JThg Basile Has Kitchen At from ROOMS nnnngosis ialioo 3300 iiousa Gannon niiiaivsi0N nousa ssxzif OVERALL 69 TheBattle todays off WEMWMW miniserime normal MW THEEllllltlET Sllfll Plywood Boats and Custom Woodworking 239 nuanronn sr mom on 84444 cameos HEATLEss HEATER muss GAS WEST 9km PA 3770 Many Homes is re onestorey house vdeslgned espéc irom the iioihetallhechk Plhn SEMQE lsan attractively modern ially for one Emailjamilypy roomsf in this gidur are ocatedinzthe rear sure the utmost possiblequlet nilprivacy or the slébping quarters Each bedroom is well lighted and ventilated there is ample storage space in the bedrooms too An allsmodern bathlarge en ough to hold both tub and showeris conveniently placed between the two bedrooms Kitchen in Front In order to leave the rear and quieter sections of the house for the bedrooms the kitchen has becrl placed in the front of the house This is roomarrangement that is steadily gaining in favor with home builden And inthis par ticular house plan placing the kitchen at the front of the hï¬ise offers double advgntage because in this location it right next to the combination living dining room Spacious and pleasant the liv Andplan an overall decorative scheme and furniture arrange ment that will be appropriate for the dual function ofthis room and blend itinto one harmonious wholc Larger Than Usual The all modern kitchen islargei than many found in todays homes Innaddition to acomplete array of modern appliances counters and cabinets this kitclien contains goodsized breakfast nook And there is also space allotted for your laundiy equipmentThe door opening on theconnectlng porch provides easyaccess to the yard from the kitchenfa feature youll especiall wash day Measuring I39 24 Sheet the houseinclud glporqh and at tached garagebasin overall measuremento 60feet Cubage of the house is 18700 feet cubage of thegarage is 3qu feet Youll need approximately an 80ltfoot llot to build the house and garage The only requiiredbaseinent in out Date rManyvneed repairs many more ore ova sawed convenient Budget is omiton plunn purchase appreciate an £1181er ovei the yakssz lilcjotua home theng torem ma so popular among homebuyers in nearly every section of the na tibn ranch Ind lelli level homes are being lcaiiiied byboine build Threering circuses hare fun to watch even it itvmclns keeping track of three diiterent perlorrn ances at one and the some time But says Vthapanadlan institute soViEi union OFFICIALRERRESENTAIivs to EDUCATIONjCONFERENC OTTAW forthcoming camd anConferenoc on Education will receive ï¬rst hand report on education in the Soï¬ct Union The Soviet em bassy issendingnn oflicial repre sentative to themeeting it was announced heretodsyflby George cioskery nierencedirector Mr Croskery said thatthe Rus sisn representative SJTovht ogiinI will take part in an inter national dishussion panel with representatives Iromrcanada the United States and United ltihgdomi Their subject fThe Purpose of Education interpreted their countries Representing th United States will be Dr illln iCounciJ xlwofan sPlanned The touiiman international panel is one of tivo panels planned for the tlrsl full day of the con ferciice which willhehcldFeb 1620 On the xother represent alive Canadians will describe the changes they would make in ed ucation incangda fitthey were king Thosetairingipnrt will in elude leading industrialist llugh Crombielt oi the canadiapchijmv bersol Commerceï¬rom Montreal agreprcsentative ollabor Dr Eu heeanadian La is the nesting equipin belplaced under ii room BlueprihtszvM Completeplans ands speciti tions Ior thishouseand all other Home of this Weekdesigns are availableafll oderate cost LWILLESEND legitei to the This should otPliimbing and Heating chooses should be kept strictly within the limits pf the Big Top they should navelbe permitted totake place in the kitchen atvhoine Yet hiindredi nx hirried house wives across the land work in hree ring circiise tead oi kitchensat ltattthree times hm Congress and merits tins daylire tastvlunchand dinner the womans vtewpoint Byrpe that is They start thedayracing HOPE Sande lunfflï¬llsrtvand from sink tostove toieirigerato 1011 research EXPETL then back tosinkaga Three signiï¬cant addresses iin me theyre 1mm juggling act morning noon or night they always seem to end the day at the siimeoid place the kitchen sink Ofcourse most of thislpiirposeie waste of steps and energy is usedbya poorly planned kitche Modern layouts for e£iicientiiousckeeping are so arranged that minimumof mo tions are required to reach the various items needed in kitchen work Thus thethreering circus with itsattendantvlatigue is eli eininent Canadian neurosurgeon who halrman oi the confer ence will be the keynote speaker Wearejionunate in obtaining for our chalrrnanlnot only truly distinguished Canadian but mail known tornhisdeep peisonai co victions on the suMEct ot cduc can as alivays been the case the very hubotvany at so long agqh it was poor relation frequent ly relegated some outottlie way corner ina liig cxtraworlr and extra for the already