MnBLvlennett was boete to the Womenl Aunilinxy at Christ Churchvon Thursday even log Jan 23 Devotionalperiod was conducted by the president Jennett Scripture reading was given by Rev Bevan Monks The monthly reportlwere given by the aeeretarydreamrer end Dorcas convener Mr new bed discussiontor the church to thinkfahout and also took charge of Die programbyshowlng the picture The Power Within The meeting closed with prayer The hostess served dainty refresh menis Dr and Mrs Davis spent last weekend with Mrs EstenDavls and called on severei of his friendsI Attended conientlon hirvand Mrs Henry Davis at tended the crop and soil lmprove ment convcntion in Toronto on Wednesday Mrs Jennctt Mrs Esten Davis and Mrsulirnry Banting spent week in Toronto with rein tives and triends Service in Alternoon Church service will be at pm in the Anglican Church during February Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Ivy Presbyterian Church followed bounteous turkey supper in the basement of thechurch on Friday Jan 17 The evening brought real winters blizzard but this did noisecm to hinder the attendance northeenthusiasm oi the work to be done Mr Colvin our new moderator opened the meeting with prayer number of reports were read and adopted and the iollowlng officers were appointed Board of managers Fred Nel son Hnrold Gibson Allan Miller Lorne Corruthcrs Ross Chipchase Cecil Spears Elwood Miller Thomas Nelson Lawrence Mc Quny treaSurer Harold Gibson auditors Mcrvyn Martin Clarence Hoggarth secretary iohn Coch ratio organist Mrs Bruce Miller ushers Donald Martin Earl Cochi ranc Lawrence McQuny Douglas Specrs Sunday School superintendent Gordon Cochrane Sunday School teachers Miss Margaret Coeh ranE Mrs Fred Nelsonllirs Har old Gibson Mrs Bert McLean Cleve Patton Mrs John Coch ranc assistant Sunday School teachers Mrs Gordon Cochrane Mrs Loroie Carruthcrs Mrs Nor ma Martin Mrs Doris Lyons Miss Donna Lyons Church trustees Fred Nelson Clarence Hoggarth secretarytrea surcn of cemetery boardiarold Gibson directors bi icemetery board Lorne Corruthers Cecil Spears Fred Nelson Members of the church board were happy to receive money gift from the Mission Band for the erection of suitable chumh plaque Mr Calvin closed the meeting with prayer CALL THE EXAMINER F03 ralerING PHONE PA out This yvu in their concert Duringthe eveningthey in sealed Mrs Kin with nbououet of beautiful dalfodils roses and earnetionsdpd Mr King with plaque depicting the Sup per Farewell are sorry to lenrnthet Rev insulting Gordon Ringware leav ing the parish of Vespra to take up an appointment in new de velopm6ntarea It Sundlyï¬llslt Mr and Mrs Bob Parrett and tamily of Brocebridge spentSun day Jan it with their parents Mr and MrsLeighton Adams Mr and Mrs Brian and Carol have been spend ing few days with friends in London and Toronto Sympathyoi Community Sympathy of the community goes out to Mrsfl Young in the deathbi her brother Clar ence Ford Barrieron Jan 20 WA Meeting The meeting of Minesing Un ited Church WA was held in the Sunday School room on Jan 16 The new president Miss Mary McLean was in the chair assist ed by the new secretary Mrs lliuir and the treasurer Mrs Downey The roll call of salvation was well answered Minuteswere read and adopted Plans were made for pot luck suppor at the congregation al meeting Some plans were made for the World Day of Pray er Mrs Adams was appointed con vencr for making quilt for mis sions They planned freewill offering in April donation of $10 was moved for Mr Vinet to aid in purchas Ing gestetnqr The devotional was taken by Mrs McLean The theme was time fTaire Time to Be Holy was sung followed by prayer Scripture reading by Mrs Luck Mrs Grant read an article on Budget of Time Mrs Maguire read paper on Mas tcr Your Hours The meeting closed with hymn and prayer tasty lunch was served byMrs iiaight and Mrs Beilby Im looking for an alarm clock that wont go off un til feel like getting up THANKto Colour chief Marching Mother Mrs Jeari Knox theteizni captains and all theMarcliing Mothers and everyone who supported the specialthdnk theirkind actoperation ve suipas the press radio andteievisionror terns terriilerésbonsewe for year Harry Foyston secretary Mrs John Stonesconten new in if Ward can in was you Er operations and rent ther Morrison spoke od dinals camps House at Pro denee werereadeunoeining magazine and the regions at big to be held in rilllil Eel 16 gt ï¬e membership in behold It the next meeting ebruary um unum go The meeting closed with the sing ins of Canada lioele The local lads are taking adyln homeloo Torontomirnl tage of the practi in Elm ht Ind Muiwulornstspheiis John Kenny andc1 gr nd Cnddock attende men Mfglncggmtvlnggzfltwgo wés PeterSniith