Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Dec 1957, p. 6

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22 Joseph coed wgtln nuttrim IdemII midrote vtth owlty Avnly In no hrud wrlunl to Box Blnlo miner our employeu new at Il udverthemeilll lIW loumm hnledAPPl Cod rlngton so Apsrtment If lull pm EXPfitment Hondurannoted Only eln personp Juan Gnmek School Owaboust Iltsu Hmonnrunnccmué Ilnkd Unl dl employee ueueliu wry week AP ply Simone DMIIcl coopersilve Servi oee lnnnlll SI hurlI IIIom IIANPOI luhL srehouse work be tween dooye rentgr App after Pm WHOLESALEFlrm Iequlru girl to hmbookkeevllut unlnr toluene at creditor Pooltlon pennnent It Ils netory Iteply P0 Boxgld II me stotlnlmle one educsuon lItlIa mnmmannWomn whntod Io let holluhepcrfot Merly tnllcmln Ind llve ln Modem wnvcnlencu Dll helllnllnd televlslonlor further pur tleulun phone Beeton urn or write Georxe LIsk Beeton0nt IIILIH AMBI110U5 Mon or Wanun to run over esllbllllled wntkllu Bullies ln dune No money to Invest Oldut sud urrest rompsny at Its klnd Pro duel nhtlonrlly advenhed No In one Opionunlly or promotIon 35 haur wee wrlte lmmedlhtely to onlmer 50 St Pooh Street Montroul quehee 11144 Positions Flannel WILL hnND chlldren In my own home wenlnlo overtho hnlldsy Ieuml sud New Yelrn INe Box Ia Dorrie Ex lmlner 2ll7 NURSE rnsture responsible tile experienced undergrad Iypbl rellsblo chsuIleur pl ionlllly Avhlilhle Inn 15 Dorrie PO WANTED Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS Eons amEs anus aArrERIEs FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY truu III II hut no ln In Eis no mfln no MAX PUSHKOFFV Venn AND VIMPANY Yflld and Office 201mm Sh PIANa Wonted sny rho or more Puy cosh Pleue wrlio Athtlnl helxht plmo mohe Ind once rho home sddress and phone numher 80x15 Ehrrlo Exsminer 41de Rooms loi Rent PunNIsIIEII Bedroom Contr Phon PA anus 45qu Send and Feed lQR sAI aood EnlodIoy and me ture of Oak And Barley Apply Sutqu dy anemoon only Duncan Cumphell Guthrle 10147 nALEn HAY tor sole Tlmnthy lond c1over mlred dellvcmd It bun Wlll also any Nol loose my Clover or Ilmotlly must be Iroe Irom nadhlu or Injurlou weeds eon hehsled ot hsrn Phone 4am Alliston or apply IIerhert Agar Coohstown RR Iolmn iveslocit for Sale lIphsmN CALF tor venllng Apply Roy Cough phone PA 35875 9147 MB RUBBER STAMPS mntmgolmzn WEA MOUTHS BOOKSTORE in 1I1II APPLE CIDER APpLE BUTEER APPLES cmxlt 75 cents non uIier soc sod um carton ApplesSnow McIntosh Northern Courtlsno WolIe River Coouu App es mm 3300 per bushel down HERMAN FETCHmPA 89459 rI Oum Contllnm 1ng lONEs Ilsto FURNITURE ANTIQUES lo Ers noon ALLANDALE Duldnlln Pornlshlnu or ouslltysnd dlnlnctiou Lupe rtoelu Ilwly mu uhle PA 06261 71294 MERRY CHRISTMAS to oil uur Irlend sud Cuhtnmery thonk you or your pnimnoge JONES USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUS In Essa Rom AIIundqu 7I47 CHRISTMAS GIFT Apples VIIIDIIS vlfletles Holt hushel lots Phone PA Md 7111117 RANGEHBS In flood condltlon Ap