ll Ton Mr IM Harold Baker of Dundolkispear luesday withlr and In WIU James at Torono spent Jew daysgvith Mr and Mrs Russell Draper recently lllrs Williani Carr remrncd home alter spending two week with her sonindaw and daughter Mr and In Ros Matthews of Thisfletm PM GoldenBC Thomas King of Golden 130 former Gookstovm My spent sev eral days in town guest attho home at Dr and Mrs Harry Lead lay Mr King had happy time renewing acquaintance seeing old inmilitr places and sights Visited in Ottawa Mr and Mrs AArnold re turned home Monday after spend lug tour or iivedays in Ottawa the guests of the farmers brother nudsisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Arnold Community Concert Air and Mrs Donald Monkman Mrs Monkman Mrs Taylor Mrs Nixon Mrs Hec tor Smith Mrs Glass Miss lrene Mehlastcr Mrs Kidd and Wallace Smith enjoyed the second concert of the Barrie Com munity Concert Association and heard Miss Frances Bible mezzo soprano on Monday evening at the Roxy Theatre Miss Bible was accompanied by Stanton Carter ntthe piano who played several solo numbers Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Arthur Gilroy and iamin of Stayner spent the week end with the farmers sister Mrs Clarence Bulman and Mr Bul man From Camp Borden Mrs Clifford Sehraniand chil dren of Camp Borden spent the weekend with the farmers par ents Mr and MrsWilliam Riley Birth of Son To Mr and Mrs Fred Eog son sun Earl Thomas born on Friday Jan 17 1958 at Stevenson Memorial HospitalAllislon ln Hospital Mrs ElsieTaylor is apatient in the Womens College Hospital Toronto Mrs William Corbett is apa tient in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Celebrate Wedding Mr and Mrs Halbert Sr New ton Robinson Willicelebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Feh l6 Old Boys Reunion Cookstown Old Boys will eel ebrate their 215t anniversary year at the Oak Roumof the Union Station in Toronto on Friday March 1958 Following toast to the old home town dancing to the WI Meeting TheWI will meet at the home of Mrs GBidwell Wednesday Fehulz at pm Motto Pre serve your health ratherthah your wealth Comment Mrs Bailey Roll call exchange or valentines Program Mrs Hayes Mt Coutts of Barrie will he the speaker at thisvmeeting Lunch Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Gsllackett Recent Visitors lb and Mrs MDoan oï¬Elm vale visited at Sheardowns this past wee Skating Party Edgar and gtHillview public schools held skating party at the Guthrie Arenaon Tuesday Eyeryone enjoyed the outing even getting stuck in the snowdritts on th sideroad Hockey Thesenior hockey doubleheader at Guthrie on Mondaygnight was qu played Wonder Valley de feated Guthrie and the Edgar and East Oro game ended in score nose in favor Edgar Monday night th Barrie one day this pastweek the Batty Orchestra tram Colin town cird playing visiting will betlie orderot the evening Mark this date on your calendar now and plan to come and bring your tricnds and relatives for an en oyahle evening The execu tireLP Ross president Mrs Dalton Draper secretary Your onksiown member to contact Kenneth mwhrd Legion Bnchre Memhers olthe badles Auxil iary of the Canadia Leglo were hostesses at another euchr jarty it theLegion Hall on Monday night Jan 27 whenrï¬ix tables were in play winners were Mrs Norman Simon and Bert Arm strong Lucky door prize went to Mn Miller Thenext series will be on Monday Feb 10 Every one welcome Eastern Star Pinecrcst Chapter No 268 DES met atthe town hall Cookstown for their inspection by the War thy Grand Mutron Mrs Lillian Thrift of Toronto on uesdayev eningran 28 Mrs Bemnoï¬ln son District Deputy Grand Mat ron tor DistrictNo andMrs Pearl McDonald PGM andMrs Eleanor Ferguson Grand Marshal were among the distinguished guests Visitors from Alliston Slayner Creemore Midland Bar rie Orillia Stroud Eelhaven and Newmaik along with Cooks town mem ers joined in welcum ing the guests of honor Institute Meeting The Womens Institute will meet at the townhall on Thursday night Feb The topic Home Economics and Health Convert er Mrs Monkman and Mrs Riley All welcome was Sunday CallEr Mrlmtl Mrs WallucoWoods of Waverley also called on Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards on Sunday tor supper Mr and Mrs Morley Clement called for short visit on Sunday andgot Perry Clement who had spent the weekend with his grand parents Mr and Mrs Morgan Ed wards Mr and MrsGordon McKeown and family at London called on Mr and Mrs Clair McKeown William lrish and Frank Smith ams and planned to attend the funeral of Mr McKeowns uncle Mr Sykes ororiuia WMSSJ WA MeEIingMV The WMS and WA met at the home at Mrs George Hawke last Tuesday Mrs Orval Edwards the new WMS president presided over the devotional period Mrs Frank Siriitham was responsible torthe program and also took the topic They planned to send bale and alsoJo quilt two quilts one top of which was donated by Mrs Stewart Belfry and her si5lt ter Miss Margaret Cummings and the other one was made with pat ehes donated by the members Join the Church 14 young people joined the church on Sunday We all hope this will bethe means of making them good citizens They are also starting toeonduct Bible study classes in the Vasey School every first and third Wednesday Gets Honor Certificate Congratulations to Miss Janet Stewart in getting her six year honor certificate for her work in the 41 Club Mrs Wi lain Hazelton been hedfast tor several days with sore foot but glad to report she is able to be up again Cutting wood is the main work in the community gt At Executive Meeting Mrs Charles Brown Mrs Hor ace Vasey Miss Eleanore Edwards and Mrs Orvai Edwardattended the executive meeting at Burton Ave Church at Allandale Mr and Mrs William Tinney visited with their soniniaw dalb ghtér and family Mr and Mrs Gill Baker of North River From Toronto JamesBattams ot Toronto is spending some time with Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown HFC solvesotter 725311 intleypmblemsaym NSIIRANBE PLUS SHARIHTEE other will nod hlludl vat mun Iln urn tutor unin out in an morn 1°er mummy nuxflnmiii unitar only detect rill atBY CEIIOIII SII ll mur ylor rvla rinama an as 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