Attended Winter Fair Mr and Mrs Riley indlr and Mrs Cal Jennett attended the Royal Agricultural Wint tFair inTorunlo on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Mohdd Toronto were Sunday visitors of Mr andMrs McFadden Born At Stevenson Memorial ospotal Alliston on Thursday ov 1957 to Mr nndMrs John Michalehuck daughter Linda Thelmali Moved to Town Mrs heir Blnlcy who has been residing in omnto or thepast 15 ye hasdreturned to town and ngin her new homo William street gt ottawn Visitors Mrs Jack Hunter and children returned to their home in Ottawa after spending several weeks with Mr and Mrs Torrance Runner Hunter returned homoi them iorta few days Miss Violet Graham Toronto spent the mother Mrs Graham Ira Palmer and children of Barrie were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Ira Wilson Crolrlnole Social good number attended the YPU crokinole social on Monday evening Nov 11 at the United Ehuroh schoolroom when an en joyable time was spent Prizes were awarded the lucky ones and after lovely lunch was served by the young people in Group Meeting The social lt group had their Wonk meeting at the home ofMrs John Timbers on Wednes day afternoon Nov 20 There were 14 members and two guests present Mrs Fildey opened the rmeting with prayer followed by the Lords Prayer in unison Business was discussed and re ports given Receipt was Vreeeiw ed for donation to the retarded children fund iMrs Batters card Convener reported Christ mas cards for sale Several boxes had been said one quilt was completed during the work per iod this for Mrs William Milli gan Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Herbert Lemonnnd her commit tee The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs Lowe on Wednesday Nov 27 Mission Band Meeting On Mï¬ndanyov ltl ineiiï¬it weekend with hei ed haulch minionaananeid their meeting at or Sunday School with 21tilldre present with their leader up George Mission Band hymn 1M1 bu se openedthemeehpg Mrs Faris conducted theworahip ser vice andduring the work period lowerswer made meeting will be me At the end of themceting Mrsyl Mpnkman and Mrs Coburn served luneh Canadian Leg are sponanring seriesoieuchres during the win ter doten tables were in Legion Hall nners were Margareh Davis and Paul Mp Com KathieenMnndierson cap tured the lucky door prize The next euehre willbernpDec Admission50c All welcome At ionroitlio eve the Sco Meeting At the towri hallon=Thursda evening Nov 21 anumb Legion met to ekearrange mean for organizing Boy Scout group This group of boys llto 16 will have George Paris as Seoutmastor As stlng be Emory Bassingthw to Michael Pettit and Colin Peters boys within the sp iIied agecon tact tbé Scoutmaster his assisb ants or the ministerspi the three local churches if they wish to join All nrewefeome Remembrance llri Service Remembrance Day service and paradedn sundayva 10 Were carried out in the customary fash ion Following Vaxshort parade led by the Fame Band of Camp Borden inter homin ational service was held the Presbyterian Church The ad dress was givenby Rev Adam of the Anglicanrchurch ssisted WM ion and liev Newel oi the ted Choral Following the service the band and veterans including the wreathbearers andcolor party led theparade to the parkwbere service was held before the Cenotaph Th Values oi those or reinelnbranee were Marwood on Saturday in Nov lï¬ tries one nd Imeulbers hiingia eanranu crnnasoN 500 St Johns issz named Liieutemnt Govenor oi New ard Oiiterbridge nudist Home Macp em in mm StJohns department store dillpronto pissed mayu St Tuesday Nov 12 74th year 1957 his He was the husband of Alice Mob1 other Df Mrs Laura Campbell Toronto Mrs Wilbert lroltei Hazel and Garnet Ley of okstown duo the of Mrs Wi iam Crawford Mrs Albert Cox Mrs Stanley Bradley and Garfield Ley oi Drillin Mr Willinm Osmsz Voneoiwer ames Ley Richmond Hill Loy Suï¬ 11 West arid Chestcr Leyol Ba ie Theron eral was fromth Ross Craig Funeral Home withinterment at St Andrews Cemetery Orillia Borden Scout Course if 0n SaturdayflNov723 George FarisnEmory Bassingthwaite bnd Colin Petersatlended course for Scout leaders at Camp Borden WoTnens Institute The Christmas meeting of the Womens institute will he at the town hall on Dec Roll call will be answered by an exchange of gifts not to exceed 35 cents Comlt mitt Mrs Draper Mrs Trotter Mrs Marling Mrs Cole and Mis Bakerhhave planned an enjoyable evening Atténded Wedding Mrs Bert Murphy Jeanette Murphy Karl Stewart attend ed the wedding in St Catharines Nov 23 of Miss DorisGarvin and Frank Shatton Jpn nto le maid of honor EASY TO GIVE ON OUR LAYAWAY my were Sun its Weeimad vislti an and an Macbeod and rainy and Ruth Ann xiiciien eekend with relative at Atwood Mrs Hart an Mall ufDalsmn visited may ll Toronto visited Mi payee Wedding nary Cong tulntlo stink and re Harry lessor of Hawker one who celebrated their ti ding anniversar oi ship period Kay Mr Cometone in harbeon askedto ithowillmd it the United Church Virility evening Nov knalston WA members hndth husbands are asked to attend Time 815 Roll Hood Mrs attended call payingiot membershifters Cards of thanks were read ram Mrs MmLeod Mrs Partridge Mrs WIohn stdn Mrs Hughes press cor responds Mrsf Everett 1a to remmher choose or smgarpvamesok our COriVEuirNr eciaiize it wondertu deep tuned muskrgt back coatsrand jackets small round shawl collars blem are wonderfulianswers comet What to give herf pro hesmartesfgiteWest lashioml She will appreciate he can Dome intodayto Simmons 09 hi1 selections are at heir verymest CARDIGANS Pullovers and Mr Sets in fine imported wnols and wonderiul or ions by Lady Anne danlzen Tanya SKIRTS BLOUSES See the very neweatvre Dainty easy to do up veraible skirt by Suzanne Dacrons Arnela and the of British Columbia vnew Terylene Cosy Quite different beau epiniortable3wool ierSey fulqualimat $1500 And the ever popular Fine w00152 Cartons in LOld0nLZSSlP cottons wrap arounds pencil slim Zn or pleatedatyles Dressy jglellillY velvet sets and jumpers rest and For that small hosiery Seamless is mow and regular styles wémï¬g exclusi ely with Simmons Barrle Christian All gift hosiery individ mime you Your cnoicr MAY ll iiiril wiiiimn lflllellll in My liXillli cannula