Helge smiieli and greetcdth forms tounuii laxreelected Cooperation was requested by the reef in exam pushing numeroul projects need ing attentionlinelh Iviilin of Cell Ross Comm waia United Church invoked Aid meeting Earn 311315 Gods blessing on the and dined prayer divine aidwnii councillors Inlan to be used to the glory offGoda Oonimitleeé appointed were d7 Waterworks Ralph Mills roads and es Victor Turner Hrsv HE Swaile propertyp Ralph Altehison The roads committee was nsk ed to see that strecls were sand ed when required embers 15 your home iusf HALE INSURED The coat of repiaeing your home auditsfurnishings ia justabdutmrficewhatitwai years ago Examine four ï¬n protection now not firefldapartmeht It interested in association Goldwater has been membe since it Informed Application wasAnmde for sun sidy onzroad expenditures Bonus foljUsenI As weshayexhetween 318600 ind $17000 oli hand thE Goldwater Hydm Commissionuiio counts think weycould very well afford to remit one hydro hiliingx Orlrebate the consumers perceniage of their nnnunlblll and stillhnve plenlyof funds in renew liner which hive notheen replacedin some parts of cold ivaler stated Reeve Lawrence Devine at the inaugural meeting of village council llydro chairman Bay Mills said he would like to see somethingcouid he done thil year about intproving services in parts of the village where new cables were needéd but had been delayed hy special prob iems Concetfllghllghtn Highlights win the careers of Goldwater council members for 1958 are Reeve Lawrence wine was born in Coldwate Married to drives school bus Councillor iph Aikhisou qametoi Goldwater at anienriy GRAHAM BinnLE 25 Nude Street in 8499 age fromTarontn are rmm had In period ie in OQIIIICLL IIIICIGICYS Imk pramMan Fnrmernlter ml has found thxit human Dairy Ratio increases milkpradnction keeps cows onfeed keeps hows fit and putnmqre eyiin hianockeL Astockof fresh ll GA If roughage prygrqin qnlilty in just fair or SH RGï¬lN AIR SUPPL ENT the complete nu gni wlt one of three on which is hyenf in mngm For the previous waui 1955$23 3343933 2195 $3227112 lpaymenls hnv been modem lhe$loo000de baritone for the puhlic school completed in Balanceflot principalonly anuisJo cunt the bank aliows harrow rl up 070 per cent or vm 33275 chum Lion Club adoRd Martin 85 Main Sim ticlpation in gieulium Social CDTHBHIMY entre As sedation and Rink He is former ch schoo hoard Bnrn Hope MnMaitinh gFolihe purpo of the byln Comwam since council ggreed upon borrow mg figure of As Mr Motrin explained nowhere near the foul borrowing power has been utilized in previous years fin 1953 ï¬ebenture principal and interesLlrwing on the new school is $7A77l75 pnyube ln instalments and 0c are $7190 fbtni tax arrears made up of 1957 arrears of $329858 and arrears of previous years amounting to Taxes are ts Aug miss FranknfTornnto was and isnot on crime village edqu to be one at gt known andmostact ecitizens Mirth Sqnniadle mum holi ayguest of Missés Marie and naAtllinson 11 nd MrsMaicolthork and Lam Stayner span éVEmngwjlth Mi rid 118m Stark Vlhe hydro foreman is paid 19 monthly for duties includ For new construction and other exra work the rate is per hour bylaw was passed nppoin ingi Heehatstevens Iire Lehief for Goldwater He is remuner ated $2250 monthly to April 1957 Coldvilater foreman receiyed standby per month for mt of duties Roads nndhridges paid $45 monthly and therwaterworks department Atkinson returned to Interimwith themito spend mother Mrs Donn Were Sunday visitors with Waiter Middlemn Mrs Keith Harvey spent day withhen sisterMrs Chnr EmertonAyeni Buckling win5 Waite 9px has returned to her home having been and ï¬nspntal Col co in 3am fihomas Bristo paid $401 mohthjt wards the eten reading and line re ince last Drii fare at $1 Aiuiican ehluren miv 0n hum night Freersell Wllï¬ children Present As the th oiued in pinyin alums The worship service wastaken by 12 children Jesus Bids Us Shine they walked twth frontotjhe room carrying ligh cnndiesu Earth in tuln either gave verse of scripture or prayer no cal1 was answere by each child may mamhefléfn and balancing their me secretary tiindaï¬iiilhert uréir Jeniid eek With hsr haie higgerntteiidnlice If the Mini the nurse ï¬nch is held Whil slnging vine mmqu we min across the untrykuofulna lightyuiï¬hhmytonervlce my may you mounted in min how Pioneer uh New Low latices Rn mimosa nc 16siss50 Budgétterms Valiahle as low In nliuneroyer 12 Laker and son Kenneth of Camp Borden were Sundey guest of Mr and ECON WAY riflfllea Youlli all