owingihat he war correspondent for Canadian newspapers in ot nasty in theIlSA duhng the lassow Scotland where he at 1ended the Glasgow Academy He camgto Ccmde with hispareuts 13 and graduated the immunity oi Saskatch with BA end iwogoldv medal He took his Masters in modern hist ory at the University of Toronto and was Proctor allow in mod ern history at Princeton Univer sity and then Rhodes Scholar in 1920 From 1921 be engaged in journ allsm in various parts of Canada and was editor of the Saskatoon StarPhoenix or our years Foll 1m Roosevct nomination and can coch the lint paint inaz andwent Jrom Charlottetown to Victoria cover log the RowenStrait Commission 193188 Shortly alter the outbreak of the second World Wcr he Joined the stall or the BBC in London and from 1940 to 1946wuchlet commentator on BBC Overseas News Service broadcasting dolly talks on the war and worldpo tics toaudiencu in dlflerentco linentsï¬partlculuriy North Am ica lie originated several BBC news programs still on the lit Including Radio NewsreeL ln the winter of 194i he briefly Canadlén or toys games playtihings and decorations won $300 for Allhndale Hardware in notionvwlde window display contest during 1957 The object of the competition sponsored by the Canadian Playthings Manufacturers Incorporated was to encourage the display of nationally made products lnthls field Allan dole Hardware wasthe happy recipient of first prize in the Independent retail merchants class They were iniqrrned Friday Jan 24 of the Judges decision Ed Norman right owner of the progressive business an nounced that the prize money would be divided evenly bet tween the store and the employee who decorated the window George Fagents left The contest was open to every Independent retail mercn visited Cahada and the United States overlug and reportingior Br listeners theécanadian warcfiort the entry of theUSA into the warand the Roosevelt Churcblll conference in Washing ton December 1941 Mr Mchncby returned to 233233311 1942 311 18113 1mm of the 10 grade nine students alt Elmvaie students are preparing the light lunch which was offere mu where suyea was District High School wcreglvem the opportunity on Wed to every parent after their interview with the teaching as editorial writer am some nesday evening to spend an informal hour at the school stilt JoAnnVOhrlsLie is cutting the cake and Phyllis Gra time associate editor may to further abetter understanding and to areas better co ham Emaiene Jordan and Donna Madill are practising 1956 he went louthe Financial operation between ooh rs and parents or of the theavrt of ten pouring Post as associate editor ant 3cm Canada rvuo Local Optometrist Speaks On Deli Iencies An Monday Tfevening Jan 27 at the open meeting of the Barrie and District Association for Be tarded Children in King George School members and guests were glVen the privtlege of hearing very interesting address by Bobicr After short business meeting Mr Bobicr wns introduced by Rev Lewis onetime iellt low Kiwaninn Mr Lewis also introducedflhe association to Mr Bobler by giving brief outline of the work Mr Bobler local optometrist is on the executive of the Red Cross Society does work with Boy Scout groups and is very active Kiwanis member Visual Defects Mr Bobier expressed disappoint ment at not being able to procure ï¬lm sucgme sunfiï¬ï¬‚ligé he had to give He talked on visual defects or anomalies often encountered in eyes and gt to the speaker for coming to give rinsr BARRIE MdrHEirs The mothers of the lst Barrie Guides held meeting at Mrs Harringtons home Officers elect ed were President Mrs Harring iln secretarytreasurer Mrs Pearce phoning committee Mrs Davie Mrs Kelly and Mrs Ha lock Suggestions were discussed to raise funds for theGuide work Refreshments were served by the hostess and enjoyed by all The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Davie 34 Angusrstreet on ranges All mothers arewelcome FIRST BARBIE BROWNIFS The used clothing cqflected by the lst Barrie Brownies was sent to the Albany River in Northern Ontario and notSlone Lake as was reported his column re cently beginning of workshop that wlll Maternity Dress Shop 100 Collier St Barrie PA 83804 opposite Lib an Latest in raspy privacy and economy that the ï¬rst sign of wearing out something immediately in order decision Care Of Eyes in manyschcol groups end his message was one at specialln terest to those withcare of the very young With the aid of blackboard to demonstrate the shape and mom structureol the eyeMr Bobier pointed out the requirements or seeing First comes light reflected light and the mannerin which the structure of the eye bends the ight rays called retracting tolocus picture on the seeing spot at the back of the eyes called the fovea0i hope for preschool children with certain type oicross eyes is the iact that they may as early as the age oi three be given corrective measures that olten resultin pro per eye coordination without the need iora surgical operation Thissls importantvas is acom mon defect in many young hild ren retarded or otherwise For adults Mr Bobler warned of the eyes or the onset of any serious eye condition is failing on At the ï¬rstsign of visual difficulty in either one orghoth eyes it is imperative