weekend that hundreds at local Meimen havebeen lee oh the as whlehwu 0an mole of en has been helped along Ihe zero thielrfenoulh rtor macro ihe theiocal ï¬shermen thavebeen ï¬shinglor weekhoveverwe are gin to tho avgï¬nances or take prematurely lnthia area Forvthe beneï¬ use who hove not indulledjnthil pastime we will try and describe few facts aboutï¬ah sbanties and ice ï¬shing generally am sbant or cabin used by ï¬shermen to protect themlromthe ele enls while through the ice3 They are usually made ot fairly cheap materials as light in weight as possible and just large enough to sent two to our ï¬shermen usually two and ti accommodate small homemade stove toprovide wirmth The avenge sire of tlsb shanty is around ldur feet by three feet by approximately ï¬ve to six feet at the highest point of the root There are some whlcb aresimplyold packing cases and very cheaply put together as windbreak of sorts while there are some which are made snug enough to actually live in or icwdays at time For the most part the people who build ï¬sh shanties are spare time ï¬shermen who ï¬sh on weekendsJod days oil There are quite few people who make living out of catching andselling ï¬sh and quite tow who make money by building and renting ï¬sh shanties to weekend parties Getting back to the construction of ï¬sh shanties thematerials used are many The styles do not vary too much and they are generally built on square plan with simple peak ro go one side of the shanty small external alcove is made to ho se small stove and chimney These alcovesare usually about one foot to eighteen inches square large enoung to house astove about the size at alive llon can The floor lsconstructedin such manner that thefloor boards are at least six inches above the ice An opening ismade usually the full widthVet theishanty for length by approximately eight to twenty inches wide This will be the actual size at the ï¬shing hole The floor boards are nailed to supports usually two by tours or two by sixes on their edge vhlch keep the ï¬shermen above the cold lcc surface By having the shanty supported by anywhere from six to ten inches above thé level of the ice thisalso helpsto keep the shanty above the ice as it settles due to alternate warmand cold spells To help this situation of settling due to thaws and the weight of the shanty pressing it down into the ice small blocks of wood cakes of ice or any such shims are placed around the framework at the bottom of the shanty once it is place in position oyer the ï¬shing hole gt The stoves are usually old discarded oilvcans which are either ed up tht ing and ï¬ttin gr fasiEned in so onAoTï¬ctï¬l canvbo bnrncd The stove pcs are usually old eavc trough downpipcs or arrangements about this ap proximate size Some of these are eappedwhlle quite few are not ii any case you cantake it from me hey all throw quite heat when the shanty door is kept shut Very small windows which are simply square of glassabout six to eight inchessquare are put in these huts These windows are constructed so they can he coreredquite securelyas it ismuch easier to see down into the water if shanty is kept quite dark One door just large enough lor one man to squeeze in is placed via one wall of the hut Albench is built about twenty inches high 34 the full width of the shanty and on the opposite wall to the ï¬shing hole opening There are just enough floor boards between this bench and the ï¬shing hole to rest your feet as you sit on the bench Most ï¬shermen select fayorite spot usually depending on the type at ï¬sh they are after and mark out their hole by means of an axe or homemade spudbar which is in effect long steel chisel Aftcr the hole has beencut the shanty moved into place and the supporting timbers for thetloor are shimmed upand snowand ice ca hasa islpackcd around theoutsideedges to keep out the