Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1957, p. 22

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outflow Elie Parents ii pemns seccnd most efficient corps in the Ontario area and strong con tender in the nationalmlnpetition this Wednesday night at 730 in the BarrieAlmoury Th area of iiarents and AwardsNight lsto give persona an opportunity to see the results of thohaining that is being given to th cadets and also the presen tatio nwardsto cadets for outéta ugwork during the past year The evening will be divided in to Morning Divisions Inspection and March PastPrccislon Drill Lectures and Evening Quarters enor the 0Kin soaf Bapdobthookea Cadet of the Year CulJilrris Seamanv ship Edward Gem Marinara sliip DaveMe 1st Division alaward Commsecond and Bnrcelenhnsflhird The Barrie Corps only lager lstence for three year5 placed second in the provincial colh petitions for the general pro ficleocy shield Based on six months prior to the annual in spection the Corps are judged on enrolment and dttendance submission oi reports and the inspection report Although Barrie ied in fitoial points the inspection report was anoint Enamel Join Barrie Phalanx Club The regular meeting of Barrie Phalanx Club got undorway on Tuesday evening Nov 19 with the reading and adoption of last weeks minutes Some of the members were then called upon to introduce new members they had brought along with them Their names are as iolliws George Chappcli William White Charles Surgenor Arnold Nor rent and Jim Armstrong This now brings the membership up to 22 of the proposed 25 it any readers of this article are inter ested in joining would they please contact the YMYWCA as soon as possible since there are only few openings lett Final arrangements are being CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVE BilSiiiii or APPLES Snow Macintosh Northern Spy PACKED FOR SHIPMENT FREE Oij CHARGE The gift guaranteed to please Place Your Order Now HERMAN PETCH Phone PA 89459 wannasoa fiov 27 1957 made to play series obasket ball andvolicyball games against the Drillin and Midland YM YWCA Phalanx clubs Robert Hooper and Wayne Birch have been instrumental in arranging these games committee of Pat Wanna maker Joe Walton and Charlie Surgenor Was ionnedto arrange Christmas dance fonthe club and as this articlegocs to press all arrangements are complete Due to the fact that secretary Frank Cleare had to leave the club to take up other duties it was necessary to appoint new one and thehonor tell to Arnold Norrena The meeting closed with roundthe4able discussions and this was followed up with re creationai period Which was ihoroughiyenjoyed by all The next meeting will be held on mosday Nov 26 and we hope to see more new iaces at that time lFii cumulus BREATHING nlrrlculr HERES All ANSWER When youlntfor from all the annoying dllyomlortl of clog ed nostrils eyeodutarrh 5s afi tnl ramcmber rhOZung gas Ilootbinx pour in ahrr 0Zona quydriy helps gear the nasal tract rant Isllat am mnnkla tow amp orpatarrhOZoné on your handkerchief in the handy plastic container my tire of Catarina Zone on the pillow 35 hel on reatcomformhly6et0oiarrb todayn your drugpat nit is your hairdry summer sun Coming in ispecial Ca0Curls Pernianent Wave SODto 1500 complete MO 10 SAT 96 washroom 99 BUB 7121 whose Trn 34423 thats no fun from but no problemwith Rejuvinol or Giearfili TREATMENT 400 complete Treatment Shampoo and Styled sec vision line Lamas means of raising funds for our de Bethel school to Save the Childrens Fund ed to hold euchre at the school coming Events late and Hamilton active body shield Barrie il lililelhihje tor the national shield Amoog the corps worthy secondplace harden Wedoa which made an excellent and has only been active or three months Branliord Toronto Ark royal gtSaultSte Marie St Thomas Oshawa Port Arthur Guelph and FonWiliialn Commanding otlioer of the Bus ric Corps Dellxeily has iormed an unofficial civiliancommitteo until permission is receivedrirom the head office to organize Mr Kelly arplained that thiswas necessarytoenahle himsell and SubLleutenaan Lorna WI Laurie quthwaite and Kitchener Enll tryconcentrate morecom pletely on the Corps andl leave detailed work such as load rain log to the committee Angus MacGillivny emetic teasz nndhakeisaiemeid lnfllegOdd ing chiropractor in Barrie has volunteered to bechairlnan of such connnlttee with the assist ance of Kenneth Maciver Gor don Hyslopl and Howardyiiur bidge