tree and seasonal em or the lodgeaeoomed the promotinga cosy amaspher Mrs Milton Moore composed head poem which incorporated letters in the name Walker ru Following this Mr Pen aally assistaaLmanager of the atdreotilciaily welcomed Mr and Mrs Botter Mr Better was ap pointed manager of the store six months ago The staff presented Mr Butler Hula table lighter and calendar Mr Pengally with wallet and Mr Kearu with leather gloves The olives of each of the gentle men received boxes of chocolates gThe staff exchanged gifts aid Santas little belbelS John EndDavid Pengaliy and Michael parttime employees at the sto on behalf of the staif Henry thanked Mr Better for the eveningand the dinner GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs Samuel Hiltz oi Midhurststation will be at home to their iriends and neighbors on Saturday Dec 14 from two to six in the aiternoon anthe occa sion of their ï¬ftieth wedding annl INMY FURLADY lie Gillespie sonof Mr and Mrs Ken Gillespie of Hawkestone is singing in the popular musical MyFur Lady which completed nWeeks run in Toronto on Satur day Leslie is former BDCl stu where he was member of baubles Aiir plaeeinssisted oi the bandvaad popular vocal 5013 ne time in Joy Dunning dancing natgucto ï¬MyIï¬ir Ladyj invth dancing chorus MOTHERS ENIEERTAlNZ The Mothers Group Committee for tbeFirst Innistii Guides and Brownies aregivinga Mother Daughts banquet for the Brownie Pack an Guideï¬omplnies First lnnlsdiat St PaulsChurch Th dinner will take place on Wednes day Dec 11 at six oclock Any mothers wishing igrther informa tion please call Mrs gHunter Strand SEN lop CITIZENS It The Christmas party oi the Sena lor Citizens Club was held Wed nesday Dec and provided by the somptiniist clubnot barrio turkey dinner with all thetrim mings was served foliowedby ice cream which was very muchen inyed by ailpresenL program ofChiistmss carols followed con ducted by Mr Griffiths accomo aniedibyï¬hgusjtosa on thepiano Mrs Amy Sargent vicepresiii exit the Soroptimists was chair man The eveningincluded read lugs and solos WATER man The loon diving bird whose call is familiar on Canadian lakes is helpless on lan MISS sum CARTER an employee Walker shown presenting the statisChristmas present to Mr and Stores is Mrs Chris Botter Mr Batter took over the managementof Walker Stores six months ago The presentation was made at the annual Christmas dinner held at Alcona Beach last Wednesday night Royal Vic Aux ls NeWOificers5 nsfa The Womens Hospital Auxil iary of the Royal Victoria Hospi tal held their regular meeting at the hospital Tuesday Dec13 Twentyseven members answered roll call MrsAG MacGregor was visitoras was Mrs Ron Hardy representing the Junior Auxiliary President Mrs Ep lett presided Savannah Lodge ry Volunteer workers wrapped 124 dozen dressi Mrs hard Social hostess tbexpast two years thankéd all members for their services The adies are provided with cup of tea alter each afternoons work lunch is provided after business meetings with me TheAuxili ry had packed bale afawarm clothing for northern Indian Mission and received very grateful letterirom the pasv of the mission Treasurer Mrs CrElrick an hounced there had been receipts of $15770 in November The cur rent aecount showed halancevof $637 aftct all expenses were There vwas $10575 in the lif saving account an $1508iu the convention Aaécount One of the vendingi nes needed only $12875 to pay it off This was done an is some announced the Jun 10 Auxiliary nowhas 35 menu be ï¬nal business meet ing of 1957 and the president Mrs Eplett gave warni thanks to all her committees forawon deriul year The work reportstor 1957 will lrhe givemJan lat vicepre dent Millsi 2nd vicepreside Doris Grant recording secretary Mrs Cutlibeit secretan Mrs Ev Graham urer Mrs Cliff rick Tbe Auxiliary will hold their annualChristmas dinneron Thurs day 12 theloaidls Re no guano mnngtetior EleanorKerr left is MarjoriechQuaig 19 anlemployee or Canadian General Electric day 0h John Eleanor is from Thornton andis presently cleriiatDeVilbis but is training to be selection from Blutarchs Lives was the subject under dis mission at the Great BooksClitbs meeting in the Library Hall on Monday evening his biographies those of Lye asan early Spartan lawmaker and Numa the second Roman king were debated