wind and light The ice ï¬shermain is now ready to ï¬shoxice he has lit his ï¬re and arranged his gear in an orderly fashion This is imports space is usually at premium and also you must be bio to reach for something in th dark and knowit isathand ecially it you are trying to land ï¬sh TheJishlngr gear most commonly used is stick about toot long fashion dlikea bobbin on which about onehundredjcetor more of is wound The line is weighted with lairsizedvsinker or series of small split shotsinkers Shot TOUR HO IKSARE THE ALLOWABLE ON ONE FISHING LINE llil these are usually spaced approximately six inches to foot apart These books MAY NOT be held to the line or one another in such way as to constitute meansbfsnagging or tearing ï¬sh Each ï¬sherman is entitled torï¬sh with ONE LINE ONLY To each book is afï¬xed salted minnow Thesesalted minnows are ones which have ibeon caught earlier in tbeiall and preserved by means of rolling them in coarse salt bill for the beneï¬t of beginnerswe will repeat TO USE AN UNBAITID HOOK TO TAKE FISH From Novemben the ï¬rst toMarch 31 following ï¬sherman may have bait ï¬sh up to forty pounds aggregate 31a ï¬sherman ay only possessup ï¬it We will have more about ice ï¬shing next but iorVibe time being we wish all local ï¬shermen lots of success and ask one ndallpbe aspo be sure and ï¬ll ï¬shing near someone who is new at the gin ahelping hixnd especially on an understanding otour ï¬shing and game laws We shouldnot have to remind local ï¬shermen 11 IS lLLEGAL om pril to Octobe 51mm hiss no linking gt ts minimum width of 37 miles The Legion Minor Hockey Vschedules get started tomorrow morning at the Barrie Ar no The complete sdiedule he January ï¬th towed byaWatlupper laldvout atrl pan gun Archie haunand men After being dormant for lean the East Slnicoo Rural lockey League has beeli revivt with opening flaw schedul edfor Coldwatcr rink next week Céldwater meets Victoria Har iour Jan la and on Jan lï¬ ioncy Harbour and Moonstone re scheduled to play Rural hockey games will be bid Monday and Thursday and he Little League will operate mesday and Friday evenlnxs Sléatlng will likely be held on Wednesday evenings is well as Saturday afternoon and Saturday night Rink activities are dependent ll suitablevwcathcr to keep the natural ice in conditions Frank Armstrong of Severn Falls whose leader was accepted ior the rink this season is ill in Orillia hospital ed for substitute management during his absence Rural leaguegames will all be pluycd at Coidwater starting at $30 plnwith the rules impos ing percentage loss of the gate on teams arriving late Little Leatuematcbesjor pee wees bantams and midgets start at 730 pm North River teams clash in openingngamesat the rink Jan 14 Rs He has arrang and Goldwater intingiu to flex your knee orn stnwvissbelng pressed against the floor nd bent witheach mo At the righthand on flatten the stran floor Keep repeati lorward and back back Just as ityou had dipped thebroonr in water on Js flexibility Pretepdj you have small rubber mat on tboend anemone tern thehandle si dogrees tlt Math The though occurs to this point th migh be good ld to dip you broom straw into pill tilwater lxpio the factory binding bler you tho slapping effective untilyou feelT you have fairly good control of the broodL tra Now comes work which iiiust be synchronized with the broom motion Alt this time MENS MAJOR LEAGUE First Division erg 14 SevenUp 13 saiuless lochio l0 Hydrd Cats éopaco Chryslers 12 BEA Corner Cupboard Car 45 Mondnys Scores Drivea Deluxe ou hafw been ionvartl no movement siblnyiy kept thlsllp long to ould Wit Seven Sainless Wright Hydro Deluxe Region hryslcrs DriveaCar Copaco BBAZ HEPC er Cupboard Bcbb had the bighsingle score of 33p Floor had the top triple total or 867 Fiears game scores were 310 327and 2301 Bebbs game scores Were 251 330 and 