ll ness eomrnodity groups areanow uintmlllng the farmer rather than the farmer controi the commodity groups Cormack honorary per presidcn OFU addressing Farmers Union meetinglat Mid hurst Township hall on Wokspoke in Farm Orznnintiomi and first review ed many of the achievementsef ntaria Farmers Union espec inlly with mama to the new gogeramenta price stabilization bill now before the House Commons in Ottawa The speak cr explained that OFU were for the most part responsible for the amendments to the unsatis factory hillin that OFUprcss rc lcaso had mused the iirst len satlun of dissatisfaction inthfe house have personally spent three weeks in Ottawa reminding the new members and Hon Doug Harkness of their election promises to larmers and that the new bill cannot lullli those promiseshe saidVHe reported that he and CPU president Gor don Hill had been invited to 0t town for special interview with Agriculture lllinister Harli ness at which time the minister agliiced to amendments to the hi we are fast becoming the recognized voice of agriculture in Ottawa nsour Interprovinelal Farm Union Council chairman James Patterson wasotficinlly chosen and sent to represent Canadian agriculture on the re cent trade mission which visit ed the UK Fannï¬rganintion History The speaker reviewed farm or ganization history so Iarback as The Grange which was aii American sech society farm organization and came to canada 86 years ago in 1879 thc Grange had 650 locals in On taria comprising 23000 mom hers Although it criticized gov ernments it kept out of active politics but finally got into busi In 1885 it had tntaria Nox iousweed Act passed which forced township councils to ap point weed inspector and farmers were fined if found sawing smut in their grain They secured money for under draining had marketing fees WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS EVENING LILIAN Well Im toaoak up lat oi inlonnatloneducation en0er tninmen and relaxation at the some time My goodness Where going for all that not GOING are you tutor coming to your house In way yes Although this is public tutor its the Toronto Daily Star irn Ed and getjthe hat relaxation from good session with the Star Isee what on mean you Ket Intormution in th Stars com lete coverage at the newtin wo and the matveil Piciun get education mall ht Intern wants we colder smrolso get tilt trommll those things learn lot the Stars The Millie People Ll wN place for both agllast taxme gt ducts in towns Hld dutyiaa coal oil reduced fronds to cent Had duty on hinder twlne ï¬nally entirely removed and duty reduced on agriculture implement tmm 35m 20 cent lamengmup huyinz prices th dealers andgsct lip their own tanderovgncd Grange wholes lé supply company in Toronto They organited the Grease Mu tual Fire Insurance 004 which became twice the ale any other They organized company and cut the price $1 to 60 per barrel The next farm organization also cameglrom USA and un der the name of The Pntrons at industry ternal organization suchas Free Masons or Oddlellows with secret signs and handclasps or their membership They carried on similar to The Grange but tormed political third party They also gotjnto businesssim ilar to the GrangHvenstarted their own paper The Farmers Sun which was later taken over by the United Harmon of Ontario The Fantasy Indus try had 50000 members in Que bite andontario by1895 They finally got one member elected to larliament and partaf the organiLttion swung towards the Liberals the rival politicalparty which finally linishednthe or ganization We then lot theUnlted Farm ers of Canada and United Farm ers of Ontariawhich brought to light suehdeadelaas Hon Drury and Morrison said the speaker Thc United Farm ers of Ontario and Manitoba formed political parties lnstcd only four years and lost their organizations United Farmers oi0ntario in order 10lultil poli tical positions robbed the farm ers of the leadership they had in the country and thegJarmerS were left without leaders or or ganization Then the provincial govern ment huilt the Ontario Federa tion of Agriculture throughthe agricultural representatives con tinued Mr Cormack who plained that the provincial orations otagrieulture are sim ply coordinating organimtipns of commodity groups marketing boards and mp In its recent roln brief to members of the Conser va ogGovernlnenh the Ontario Fetterat or culture stated that utions and 24 marketi representing ï¬eld crops cone stitute the membership of the Ontario Federation of Agricul ture organ on can success fully uphold both the producers interests and alsopthe interests of acommercial forgonizationlfl said the speaker The Federa tion of Agriculture willalso pass out of existence it left to do this impossible lob The on Union as strictly com farm rs and not commercial or ganizat ns th kvthere is each must he placed in ilsproper perspec tive The federations at agriv culture should be ptviperlyplac ed under the cooperative Union Canada and the policy mak for agriculture shouid be left withthe rmeis through their Farmers Union stated Mr Cormack summon anion the most sensi They arranged meant salt This waralsoa fra real producer or ganlzatlon is the Farm market ng pro may VSUNNIDALE TOWNSHTP