Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1957, p. 14

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ty and Crafts Association under the convznauhip at Miss His Wilson had seven attun Barbara Cooper oi Goldwater in mohilu on uhibltton These held at the YMYWCA in hands had Jdeliuteli sun on Saturday Nov 10 About 40 Christin5 dialinfietc suspended people tron Orlllll Barrie cold from them which Imoved gently inter stayner Iand Code with every breeze were on hand to makeIChliatmu The twrhéflls of workshopIao card or decorations Arrange tivlty passed all too quickly ments for the workshop were un business meeting chaired by Llew der the direction of Miss Barbara Beaver President ol the Associai Cooper of Goldwater tinned lotiowed Reports on the The Christmas card group un progress of the Association and on der the leadership of Ernie Bar the achievements at the Qtiilt and kIer turnedolil some llIszely sam Rug Fair and Art EIxulIiébit Com pcs of cards Mr Bar er stress mIltteesrwere given 11 ed the use 01 scrap materials He mar litBarrie presented the tin we We 33 the showedbow attractive brilliant anciui statement Plans for Wh mxmdxhe Whig shapes could be cut 1mm discard visit to the studios ot twin out pinning wings on the Ibreu IIIIII ed foil wrappers and how old standing crallsmen in Toronto 1° uwho Christal coins IltIIould be usIeIilnt were discussed bus belnn mg mm IIIHI III advan ge no el group chartered or this even which 5me led by Mrsan ni Goldwater will take place on Saturday Dec Ill with the Ink 01 F118 BUl HESMY BEST FRIEND says Elwood DOWdPat made table decorations using tin Emily stood More their WHY iéntly butgets only understanoinglooksjrom his musl cons By cutting thesein strips Rertreshments under the can udetowhile their names were rl ht Mrs Simmons and his niece lett rtle Moe who or circles and twisting or curling venership ofMrs ll ICaidwell and called and the Wmnuhdmxég thgink Elwood is becoming mental them into floral tree other Mrs Cavnnagh were served at of camp nomenpmégw Tonight and tomorro shapes somc lovelv ecorations the close at the meeting ggngm mega muleI Ralph ilnge dis looting this msrsLtoliow liny Annua Meehng gt Downer Gerald Warner and Jack non Graham of Barrie Vespra Horticultural Society Has IIItIIedII Crgsfyfiuiologn 3nd ManyWorthwhile Projects in 195 he ea VESPRA HORTICULTUEAL SOCIETY as It ishI edth rlurtherdnterestwlllbe tak mm Commm Nineybung peoplefrom fitterJ Alhis LeaderCourse is designed Vespra Horticultural society Society tor the coming year It oné of the years projects recently started err by citizen lnthiIs work Sqmqol 5th IaC in mxfl Pam °f Slmcgeflwfltv Wynn 19 lgemxfenhu held the regular monthlymeeting further lntormationds wished on flower bed by the newbridge over WUIOWI members bug on theJon are seBn above ski8 area Iblzifeafler my III taking snarl in ad Wémmlllfl an ages do IIIEIII II crow osv Ive TumhyvNV 19 Mldhms 15 Prizes COIntaClJfs Creek leading into Midliurst village About from leit Mason Dick Brown Grace thebaysIfeuein In ms WiistaIeéIY g3 33 gimme Test aha havgsrmgg WSW mi With the president Cyril Jackson musing Ward loo red tulip hobs were planted The town Galbraith it Johnson Isabel Nash Mrs mmmmed aha We mhp giggly tandem Simone County the Bram madam of the my 1an was In Charge Elec G°°df°IIWEde19 MI Reg ship council cooperatedinthe work by pro Johnson La ence Brown Mrs Masou m5 me mm In Recreation Service Won the lifesaving Society The courxe is gIISIIffiraztageiws IIIIIII flag gigsrflfi vlding and transporting the good earth re Vesprn Hort cultumLSoclety also didlthe where hm ®gg popand cotter courtesy of omega megxhcm stiff one consistingofm units quired The horticultural society did the plantings ntfieventh LineAngllcan Church were served white theguests who station the group is using of lecture and mm of