250 Sid wood ward and Cec Forthhadtriples of 73 MENS mm LEAGUE fnc First Division 611 elegrapbs ll RCAF l4 Lakeview 13xAl lan ook 12 Barbers Lesion Second Division Cops 14 Stewarts Kegiers Tuesdays Lakeview 7Legion RCA Allan Cook CN Telegraphs 12 Oak Cabins 10 rim rd 31nd back nr ac Bend your oi the dance ona AND two AND he bloom with the beat in one the loot has ard stroke oiï¬the broom begins little patience and practice wi lp you get the eel of this rhythm then you are ready for the next varlatlon it time nowto in little bouneelnto your stem tilt your neeugulxevnnr and up on ball your leetf Beud tha Knees pa little and keep therhrooinr straw bouncing off the floor you do stationary Jig Lott right lelt right Dance boy dineol yd been wee bit higher Dan dance One and Itwo ml one and two Ind There Josephson Norren All weve got to do is getthe Icetmovin rd to vkeepqpace wit the Try it slowly Remem her you are almost arrightan glcs tothe rock so your iettloot must slidenlong in osidoways motion with tho rightfootfol You hayefnow reached lhe point wh you can safely rTBJ oasy at Hm until you gradually get the feelof the sliding side tep motion gt Forget abou attempting to keep pac with test rock You will beIamazcd at howouickly you rvlllhdjust yourself to effec tive sweeping and more oymcnt you of curiing And it wont be long either after volunteer campaw competi netimoï¬rgman Hugo Aces Smith Farm Barbers Keglers0stew arts Copaco Acesvo Cabins 3Srnith Farm Gare had the highrsingle of 38 Dutka had the hightriple lot 754 Gores triple wasflZï¬ Oak Morris hadasingle scoreof so and trplevoi 799 LeGearv had at ple of 743 McDow Ilnl Rev lieu Cumming Minister WI bausbcne Hunor lal Church 10 am Sunday School 11 1121 Worship Bady school in Scout organiutinna ln lililon burg Ailinonudnnduy one ntthe member of the Cold water Conandttee lor Scouts unknownswho Cold walkr Munster 13 years Otheis ontbe committee no Har old Greenwood and Horace sal imotColdwnter The twomain islonda at New Zealand were visited and charted by gapmnncjokvm 1759 Simon Petroleum Ltd Worship Coldtvatcr ll ani Sun ohool 730 pmworsblp Scouting Reorganized Scoutlug activities which hatl been out nded in Goldwater have be reorganized under sponsorship of theJunior Chm her 01 Comm ice and the first FLYERS STAIISTICS Pts Forhan Poilagoon Patrick Cate Blackburn Davison Black 20 Crosland HalE Rolte Westiall Brydson Colo ltutle Tesslcr Totals Swahwmomï¬mmum noNmamumumm Emirate DAIRYMEN srrcIAL lii7oiliuirylinlion 2565 heron er chicks Forum Anne St Barrie radar PA Mess oraasoq mammacw Gel Morfak Senlee Luhricatioh Oil Change Wash tuneup and or all your driving needs san SMEIIE panama Lrnz Iexaco Service Station 84 Titlln St Barrie moans rBusJA 822563 Res PA 35039 mason Us Marshall che Buildersv Contractors or Farmers and at auntsan Spruce and Hue 14an loluh or oreea bothered on thelob by truck Jim to pm cinnamon lumen co Port boring Ontario coon rma unantfdniaan msibarAiNrmsu EXCELLENT Low MILEAGE ab DowniPay ent Easy Terms am 53 LIKE mg liliiiiiEllFlEl METERS Lid lacd ar Div 233 Bradford Si PA SiSSl WITH THE To tannin iiiiillllllllllSilii nnum it you own orifdrlve truck you hockeyfan in Canada If you are iive make you the envy of every lucky Winne in thlsvsilmple Dunlap contestyoui will be flown to 0519 NorWay at Dunlops expense to spend 13 gloriousdays watching Canadas own Whitby Dunlops play the pick Heres how simple his to enter Every in you buy of the worlds hockey teams intheflNorid Amateur Hockey Champio unlop ck Titanbetweennow and February 7th 1958 your Duulnpvdealer willgive youacontest ticket Fill outyour name and ad dress on the ticket return your ticket is drawn you to the trip of al Everyqu gt titles therlttllchuser the dealer wh will forwa be asked to ans Dunlop to enterin thecontestnlf The rightanswerand youre away