inkney ct Windsor spent Ly gr weekend with his another Mrs Gertrude Pinkncy andhn ther and aiaterindrwh Mr and am liru lilaknfy Thornton respending law days in two withher brother and sistenlhiaw Mr and Mrs veral am 1with her parents Mr and Mrs Stanley Halbc WW Mrand Mra Pauliflient last eekeud inStrattord wi in Durham Mr and Mrs Frank Fiddler spent Sunday in purharn with the latters hmthcr Rev Kell and Mrs Kell The many friend of Mr Kell will be pleased to ltnovr he is now home from the hospital and resuming his duties as ministcr of Durham United Church Curling Club The Curling Club began sched ule games on Mondiylthisv past weeklwZB rinks are in play In Sympathy Thaslncere sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs AlexHood in the death ol her father Wilfred Brolloyrand to Frank Broiley in the death of his brother The funeral service waa heldinthe Jennett Funeral Home on Wednesday Nov 27 Sympathy is also extended to Mrs Bert Murphyandiamily on the death of husband and father Mr Murphy passad away on Thursday at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston after lengthy illness The funeral service was held in Barrie The Late Dinwoody Cookstown regretted to hearot the passing of William Dinwoody an old time resident of Cooks town who passed away at the Toronto General Hospital on Sun day Nov 24 1957 in his 86th year The sympathyioi the con iriends munity goes to histamily zlohn of Shelburne Ailin lot Toronto stepdathe ot Knowles Harrison Toronto orinneJinrrison of Ban ti and Eileen Mrs William De Witt Englowood NJ and to Mrs William Goodwin and Mrs Willoughby Toronto Thefunerai service was held at the Gamble Funeralliome Shel borne on Wednesday Nov 27 Temporary interment Shel burnc CemeteryMortuary County Health Visit Preschool immunization in Cookstown town hall on Tuesday Dec 17 and Tuesday Jan 21 at 190 pm immunizationvagainst diphtheria whooping cough tetanus smallpox and polio at each clinic Legion News The monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion was held at the Legion Hall ton Nov 25 with 16 memx hers present They decided to fholda series of euchres the sec ond to be on Dec Good prizes will be given fand good time IS expected Price wili be 50c Everyone welcome The hekt meeting of the Auxil iary Will be social when they will entertain their husbands This is tone on Dec 16 Th UnlieszundaySchool surn per an concert will be held at the church on FridayDec13 in the hurch school room Reception Mr Mts Ii Braden were host and hostess to an enjoyable reception on Saturday evening Nov 23 in honor of Mr and Mia Norman Braden neePat ricia llteardon of Toronto who were quietly married on Novem her 15 in Greenwood United Church Toronto Many relatives and close friends attended this pleasant social evening During the evening manyheahtlful and useful gifts werenpresen to the bridal couple and bottom lunch wasserved Ross Social on ave their annual randy as the next meeting is eiee tioo oi officers Two quilts were completed tor Mrs Braden The meeting ads Jaunted to meetat the mascot Mrs JC Ramsay on Tuesday Decin Refreshment we 5mm the hostess assisted yaMrs WilA tiam Nevilshlnd her committee Church Activities The WMSSr group otflleUnit cd Churchmot on Tuesday even ing Nov 19 at the homeof Mrs John Timbers Mrs vFarir president opened the meeting with prayer and conductd the bus ineas session The ï¬nancial report ot the re cent bauarwas given which pm cd successtu sum was voted to be sent toithe Presbyteriai treasurer also or transportation bales of clothing for the needy The May bale ioran indianschool will require three sweaters Mrs Faris gave an interesting account it the recent meeting inColling wood committee to secure ot ioers ior1958 was named The haptcr from the study book was given hyMrs Frank Nowell as risted by Mrs Halbert The Scripture lesson wasread by Mrs Couse and the devotional talk Ind prayer was given by Mrs Bf fie Glass The hostess with Mrs Eiasspnd Mrs Cause senved re rcshments The WMS oi thcPresbytcrian Zhurch was heldat the home 01 lirs Thomas Mayer The prea denters Patton presided mening the meeting with the iymn Fight the Good Fight Ind read the Scripture lesso ltrs Hopper gave the prayerBus ness was discuï¬ed and reports xiven including the bale to be sent to Grovenhurrt Hospital Mrs Posno gave the chapter from the study bookvand showeda film on Formosa explaining thepieturea as she proceeded The Mission Band presented gifts for the Ar magh Home delicious lunch was served by the hostess Evening Auxiliary The regular meeting at the United Church Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Miss Grace Porter on Thursday even ing Nov 14 with 25 members and guestszhe worship period which