Annexation By Amaigamatio With the Ne ly nownior the traffic bott eneck blassorn ed into the biggest town incanada through the amalgamation with Nelson Township and the Aldershot distri of East Flambom Township33000 citizens on 55009 acres By contrast official approvalol 1500 00 acres by Barrie has not been received yetu The dlllerence betweén annexation and amalgamationseems at first sight purely academlc From the results it is cleariy easier to amalgamate than to annex The main diaereth in the two cases seemsto have been the fact that my the case 01 Burlington the townships desired the union in the case of Barriethe townships un doubtedly did not wish any partotthealli once heison Township waslpartléularly anxious for the union because It had been confronted with serious problems oldevelopmentwhich it was not in financial position to solve It is purelya matter mathematics to rea lize that large town can better supply municipal amenitiesthan rural tOWnship It is not beyond possibility that those who are leit out on the rinse of the present annexation of Barrie in Innisfil and Ves pro will in due course desire to sharethe amenities provided byi the town to their neighbors across the road within the town boundary This may lead toa desireto be amalgamated with Barrie This could provide another solution to the problem of the growth or Barrie Unsurpassed Postal Service Postal servicesitheworldover receive re criticism than praisein any one year Yet there can be no doubt that we in Barrie are fortunate in having postal men who are really trying todo agoodflob The following story will illustrate hat we mean Recently an Englishmanwrote letter to friend in an obscure English village but failed to include in thewéddresssthevcountry and the county He also failed to put on the letter the senders name and address hecau thatwas not the habit in England Naturally the Bdrriesï¬rter was perplexed when faced with the letter bnd took his pro blem to the postmaster The postmaster recognized the writing celled the home ad dress ofthe imiter and the wife supplied the missing portions of the address The postmaster made the necessary additions to the letter and it wassent on its way with the minimumdelay That was unsurpassed postal service and we suspect Barrie wanld be ne the few places it could be found Take Road IBreak Todays superhighwayshaveeliminated many accident hazards but they have pro vided new hazards in their place One of these is the peril oi falling asleep at the and reestabiishos sometimes faulty spec and distance perceptions LO inions If Others Holiday VA$aui5ja Fort Erie Leitcrlieview Ar angnoiern Rev Wells senior Protestant Chaplain for Canadas Armed Forees is Ito be commended for saying that suggestion to make Remembrance my nntiomllholidsy is an up pulling idea Remembrance Day is solemn occasion To dc elare it national holiday woui wholly mconlt sislent with the events its ceremoniesare supposed tocommemorute Tosuggcstlras has Mr Arnold Peters CCF membci for Timiskumin that lie membrance Day which is intended to remind Can adlsns of past sacriï¬ces be celebrated as holiday with all that word implies will attendthe sensiblli lies of the majority of cltluns Surely no better way to markthe day couldbe imlgined than for Canadians to remain at work doingwliet they can to build better Canada as tribute to the dead rather than toium solemn occasion into day oi reveiry Parents ShowggLaxiiy gt Guelph Mercury Juvenile delinquency although not as rampant in Guelph as in some other Ontariocornmunities nevertheless causes considerable concern tpsocial workers on the amo for juveniles gellin to trouble on ciatcs that there would be fewer cases of dolin quency to occupy the attentionmt lh authorit Our ieellng is boriicolit substantially by the Bureau of Statistics at Ottawain an annual report just released Canadian eomvlastzyesr gonad 8238 children under years delinquent compared to 6542 the previous no The reportwhows thatibe buikfulth werebeiween13 and 15 years Onth court appearances wh ch pr ed elinqu ricy 8176 children lived with their We believe that these figuresspeakftor them selves as far as the hoinelifeioi the rnnjority of delinquents were concerned We Eontinue in the beliefthat if parents moronicaw oi wards their children Were ready to counsel them at all times and paid more attention to uttliey read and saw cntelevisionthst on we juvenile delinquency ï¬gures Would decline they are now rising of Farligué hondon Free lPress AProbiern When most wurld We are likely to range far alieldgparticularly in the realm politics But in heraddiess to wheel lulled bythe mOnotonous drone of the engine and the apparent safety of the high way stretching ahead Drowsiness not fat is the real danger he modernrexp ne high way satety authority Matthew Sielski ilrafiic Safety an herecom endsthat mo rists stop fter firstthree hours oi ry 1010 miles there Dr Hilliard who has writtenmsny magazine articles anda book on the problc faced by women spoke of fatigue particularly Peopleeof her sex of muc wh applies to everyon It isa strangeparadox that time and labor saving devlc than450 miles per hoedthisadvicefinclud