ply lot Victortn 51 or phone PA 414 7I45III ECOICII PINE christmus Trees An ply WeIIInpton Webb Wyuvlrle Phono timvxle 3542 7131 uncsm Gentnl EloctrIe rim l0 ell Phone PA 35031 74454 WIIY RENT when you can own the new Remlnxtnn Portable $100 down Shoo per week Phone PA H693 71451 and motor vwm IeII cluep ApplyF nunmend Ehrlvule phone larn $4M CREDIT NOTE on new Chev WIII sell or but one or wIII trade or puwei tools Box In Bhrrle ExunlIner 71454 BELL PIANo upnzht In good condi tion 75 Ilho Itan room table In perfect edndluon with bullet to match Phone PAMooI 7II7tI MAcInNEEY surplus Eurpsins Metal noooworhlng rswmlil homo gar ludunrled mind 16 Vlotorls 5h Kltcllentzn SH zum 11414 HEAVY DUTY 24Ineh Delta 11 Saw complete wlth molarvlnd stand Idul Ior hobbyist Holt IllIce $15 you be seen st PK liIhchInery Duulopst IIIdIII mumIII HOUSE rtorey trnme 70 by 7557 Exoellentmoterlol Subdlvl SIDIIIIEELIIIIIM llIOVEJ wensonnble Victor 54m 317 Lakcshore Rand West Ohlrvllle 71464 Ifi SINGER Eleeirle Portnhle to rent by week or month Free eatlmntes given on repairs at any muke at iewInE muohIne APPIy sLnger Sewlnthnh Ine Dunlop st West Phone PA7 Egan IIEADQUAItnhs Ior Llncoln Are weldtng Equipment snd Supplier he monstrationo thrmeln Industry Peuturlnx the nooln Llhrary to putyell welding problems And rude at Sam RR Stroud telephone loru 7I4o149 1051 and FOUND 17 DAIRY HEIFBRS and some Cows Apply Bumtend Elmvhle phone 19m $445440 FILES AND SprInger IIolstelns grader and purehreds vocclnsied or hlood tested any cowswlth awhr nnty Also Calves Ior Vehllug Phone Cochran and son IIIII stroud sIo Plnnjs and Flowers gt CHEISTMAS PLANTS AND FLOWERS AZALEAS POT Mums POINSEIIIAS CYCLAMEN IIEGONIAS APItIcAN Vloms SNAPDRAGONS CAhNAIIcms CHRYSANTH wide vorlety or your selectlon BEZZANT JOIINSON sInEhr PIION PA sdsoh OPPoslIE NEW nonmth sIOItEI CASH5 DARBYAND SAVE zvIIsIII neddllno Fol Jopy Phone today PA 8298 POUNDDog on Con lnnlslll Own er may clann on proper description Apply IIsrvIo PA 000 I7 ItoIn DAIRY EQUIPMENT Mnme MAcnmEPnts snn ervIeo on all more at mrlkem New surso Mllkers and uh mum of used mulms We just huveeveryuuux tho duryrusn neode plus complete une ufmccxnnd IIehcontrol to meet on oondltln horn SL Borne 451451 PERSONAL LAnfim elms CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND FEPAm SERVICE CuHOPE Dunlap West PA 370 Moon wafl Bank of Nova Seoul all12854 WIEII motorcycle enthuslustr In th Blrrle are MerrychrIstmue And Happy New Year Don Tickle Gan DLComngwnnd0 50141 wwwvmu ho Intengsted In drlvlnz couple with Codlllse our to Duytonu Polm Supply 11 Mulehster Beach FIoIldE between Chrlslmu and New Hurfllltonn Wuhzohouh eon146111 BEAUTY counselor ClIIlstInu mu make up And Ikln cure Item are lvhflihle Kromleery momm Inelui amuty annular lJtedarIck Blrrle phone PA was pitmt IIIITES Poll hum tIIIIlMlIsé 00 pmrveelr In Maine OEADLINE Pol MONDAXJSATUBDAY Im pun Aan MAP IIE TELEPHONE fmPA am 4e commonsIm doe allowing conseéutlveslnxertionsocmmn