took the form of re memorance service was conducted by the presidentMrs Monk man who also read an excerpt from the book of remembrance based on the third chapter 01 Mai achi verses 16 and 17 Several items of business were discussed it was decided that there would be $3 paid towards each memor iarn card sent out An invitation was accepted from the Thornton Evening Auxiliary to attend their meeting on Wednesday Nov 21 Mrs George Faris offered her home for the Decembermeetiug which will be the Christmas meet ing An exchunge of gifts not to exceed 35c will take place Reports were given on the sec tional meeting heldin BondHead by Mrs Taylor and Mrs Earls The roll call was answer ed followed by the offering and donatiohsto the birthday box The meeting as turnedover to Mrs Coupe hymnwas sung after which Mrs Cooper gave the Bible study taken from the second chapter of Philippians MrsHH Rainey led in prayeru Mrs Faris tfhe speakeroi the evening gave splendid talk The cheapest atro moet quicksetting print on the market madam in Christian stcwardshrp Mrs Monkmm ably gave the highlights iarge audience oiWMS rt all denominations held at one it the Baptist Churches in MEN Belore ciosiugthe meeting with hymn ahd Mizpah benediction drs Pinhney Mra Draper and drs Joncswere named as the nminatlng committee for 1958 rificers delicious lunch wast rerved by the hostess and com nittee and social tlnie was en oyed by all In Toronto Mr and Mrs Couse and Ar and Mrs Kiddspent Sunday in Toronto the guests In and Mrs Keith Couse institute Meetins The Christmas meetingvoi tit Womens Institute will he held in Thursday evening Dec ihere willba an exchange of gilt rot oexceed 35eents re Mrs Draper rid Mrs Trotter lon ironies 37 Champs 3$i Ar rows 51 Bel Airs 17 Bystanders 32 Black Cats 40 High singles Gent Russell gehb 280 lady BettyColumn High triples Jack Patterson sss Doris McKillicun584 High averages Lloyd Hughes 209 Jean Coutts 171 gt Teamrscores High singlethvo Ton Tonies 1268 high triple Champs 359 Team standings Nov291vo Ton Tonies 37 Champs 35 Ar rows 54Bel Airs 24 Bystanders 31 Black Cats 44 High singles Li 303 Lena Nicholson 243 High triples Bob Tyremnrl Lucillelatterson Arrows 1318 standers 3562 prion Shari Brysgia SERVICE ALLMAKES 33cLarrrnro so STOP around the pountry High averages Lloyd ljnghes 47 so willingly 29 was we The GA met thehom leader on Wed caddy Ndv2l Theleader led in lnshllalioï¬ service The secretarialcad the minutesand 3h VI bull in letter mm thed sun retary was read One was the fluttering three prizes Balsa log um giria who in the Dorcas tielea hadthe best ressed doll knitted artiel ehil aia years or tinder blouse or jumper six under 11o call was anslwercd with the mission study verses from St Matthew Reive 9mm took over Kinnear yis cd in Willowdalc Enï¬tth ay atria use rm iifth Line1omc and School Team standings NovLZZ Two misused newt35000 square foot plant in Midlanth by Whiter Toted we is claimed erated Ir sh bun announced adfaoeiit to the ljlfthe mm tor the produc eras and also what he the first refrig dough installation in gt Firststepto ulhonnnlpé Juét call us oh yourTelephone hum Alanrun mi Why Newinseamtradswung nsion Get therfull value Witsouatilmmc PhonePA auto MV noon and ma SERVICE isfaduo an Stroud 25coilcct or oarrle an sassy rs 12m ThcSBFordis the newest car in the world he only car ever to meet dwide test and win worldwideiupprowi before its inimductiu tinny so beémlful it made eyes pop from Paris to Pakistan gt mettle around the cntircwurldl Fords new interceptor V8 engirletoolt themighty layus the rugged Rockies ivithout puff And afterthousands of unbelievablytohgh mils the 58 ford proved itseli to be the sulidest smoothesttravelingest new car everlWith Fords newsoriteractmg springsbudips lose their bounce ahdaior the ultimate in ridinfcomiort Ford otlers xx revolutionaryncw optionulford perforrnanoestory from your Ford Edsel dealer car so rung and Solid reason to Ihnt hill or rid FQeo woundedth raved and mid thoworld Every ruundthe ruggedinner beneath its extra strengt erywherelv Theh ity ntouredrrameisbowedout togi eyou walltowal welded brand and Ymillri mil air approved Fordishu Yuuil get up tofl$mora gas now CrviaeOsMolle Drive teamed with the new Intercept Vst Herc is deniest most versatile of aliautomatiedrives D1 position Ross Socia Group met at the home of Mrs Lowe with 15 members and three guests pres ent Mrs Fildey presided over the Aeeting and opened with prayer followed by The Lords Prayer in unison Correspondenee included tha ks from Mr and cardsent at ime of death ot the vihratto onpovomont farmers mother An appeal was Mr Luve for sympathy read from the 311th Seal 31 Wind tructlo In mudo now 1Fnrlula nnovylnurndi