tommumfy ORCert indium onlu hiséueml to be eddecidono reached and new the location because its tend executive abnounced at theair nnal Communm Concert sedation meeting lav Hilicrest ouncefor lenee duritu the given the lludyjnd ccu meeting with lhe can the ï¬riirenhurst dhed Assamions wasf suggested by ihe Barrie executive and we enthus lastimily by Oriilra an Graven hurst with no reply from Mid Bill BARRIE BROWNIE PACK On Nov 13 our Pack helda play and demonstration of our work at St Giles llall The play centred around Mrs wEwings Story rat the Brownies and gnveopportun es to several solar istsns well asudiscovering some talented actresses Llnda Lewis played her guitar Lynne and Mar garet Dollls gave recorder duet Marilyn lay performed piano solo and Barbara Roberts Susan Cole Maureen Kirkpatrick and Donna Reid did charming fairy dance with BeverlyAgnew as black hear The acting cnst con sisted of Sally MacDonncli Vol efie Sillsl Anita Johnston Lynne Dollis and Jill Snelgrve remainder ol our pack sh wed nudiencq how we make ringsing our sixcr songs gi the grandvhowl and so on Theyshowcdbur own scrap book containing ourpacks news paper clippings and snnpshotsal so those we had madeduring the year for the children inour hospital and retarded school Soit drinks nhd programs were sold as well as ticketsand with the proceeds wcwere nbletorbuy our own toadstool and owl Al the Dec meeting visiting Brown le enrolled four Twaehics into the pack Mothers of two were able to attend OnJDee 11 we repeated our play at the ist Barrie Packs Christmas party Dec 17 was the date of our closing meeting Tawny Owl Thomas Ward read the story of Silent Night Sally MacDonv hell and Valerie Sills took turns reading story they had written together called Mysterious Sounds in Horse Country We had easure hunttorcandies own Owl Mrs Oates everyone boxoi pop awny Owl inadea tape recording of the pack singing car ols and we closed with the Brownie Prayer and taps iNNlSFIL DISTRICT LIOCALvASSOCiATiON The first meeting of 1958 oi innisfil District LocalAssociation was held at the home of Mrs Pa B0 Sunnidale Road oh Janna Mi aney district comn1issionér brought th meeting to order with mom ers repeating the GuidePrn mise 958 Members were Smit tral position and will organize we Mat The treasurerls report given bythlrs Paul Fisher gave the association healthy balance Mrs Dobson campaign chiir nun presented her report and Mrs Archie Ross gave an account of herunlque lnitiatlon concert chairman Missllorn McGregor retiring reception committee held told of plensnnde for reception at the home 01 Mr and Mrs Gray don Kohl tor the artist coming onllan 21 Expresses Talon The meeting handled by the pruldent Dr Bruce Johnston and secretary Mrs ll Bowman Dr John ston said sincerely think tth association is one of the things we have in Barri he expressed his gratitude to the chairmen and the membership for their support and cooper lion gt Mrs Bowman announced the change in artist for the coming concertwith the beautiful lead ing mezzosoprano with the New York City and San Francisco operas MissFranccs Bible to be the attraction means of discovering the membershlpsdcsires in attrï¬c tlons was advanced by Lloyd Tnfford It would involve the issuing of ballots at one of tbc next concerts devlecvempioy ed previously by the associ tion Officersfor i958 Mrs Inger Aarson preSerited the slate of officers which she had compiled with Lloyd Tuf tord and Mrs Dohson llll sales linulno exchanges llllxgoodsisnhjectto priorsnlgf was rzpably FRANcEspiate They are past president Dr Bruce Johnston president Bilkcy ist viceipresldent Mrs Dohson 2nd vlcepresl dent and campaign chairman Archie Ross 3rd vicepresident and errcampaign chairman Mrs Coxali secretary Mrs Jack Steele campaign secretary Mrs Ross UBdSlllï¬lMfl Fishe publicity chairman Piekles ap ntmcnis chairman Lloyd Tuf 0rd concert chair man Mrs Bowman social hostess Mrs RStephens dinner chairman Miss Thornton Dircctors Miss MoGrogor Mrs Armstrong Mrs Craig Miss JBrysonMiss DeHart Mrs Black ol Elmva Mrs Hardy Miss Kearns Bell Groin Mrs Shepherd Mrs Aarson Mrs Craig Stephens Steele Andersen CSmith Lanes VASSQRLIMENIVVQF COFFEETIABILES gENDTABtESz Kmï¬ï¬ warning was discussed seems as if wew1ll be very at BassLake or the