mi ms tlhlmoilylfiwiurerlwflfi is 1y sl restbought cement blocks wire tence and and Mineslnt Cemetery included the friends androlatives pool ms Iceman two gical pbolgworkt mmcm resplra Ml 5h ChmCh Grounds come 591 lposmalong Wm the manual lam 53 we 533 Wire 53mm weekends Nov 1M7 and Nov tion and practice teaching Those 92 Then another contest that Ves and other treats The CO later who comma successfullywm The ms Show us Spring was Honiculturalsoeifly is hav had personal ilk wm gm Sgt Don Fisher of CampBbrv be ready toaet asjssistants to Very MESS was annual ing concerns beautifying the WW in 59 lien is the instructor vinrthis tuliyhuallfled liedf Cross Swim tlovwer and vegetable Show grounds of the township churches Vlad mm course Sergeant Fisher is ex miug Instructors in various pro LcsfpraI IllvortchuiItIuemfianSIDdg There are prizes given by the 233 51 We we coedlhgly interested in swimming grams throughout the County no irspaea in Xsoclet on itisrn I5 9p 13 II SI hibiiion of which the members chmfi canfimake £003 13 The we ummd and and has headed up the program and at summer camp CampBorden for the past two were quite Proud money as well as malllog beautl from Barrie by bus One lad who I8 He Emmet for the The mm hwfinmem are from Special Work Proiects giréhgcgrmndgzéingméhgngi highs Refcrosesxand theRoyai Alliston Bhagrrle Elinvaie Bills Ll avin Soil daiean on Bay lvllltésléscfiflifijfifgfffi can Ienter so lets all dig in and installation obotlicers or my Installing Board InewIlyII nstalied worthy slim pfiyavlhdlffiwlg cemetery on the Soventh Linc If We cant come HP WP view Chapter No105 Drderot expressed her apprecia T151513 goal wfioneglécted to bring one mid known as Christ Church Anglican We all love flowers shrubs and the Easern Star ior195768Iwas msumng oflmr Mrs tlonIfoIr thehlgh honor which had ESE gallc3 and lag 10mm New sdsors colored Deude skeleton Thibs all thlIeI society ondIeIavtzred £3131 15 1W avnmegorte helm ti mineraer am 383m SPealn PEDGM 1855 gt Rhipli Rowe will eddiesor to kleenex ribbons etc were taken dford of to eautif corner at out es our cell espro or on oru array re roses orn Mm Beth 30 51mm DDG II dllhe Flihlay bridge in Midhumt icultuIral Society The adult mem ed with blue ribbons viginyinstnlled the slar balms lt 313 iijfimfimng Rh 2d3fjakdd£f3 ff ear Viiiatge In flhls Parilflllal Simt 9st now 711 and is thed Guests included Mr and Mrs installing officer Lloyd IIostel Que hunderdand 15 guestsand 5L we are tame Everyone seemed From ul members built bed two feet to reachImuoh higher The month Quinton Boyd Past Grand ot PP installing marshal Mrs Joan members enjoyed banquet enjoy Ithemsexves and got mm huh IIvIIlth golfintflblocksfind th 35 2111935 air lggflmnmfld liners and Mrs Beth Robinson Cole PM installlglfi chapIiIinIIIn IMhlch was served bufifet style know each he hem mss DEF Inspect pudy 33m IVPS WI 300 5P DDGMvPinecrestChapter Cooks MrsLily cCaw lists IM II ah se Ia ode uflmedImE Who We 50113 the all 32 Miss Vera Baldwin of Barrie town and visiting chapter meml organism Elizabeth Chisholm 354mg high mm mg 55 an mgr multiple tullpI bulbs were planted Hatuculmral Society showed hers from Alliston Belhaven floral marshal lréne Moore mankédmsIIParkulfor the use mm am 81 Bradford Nov The 75 each 3th th many beautiful slides taken from Cookslown creemore Midland PM or no The um meeting 12 had been the victim of Wm 5° 9° 53 hen travels thrauehvlslington llrmtketloilllia and hr mansions intobsrlans Lseus makedosa hutow hum5mm mm have my James Gm Mime ltéifia WWW iIEtm Bisholl alid Helen Cook ourbest year yet WW 51 Sherifdan Nurseries Oakville land Worthy ranch hills Lilian III IIIIIIII IIIIIII LIIIIII IIIIlIleIIIIIsIaIIlIlIiIIlIthaIfIlI gamtlgnofsiiogzg ra 0m trat ord Kitchener Bra ton alloway and WUJ Carke ex We er lIfltning Anurufaln nmzmifi$v$eul Dale Nurseries