Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1957, p. 6

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Ich moor St Wecg Thronlv iiouaauot 10 per 151394 rvaii ohm Lmmhhod heried pqu out iirroioni St 151 21 mnhhlfl able Damlfhme PA All Iii And ov Warmlde apmnrrnt Coup ml endura people rirope Plume link Se 1513540 Bopllu On avement Hot Lon rut Plion supuo iorli lLllIJW Room Apartment upr Cumberland st litml WAinrtincnt lilo Irlei PM emu alter por gt iiilulu Centrll Phone urday EL rbtioiide ionic1r to mare Centurion unp Wm Bu banto examiner ROOM unmmlehed Ipnrlmelil lint ea untl floor Phone PA 03861 mmlm itsint UNFUINIBHED newly decanted room Plume PA 666 after ALLANDALE huh Apply 39 Gowln FURNISHED room Iplrtmeni rel not witil cuppaion sun matte oaniraL Rent in Upckbflhn€am ismii anucrlmr pronoun apartment on lintnnoor at or tially mfihri no In Ola 15in XflnSL Strand 1hr innutr convele or write evenlulr MMOXHI lomwi noon Arrimeni wlih nnreito ltlir optiona bplfirdwood 35 in ninMiy rfipméil on va 371 islsslio MOMApInmlLV¢ry 12 mil room rhodium kitchen wilh ni ontnuccl Chlldr wel com and nave Dunlap Wen PA 42 1514044 FURNISHED room ap ent low rent rulillhie or couplr Isa Mir ed room lplrtlnenl Avruaplo lll median1 APPLY5 Owen 5L eveninn PA com LAPABTMKNTS wth new rcmnn iorr and clover hundry Aclliugz oloclu ironr downtown EnrrleuAdulIs only Apply 124 Duuloankluhfar lnnro iniornr uop 1513940 ARGB Hourslreepinzll or heated rnd nimlahcd suit mr eo couple will supply iritclien ilierlailr and bed dint ii measurinJlqu wwlmm mlt numernmrmiplymnnml st 15135441 31 noon Apartment available now iroorn npnrtine Ivllllble Jrn Set contained heated No ohiectioll to children ii it be rorulnerr CenA tnlly located Phone gum or in Collier Si lsmti nooM mt and kitchen shale brill nd cold water shire cost or hydro chlltlrui over years old Welcome Stare space Mlddle axed Iblllilnen Ure pl washer vacant lll Bayllcld anytime ltgrltl LARGE plrtlnent mmmied bed rooms 11 in room kitchen with built ed on Barber shop on only 40 notion 154394 UNFUILNISIIBD or room heated and hydro Very ceuirrl Phone PA em issixnio NEW MODERN Aplrtmeni Lined Adults Heated We unfum end PA lsisslio NEW MomtitN room ounniow AvriloieDeo is Apply Owen st PA miss 15140 In cupboard vy duty IIIIQ and iril Private hath not water henied with all Primlie enhance garage Ind sun deck Phone PA 34293 161401 Accommodation Wanted ROOMS wanted to rent in lciniiy at town Have children lua yenro Phone PA Hm llluu PERSONAL linan Home one block iron downtown Available Dec 15 Hindu Qm 99354 isitoiil UNFURNISHED lrrge beduttan room and kitchen Toronto st or phone PA 89518 1513 ROOM llminfl floor lpartrncn lie ed reprrate cntruacc 75 man Ap ply to Anne st 15 BOB hrlck house on Lynne St Olllhc ted Apply 88 Cook SI isii iio Sophia St isliiuii UNFURlenEn downrinlrr rooms Pri ate entrance Avullilble immediate ly PhonePA azoso lsliolil REED Fumuhed CHINE all heated Apply Emuha Resort sh nty my Phone 0m mlaslill APAItlMxNl room and both vrte entrance 355 month No child ren Phone PA 96672 151394 Emma roomkltcllen and 1211 vrte bathroom mgnud ranzette inp rlleo phone PA c7155 isiiolis Oi imam uniurnlrhed aprrtmenterlr contained close to bus on hrby wel EOmePIIOfla PA 66350 1513944 lwoM House Floor coverings all union and cold water 830 month 0er Highway 92 Elnwole saris BOOM House in shanty and colntortahle Reasonable one Dorrie Min aiier slit 1543mm Pumsilm uric room linked on nvenlenccsr in load home Centrnl to periweelr Phone PA 66225 islioiii YOUNG Burlness Woman will there with some modern 2bedroom home Jamil Ind Februlry PA $2374 15140 WILLrim modern completely turn rrhed Madmen homc 1m reliable Pk 82314 uiio Wurln rent hurry und VFebruary PA LADIES