7Billidn Ind Royal Bank Co mlelcd 1957 ï¬scal year on Nnv so wigh mm user at the humppm ever attained by Canadian bank increase forihe yéar amounted 1o 89246 resulting in total asset figure nlflflmï¬mli am the bank have in scd and sol new means our Canadlan bankin 11 deposits otcd during recent years continued in 1957 The increase under this heading amounled iu $148307710 to min the Royal Banks luLil lo $3426 145 now r9cordlor Canadian banks Commercial loans toml shear 183952 an increase 01 Slim 095028ove he figure of year ag Call and short cans in brokers nnd investment vdenlexa have increased by $72814172 and now in $233835 Loans or residential niorigagesfare also up having increased Airom $186 72003160 $21 59077 To as sisi in pro ding unds forthae purpaSESsecurities héidr hy lhe hank have been redlmedby some $29W0000 iioldinssi ol Gov ernmonlo Canadar and arov clal govermnem securities are shown at $672276855 as jconim ed year ago whilehoidings her scene mes increased from $492218188 1030553831141 gt rbng liquidz posilio the bank ris reflcdtnd lné total quid assets of $l95836836 representing 599 per pentoï¬ the banks abillllos llie nuhhc Proï¬ts niler iaxes show hind erale increase of 16 parent and tolzil $13919550 Thisis equal in $276 pershare as tom paredfla $270 in 1956 Thaf banks statement shows that regular dividends amounting to $10077622 vwere paid to shareholders luszan extra dis irihutium of 100 per share amouming to 3504000 leaving $333Km10 he carried forward To this figure has been added $665618 carried forward £rom lhe previnnsjear and $11600096 transferred from inner reserves resulting in sum of $15603 5464 fFrom this amountzlheihank has transferred $15200000 Ito the rest account leavingjar bai once $403540 in the undivided profits account Provision of $19960 has Menansnsideixor incolne es asgomared with $13410120 in 719565 This is the eighth consecutive year the Royal Bank has trans erred to rest account portion of the current years earnings Capital and rest account now stand at $5040mooo nudism 200000 rggeecivqiy It is in tereslinglo note thatthe restvac counl is novyï¬ uailu three times the banks pal ca lal These totals logethe loamymaps hero passed real in Torn in on Dec 1967 Alberta my yam ofjhe Me SamuelInflam Burn of ivy ahe Wisthe aidi as dimmer the aï¬evchnles JzBanling mfbis mew ngurgarct and Mary Carr Thorn mg meson nanny pear étmasgm ian Eegimmn Grim mootrlhation anemia survle annexl are na he st Sturley Jennie Mrs CL mailman Barr Emily Mrs W1 Bit Mamnodh 01015th and Mar Mia Emms manor The uneml mine was ductedby Rev Barnard Thornton Unllbd Church pi the Lloyd any Stedgey Funaml Pan lots Barriuy Sunday mamoon Dec Inlermentwa5 lntha family plot at the Union Genie lery Thornton Pallbearers wara Cecil Breth elhw Boake FAnder son Torrance Bhutan Joseph Len nox and Vernon Jennelt Relatives and friends ntlénded from lrenton Newmarkel lo rnnlo Kllehener london0rll lia Alliston and surrounding dis trict Ar Greu Ago 0f9l Wilfred Christie Died ilye of Christieand Caroline Turney passed away at his home 56 Brook SL Barrie on Tuesday Decwfl 1957 At the REEOIA he becamea lelggrapherjor the GTE at St Galhanines and for some yeam Vthereaflter yvas employed at yar ious ce res lhroughout lhe pro mils otlice ai tha pollen Saturday Albert DeCm key If Fivecanfliflales sought electla to the linemanmunch iho re sult Noble Layering 140 El mum ng 103 George Silk 96 mod to Mi 61 Hill dauzhler 05 George Hillandlhefonn en Miss Laura Buchner at the home lheJatters parents in Niagara Falls NX Afle several years in St Calh arinesr rlstie joined the CPR and Tweed andylalerh me station agentpol Cmighursl vNovem her of gt1908 tha railWay ï¬rst went throug spent 35 years in all wllh the CPR and re tired on pensio on July l1iJBL ln addiï¬onrlo is vwldow he leaves 10 mod his iossiour daughtersand one son Elsie and Laurovofw Haanllftbn Caroline at home Irene Mm Harold Hill and Chargesgqboih coshBarrie There are four grandchildren and four greatglandchildren Although howould have been 92Vyeiars ge onNew Years ed devoted and extremely gen erous the will he sadly missed wit undivided OnNov 17 millihewa ma andi fondly remelnbered by his fami calkhérs urlng the week in wliil there is at doubt lelicultles are shaping up in lumber ollvand abaae metals he Bald toï¬s fdlda torag la gtaeapnandevery iriendn truly scum Christie IGA Store mans on oven in omen mun mum EARLY Announcing NGw Flaw Available maï¬a mlle pianos only allsliuy hlghér costs You wlifbé mull when you serve ynnrlamily this ï¬ne manly Mm EURMBREJNFOBMATION INQUIRE ennisms GA 3N3 gt swrrrs rnemumsnnnnmsa amass new HALF min ton wnom nrnrinmr noNEness CLUB STYLE l5 101 LB memos506mist anon Pm mu congaAn TIN STORE HOURS WEDNESDAY 900Lm £012 noon FRI 9001111 In SAT 900 am In 700 pm 1101 DEC 23 this TUES DEC 24 till ll rge