that you do to preserveyour precious Chairman Denis Shcard ex pressed thc thanks of everyone his ddress which had something of interest for everyone Business Period Mrs Hamilton reported the new desk was being used as well as projector stand recently made by Burger She also reported that the executive place an additional name King GeorgeTSchool which willrcad Operated by the barrio and District Association for Re tarded Children Denis Sheard gave briei but illuminating ex planction of the reasons for their proud of proudof Mrs Jean Gabe the workshop committee that oh rman Third has been do considerable research ork rind hoped that one ide he working on may initiate the eventually become sheltered workshop or the mentally reg tarded and other handicapped groups short itso muoic al grants was tabled to further consideration at later date the care hlr Bobier has spoken ntong business of the evening involve the some duties which He is regular broadcasterch McGEACHY CBC on such TV shows as This Week Fighting Words Tabloid Citizens Forum and Press Co ierence To radio audiences he is well known for Now Ask You Weekend Review Midweek ille view News Roundup He is also engaged in the Service Junior RedflCross ToCampaig For Funds For February is Junior Red Cross Campaign Month in the elemen tary schools of Ontario The De partment oi Education has asked principals teachers and inspec tors to ve the 1958 campaign their encouragement rand sup port As in former years prin cipals are asked to secure the consent of their boards before soliciting contributions All re turns are to forwarded through the local hooi tors Each year hundredsbi children are given aid through thewlisndi capped and Crippled Childrens Fund Deaconess Resigns LCollier United serving cignt years as dea néss ofCollier Street Un ited Church Mlss Margaret tendered her resignation in favorgof apos at the Wes ley United Church in the mun icipality oi Nt Grace Montreal Mis Win Mon real ector ofChrrstia ducatlon will she has so successfully éarried out Sunday School CGIT Expiorcr grouptook up much yet chosen erminate her CBC International Wéliare Work The following projects are be ing financed by Ontario Jun IDIS The Rh Negative Project Thirtythree Ontario hospitals now maintain facilities torthe treatment sthe ewborn who mothersare Rh neg vel Otli sary facilities and will be added to the list from time on The project has developed well under the direction of Dr Deadman Thefoï¬liddén Projectg Chiidren whoare psycholo ally affected because of severe facial deformities are given priority of treatment Because of shortage of orthodontisls the are many children waiting list The Ontario Jo Red Cross is prepared to tre children whose appearance is abnormal because of amlocclus ion Teachers and eprinciptils may refer such cases to Mrs Herrington Directorof Jo ior Red Cross 460 Jarvis Street Toronto Ages 515 The ptometrical Project An optometrist engaged in testing thevision ofehildren in areas where there is no resident oculist or optometrist Ma discovered and glasses haveLbbe supplied The Dental Program fllwo dental coaches operate in Northern 0ntario Hundreds oiv childrenare given den treat them earthlyenr orthopaedic appliances cru esbraces hearing aids drugé etc have ed to him dredsof ln 1957 three children were to the Mayo Cli for partitions One vias undergo an operatic ay to lniernaiions week To Start Feb 18 highlight the February meeting on the Busines mens Cluh ivnBarrie wnsdecid the dinner me ng onlJan end of June hospitals are securing the uecesl caSes of faulty visionhave been through the lopeiiation Professional wifl Disease he with inn instructor daughter Sharon is ln grade nine home was rqalled letter irony the prince ipal HSmli7h inviting mom to attend follegi fés lnï¬fi Bottle of Bible rna Pritchard and im Savage instructors at ntral and North Collegiates respectively sét backat noonhour onï¬wédnesi day to njoy asbaltle of wits be twee be young people of their Interschool Christian Fellowship the visitor and had ï¬ve students rep em aBible iuiz based onprhosxans lt win for North Youth for Christ was quiz mas North Colle mainstreamnew gunman tne old on that you suit cant move furniture and Vother claiming to newhorne witty at xp Inconveniencci dnn Ameklchn van Lines does it every drywith lemonsqu pproved moves out on mpbeu minding or rt in American Van Lincs or end starm l70BIIlan Phonc on MSSS the Open liouse gndgiving sketches of each member or the teaching staff at the High School The general Open House will be held on March and all the pupils will take part lt FINAL LETGD FINAL LETGO FINAh LEfqo 19698 am use oi mime roolln mum Premiplion 1101de relievu nw rod normm by memo rashes wugmuttondtmnmmmmumuhiu Emit minim hi bottle molt mun or mac back mer Ask vourdrui tr 01 CRIFlIO licthch bismu root Hill PROBLEMS Barriol Local Exclusive lnrrieh who mole and will turn only LARGE serumrun ro cnoose room worms runs MARE ronomo rs Dormer 51 lie irln gt Remodelling Cold stoma Cloairs nenisbivirntsrtucno SATISFACTION GUARANTEED hem bile FINAL LETGO FINAL LETGO FINAL LETGOV 0931211 1mm oosnrrvnm rota ottch SALE ousrsns nLousss SKIIiTS gt olevmmns borers sxtnrs nLousns Luximv uncemc REGULAK 1VALues 0931511 Wm oomr rvnnr