Gm CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND nEPAIR smiVlcz HOPE nunlop West PA wait odours wort nruir oi Novr Scour allmi nenun Counselor chiminus mu make up and DK carciiemr are Ivalluble from Mr Men Frlnce res lstered bemy nu clorti Frederick st Barrio plume PA moo air12m Room and 39¢ ROOM on Room and Board for one in new home Pltnne PA Hagar 12136 ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen rrlvnte home Phone PA om 12131 ltoom AND nom Central Good mcul5Pr grpoee Lrundry done Phone PA Mien izuoui BOOM ANII BOARD Very centrally he noted forz worhlnmen to allure 132383 121350 ROOM or Room and Board or two in clean warm home Home privil eges Bus stop right at door Avntl lblfi immediately Very reasonable Phone PA asola izisviio Rooms Fal Rent FURNISHED Bedroom Centrnl Phone PAWE 45440 FURNISHED noolvl PA 33245 islamio FURNISHED rioolnCenirol Girl pre lured Phone PA 775 4513 malnxtlebt Suitable for or girl Phone on use 454293 FURNISHED ltoonrr liedilth rooln Ceniruil=A $7065 451391 Mites zroonled apartment bedsli uor llllml kitchen conrrortahly milkedgnd heated Phone PA mi 151 games unmrnlrired moon Private Allinheated Rent includes hydroaud Applyz Pruncir st plier islioiia rum to rent 20 ocrrr good born House In modern conveniencesr uih Barrie ut stroud phone lsiiola rill hing ilymmq epum an bin lily st phone zzaqefiayaz 1514044 UNPURNIEHED Room Cutec cou vprererredNo objection to rnluii Apply ride entrance 26LBIylleld wasp140 Apartment availhie ut pnoc rtovn and reingemo all 9425 alter orpln PA iolsolin aprrtment nd rink in kitchen hydro ruppiied Phone the muzmsnnn road Capellarue 1519140 FURNISHED BedruolnBlSlllfsS man preferred blocks down town Phone rAliiisa 451394 COMFORTABLE mmlflled room Ceri trally ioerteo Available Dee ss weeklyLPllone PA HEM 54er FURNISHED light lmurexeepinl room Bedroom and kitchen nnd use or bath Phone PAMsezl pirce Suitable ror huslneu girl gentleman Phonemi osoil arrmm Use or grill and warningmachine Apply Muple Ell bedrnnm Sultehla for LWD Avauahle A110 single roomPll PA 843 Iél5 pm in ilosr urrle FURNISHED or unmmblied bedroom in new Blake Manor 56 Blake privileges Apply in penon5345139fl0 ownannith onerzotdroomf mcmuomAéotlgaes with null Hela PP disWt comlrlmgtiingy turhlrhed room we ea mool Iledritllngruonll Plonq PA H335 hed relr contained nun and may IT °l1£nr irad mm or nrglsuitaouple 27 Eunou Av Mi iomiio nail yomrwndfimm as Mawnor oil in roomyr rn Iy orun riaoiree ironingare Mrlefrrmrnraie rim13944 ROUNDlem Winter card old Good on rain and tax Price 3810 Mervyn Moron 117 Klnz st Angus llerniocisoisz trunnionm hi heuutycofintaol Children petnlderl troy Rhone PA no SCOTCHCDlIIu trill the ill and Pall Black Lab 18 monituoitl1¢im1 DAcnsiiimii ANil French roodio pups noon ration notii nonr ed ding iExcelloli petl Alto beuiilrl lanzr haired km rurirey Rlncla mull WANT 6003 Pan We inveulnt what you Ir loakllll Your chll room with slnlla bedm Pllone PA for rent Phone BzmrlmG Eafisckezplnz rpoln nn and kliclienetto Suitabletor couble 45713944 BRIGHT furnished hemomrwlth lire Alla Phone r3 szou rsmnn llrulemsmzn bri divnull mm KittenPhone Sufiflflml 3814014 modern ea Phone mummy remave Brr door cylln Sednn inlslied inlngoonllquuolre and Block wltli attractive black Ind whitetnm lie DU oportone mouldings wheel coverslitane enectors cigar light ralr eon ditloned heating lurniiignlls cry low mileage ahmifltelyos new and will be soldwith illumakert womuly l957 CRUSADERVSQBURBAN Economical cylinder model fililihcd minown with tan trlln lpowerfllte transmissloh whoel covers stone deflectors cigai lighier air conditioned llelltlllg turn slg 1° Full make var wrrantyn Api lo or girl or wnmnuKltcliEII will lovrirrA lll eminent sawhco pup lrlepor