CASH RATE 3chord lIlllIIIlIIlm 60c Followtntmsecuflvednsettidnmzc word lmum 40 mos run 7mm mm new Selllnl belw wholesale prlce FURNACE wood or ollwlth tiuk aw 7l4llfl REAL ESTATE AAA We EXTEND MERRPCHRISTMAS HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR BUD LACEY Al nosz LE POPE heroin $83ng LACEYS NO onLIGATIoN PHONE PA 83298 OCOMMERCIAL AND Elm PROPERTIES IIII47 Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrle Inmrented In Itemlu tsll couttr CONSULT US ON Low Down Puyment Routing Plum Exehunze oI mponleo NsIlonsl nourln Loom Income Propertles Eunnuu Opportunltlu Property Mrnuement PHONES PA DIMEvenly rPA arm 18146 OAKLEY PARK 3=BEDROOM HOMES OPFERINGTA CRDICE0F 8W BOTH RANCE STYLE AND SPLIT LEVEL IIomes by Cmsley constructlou CONTACT HENRY BERNICK PA 82670 03 ANY VMEMBER 0F BARRIE DISIRICI REAL PsIATizzonnD llGBWFI PaxrkVVivew ++eiglns mitosn AVB Be£iveen cooksrd Nelson Eu FEATURING RANCH tr SPLIT LEVEL GA LOW Wlfig oaAItAGE on CARPQBT PFULLY nEcohAmo omODERN mTcnENs osIjoNE moms emu LANDSCAPED DIELECTRIC PIXIUIIES ocohoyhho EAIII mums WITH MATCHING CERAMIC or VIDED flAéfilEEINTS OKITCIIIIINIEXHAUSITMFANS hon hAlTHI NIIAE IionIdAdEs Ihl Ir Esmer mmhfnl COUTTS nuitREADm ND IHOSEWE VE BEEN 9Rer PEOM LounanAh ESTATE AND INSURANCE DEPTS JACK SLESSOR LEON PERIARD 710E WHELAN RUTH woon MARG STURGEON HAROLD FnRSTER PERCY FORD DAN CONNELL GEORGE WRIGHT JEluw QUINN CHARLIE READ AL FAhQUPAhsoN IT Is omtsmcm WISH m1 YOU HAVE MERRYMV CHRISTMAS VND AR ELELEssOEREAL TOR MEMBEII BARRIE DISIRICI EEAL ESTATE IIOAIID gt H47 BAItIuE ANGUs Elltsr TIME OFFERED $15 dowu new stirsetlve room hurrylow Modem In every mpeoh on hoot plece bhthroom toeted Aorur Close to new school $9500 FULL PRICE bungalow nnd gongeIn anrrle on fenced double 101 Les hut five Year old Good Investment See them PA 1251 $15000 TD $1500 DOWN NIIA HOMES New drooru brick bunnlows Immed Irle atomsIon n1 lama Bwnspfl Inente grertly reduced Chll now 3715 CALL PA Mm ANYTIME or nmlooh N105ANGUSV KELLP EEAL ESTAIE 15 pLAPPEIIIOIv ST PA 87251 IoIIIud SOBDIVISIQN AVAILABLE SOON Pacedham $91500 to £11 11 on or luhuh role hedrooru ho owl mownglphym ent nilod low moon Selory requlremente or lateral $390000 Yearly EuMn ehsrger no AVAILABLE Now gt 52mm Idiom Chane or lunch styluj bed ur hung CARSON 5YEAR0LI BunsLIDw clnxeito HomeJOr youlneII Indml mfnntI $9500 full price or two comrortshlo PHONE out glows wlth atom from Ind KIIIIIG On Downrvlow be nor the now Johnsonht Puhlle School Ind 011 porloo the now uontro olioioi hr Mth style lionu Three Bedronm BunIIIDWlWI dIIIoIopt plum toaohoose km more you II Ibo nm In wnevle to all ION Domlnlonr tom Show Ann romptly lot will also no llecths mfievnn JflZzDUNLOPé WEST PIONEPAsSWT MICHIE REALIOIISVJ FOR gt VCVQMPLEVTEV REALESTATE SERVICE BUVING Oh sEuuno mmAm ARRANGED ONIIAJIDMB INSURANCE APPhAlsAIs 15 owEN ST PA 85 151404 PARRIE CAlisEo LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKER Idemhernl thelllrrlé mstnct no Eshle Bond