count ed left Councillor Gilbert AQarterDe ty Reeve Lloyd Prldhanr Reeve Abnerdiawn and gouncillor Glen Lewis 01 lsvtewx Two Grou Continued from pigegona own line fence but lets coi operate when we step outside Wewlll have to if we hope to survive He reminded what happened before the has pmducers took over 1Yougship ped your hogs to the packers and you got your price Mekt Today you ha board trying to sell your gs Farmers detest compulsion but to survive we have to sell through cooperative or through an agency Prosperity actor The speaker was oi the jnpin on that marketing and produc tion efficiencyi would determine agricultural prosperity in the years ahead Farming would make great advances as it alr ways does under strcs Pity him who icirs the challenge Envy him whoinvites the test LlodeICumming the incoming president of the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture intro ducedthe speaker audlhe was thanked by lleg mum A1nongthe uests atth ban andets Heber MP for nncoe North Fisher Gantoh and MrsGanton Reeve Abner Rawh and Mrs Rawn Mrs Sandtord AikEns president of South Simcoe Womens Institute andhér husband Mr andMrs Ralph Hayes presidentof North Simcoe JuniorFarmers Neil Mes Arthurpres ofSouth Sim coe Junior Far rs Followln he videdhy th WA at New Low ell the federation held its an nual meeting in he hall when reports were liners elected his listeners not By Speaking to group at wheat giowera of the Township 01 Im Struud on Tuesday nlslil at night BevvJeunctt at Ivy the proposed 0ntarl hlchthe grp today told wheat bond pooh add more than indlton dollars to the pockets of the rowers at this graili who sold eir reduce on the markets jTheJarmers who have tode pend on theséie of their wheat in the fall to meet currentex penses are usually subject to mar ketg fluctuations which oitan iivencents per day as begins to come to the ennett urged growers of Wheat not only to get out and vote but to endeavor to get oth ers who grow wheat to do soas well We must pileup good majority here in Simcoe where the ones whodo no tright yes or no basis and if viehave agood majority nlfavor th surplus ot rattirmat will go to help cial points with shrveyedvoters lists The retwo polling iacesi Da went to detail At the school is 40 already iii one room there nddzfstudencsgand 39 in Present enrolment in inquired if extra or be tak by the disedasio was held on daries 01 School Section ed bywrcoldwater Public the dtvpl schoolgrant in check all pupils attend rthe weenrm and all helping to get lnlohnation to th was also give ers hetore voting day Penalties Hi ColdWaler Téam players on 0am Gill overpuldwate eaguehockey match pldyed here ng in tallies tor th visitors in ln the last period Ji hatch nother£or bau and Doug Miller talii Col it ersothervgoal castat ot the Department taxa otflm in Barrie and Al the date vantablcaasuhace mainline given to oroposed bï¬ard workers in wheat producers oithecouaty TheFederation of Agriculture asidesbimon djt tor haviag helped with the publicity and for gettinggits an nual reportln the hands of farm itutes in pen tle handedout v315 jVRohbie Southern and banish ments of shorter periodsto other the tamer team 5143 Carlalreganzav and tlharles Wadge played big part in victimisaflalb winning 42 he firstvrural Jim ratio ndGary jaitthree Nonrnom Miandale 11 uav 545pm Daily except Sunday No to Arrive Aumdale fled for Orillia cep Sunda 433 LeaveAllandale 125 VrLe euiiarrtd 100 ancouver ai 47 leavéTal Arrive Allandale Alland 134am 20 am Leav 180 am Leave Barri lea Hamilton 73 Mentord Leave Allandal ro to 855 do 430 pm Leave Allandal Arrive Toronto ve liarrle 800 pm unday only Arrive Allandal Arrive Allandale 410 except Sunday vNo m2 leavc Allandale as maximum Star or passeng ï¬nd yond am No 12 new lquva Toionto 920 un Arrive humans 1130 Leave Barrie 1148 for nth Bay jarrivlng leaveflorontd 550 pm 802 Leave Alnndale 812 pm Leave Ban 63tn Cantlnontal leave Torod nonn Arrive Allandale rled nto 1130 piii for Cochrane daily leave Allandale 1145 nanny except Arrive Allan am Leave Allandaie Toronto 650 No42 leave name 700 am 1710 Daily ve Allandale 808 gtHarailton 755 the Dominion leave To ronto 1030 pan for Vancouver jarrlv Midhurst 1280 flJlL daily to Sudbnry Canadian ancouver to To nto passesMid Am verlo roe Ewart wr holding each in the community Thtiiaday Jani23 ta 830 Priors nd retruhmenu 14 prepare their reconnenda Council or the budget Consequently it is expected that the hm year will be occupied with heodnz restroom petitions from the vaï¬ouabodles who are already nidedbyfl1ecounty or are desirous btaining the countys help Sometime duringthe middle Doorprize connte Admission 75c and placejwillprobably he made at the mesdoy session and Shephérd and Kn guru Operetta is underJhnird at ARos director BDNC Mr Ross already directed three aucceastul opergnaa in ï¬Harrle and earth one the Pirates of promises to he themo of them at noirnal totemgent appearance but his reoord goes back to 1952 with years intervening Willeresant Sullivan Operetta During thelasttwo months 65 memberso BDNC Glee uh have been vpractis for gt the operetta enzance by lvan The nperetta Io surly naughtst Parrish rho nnhec nu Iella tun only LU ER 22 noon JIPPLEJ