Niagara $181 preEsedtheir appreciation to the PDDGM patron and his am MrsMay Patrol leader tnimngI was held about 45 135ng mi project is getting well undgmay peg Georgetown Beamsville Ex officers conveners and members Matron Ernest Covert hlS wrie and daughter at the YMYWCA on Friday Nov aftan coach with sponsorship of Sinlane Dis Perimefltal Famis Hamilton hack for the cooperation given them Thompson PP Barrie Associate Mnraiyn and his mother and LOCAIL ASSOCIATION 15 from to 930pm mth pa II did 1191 RI in trlct looperative Services Prizes Gardens Cape Cod Ottawa War during their year of oflice PatronI Mrs Marie Moore New father Mr and MrsThomas 10 man ThursdayNov14the Local trol leaders andsecIondeIls from We fire mmfmmuzergn are very worthwhile Memorial Parliament Buildings Past Matrons and PastPatrons market secretary Mrsu Gwenveriot Bra Association of Innishl mani theIliorrie companies present the gt ieep neuNo This pmjeDt is an Emu The Peace Tower some of Emmi Jewels were presented by Mrs Lounsheriy Midland Treasurer held meeting at the home Training was IcondIuctIed by Miss 400 mmhwéy prwmem in appearance of the do and of couise natural healrtl Phoebe Cole and Ernest Thomp liars Evelyn Coleman ICookstoWn Ma haters eaks Mrs Parker I80 SunniIdale Road SImitli Illnisfil District poniims II rural home from the ma ful autumn scenes ofMuskolra son PP Marshnl Mrs Etnalower PM Miss INanIcyvSmflh diIsning can sinner and MrsMoi5ey captain The man had been about five highway buildings gates fence Barn Conductress Mrs Mae missloner opangd the meeting Iofvthe lst4Allaiidale Company feet five inches I13 with dukI lane lawn identification flower Inspiring Program II Agnew EM Barriep Associate To ieI IYS with all mamhers siva theGfllde The Guides were divided into sreyinghairrPolice have new tMilli 5581363155 ggfiadmgmgl 33333 Refill firrfrrificesr 3353 The Barrie leIMens are PM Efifijdieflégfifiwfiifiggfi 521 fidfitfiaféififimmmi BrownIand Co at once as he will Strong Bame Ruth Mrs gfiflfigfisnfifi for dibterentl activities to give nine med 1°55 take films thls fall before any Blackburnystayner Esther Mrs IIeIIIII III chaired by demon In every Guide an mommy yeIwelIlery that might helpinldent ivrk AMHESmg also nan yfiiar figwfifilsgekfidoneykfighggl Elite garihs several committees 193m he duties as Patrol lead mummn ore ug wencont ens v1 in Enter this and you areesglso Elecla Mrs Maud ElliS PM at We lemma no ass3 hme am it hupea um the or second cap Money um bazaar tea and bake sale to be ducted an ordinary meeting mak member of Vespra Horticultural wanlm ArIsPeam RP flintasssi one fifififtfiffgm held Saturday dfternoon from two ing sure the Guides knew the ll Bamfir Isetmer lee pet ST Mum the sale of until avehfcloek at so Andrews meaningof and how t01irepare Showtime Salutes Tuesdayevening Nov 12 was the guests numbered 1200 and New Execlmve licorice altsonts the day at the Prefytterlgg abuts fiwm vg for muffin The oflicers installed were Smith Claus Parade The clubnvlr 10 Pl Fees were collectedIand then the occasion ufaryery Interesting where aver 800 WEE Present at Mrs May Nesbitt Worthy MAL tallied permission from the Town need iiwr support the conipanywas dismissed Iand rey up renzY 131 ginF mggmrg of fine WElm 1917 on Thu Witliam Covert Worthy Miss Smith discussed next years all took part in the games con y° Vat sunda Msns Csxlifinmeenmmgumgfnifi cgvlngmefneggnf Mrs Louise Thompson camping and it isIthought that ducted INSURANCE cnueUilited Climb when the based on fimerbs2918£whge Associate MationBruce Nesbitt john mkclubecr each twouldhnve their own Grey Cup salute 1112 fed program wad tailed by the OBMC there is no vision the people per Assopme MarV 05 the speaker M381 939mg 133113 was Mt tured on showtime CGE telly of Petenboroiigh Over 70 men lsh FryIsecrfiiafyvms L111 G81 Ken Cemeronwho ijor