yearsago roanVo tor speak yery little English boughtxsome ground just over the big second concessionv loWnship West lghway 11 He werkédrhard and rokeand this land and It had never lï¬ ted all he potatoes tab port basinhadno need PA 84477 Q5 05157 HM dated February 1903 ditch How could this be dono ey started comingtoithe coun They veretoid that petis nwould havctobe signed two majority of the owners whose land would be drained by this ditch They would go oWay to endeavor to get petition hutbeiore much was accomplished they wlutér would Set in and nothing tangible hiswen kept cha Finally enough signatures were obtai to get an en ineers re dit their land did not ad Aalways been not produce other It had 5once oer am work ot straightenin and rcmo ingohstructions in the Soothin eouneil undertook provement Work in the second con cessipn This work is of value to the present proposed work nd allow the Township of Innisiil smoo forwor done and ï¬nanced by the mun pali hattheiyork was not carried far enough down stream to give suit ieient drainage to the swampilands above onto provide proper and su cicnt outlet for the whole area cession dito asufï¬cient oi at sideroad between lotssand Contfessiou and alsothé struction of nth ed er andL have drained some of swamp but there is little indie tron that swamp neve deiielupe of themr avere opened through and thc trees relIioved but other parts are still of had over by Highway Then againd worm ws remote Mechanical digger snakes theldrainaxejitch ever it the land does prove to be equal in production to the Bradfordmarsh oven at ï¬ve times thatper aciecost it would eh share the cost in cash nd save the annual interest payment or the ï¬rsttivoyéarswiil educc debt $700 anriually the next wo years $800 and the next two and an added hundreddoL aym the owners Lead Toitlain Outlet rWest Gwiliimbury Township has proposition similarrto the In nisfli one andkits lands are sep arated by the counly road and the drainage tram that swamp now goes to the river by dltehaiong that road andundchiighway 400 tothe river proposalto allow this tofcrosa into Innlsï¬i before it gets to the highway and thence into the river by the inntstll ditch has been made and this flcauid lead tosomc complications which are better not mentioned her When Hurricane Hazelwas on the rampagc it brought such ctedpintcrcst and ll be $4409 reduced cash settle Besides an avaricehas becnmade hsi from the Ontario overumen However this does not ieavei land ready tqr developmev it have told leared v$ cost ont at presen pne ca ee the land rise around Midi H850 BCGESSID thi drainagehasinuvest to the cost of eeleanng an second farm iotand south as flayer WP may 1101 exceed faras north of the ï¬rst conces $190 3911311 IZ sion and east acrossthe swamp 03 P1 It lghtbe ha and as aras Highway 27 all he high land in thisrhali oi the township drains into this glotta saga River basin and gets to ï¬nal outlet by that river and the Georgian Bay It would all be apart oivthevproposedtNot wasaga Valley Conservation Auth that How lroceeda junior Jan 203 mm volume oi water down thisidrain andthe voiu of water that wouldheposs 1e then he found thatthe see uiverts ere too small and ï¬ve at above the required leveL result th nghWays De partment claimed $5000 token payment from the township to place another culvert to take the waterat depth required by the surveyoron the ditch This new culvart is now in progress oiling Underhighway halfway no tunnel fallout iniiicms EVERY ISATURDAYV gt igioson was cha xnau Wiiiord Dobso the meeting prizes wereyhirs Joseph Tittin votingre united in the same Barric and Jim Campsall lone imemhers being eleeted to the hands Fred McBride consola board for nother yea tion prizes Rita Muirand then IadJou ed 3M9 the basom ntlo enjoy Dipner Guests lung Mr and iii Jack auis Mr Weekend at name Dempster Mr Brunt ilicr washomcrom Ml Mdr cnind torcnd the weekend gt rs en are nor ucsts it nd himML tordgPiau fattireir home iLITiw 11 line ha Committing sponsom very succe If 31 mayday gm pedroparty in thc hall Tuesday llall Board cveningt witlilz tahics com Wednesday evening 1th an petitiofl Iudging mm the uai meeting andelection of of bursts oi hearty iaugh rat in iicers lthe Connnunity Hall 10 was cvident me of Board wa heldinvthe hail vthcexperienccd players overlaid good cndancel their luck There wil be air other party on iucsda 128 Prizes for high scores andg Charles scoreSJMrs Tom and E11 wt rd to early has bcen 4113 ight feet in diam cter which is hcln lined with steel each section about our feet and 18 inches in widthis he inz bolted tofletherl Workmen with air driven prods hard the Wheeled to straigh you on when trouble strikes lhe an Insurance Coverage to proteqt you against most hazards of today so before dis your Insurance needs and advise you how to get the best insurance at the lovtje comparable cost terstr es YOU letflus study gt