedathe merchandise which 05 in candysiale last Brenda ton Allanclale iCHnï¬mlChépteia lnsralls New YearsExécuiiye Freda Huey was returned as Senior Proceptress for the second year at the installation at otficers of the Chrystal Chapter Number 50 at the Allandale Orange Lodge on Monday Jan 20 Her officers for 1958 will ho Junior Preceptress Luhda Giii hooly recording register PrcccpA tress Emma Carter ï¬nancial reg ister Preceptrcss Freda lassson treasurer Precc tress Maud Sem mins chaplain rcccptress Mar garet Handypdcaconéss Precep tress Vera Bristow first lecture Preceptress Alma Furzecolt jun ior lecture Preceptrcss Mary Davis first escort Preceptress Louise Stewart second escort Preceptress Elsie Hurst first cen sor Preceptress Madelinc Minni kcn second Preceptrcss Jennie Marsellus third Preceptrcss Ag nos Robson fourth Preceptress Sarah Carr fifth PreceptressLil lianprr sixth Preceptress Irene Harvie seventh Preoeptress May Corbett eighth rcceptress Maud Mumberson ninth Preceptress Marie McCrackcn tenth Precepv tress Annie Biggar inner sent inel Preceptress Iva Gardiner outer sentinel Preceptrcss Luella Rentner musical director Pre ceptress Agnes Wynes angle Precoptress Nellie Alker auditor ceptresses Bcairicc Corbett Don clda Cochrane and Mrs Dicksog After the siness session the members enjoyed turkey dinna which was orgnnized by Free tress Luella Rdntner and Preccp tress Agncs Robson Ladyi LionsAssisi VQN andBlind The Ladies Auxiliary to the Lions Club of Barrie met at the Community House on Monday Feb Several items oi business were discussed among them being the decision to help with the Hospital Auxiliarybridge on Feb 28 to continue to iihoncc the car tor the VON and to help with funds for thï¬Blind The Lady Lions are also assistihg with the tea to be held in April to help the Cancer Fund They are pro viding refreshments for 100 peo ple as welias helping in the kit chen and waiting on tables Later in the springthe Barrie Lady Lions are having tea to support the ï¬nancing or the VON car ScottyBrennan arrived ntté hazardous trip through hit Preceptress Shirley Knight Theoflieers were installed by past Senior Preceptress Thelma Tompkins assisted by delegates from the Alliston Chapter Prel rHsv SUPER6W zard from Toronto and put every one to work logs Tcn dozen cre completed Refreshments were served af ter the meeting ohm maki cancer dress VailSave 018P MtArsgxz stairs or 10 PORTERHOUSE slalom BOMELESS POINI SIRLOIN BONELESX ROUND ISTEAK saunas rungWm to End Cu mdlou gqnv it 3154 49 fiealive 1293 till and milk and ended our party with few games and songs andlhe mothers anduiathers who drove us there antihaek tiuronmi NAVEL OR Kinderghrtenand GradeLOne Fouroi the sales personnel at Davis Steven mï¬ï¬VTVVWVw warnvvmwwrwwvqu initials Receive Phil031 Ari nhnts six month ind over and preahool children are elig ible tomeive gtPlfliomyellusvar cine tjtwo clinics to he heldfnt lheJBarrie Armoury on Monday Feb 17 andMondayMalehJ1 Children wht meived doses list year are eligible edonly cntsnre askcdito thirddose Children with do tye receive Wm doses gt Last yearspréschooi= wh are now in school are not hie at theseelinics beguken care of so ob Par cooperate to avoid embarrassment Those ehildrcnwho areeligible tor vaccine will receive two doses now at least our weeks apart andnorthwillrbe in the alternoo the Sinicoe County Heal an bathe est the school left to right vhnZWllson seven months or longer These clinicsiale operated by one Parents maytalge their chi drenlto the lamin doctor for voccination in order to save time staph clinic parenta are alienatep pm their children ior vaccina tion befor presenting the child to the doctor lS BARRIE