Thclriirst Junior project will be the Navy League tag day to he held Dec and and which will be used to further linanclng of boat for the boys SOME mm Limits who were active 1y responsible for the success oii the recent iellows Hall by the Womens 102 Air cadets are admiring nine of homemade on behind adeliolousiy load The quilt in the background was raflied off and won by Miss Joan Graham of it Ste The luclcytlcke Karen Johnson mike asndw womens Hoidv Discussion Retarded Children Cains Corners branch of the Womens institute met on Thurs day Nov 21 at the home of Mrs Calder with 25xmemhersand nine guests in attendance The meeting opened with the singing of the institute Ode fol lowed by the Mary Stewart Col lect each member stating we should was Alh that we put in comes backinlo our own After the business was discuss hie ed the meeting was turned over to the convener for citizenship and education There was panel discussion on retarded chil dren and what we can do or them at home and Jntheschmis The panel consisted of 11 li Macklem inspector of schools for Snnnidaie DVMoEnchern auxil iary teacher from Barrie and Mrs Elwood Gordon teacher at The panel answered questions asked byuihe ladies presentlaud everyone found the discussion very interesting and infor ve The meeting closed by ng God Save the Queen After singing the Institute Grace dc licious lunch was served by the hostess John Hug he Addresses Hollows On Ed ucallon The regular meeting or the Hai lows was held at the borne of Mrs Vernon on Wednesday Nov 20 with 12 members and four visitors in attendance gt ing torihé unavoidable se of thepresident Mrs Evans Mrs Sid WrightV vice president was in thechair The all wa change in educa therlast 25 years box of clothing has heensen discussion was held on ways and listed treasury and itwas decid later inr the1 month See ad in Roll call was answered by make will and why The mutter biems of their members we should encourage young pe The OAICat Auxiliary Convencrs or the Various tables were Mrs Veimaiinrris aprons Mrs1i4gtuise Thompson knitted goods andbahies wear MmE Brett doll Mrs Olga Black Oil stmas cards Mrs Madeline wumnrms Kath leen Carter Mrs Eileen Corkan Churchill Unifieds WA WMS Condocf SucCeSSive¢Meeiings Thanks for cards nd gittbmt were givcnlby the recipients The meeting was WIHGH over to Mrs Dales convenerfor education The mottoiho gréatést oak ness of democracy is the fadure oh the ihdividual to do his best was afblycominentedon byMr 11 Adam Mrs Rumble rea intercsling report on conference recently heldln Orillia 15 then noonrename ughes pf lashes pokeoneducation ti formal andlinformal spolr thefpld time tanner who battered his products for things he needed instead of the press any method otstralghtbuyang Edd seiiingon cash basis In the days of barter the idea of giving farmboy or 3er eduugon beyond public school Wasqconside ed waste andouite ec 1nthe light ized iarmingand the orgv utions tirefin are as wholfland tdfer impactonfalrm prices He is great jadvocate of radio farm for urnsand other gatherings where neighborscan discuss mutual proj blems and interests commuli ity activities Todaywe do not rely onour neighbors in exchanging work and social life as farmers had to years ago and we are apt to lose th close neighbor spiritrwhichp vailed at that Farm cooper ves alsocame for notice also the proposed government hospitalization so emEL Mr Hughes men need the paco in Barrie as be benefit to fame io the distri and drew attention to themany beneficial credit unions whi heiplo soilie many financial Mrlughes spoke also at lb difiference good education makes to ones earning capacity ossary in getting agood paying job in aquiBidS of earning and plein every waypowible to ther their education uu harm shoore out or wide role Ion yo Wolipapén He reading iEduc tion is increasineg cloths and or or red and green Malinar and Tea or Blue web We on Tlieoday Nov to White momaand red ennuiloan sawdustlilo atiwhich Mn in Gardner poured and green candles and snowmen add ed totheChristmn some The testable werobeentered with miniature church and Santa Claus Convener otlthellteh was Mrs Alde Enron moon in the kitchen were Mn Mary Howey Kre GertrudeCochnne and Mn Sarlh Mn Joao Crane Mn agreed postpone it until early loath new you with Jan in possibe date ght Mrs Carper conyener Graham vicepresidgrit Mrs Irving secretoryand Mrs garbagyvays and means committee and Mrs Brett and Mrsolive Wolllngton shared duties