iuiy ill be we Will not hav tentsa theya volunteer staï¬ fyin But we are in swimming instructor would you call Misstancy Smith at PA Milidvorvinddress her at 52 High Street Barri appreciate youra of woodnbaft anyone Mis wwwm we medianlo edgier will show no es takenthiapn summer oi my heauï¬ful Blrrie gardens hoped that elt terest every societlon Humorous Taikï¬On Mail Order MixUï¬szGiven By Garnet Prati The regular dinnermeetlng of ltcuities arise hesides theusiul th Soroptimlsts was held Com mail ordercompiioaiions of no nity House Thursdayan address or mymng spelllhg yllelen Coxrln the and language difï¬culties can member with prcslden chain one speaker was Game sales manager of the hon rcraf Jamieson of Thornton Sinclair Auditors for the coming year Mine Lloyd Mord viidorsnmples emonsunt Thy Grace1 followed by prayer Humanoid announced DrAlInn Ituils rd aépect oversent so there will duii sanctionwill in hell veJor good used cloth thinsA ing inlelther Aprillor May The secretary ot Chrlntlnn Steward cause lot of trouble andlnughs One ladyrwhen writing In to ask for skin to make pair of division or Clarke andclztkeijlis womenfs slaves mistakenly asked addresswas about the humorous or awomans skin aspects oi the mail order business jSomé people even send in large When buying over thecounier communique giving the whole it the clerk doesnt understand family history what is wanted the situation can he cicaredup with few minutes and conversation However whenor duh by man greatmany English are usually eause for Mlxups are from coasttom st FrenchCanadians writing some confusion To complete the programVie and Miss tor Knox accompanied by Lloyd Tulford Dear Little Boy of Anewmeasber hiker formerly Hamilton need by throaunheri preisdent Mn Willim Maitomson accompan ledby iiis Chishohmvsang LittlePnyerf by Bernard Humbled Ml Margaret Smith conducted the worship service mm the 2ndclnpter at Pauls Letters to the Phlllipians read ing from Phlllips innalh es By serving others we are serving Christ MusSmlth said but weI are called onto do much more even 15 were Pauls friends to risk our live in no service Miss Smith closed with prayer for guidance and the hymn Lead 0n King Eternalv gt Excellent reports were brought in by all the officers for 1957 The secretary Mrs Allen reported 54llfe members and 40 annual members includingeight new members Several munbera were lost by removal and one by death Mrs Fullerton Especially gratifying was the raising ot the large allocatio $1286 was the amount raised ot the work of missions atheme and abroad The press secretary in her re ld Mother Hubbar and Jack asit would be it omposedby up 36 months 10 pay port noted that all meetings held by the Auxiliary during 1957 were published lnfuil in amends oi lures PAYMENT lion Letters toYoung Church which $1210 was sent tolunher Anagram Bi sz TYMr1W ft Allen cor responding secretary Mrs Gregory treasurer Mrs Mi sunny Mrs Scot toralum Mrs A1 prcsshhirs Par so tempennce and Christina tl nihlp om AndrewCum ming mile boxes Mrs Gordon Clark candidntes Mrs Maxwell Missionary Monthly jars End Suieant social con vench Mn Arthur Marshall telephone oonvener Links Noble pianist Mrs Chin holm CGiTJnd Explorers no urgnret 5min llTollowing the impressive atallatlon ceremony Mrs Lewis conveyed Mr Lewis regrets his inability to be present and his congratulations on the splen did achievements of the auxil iiry lor um hire Nesoitt rested on be half of the auxiliary apprecia tion of theyark at the retiring Mission Band superintendent Mrs Westerman who had submitted an excellent rcpo rccording mentors Fred Mrs MacDonald closed With roxmmrmn Eaehonaln lamlly Von some ol thr ornate Dal Stir ot Dld and Me It damage and in 1W3 Shitfï¬a eistn niay devour the Star ed mmmmfl bolt comics they mug this gtlplendid Pietum Ygl theres somethingoi mbxoglntemt for encl tho we then run eelu the most lmpomnt of national andinternltlonnl in word and in mired Her Dad In brother gives the beat in the its elllni ed ywmonn tape eduutlonln Ill thumb lt womana world And olapedaliatereo winhtgform thelroyn to convene intellizen Mftlllllub Cl mthsbriiec day mi Stars manv bf The dail malngofiio Starghm snsyour outl develop your permit wording entertainment Read 11 roromo bin Million People le