GIRLVGUIDES The Gdides wereushown around the Barrie Flrc Hallby may and Mchnn on They looked over the trucks and inspected the lollowing hose ladderssafety equipment and fire extinguishers The Girl Guides were told where the fire hydrants are locat ed and aw hose which hung lrom Moot tiretower The Girl Guides Were shown the way theiire bell works The trucks are cleaned very ot tcn and always after ntlro Ono truck would cost about $30 000 The Guides were also interested in the small terrier 3rd BARRIE BROWNIES Saturday Feb the 31d Barrie Brownies of St Andrews Church had skating party at the Barrie Arena Alter skating we wcroinvlted to enson83 DdtitiafStrett wherewe enjoyed hot dogs cake ice cream Ourthanlrs to Mr Stevenson TANGEST no Grip Thursday Feb the horde of Brownledonet Stev rijcolluralistsljElect5 wOl ice sfAnnuél Meeting the Angus Horticultural Society met th Siincoe Slice School onlil night Jan 27¢ The meetlng opened president mm thechoir Oneminutes Silence was observed in memoryzo HKirby who had been very active member at ry sats actoryureporls were given by the president and adore taryrtreasurerior 1957 Broomticld was called upon to prese prizesto the school children ho had the best gardens when they were judged by Broomtield and TuWilkinson in the summer Six prizes were awarded as fol lows lst Robbie Wilson2nd Caro Bonnet 3rd Murray Wat son 4th Nancy Glen 5th Sandra Dempstcr and 6th Jimmie Eeaves There will be the usual drive for new members as only through interested members can the soci etyhe success The main pro jects arclfor besutiilcatlon of the cemetery the plot wherecairn i5 and any omcrplaces theycao TherEile alwayispleoty of corners that needtixlng up And injuries to do thesethingsrwe need the help and cooperation of all our member Sand rd Page was asked to taltethe chair or theelecflon of officers for The new oilicers are as follows Honorary presidentI Mrs Ha Smith Campbell president Dexter 1st vicemreside Mr Arnott Wilso 2nd vicep ident Mrsrllla gtRobinson Directors to or term are Mrsr Wilford Alnum Mrsrrsarm Erwin Mrs Art Duckworth Mrs Donald Bush and Mrs William lr wxn birectors for oneyear term are Bryson Redtern Broomiieldi Wilkinson George Kenton and Mervin Dobson gt Librarian and press correspon ent ivars Gord With with Mrs Wills and is TheTown is divided hyBayfleld street All those west and south of Bayfleld will be takenura in themorning All those out and northwillbeinthe sitsnoon Rural residents who missed the clinics in theirarea will be looked alter both morning and alteration Allandale CWL Has 62 Member Sthohn Vianney Catholi Wm mens League held itsxnonthii meeting in the school on Tues1 day evening no4 withJï¬ï¬‚ Belanger presidihg The membership convencr Mrs ish op reported total of 62 momJ bent its resuitvoi the driv membership in January it wasdeeided to hold pm gressive euellrc in the school on Monday evening Feb Bish in charge It is hoped tomake the euehro parties weekly event at Atihe close of the meeting lunch was served by MrsKPem nock and Mrs Blshop gt Unity Auxiliary Told About Life in Japan The February meet Unity Auxiliary of Colller Street united Churdh was beldjat the homeot Mrs RHSarjeanL The president opened tb meeting with prayer Mrsxs vPalteisorr read the mlnutosot the January meeting and Mrs Milne read thetreasurersreportl The worship service was con ducted by Mrs Parr and Mrs Brent Mrsl Winchester and Mrs Patterson toldthe group intere ing tactsaboutliie in Japan mils Ruth Aarsen showed film From the Church of Nichio hit511 Siddoll thanked the hostess and the group in harg San itors Walter McMackon Iord Page The meeting closed with singing The Queen aitér which lunch was