atthebake table Mrs Ann Churchwood Mrs Gra hmiand Mrs rvine all serv les Mrs Olive McKe er took the tea tickets and Mrs Porter sold the quilt tickeis Mrs McCiuskic was hashess ta theJadics of the Missionary Society of Churchill United Church on Thursday afternoon 21 The meeting wasypencd with the unison readingoi the Creed followcdby prayer by the presi dent Mrs Sinclair Twenty embers used Bible verses con taining the word friend to swer the roll 31 Sevcral vi itora were also present Mrs All gave the prayer for our special missionary Miss Bishop Following this the group rose to lewmornents of silence in trlb to the memory pIMrsF Robertson one of our members who had passed eway recently This memorialn concluded splendid opportunities foredue tion in many fields in short courses asweli as the ompiete collegecoursg The are many ope ngs for es chorn theicoliege with on educational degrees abbrevia tions whichwas wonby Mrs amny after gave a7 humorous Laugh with My Neighibo The mg the national anthem Landra social half hour wasenioyed over gt gationalchurch supper it was the tea cups by all present Mrs Prossdr Mrs McCiuski Jeter readily Mrs jGMcQuar rie gt etlng closed wrth nieeting it decided to hold the nelit meeting on Tuesday Dec 10 Mrs 1R Sinclairwas on the drum mrnittee vrespon organ andMrs BonneyM Paterson and Mrs M0 were chosen as the no committee Mrs Stewart presented in most interesting way very com prehensive report on the section al meeting held atBond Head on 0cL23 Memheres reported 24 sick and Ericndship calls made during the past month as well as six hosp tal alishnd one book read Alter the offering was takcn Todd The program was in charge of constable and hertgroup the call to worship led in plan Mrs Bedfold read the scr lore and Mrs Kell gavea corn the wars followed The next chapter oi the study book entitled Enlarging the Borders was ably taken by Womens Association tq the WA ladies of Churchill United Churchr on Thursday terhoon Nov The president Mrs Motlluski opened the meet ing with prayer Lcsson thoughts on Enduranceff based on verse 21 from second chapter of St the new hymn books were all ready for useiu the churchiMrs usirie was ppointed in the WAonthc church purchasing afia new gan Concerning the annual congre appointed to represent the WMS sihle ior thcvpu hasingmi new ating it was dedicated Iby Mrs Mrs McCluskle was hostess presiddnt repolrtedthat coinlnl eejesponsible for the returntronr the bazaar held pt the beginning of thevmonth motion was passed to join wlthtbe WMSVin sending Christ mas cards to 986 or shuldn friends as well as curler mem berrwho have moved tonew commdnities Mrslt Alla convener the nominatingjwnmittee presented the ioliowingslate of otticersior 1958 hanorarypresident Mrs it Alia president Mrs Mc Cluskio Ifilvicepresident Mrs Watson 2nd vichpmident Mrs haldyinpseqetary Mrs Campbeli treasluer Mrs Sturgeon org st 11 Sin clair assists organist Mrs Richards roaniseconnnittee Mrs Ken Sturgeon MrsM Constable Mrss We Richardson kitchen committee Mrs Bon ney Mrs WPelerson Mrs Sturgeon lMoirn auditors Mrs Fe in Mrs Llrosser Hymn 500 and the Mlzmh ben ediction closed the meeting oi Blue Haven served atthedoor Convener wor ta Elizabeth Waichoru and n3321142 tie Baker Mrs Alva fcnwlord and Mrs Annie Cripps were the bake table and Mrs Freda liq and Mn Cora Thompson alter the sale candy Mill Peggy Crawford and MrsBeslo Leewero in chargeal theflsh pond Mrs Adeline Rasmlea read her cups Tea tickets werelold by Mn Beatrice Sweeneymnd Mrs Priscilla Lindellsold draw ticketa Don Carter of Angus wou theoccasional chair in the lucky draw Billy Crippl gt155 Owen St Barrie won the let of dishes and Art Lindell Mimico wonthe table viamp The irearlirer mmned Wv is Altrllnlrls Muscular Pain alienate and TENSION BOTHERING YOU Hot towels are good home remedy hut ilyour doctor orders HEAT try Sauna Bath 1min sAuuAe MASSAGE ell DAINES APPOINTMENT ra sun iiours amto 9pln louznrwlcr ASSIMRT lll urrive Destination in lovelyEvangelipe gift boxes for Christmas giv and inspimdoryour own festive wear tool Eosytocore for ollvloshobio doc collection ofjoor own at these most lmdornle prices and tot ls cry necrepe with ncwiiullfifiiah Sinali Eton collar wilbspittlebow Washable Chime from white PinKOFllm Sizes 1016 $49 zen nl see1 hone 814410 Do stop and see our whole collection These fresh new blousoiniorpreiqiions by famous Judy Bond have

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