wmi oniwiu didI ev rie postman Austh street route The th FUNDAMENTAL ITEMS The Manitoba School Trustees Association deserves high com mun ation for the emphasis it has recantiy placed on such things as spelling and oratory At time when the childs education ap peals to be moving am from stress on the three Rsltis good see the omebnck 01 the old spelling match A1tona Mari Ecnnh lcxvni wzimzsoav JAN 300 rm nmm 315 Inh no WntovnT at us nay mm to whom 45 Spam tannin Ins Tuna acked in top t6 lgpttonxwith quality canines hnddmprovements that every words will ate Des ghe with érnci nd in WRINGER handle stops buthiolxers AFFLING LANGUAGE of theobstacles to progress in mentalhealth wort gt lsthe publics lack of ruuderstanding of avian Lh most simple laclsoflthé prolflem Oneflf theobstacles to lulle1undgistandlng by the gen grallpubllcfls the typedi mental health expert who makes Speeches ut In sum land xxm canmum NW Earn am an nunn moo chow snuw moment mm nas 1may in Spur xun Community No nan wiucngw munsnav JAN TM Path 15 Salvation Jinn oWmun show 400 anon uuuu 430 Howdy nmy 590 Maui mum Caldwell nub ahaw 515 Bait Mama snow madman New no Headline mu mo mu sum mm 105 Film Junk new million on poor 810 NEW 550 New yon clusa 11 700 Hemline III chkjuttavs ow 800 New 00 NH 00 New and snortl 00 NEWS Ind SD01 anon munm News In anon mm Ehnwtlm Rule sun 32 as mum Jim cm an munnnfw 545 Pnrm rill RE uonua um 533 ï¬g xwuwmm al £150 Nzvts III Rom 9301122 Elem mm now mixers an Jim can show Palnnme Pourulna mun Nevrs wninAJ ml Report xzsuaunaun Burx 190 Hemline News 105 Jim com 738m 00 nuauue Egg iï¬ï¬EVï¬ï¬iEF ONE ONLY COMPANY EOUI Emoy Thexmal Eye Cooklilg takgs the guesswork out nlytd as REGULAR 31900 much trim handsome tabld moich in smart contemporary styling in atlractiv finishes to nomplement our furnitule and packed with agociatqd machines ure that vihenklr you have clear vlsionl For safety nstail this new washer eparate spray jet for each side of Windshield Shockproai stic tliildcontainer Fits all mflélcar calmed pushbutth anehurne with revolutionary Thaimail gtE elements swing right up for gas cleaninfl my Féréstone TGWHEEDUHTW for Rural or City Driving OUTPERFORMS and OUTWEARS any lrudion tire eve buiil N0 VIURATIONUNO WHINt AVAILABLF WllH BiAtK 0i Wllili WAUS IN All POPULAR SIZES foe lilis lire today at