phone 381894 1955 CHRrsLER l9ssrcHEVRoLET Be SEDAN cylinder modilflnlilledln twolone willie audiblicli WltEEllie trlm sportnne paint rportone mouldings oil filter wheel covers stonedeilectors cigalJligliter air conditioned healer lfull mak ers warranty 1957 éRusADER ii cylindcr door modelrfloislled two tono deepami lagoon nrr quoise paliltvvith ton trimwheel covers Italic deflectois clgar eite lighter heater delmitcr turn signals iull makers warranty All these cars are absoluter as new have been used as demonstrators or company cars andarc fully winterized Clean reliable DéDendaDleUsed camall fillly winterjzed checked and readytoga 1954 PONTIAC Sedan Oli 1956 STUDEBAKER v8 Two to ncef$edariRagllo owner rie 1955 DODGE Royal La 1954 DODGE Royal Powérflite dsa Very re l954 DODGE Royal Two rope 1951 PLYMOUTH Coach Refinislied vl953MEIEOR Tudor reflnléhed lAlrVB Two loné l954FFARGO Panel Refinighed Many more1Dependablc Cars ti plck frailifAll the dbove hare useful extras maliy havE radiosrliidst of themare equipped with turn signals air conditioned eating etc We invite you to comp Sefirj linennines 31956€HEVROLET¥ Sed l953 DODGE Regent llahle 1953 slAvov Suburba naw tires in orphime for full particulars of the mgdelstwllich interest you Trade In Allowances EAgY TERMSu CLEAléANcE SPECIALS As TRADED VINj lost on Scaan 1950 Plymourh Sedan l949 Plymouth Cpacli l946 Pontiac 531n1qtor 1948 DodpeSedan EST INtusEDvCARsi AND FORTHE ULT pine now Contact tool mllwll and triée lowdown car SEDAN SEDAN mman curated QLXOQL loosipnmciurmrnnmin pm vs snow plrh hnitouorive wire tumone and minsharpens ownersoar 1956 PLYMOUTHSAVOY Need body rclrl Thin in an ex eeiielrt oppnnnriliy or trendy body acquire late modernr It 1956 PLmoum sAvolr custom rldl tone ltmemucat Pullbu on orivo mtt Very low mile 4955 DODGE talisman 3mm Mono men elutoni rioio nowlcltaaverl 1953i PLYMOUTH PLAZA SEDAN tone finlnh£ent on spurt one owner er 1954 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Slurp Clem one owner ur Sole lllu rldlo Dirk blue finish 1953 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Shllp clean If toneblue It covers radio 1953 STUDEBAKER V8 LAND CRUISER scorn overdrive rnd rrdlo Dori nun non Ankh clean car at low price 1952 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Jetbirch ouiall lovely clean liltir 1952 STUDEBAKER thfB coups coo owner 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN Hedlum blua good low leftrenn portouon tool METEOR CUSTOMLINE doornlnlvoon onlrn sat ooverr 1951DQDGE crtus an wile nine new seat coven Altman ne whlie wall tires Good runuln low pdeedeufr rfl 39s WMEismm melolllc finish custom or new serlvpove Luxury model low price issiirLYMpum cameraman SEDAN Drrir blueilnisli ucw rert covep and Hood running an Good 2950 CUSTOM ion custom rrdlo wlth Almost new white Autdmntlc in let bleak flnlsli vrulltlreu 19 Pdec COACH iiunr well tone plack rndjyeliow 1949 DESOTO CUSTOM swim Jet bllck rutomu II condition loin camom 5m MANY oilloos ro cnqoso mail We Have EeW Yip Qaéllly Trucks WHCHEVROLET no Elpreu rrdlo Exceptlorh mole FARGO arrow siAicr 4958 moDEsta AVAILABLE IHARQLD HILL Lifip nmriE lsliolfl ul xxolsrelmnlveuriin Heréioid null coder 059m REGISTERED liolrtellr Com Jun ling flicllé t5 SHDDTINGMATCH frnitiie rlnnrupiiion luwnedr Poo to 111m SATURD Invynzcm ERM Ill llw THOMS MOBIL 9513nnml Inc gainday Dee7 the loot of ma lilu lmmm eynnn lurilorl pm Shotgun olniw fulim snoutW be licldv indoon iaiuur rm FOBD vintdflxed Spmllle Subunit kiln wilth ol Than9n Hllhvlu istioui ll STUDEBAKER Clll be financed Phillie In Smud lllwrlfl NEW Iubeledl their 50011 my trust momma provided ANNUMJ Geese and Turkey Blind it pin on ml or an mile one lulu mpplled the two PhonePA 573 lltet