was cursor Nani ml PA um ydnunlop East horns CatticOpsuntan mn sstiudmunulopm f3 SEASONS GREETINGS May your home he Alled with Joy and lnuzlllerldurlnz Ihls Iertlve reoron huss NORM SIIELSWELL l6ll1 small le Phone PA Is147Ih Apply 35 57154 cqomfiodalion anled WANTED hunners upartrnent What have on tor son or 310 month on Duulop st East or Westl Apply hon 39 Eorrle IImuo ew Adelolde st or means lCOLLECTIONS GOIIMHM N0 WW 131 153 For Ditchlng Excuvatmg BQCkFII Dozer Work orLOOding STEWART J50 nuulop Phone PA tum 5427 BarrieBother Painters 72 CAMPBELLlAVE gtSPIAY BRUSH PAPERING showed rro mum to 2D ASl Electric Motors °n5 EH fiehpvM HARQLDB HART porno Elm lotorl merin an Ienh lfi homoItou motorean inns IIInu Br lsllIul murmur Mammoth tout sod kitchen ronto st or phone PA on gt 4311 humor qu Elmotn ui 47 alool Bumpith IrLJL VA mm at pm In Norman DInheuxn gm hey roan mound Nor Ion main mm not dsmlorgfhuoo lerlorJuuh Sprint Puma II Iul hoe Images1 +an rm mt honi IIIW 11m houe mthoud sld filnddo Itsmu I10 cots otle aground 33 Shane IA ml urnsm MoutonItem eat nep rnteentruneo Apply in Sophie st War II to pm loIILIII rrr noohI turnlxhed arouse Ior monthr nomohth Adults ll Sovltll st Worn monorPA mtl l5M7 own ALLANDALI ls llrla room nleen bllh Apply Blrfl Phoho PA uulh mm Chill modirn hodfoom urtmeht stroud fitment hmuq AvllllblezDfi 21 Phone Strond Gallll Sh IntroIla shdurue on mAhwoyll muu mu tor BIrfle one PA 53ml qvenlnsstronu arm ubtltblfl IODPJIN BedLllllllf huudekuplns room wlih utohonoue Sulubla or two In three III IhMIGIA MI 157mm 11003 Apnrtnleut IeII canalled halted cemrll Phone PA Irma or PA AlterGall lam 154401 APAnrMRNIs two aroom ond one on he wster nlppllod Ch welcome Phone PA Mud lsugu mom room rel eonislned updrtv ment on mental central hthores Ind nus stop Avullsole me so Glble PA A2421 lsmIto MAUI HOUSE wllh modern convenl enees rolls mm hsrrle ollilluh Way so Immedlunponeulon Phone PA um aqua141 noon unlurulshed srtrhent PH vole oulronoe Prlvlta hsth splt cou ple Ono ehlld weleom Phone PA one utter lsIum coliIPLmLY tumuhed home In rent Ior lrnury uld Pohrosry Oem trulAdulIl Abstllhensox 15 ID no Exumlnq 154mm lldlln gt Prtvole Owens auntsmo or no SliVIfl ON mammoth one maroon sod one 3bedmom eottoxu wlth Innoo convonleuoee Apply Dlva Knuer wsuds Belch want FURNIst RoanI to rent up only or room unmrnllhed uplrtment Centrllbf located Ecclurst Soulh Phona PA on Illunis NWWOMIpIflmmtcompletn wlth J51 mud no Immedloto gm erslon Apply so blue so Apt or phone PA 37m Islea WAsAuA EEAOK yeunolind urn lohed eottuu roIrIsontor on heat ed tiled $2545 monthly Phone lTBWll sthyner mu ilNPunNnm Upoer 1513mm nunlhx room Ind hath PrIVILa entnnce curre East end Adults Phone PA E5254 alter 680 sIesIIJ WEIL FURNISHED Ileflzd room aplnmenl prlvatte aggnc hnth eon nuuulewhrnLMh er sn nemnshlo bltIcknLohlhwa wellington 157145141 ItEsrousmu erson to cure or schoolggg pmo return orIow rent Ilnlurnlhhid lpafl ment Phone PA Hm lSIIGI Room heated