lurprise onflunsday Jan 1968 at RoyalVittoria Howltai here following iliness inhls 75m year Tlu tunasiren Saturday washeid my can Funeral Home Barrie with vice co ducted oer Trimbe pastor or tonvAvenue Unitedï¬hurth with large ittendanoe 06 no provision for the Hrnfllilmtfllve the problem inedueauon said Mrs Hankin The éounhy must train more rota the present odes assure oaiariea comparable tojsimiiai trainingltor young new ple of ability Salaries tempor ary training schools and teachers prestige were some of the con aidenitions The reasons fo the shortage waro derided upon as insufficient pmjae ack oi specttor scholarship andlacknot vemrowdlng and one study Am aholl be taught and at whatlevel was Belia subject Hiamnll MacMgflLAN Many bountithl flowers ex 11 pressed the restetei family and friends and of Ken Lodge AF iand AM 230 clerks oi Barri post oiiic Burton Avenue Uni ed Church ofï¬cers and me hers of Signet ChapterZSoottish Rite bodies Valley at Banie Board of Education North York Staff Association North Yorlr Board otEducotion and from Painlswick community centre Intenneot was in St James Cemetery Stroud and the pall questioned thevalue or establish lngcmnnosite schoolsfto improve education by easing theteach in shortage andpmvldlng better equipment transport problem would havotohe looked into The study otvtorelgn languages should be started earlier and the problem of easy education beriously eon sidered Around 140 interested persons were presaot from as or is Grand iniuesandrincludea uhlic bearers were Jock Shepherd Les Patterson Gary Smith Don Tupling Thomas Nesbitt and Ross Cowan Mae MacLachlan was born on Nov 27 1883 son of the late Alexander MacLachlan and the form no Wallace and had lived 10 82 at the am residence oilendal nearLav ers Creek When young man he learn ed the upholstering tmde and had followed it inToronto tor some timeand later had store and workshop inhis own hloclr Essa Road Allandale While in Toronto he had followed with the tics an ardent ï¬sherman and hunter lrving MacLaehlan was mem ber oi Burton Avenue United Church and possessed of iine has voice hod sung in thephoir there and also taken part in choir coneerts and plays espec ially undér the conductorship oi the lateR Norman butlt was when th late Frank Dob son in theAVrole of Seth Parker made popularV here thej group movement almost international Mao supplied the touch of the comedy as Cephas in the many presentations given in wide area by this local group He was active for manyyears in the Masonic Order and as past masterjot Kerr Lodge here had held practically fevery of ficezlhe masonie service was held theflnight previous to 1551 at the Jennett Funeral HomeBarrie under the auspices that lodge Lett bereaved by hispassing are his widow the tannerMab garet Collyer New York and twaflaughters by ï¬rst mar riageto the late Laura Wright of Innislil who died sometyeats Mrs Summeriield of Willowdale and Mrs Scott Mary of Both ning California wb ere pres he uneral Death Come Suddenly To rve nighurst W11 At pmvinco wide analysis at adoption procedures and guiding principles as applied by the ma jority ofthe 55 Childrens Aid Societiesin Ontario ha is when by the branch co erialreoeived fromsocieties in practically every part of the provincethe commit tee aimsnto consolida thousa swera to manyioi faced in adoption present on analys ithe ie turned questionnaire shot by th Simcoev County Society til then agen gt Duringthe past eight months pentaSimcoeiï¬nrriel Com nutteehas made an intensive ily yvithin the Céntre Simcué suit this study and subs uent conclusions eq aygui lns unitounii cedure and throughout on from the Simcoe County agency to the other red considerable diiferenées or opinion in solutions to number of the re thorny problems they indlcate quite urgent connotation important an Childrens mental mutton study of the whole question of adoption work as applied primus ï¬vagencies have alreadyindica dinz Iï¬koltogether otrStr George Burton Avenue United andrEsaa Road Presbyter ian all under the direction éholr leader vliarry Smelh urstand organis Mrs Gorge Shaw olStGeorgel lt With shchm leading the con gregational singing as hearty beginnin with asioml byan choiranthom wu Viha Lord is my Shepherdtlwithdeshot by Miss Norma liayllxs vwhoaiao rain as most suitable closing numbei An Evening Following the by the room tend the coming servicesat Firsrliap was extended thv Selab ocuirsamim thin section of the holy scriptures and actuallymeans just that it means thatlle is our refuge and strengthn God who is omni potent message musical Hallelujah Verypres ent helpin time of trouble The Colonel alsoreoalled trbm experience Var gneant only that prayer nation In 191 German forces on certhin front where the vwind had rarely changed itsdireétion in40 years ghavoc in GemianJlnes pn aoother accustom when boin lug ruins deadly over Londo prayer was these office In is hoped that Is re th ned inï¬nswer to clung York careers are Joseph 2x immedioter past Wardi Goodiellw dant Stoyner 2nd vice Morrisparby Waver plate evading Tickets tore nygaem each leather