and 9°PalFfl The central theme of Lycurgas governmcnlal policies was miii tary strength Everything was subliniated to that one end No trade gagriculture or commerce was allowed captive pemle the Helots did all the work Communal dining and barrack lite were other features of the Spartan life The Romans lite under Numas government was based ona fear oithe gods His laws weremorc gencnal and family lile was en joyed by the citizens Trade and commerce thrived The next meeting will he in the Library Hall on Monday flee 16 at oclock The book to be discussed then will be St Matthew from the New Testament enormous cans lithe Continuedirom who one gt Bright hankiehndersoh iten Carpentï¬ and Paul Cameron who ranall over the East out in Ven oouver last year This woiald appear if the writer came from some place like Cut Knife Snskatchewan instead of Elmvale Dntario It should also bring some eat rgument from at least three native Hamil tonianswh make Karrie their home naine Ferguson Laurie and Leisbman HowcverL there is me having been able to seq Cup tlckets in the East on hulldingmp Western contaots Thats theplace to look ford cats when the games down this way they say 65 reported from innistil that one of the candidates had lost her voice priorto the elec tion Whatva handicap in ca paignin Wedo llavetbe funniest th gs happehin Barrie day last week when someone calmly walked into the magis es of wn one osotasanamgnas Charm School on Thurs th yand cheques Thisin theimid pn Presumably during co feehrcairt Next thing weknow the police oflice wi he hurgied About the silliest headline was th hy Toronto paper on the day of thecup game in huge bla typeITS THE MOST esp ays hat Church at England clergyman have been called into respect newspapennen because they too arethuml ta ts Just 10 years ago thatayours truly along with other members of theloal aréna commission and manager Wes Ailsoppstood by andwaoclied with pride asJoé Brcen directed the metallicrete floor1a Ana fwisgomario sales manage or Canada Cement mpdtJ rlripiefot BM Bob Ernst hadthe In single infmm Fran Reynolds had the lodiu high triple of 873 Shirley 10th bad the high single ed 288 Bob Dunn ivon the special Moms mwNLaAoue Clarke indCiarlreso Ougbs 55 NM 53 Quecnettcs 49 Lake bu5leltlxe43 Jack Glarkettes 38 Barclay Busy Beesi21 Eager Beavers 18 gt Lakeside Hrcksonjs Eager Beavers zBarclayettes IPA Queenettes Deluxe 7Viau Oughs zBusy Bees Clarke and Clarke Wiarkettes Fern Carrrpbell had th is single scare at 273 Mary Mc Fodden had the high triple of 8673 special prize went to Gloria Gm lam mber 18 at 630 pm the girls will start the Christmas TurkeyJuli Price is $1llwo groups will tightfor the prizes those with handicaps linder 17 and those over 17 to 35 porations MB Landreviu com JohnVF unterlo Sehng 1y we Mi vened the sewing ble belpcdby nmAn cotte 141pr The popularjoke sale Ania uhder the supervision ufMrIF Garvey with assistance inhuman Doucette and Mrs vich nett guarded the mystery parcels MissgaiainevMuiseandMlsa Mary Shaughneasy were the candy sell ers Lookingiiaitcr tnn terlabieé under the directianof Mrs Belanger were Mrs Smith Mrs Jungkindurs Chew Mrs Pennoclt Mrs Berry and Mrs Bishop The lucky winner oi eschrist mascake was Mm Knv rToner Commerce is lopstreet East ant Cfoodba Argonauts Professor Farina please tals ote Wbo tripped nibbles did he just bobble over his own feet Ahwcll as look out the win dow Annstrong thought who would waht to to Florida and miss these ï¬ne Canadiali winters7 Co then New Breenis president of that theother day was appointed director olthe Royal Bank oi canatla llilsus the same Joe Breen who used to be dneicf the best baseball playe Canada nd star halfbaék wi Toronto run and just ARTHRITIC gtTREATMENTS MASSAGE SAUNA BATHS Edgchill Drive Barrie APPOINTMENT sun gr 5l am reminded of Harry Salaam Mrs Barrett andMrs Dun HvMuAULBV Geoli Wood President and Gen Mama Wood CompanyerilodJoccntl announced the appointment at MacAulcy nilElan Managor oi Nortth Ontarl Mactui makehis resorted in WI Loughced Man er of We no no we cm ied Willard Eric have nncouven Toronto and Montreal with 34 Warehouse The Co pan manufactu and slribut awideranze oiSa Ianon PMucte and Equipment to more than 500Q0 customers which include iospiullSchnols Factories oicls ins and 0th place