bunslaw on No II HIEthIyJtluth of Blrrla All modern conveniences anenex su Ilzd Phone Mr younr PA 84 ppw 588 15+qu ImOM Apurtmentn Ivallhhlo now Sell contolned hehted No column to ehIIdren Mint hhsthlners Cen trally healed Phone PA was orIaI ooluer St Isum SMALL nost rooms nehr CrmP Borden Sull couplewh ane oi two small nhlldren Remnlble mm Ap ply Mluzrfl Store Brentwond Phone New Lowell 9m 1514544 APAIwMENhs unlumlshed well heated esoh hedrooma hosvy wirlhg entrance apleee hnthroom Central and 1mldentl Adultn CIvII In Av lnhIe lsnl Phone PA 1513148 LAItnE Apartment mmlehed hed ir30Inlihllvlru Primilznhen vlth hull on uy and IrIg Prl to huih hot wl rushested ymh all Private entrance me and run deeln Phone PA um Ioldou EL UNFIJKNSEID housekeeping mom Very lam rmhrlphteomer room on zlmm loor Sink cupboards counter sephntlne ldtvzh the Irorn IIVIIIK room Reasohhble Mun hesuen he hppmlnyad Phone IA WM 154141448 Roomfind Board noon on Itoo Ind sand Jar mm In new home Phone PA mad lzflflt Fruil Vegeinbles cnnlsmAsAPPLEE order only bushel Jets 3165 etc Howe PA 34965 xii142441 Dogs Pd Stock BOSTONPUPPIIS week old Mlle ondIeroole Phone PA 321 33147 ubhlts and Gulned mo Apply 191 Burton Avo Tuna COCKER Spsnlel Pup lubllck and hlohdes Loekhs Highway 21 Thornton Phone lvy urn 351454 DACHBHIIND ANn much Po pups Good solectlouhnth udnoh ding Exeeueotspets Ionz hsired kittens ply Purhey Pouch Mldhuld leIgem 15142 th bIlIIHn Ill HIM ml Doe II Ind um Oordou nucennq ngmwtmo Aj VII lum llaI Barrte In 18 I7qu 51 We HullA Royal Wleto mull Blrrll onlgtoe 2o ItoI Io Ir um Ind 33 Marine Ill llnedn IIWIINIIrA MILVIEW II lv III Burt on Dec 557 watt XII Mould IImhllu Norm dlumzn SYIVII nounemery Ion ch2l on MIovpd wue the lInlJolm Arthur lIolhm and or later It Mn Hlmld neynolds nrluls Leon Ponthluurr Don Kon roo BuI OIOIIIIWII 3mm Slnnlon clrh or Ports Stanton un llckxcre ory IN Ann Pulls nL gt Beemnllle slne oI urn Lowu cot Inn ol0nnnvllle uld vllev olIver Newton or Wlllow Grove Pehnsylr VIYIII UsA haunt si the lennett mantfime vice on Tuesday Dec lllpJn Interment Thnmlon Cemetery SAWlleAl Royu Vletorlo Hoopitol Esrrto ou Thundly Dee 3951 Peter Stephen Eswulooeloved In Innt 1011 Mr and MnPatzr smut Am lBlrflg and II gt month vfienln the Lloydsnd Stezkley nlnerol Home an Wonley EL hsrrle Punorsl no oy Dec st pm Interment eryl Ceqlnle Burrle trrte Puntnl uxr two hmouunedotf Almouzhfthue Jug meidtutugn puIIWMIIIPVWIHkIIJ iyell the Prantondhm haul dlul cltltydn Icahnate eliteIce rDee Itshto TAKENUIICEAIII the council The corpontlon of 17m Town at BID no PM Ah vu Bfl dIIlIlIII street the IIm on of Vuyn Street If DAb nation or Inn noiiee In The Burns mnlner for tour menu The Councll qu hell In person or hy hls earoi wlldtoror enany person chlml Ihsrhls than will be roludleis slleeted hy by Iow um who oppller tohe hurd srItAUGIIA Curt the Town at horn BOYS SEAGRAM down Mllfllbnlqr The corponuuh nLtIIOTown allvflanlé lfl5ll NOTICE IO BosonOld twhwizmflz lltnmlnleler we