inToronto wednes severely hurt in an auto accident dy near Hamilton last week is still in vsry critical condition Presbyterlll Exacutive Mrs Carr and Mrs West attended Slmcoe Prsebyterlal ex ecutivc in Burton Avenue Church £hns he ltix throughpte Eucbre Night Thursday night was again euehrc night with 21 31 oi enthusiastic players Pr swere Allandal wgdnESdfly awarded astoilow mens high Deepest Sympathy score Darrick Byrownieen lono Deepest sympathy is extcnded hands Jack Brenn adieshlgh to htr and Mrs Glenliunter in score Marx Exell lone bands iso lhe death of their llttleson limo be McCann consolations prizes aid Gordon ngichsixwk in Jos Tiitln and lrydiavTurnbulh the Hospital or ck ham Night unda aftern To 00 Tuesday night was Pedro Night 3m V11 wiihxt tables of players rid Congratulations to Mr and Mrs to enjoy um um Ladle Don Bone on the arrival of score we Manda Ilttievdaughterv in Royal Victoria lienmt genw mg new gsme Bamei 151 mm Jennet second Justin McBride Achievement Day Twelve EH Club girls and their leaders attended achievement day on Saturday Jan 18 at Bond Head The morning was spent in judg irig laundry bags garment covers etc In the atternoon each club put on ii skit demonstrationbr exhibit Thornton club put on an cgthibit with Lorna Moe Lee as commentator entitled liow to Make Hot Box This was put on by Eleanor Jennett Myrna Spencer and Margaret Case Each girl received sterling silver tor corn leting the unit spoon WEDGE Lndics Aid Meet The January meeting of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid was held on Wednesday at Mrs Orville Mc Clungs Eight members were present This being the annual meeting the some slatorwnavrev elected The ltiual plans were made for Valentine tea tobe held Feb 12 Mrs McClungs home Birthday Parties Birthday parties seemed to be the order of the day on Saturday Mrs CL PrestOn entertained group of little boys andgirls at party for her son Gary who is eight years old Mrs ErnESt Kirkup entertained few little girls at birthday party for her daughter Nancy Weekend Visitors Claude Failis otloroiito and Mrs Albert Mounthad Glen of Meiduf visited with and Mrs William Falils on Sunday Week end visitorswere Miss Eleanor Dix and Eldon Fallis oiilaionto Cecil and James Townes and Jon Eakiey oi BlindBiver were at their respective homes here for the weekend Supply Teheherf Mrs MeClung is supply teacher at Evergreen this wee Dinner Guests und MrsuAnguskawn and family were dinncr guests of and Mrs Frank Dawn in Barrie onSaturday evening Toronto Trlp Mr and Edward McWat tors motoredto Toronto onSa urday Skating Party Mia Munroe Adam Hospital surgery Monday morn ittle Drticei Enid tonsils re oved dast mornip rirapea DNS Mr andlVlrs ptsthaJhcy ounce their run wereSiindiyvis re summaries Sirn pteted wiui aii Conrieï¬pmpieted The Hilladale Stylecues Homemaking Club you welldress ed and weilgroonied Viv om eight si tubing their Partridge hair can hit and Mrs GeorgoJiutchln son andftnmily oi Gravienburst were recent vi tors with the Hutchintom tarnilies= Returned To Barrie iss Laura Bldwell has return cd to Barrie alter spendingthe past tWo weeks recuporatingpat herhome alter tonsillectomy The rebruary Barrie Lo seo Ruby McCann Glenn McCainnot Si co the weekend with his paren MeCnn margins ii cartoon Mpfl9nMIl Lees Current events Mrs Sheilswell Contest Mrsc Simp Lurich Mrs 0351me and voii nirvana hormone artisans M01055 nounsa inqu umber of the lililmï¬lved certiï¬catesJar rconipletinggtvo and manual Thrizaodeden enjoywomb with their hire MansonCurry andsonv visited with Mr and Glen Murday onSunday mn Berric YMr and Idoyd Thompson of Barrie ent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Thompson of Lite Insurance to guarantee inmés for their depend to and to provide funds for edit cation and or mortgag payment For many people this same Life Insurance provide income at retireme age would weicome the opportunity to showyou TRY AN water no n3 CHARLES ANneRsoN 26 humor Shiresr rnorvnra asset promoting Mniiurlacrunsiis no in his Bridget lfinn lflDOWN saMontniyrayments at 1221 0n the 36995 in 21 VIKING TV Low 24 Tube advanced nltronlc chassis OY MAHOGANY LIMEDOAK lt SWEDISK WALNUT Shortneck picture tube nng examine EDQN BIuA Electrostatic focusing magnetically deflected picturevtubegives more even focus over entirepicture andreduce possible variati no line voltage matched permanent ma gt Piannedan bu tforsuperiorservrceulhe trim simplicity lt the convenient ac rate andeasyltuning brings forth pictures surprisingly ciear an eady So or is equally fine with rich tone and timbredew Walnut and Mahogany MVeneered Model 293A EATON Cash Price each Autumn Leaf Mahogainy Limed Oak Swedish Walnu Veneered EATON Price each