ing the Harvard Scho of Public=Health Human Variables in Motor AVehicleAc tratesr procedures kn beeffective prese vlngefllcie in dividuals engaged But goodydeal unsuspected sources onelines Newsnoper Wednesda the home environment We hav felt that if more 8895 rapidly as of us talkoiitbe troubles of the to afiiha Canadian Dear momrl vacate ceased publication likely hadtbis feeling because soiovia to go yeart 311 Noriolk County reaten toY throw thebsleauction inn eting systemdnitiatcd by the new keting Board few wee Starting with mass meeting about one thousand tobacco growi era Waterlord lastMonday night series of seven simultanv eous meetings 70f tobapc growers istriet ins uction marketing system ovemorethan small go of the loitmillione P0 pound crop in thedrsttbree llsoperi on To spontaneous ovement smong await rlca asked in is athEical an Several important tutors are contributing tovtheffail ure ofthe bale auction system downfall of the bale uction sys tern 0n theotllel hand even some Marketing ii rd ofï¬cials conï¬rm thatjhe buy gcompanies are cooperating one hundred per cent to make the system work one reason thst all tobaeeo huge cmp ciin new the to the 12Blbi now in circulï¬ th our are being pre Inimsomemooa net 140 900 New Testamenisisnd moreGospel 011 ions will ben ed in theCongo The illibish and Mien Bible ety looks tdggs vvmanio adop crop auction method sold in ï¬ne iwoid catastrophe oneflm ast refining tofliefsceneshl your to you in Place miles to its top fromWlmre sit At the present on gt line westvoi Golden Golde iowi nu meet 1mm not hang Iomqiy lot Comm now general merchant ti Golden Brl lilhflolunfla onibeJniin lino ltwls iddresed essor meowm sunse old ï¬cooknwmhï¬nuf lowï¬at nets touch nerso may op umunh as possible wthold lrinds and old pieces still door hgvc oftenrenjoyeld reading the manyartiaies have seen by you sbd few butnot lately oi vo Whcnyou returned to live in Barrie year succetshil iile elsewhere thought how glad lh timers would be atyour childhood and jute memories you would havezoi many places dear This mind you when hid not known of you before to Cookstnwn when opportuniiy words whleli snt beenvery often maylbe lDtimes in the past 60 LWbat inspired me to write you now was ur recent article Go So true everything you ߴib0ut memoriesand the pleasure of old friendships lBut particularly interesting to me was the listat old names you men tioned so many of them know in th early dayssome very in limitlyï¬ Walterr Moberly mmesisnds among melon ten in no history sit Â¥ll wrlidnz oyou the Hands oificc Window it is not shlab mounlammt as it sits It is very prominentand can be seen from longdistaaces It may bertwelve but with citepure clean air of nemesis it anticommun hill used to beingbuu around its sidetit reo aminernl claim combining atype oi sandgusedhl believe in sealing gas wells and in the man ntacture of glass The expected market for it is attJIe Bis works at Redoliï¬near Medic Alberta The crashing slicd after Walter Moberly is the iirst So you Were mining editor at the old Golden Miner it ceased publication somewhile before gt came to Golden June 1st1899 had gone toVancouver in April 1897 At that time Marpole was superintendent of the railway st Kmnioopsnbutsoon after was gen upentendent for the pro vince His secretary warn chum mlne and we boarded at the same house therdnlaw at the time in Golden who later bécame denu inistel works for Tom ownie was in Donald and his picture still hangs in the local Masters thnthe town oiDonw mil out in1898 through lb changingof the OER division airpolat from there to ld the lodge locsti was ed to ed on the Bow oï¬thst teem Beasley had brw Masoniclodgers one otjts early converGeorge Kdowiton and low others lvunnot name now The Brewster boyrBlll and who weat the coast and became Reeveaf thedisirlct afNorth Vancouver wbile Billy Heth who meddle Coinmbin Hotel was mayor the city MJZAJ Enggen ublished the Golden It the time but nziningcompanytook charmer over about 1908 to boost the sale of its and among the Scandin of innoso rand Wis eonsin It still goes under the name its company changed it to wh over The Golden Our tile town now has popu latiouol Lamabout 1000 more tbs whenyoujwere here Youui maybe remember thedhree main stores here in your LimoPamons Mcnermois end Wanens It was to work iotthe latter came here doom Vancouver nd eventually took over from Warren Zsoone years late nd have beenon my oran ifty years in turn trans ierringio oninlaw had hop edtodo so earlier so could visit my old haunts notmany friends lettotlmy old schooldayu Andy HarryLeadiny ct Cookslown and monotony old haunts good under smyselt boarding where maybe ortwelve stead bqsrdersaiso had their meals 33 years laterinn first set in the leg islature two other fbosrders who ate at tiresome table were also there Dr Kingston representing Grand Forks Greenwood riding and ThomasKirk sitting of theVsn uver members What letter have just received from at British Col umbia blg merchantifor 50 well os an MPP lorrzs years or more and dollops youwill it tooii he is aimnick Cwlgsibwn aiive anda sub Examiner for years past Elgln WY ad MalcomsonLctr BamiLsnLDrfl