mmaasr Thursdathov was staii night tHillcrest Associr non ad un Bell and the teacher planned and carried throth very enovei program with great successW flor the ï¬rst part out one class roomvtor each grade was settnside as the go ering point tor bricl study oithe work at the grade This proved oL such absorbing in teer that general expressions regret were heard when the bell gt Mommas everybody to the Illnl wsrlda cmmswc laitiltorlunl or the general meet the bencho the supme Court Canada when ioronto Bell introduced by Wrum Duncan mayors Kfclm T1 Pratt addressed helmeeflns an administration ot justice could Vlnfl 90 Wmmï¬nfl be sisglï¬cancepi reports rad £11 not he served with Mr Justice Nyionl lhelniracle dime tha wears no menu moon Locke sitti on lhe case Chm gt in presenting an accurate picture Justice Paulik Kerwin announced amoï¬lfomver neeqsm caddyng pupil achievements and the courts rejection of Mr Dun And its modern treautyior your balm angler Seamus that the cans volition ibutuï¬ldrmillistiéo imsiatablc ntï¬hisdow price Wide cpa opeeommssonLockesownn sp lt on Education in Ontario deals at McKague of Toronto lett hp sclfcu Faloim some length with the subject of own accord The motionwna School Examinations and since precedent in Can dian law examination results form the basis for themarks used in the re ports the commissigns ï¬ndings gt are interest Wit out suggest log criticism at any has in the Jays if 901 Mimi Pc educational ï¬eld the report seta WMT ï¬emk VV out to show that variable actors me Wm is 1x 3°$fmfaffï¬2 magi iï¬d2°iiiihr and may Covered in Nylon lrleze in To them makes reliability of re gm 53 the week suits an impossible goal The mmowm and M5 Buss Britten iollnwmg quotation shows the emphasis behind this opinion Mrs Aeguglwmgï¬on ï¬n FWfls Pan Pd Emmas Neil dash and Mrs Farley spent have faith in the fairness of Wednesday in T05 visiting school examinationswhich is not Arthur Wilkinson iiN John Justiï¬ed by the teats Investiga on who Hawaiian Sunny tionsflhavleh demoniuatgd llleyond bmok Hosp TedJohnstonsuw ques on mos ac an exam inations are highly unreliable demo anwemuon 135 we lhe meanings of the grades From llutland 7A BCetc to be used in Robert McCracken Rutlaild this years reports were explained Sask iS Visiting Himmler MIS in de hy Mr Bell Generally Blair Mocraeken and hissister thefl represents the level In MrsJJahn Thomson ac evement expected for the grade and the great majority of Mr 232135 starï¬gi md pupils would be classiï¬ed as aver family Lindsay spent the week gt age Those whose standard of end in Angus and visited with wzrgeiswzhï¬ge the engaged tor the Mrs 1W1 momm Mrs Jack Smoking stand Magazine rackv igifii or 55 Woolsey at Royal Victoria Hosp and gm Black Stand mm onversely those in 33mm gt ash tray andhrass magazine shelf 9mm 591W Mr and Mrs Keith Weber Miss at one low price P°Fd deserve DSi Marilyn and Joyce spent Satur gt gt even 13 Weve Chm day in Toronto and attended the gt all this achers are not to he Royal Winter Fa gt reproached it he achiever only lower than ratings as long as he haswarhed the toll of his capacity Mr ll readirorn the Hope Report quotation from Mr dew Camewn fgiswufllzsmipml Educaï¬on spent Saturday on board the SS gt gt ll res lo rosearc and the dalilined bottom drawer in drese the plankstyle tops the smart experience at examining bodies ï¬ligï¬nit higgtgurzgigoghiï¬gï¬su vseeratalggscheest glamourous suite fully Set off by Twighlighl Mahoganyï¬msh show that tea ers are as rule Mr and Mm Ray Han and Sim veneered quality huiltLNotc the gracefully Suite includes simulated W19 dressere very accurat placing their Raymond of Georgetownwe curved fronts the Georgian bases chest 59 PE5 pylnls an ordprof merit weekend vistiors at Walter Halls deed we are satisï¬ed that in this Mr and Mrs Jmph McLean spent the teachers grading is ore trustworthy than any other we and Judy and Miss Thqï¬vgpoint scale will be used Séiï¬kmgflï¬fé VIEInd gt0 Sundy Grades 16 Grades 18 are part Clmg La and Ann oilthe intermediate division which and erseSteve Rawn vi scon cued to Grades Mo in the ited Ion Sunda Scth er collegiates they will continue to Wm their Smith In 13315 mendedtn £11910 paint scale ter liir andMrs Iohn Wilson short questlonperi0d showed thg interest oi the parents in the Imam ading system Miss Suzanne Finlay IS patient fewVwc11 chug words at the SickgphildrensIiospital thanked Mr Bell and T°r°m°v whet She 399 4° his stait warmly iura veryworth have animrhhon on one am We while Ingram WW 5999 330 11 glrs Alec Fslll Cathyzd afnd up to$35ior outsideï¬hristmas Ware 39 07 If decorlations tor Hlllcrest school gulewmfamfmffiggkgfggsmen VBusiness done somedivelydls Stunuingconsole style Sunlight Mahog cusslons took place whileVMrs tmycedar chest Lined with aromatic Mm helperss Served lt Tennesseï¬redeedar sealed to pros lteshmellts tect yourprec us woolens Complete Gleaming chrome and gay colourrut plaStICSlll with lack andkey diiy builtlablevtop ls marerelslstant laminate matching chairs inwashable Vinyl Shall PlflOIII 4562 sooner harmless salmon in MAKE aachorranlron an admin on for BARRIEV ccyeptthin ough gas cover Stur onliortghle well padded oil until pan and is your Sturdygcons back Regulan $2795