flfxhe iIoquhIp oI Isu In County KSlmcoe IRIIIIIN duelad H115 died dlstrI It vhlv onl clhl mm noted st Toronto thls lath dry meeemher 1951 MIKE RLINKA 1m Bond st Woe Toronto Ont SolIoItor Iorthe eeutorr he lgtIllIor snd steveVoIteeh 4419 iIN MEMORIAM AnmrImNOln loving memory oI our IIEIOVHI EOIIIEFI JDIEFIIIIIO AMA etrong who pulsed IIwa Dec7l 1055 Plane God DIIve Went Ir here Iy homo without mother re the Joy we meet Whe her shall no longer mots Thu comlnl of our eel she true and very pullout mm the yen1 Ihe truvened on And those drumpd now mun Mlde homenull how lone To 1110 who luv or mother charm with El There will neverbo Another To IllleIeI uncutchm loved and remembered Dorothy ry Jule luele Wh whyl filth and 147 dehr Orin rent cone vherethe Well nlnapo sweet And token where God knowshen We mlss her here ro very much Her presence on teem llllht Bubwe sll hope In euven tomeet wh Hoodl Lovlrrgly remembered by Imh ehIldren and motmndehlldren ARMSTRONGIII lovlnl memory at ourdur who pnsed ewny hee2hlo on we ehInlr otyou their arm And onrheuu um filled with path on thle eorth WouldJId houven could we hesr your voice uuln Iwo yeurshhve szIIIy pissed hwoy But ettu we dont Iorget For In the hearts thst loved you hest Yourmemory lingers yet 4nd misled by Blll Illd In so called 141 cAMPEELLT In Iovtng memory or my dunvsmer Bury MlnnIa whn pund swy Dec 26 Is Oh whatdwollld nveto elssp your nsn Your de meet me to see your lovinz smile yourweleom loo That mElnI so much to me No one knows the Illent heartache Only thosewho have such can tall or theqrtet that Is homal For the one Welovecl so well oEver romemhemh hy leuIe and so ATEsln lovlnz ry brother and uncle Ioreph dear Gales who entered Into ESLOII Dec 21 I949 Always In our thoufih Imm EIn lovlng memory oLu deu hue and and other French Wesle IIIndle who depafledggm llle 132016 1955 Someumeo Its hard to understood why some thlnga have to he But In BI wlsdomflodnurpunned Beyond ourPoweer see ovInsly remember Morgrot and flmlly =r shoor no Morehoe TURKEY shoot to be heldi dooroht Inmvole Arena on Sunday 23 lhtrlet Llono Club 22 $rrshui hntfiufl e1 Eldegd an wIIl heheid ht 4013 for 11 Paul hemlnyton wluzlnustor Lndlewelcome 33qu cUMlvlma FEED lvnu cnnmow tote your order for ehlm from Hlllalrlh Poultryfihtchery Au prom proveh rteInn Phone uror hotterth eomo rod on mether lllllornulon Anne atom e=PA mflahorxlht Arlen wlsh llllt all mantelMun 21mth ANDERSONS BANE KSERVIGE New Used Batterles BenoitL DUNLD rST WEST over 400 Highway PIIoNE PA 34473 lTol Chrlslnlus Gullng nonhuman Dva ROSES TABLE CENTRES CHOICE PRESII c111 Phowms FLOWERS Ell me 74hloke If gtPIJDIIE PA 855915 EBMPIEIE wlIlt bIwfithout Typlawrllflng ShnIjzhang moo nucleoli ld wand plan north Ind In on fléwkdhy élnés beginning Monti Jan Be ready lot better ohwlthrloodb OOlI eeplng Calculatlon Spelling and W11 GeI the details toJnlnIiur newday class on BUSINE Icedoh Io on tlng anuary

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