overworked housewife Even to day many older houses possess rambling old ashioued kitchens with sinksstraight out of the Ark for sheerinconvenience and awkward location Ask theï¬rststep to tche the Si kitche mum in reso ester of the Royal Commission hill Prospecu Farihault president oi Generai Trust of Canada will addressdelegates the subject Educa ori un act that tunnel schoolingJorms oniye part of thé individiiaismverall educations The second and third the conference will be With wor essions on eight aspigcts of education The iinal day it consist of reports discussions andresolutions by the conference general sessi ns Details oithe programs for the ight workshops hovenotvbecn finalized and will planned date sin be an unced shortly Man tile on floor shoiild Before iaying wood lioor the covered strips of felt but is isn requ ed whenthe tile are to be set Qcooiisuiirnon Your Friondl EThm testis Questions for $7 at roaaeafiro procediitc on the deténnihnlion divsates established in May 1944 sink and tub unit you should take ailonghsrd look at your own sink Is it small and cramped without adehuate space to dish drying racks Daesit force you to stand inJronto it in an awk ward halt 1stooping positionï¬be rause it is placed toolow Then Mrs Hoineniaker your cash sink isno longer doing air em cl job or you and the come to make date with your local plumbingflcontractcr who wil how you more suitable sink nit that will outfyour dish washing and laundryactivltles to inimum and completely elim the circus atmosphere from hen durable modern sink unit is otteh ilanked thy wide glossy dralnboards and equipped with spacious easytoreach cupboards underneath it possible it should be rplscedin front ci window asapieasant view can work won ders to lighten the chore oi soourv ing potsand pana Some homemakers prefer single unit although according tothe Institute one of the most popular types isthe double sink andtub combination for itscon Venicnce on wash day Whilethc deep tub can be used or soaking nts2too delircaielor washing achine the shallower portiEn is idealIor hand launder ingfand ri ing rubber 5pm liosev upstart of some units and comesrin handy not onlybnwashdny but is ideal for rinsingdishes and intherpre paration of vegetables 1Another new feature of many modern sink units isthe swivel mixeriaucet which provides wat retractable iubmiiudio labor aiming There are 4000 prevailinxmites tniploy Oil and ylhdmemo proteitedagainsta imam lanes for wagé delclmina on oid Mac in lared 51th mm onuu DC dint Hollie doubted itthcre Khs WA is any Qier area at monoclmd gq ministration do the Government service that asaroused so much bitterness and rot failings pDclflya iv The complaint wasalso sctlorili The my term 19 against hiL an is treatment undo mum in revicwa clays lackiof RWtmm ï¬ance 1799 any certalnlinowlcdgeon which rates are based unilateral deci sion and no court ailment The memo urgedthat recomi mendtionJorndiustnicnt in rates to the Treasury Board imported in the Departmentot Labor with consideration belngfgiveo ï¬t13 date to Ttranslerring this tuneV tion to the salary research bureau in tho CSCommlsslon Other recommendations we That is the approval rate hl rates of local area country tvide application that the Department oi Labor will iidvise all depirtments who have employ eesinihgreiatiye class or classes The departments concerned Cto in itiateaciion immediately to give ch adjustment in the paying agency That the above will provide for tho same due dateIior all Ellil ployees in any apartment or agen Fund cy which in toncemed 2That authority be provided for RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WlRlNG such additional ataii as nisybe necessary in the industrial Relaq REPAIR WORK tions Branch tnvsurvey all classi LIGHTING FIXTURES HEATING tications at least once year INSTALLATIONS hllltl oi no in compost use whichnastooï¬ tesultcd ind ressed rates That for highly industrialized area and thosoximmediateiy adja centran employee be assigned in the Industrial Relations BranchI who will initiate action giving im mediate etlect to anyadjustment made necessary by change in air wage schedule oranego tinted industrial contract wh is considered to aiiect govern nt employees Regardless oi the date one whchthesurveyis miide carefull from shoulda ermine the dat ELECTRICAL commons rOil Burnor Sales Service PHONE an sazao sir swim 9w isi Sunnidale nous er at any temperature desired thus avoidinga sudden scalding sho bath and perhaps result ing nsonie favorite piece of china being crackedbeyon These are but ew features of convenience which are avail abelto the1 housewife whowants to lighten thel burdenof thetime she must pend in her kitchen Mod rn we on in convenience an Best ofv all most home owners ï¬nd on investigation their pres ent kit ens can be modernized cost or less than they ima gin Linseed °Il Both VToCondition Brush bath in linseed oil willcon dition new paint bras and ill add to its one Sosk bristlesiii the for 24 hours will not brush bot of thevconta er had the be provideégibt 5WlillWllt