shunt lclenIt gistratlon Then flit bIBZ tions of the Guidesweredlscnss In 44 were pm to enij spirit of ioway Treasurer Mrs Freda time an car was discussed and all lnIall ed and answered it two 9135 ow Iglohyaoa finercmsfiafl fellowship William Tomiinson wholis co Wilson Couductress Mrs Jessie it is going to he greatoccaslon lender3 Dqu 1mg 30 mghdt Stevens whirled we meet owner or Severance Tools con1 Maxwell Associate Cooductress gwas MY Willem$1011er WI 1115 Campfire followed and the mg 9081 313 tribut to the ing in ver leasani manner Pany fine Chrisuan brme ME vem hues Chapl W110 59 W09 LPMWVWV Mrs M¢ meeting closed with Taps football Wm jpsrc Aylm Moog Em mg leads faithful worker in the service Florence Fraser Marsh the base Fadden is in charge of the bake adjansl evmnzlfiwmbergr and at the piano was Evie Him of the Lord brought the filessageI Bessie Sfpearn Organist Mrs table There were 18 members As the finale Goulet Gloria sham who has been pianist at the He bggnnby hug the 39 Dma G13 MERHEIUI Magistrate Cameron than dis at he meatmg and grVD 8135 and Du wit me Bifi Brady Junexemck wwemmn the last Iquestlon is there God and Mellhagga Ruth IMrs IAdah cussed thehafificImblun of so Willing to help that the eventis Singers wi mm 531 Map two years read Psalm 19 to answer the Spencer Estben MissMatgareIt dayfslafing that pmblemeas boundto be success Ir Icaugm mm dermal mm Beme The amen llem Mel Ste his Mr questlon Many other passages of Caldwell Martha MrsMay Ce not so much with inexperienced After the busmess airthe mm lt insurance tbstdoesnt pay claims Snckin and Once veil lw Im ad 330 Ii 15 Scripture were read to prove mth vert Elects MrI IBessle Qiaw mum but with womanho were me wasIconcluded an exchange then he is in troublét To be sure IFflm clips last Yeargar II 33701 Imbmfe EIMel out doubt that the vastness of turd WardeIr Williamlolwortii nbpmany goodyIdflvgrs knowing of recipes was held and anyone that YOUR INSURANCE Fully umbe Cup game will provide back said he gave 31mm the gfinglfigfilfif mgggfigf Slimmel theruies oi the road buttailing in Covers YOU it wise to consult to car Fund on INSURANCE SPECIALIST ground to the pennantwanng Lord several year5 and since lGifilsvwere presented to the WWW rleYs Mens club The follow peniormers that his life and isnizerparingto fififlinanfi mewfiimfim lile installed matron qnd to The only solution to this pro log are the winners oi the prizes ggtggugageatgfl vvefietcofifi Guests on the Nov 24 show lake course at the Moody nine greatest medical sh kn the installing bbard blalnI he stated was suspensmn betty Davis my Burma floor parable Hagen WI are singer JaneeISullivan andtile Institute in preparation for tlid could be possibleI my or driver cease tiesaid there polisher donated by CGE Hazel gt Carlu IOarter Trio forIeign mlssionfleld hand of an Munipolent and om to convert the soul as no 01th wadaitfiadfisbfila 102 fifigfifi ifigugfifia EbyAgEliZ Laflfififilfi Familial We GDd Im 9mm We ehly oenzenttatedwdhfortoffite Barbara illogg 130 companiell by Hagwhom on The Bible consisting oil 36 enforcementltheltoil oi deaths Bania $25 od wortr his accordl 39g was written by soinerstf would at least equal that ofI Dori Lows chairman of the 915 men 0V5 3IDel DdOI we who are an gun Magistrate Oauieronl Iconcu LODGE 535$glr33¥53° liroifiwrylgnfiitlaffifiiirhii gv °f sin might rowel1100 lliaiddIormhgfifilflifiw Cedar Harbour ooh ll ti ii in ac but bYfhé inspifliioniofihe Hilly ent courts cmnprisingtheQonst Noun Hwya an Spirit were guldtedso that no oIon next dinner meeting mica Iaqictions areiioundr Thiebook he atthe same placeluestialh CATERING To gives Gods plan nd Dec 031830 All their Banquets Weddings StaflI Entertainment And NoveltleIs Suppll DANCING7 Mllle or nnYrninamns 7o PAS4427 040 It FtRF CF

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