IIer IIIDJ Awfil Km Euabkrcui In euulm condition Wlu Pt nth PA 1311 I519 CHBVSedJn lllnflllll periectly Wlll tell Hatchery Ihl iirleLBllxtnnAlL lrrlenhnuePA H501 lFmlllT PDNTKAQ with pilew Um radio 1nd loch Vilndlhluld VIIthen luwmlllc mmwn Excellent lion oluan Apply onmurrtnrrrre phone 195 NRDIgllomlflicl mum 100 It condlmnlnl heller wln led lnnw tirea and milliliter tlru direc llnnnl lull In Heel condition Plume Slmudfl 111 IJModu nsfiDODGE Mon villi dump inoior nod tlru hlr on aenenior 31K ilov null 11v cm BJIillua clock and racin Hunterl trailer nionrd out and Austin Ino tor Li arant and son Coll inlwood ulioiiz 1555 CHBV Pickup éflim in ion coit ditloo urea only ortnluporulrlnn low mile one owner since new Equipped nth hraud new 12 ennw tnld Candie norrut or only $1995 Call iir nohron niPA am or 55 Dunlop SC Wm XSllolfl ios VI DODGE Coronet eorrrpletely equipp eurtorn rudio llmhi wind rilleui wuhen overdrive lender altirtsihackIlp 11ml pot lighups rear vlcw nllrrorr whitewau tlru in pooricandluon N1 price also in ml or HE 175 Georger surroe REGISTERED Pollod retard Heller rush one due in sprin Apply Fred Click an Dorrie venom Pricedio lull xrtrt erxlii not ii Don is West awlltlnrhury 8139451 154LANDRACBrsourInfant ii week old Sowr no Boari 20 all Tirn us Creemore phone 21 WESTERN rhort neep Feeden about 850 pounds mostly Anflll lnd Here lord is llrnnr an Coomown phnnaJlfll cttoiil REGISTERED Lpndme Hair year old with paperr for rule or will exchrnre or ynulil rowior cattle Apply HE rozrqunlim good producing llol neln Cows and Halters fresh and elm rprinaerr Ailvroeinrted nelsonrip no to choore mm Johnston Howkratone Phone 1024 Ora 91394 due Dee zo brodjto Selllnz rrulne Achilles Grade Holstein yer run idrurhler or Antony red to Hallckhoune Duke Drone Both are vec einoteo Apply urnhcrt Wlllson Coonr town 23 12 l9140 Rlcesg AID SCRAP METALS againrains énone in 66331 pr PAoaiiil 7Woolonion 31 lNDpSTRIA AND BarrieMetal Salvage SCRAP JRON METALEI U38 BEES RAG BAIIERIES F72 182 ERADEORD ST grrlQNE labia5355 pGOODBUYS 19491FORD 42r12 11 54 lintmum door El NASH sumomm 5a HUDSON Warp door 58 lilLLMAN Convcrflllle FEAPHERS LIVE POULTRY an pang fill daflund rdue BIAY HAS pivle Ihlpment chick Duel pu en lo early on onirr neat it Copeland lut Phone 55r12 cmcxs Hunter Poultry Parrn rr strand menu or let or kill you with your problems We realm we inurt help YQII to helpounelvoc CI an Hun ter 77 at smud we believe our oirielu are the but LilROiNW METALM linuiopsiwm It En Arena Slum Dec Iuplm flmvnleDmdtllmu Club sumo Hm Pmunlll PM 22 Tina Ill ll serum shootlnx Illicli for dream it Dec ml an VIII Sh lu ngfllgelgi II in an Mlufiflfldfl cvmflmbmhmnwlake your older ior ehlein mmllllhlfle poultry irrtehery rtrrlnr phone or or bet er null coma and lee or iorihee inrornrriion Anne st Phone PA moron PA H504 All root pruven lie Wide cholc osccoclterell Broil delivery should be ur or comnlcle 4m neeion zim Ask it ruple your chick require uiiolu Approx workmen epic allitth tor rte pinposes lulerrhiy gotmenonl PA awz 88min roan Sedan um nine oporp will exchange lor mum at Vlmomolon coin ll Armaniphone mum MI CARETAKEK rendeu will be reeeired by bu rownrhip oi sunnioala school Bond tor the poriiion oi clrcilker ror new threeroop school atNew roilparilruirrr may he ndeived iron iir Leonrd honinmr NrrrLorvoll or iheaeereirrysqrenderr to he received by ll oclock noon Monday bel Lowell or any tender not uy roeepied ccrflrally located Incwly decorated immediate p03 filission Corporation Barrlc Theiesébiitpefitionwlignfinore than 10 000 menrepresentinng aoopcomptini moron lhéir skills in the searahdor rigor all fields Resultmore Canadian pi 9r dabadiahhoiisumpia

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