Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1957, p. 7

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Phone PAM 34 WINTERIZED comers ljuRNlSHED onlmruitmsm she bothmmnhot militia inter would in Weno pirhAru CONiACIl4M slim WIIRIM 410 mnm infill 33 hfillnlfiifiownfifilg mflfifmmfififm nTxai Micahl loco 0m IYACI ll humans room buh APPly mmAP£X€nlnl minim even ml77 1512742 rimillslnn aliLCuiufll with in ma meme PA 54442 islnlu nun lnedromn Cot nil eon veniinee App 199 BI horn LIGHT Bonukeeplnl locum Id or hunineu Irli Phone PA 12421 iolz1m DNFURNLEMED huled room on bus route No chuoreu Phone PA mill 15127 Ilglfl Alleluia lg fimdlla Cm be gt vs pp gt ismiu Nicshr mrniihed roonu ctntrnL Suit bniinru coupler Apply on Ecclu st 154nm lmlApnrtmtml animal Dog mmifihupou huh mtniwo eon mud noeeeien GMB floor luy pm muvkigeota in item tam um tent on on an and Inunllcllluel in lentmuted wilt to la horno nominee Immll filmmmnu but flODI nnwpphnnu Auran lordn unmnn tinoi or meow couple Ind mu child Rustin um 11 Ink SKQIQfBMIM Phone ew laweiltm XHDJP msuum hrs mud Kind up IllI Ilzbelloufl cott June 4nd IliumWM isim In 33 We 15 noan room brick looo pieee tun mmAuxneun rug uon room on healed SillI194 lrl ole lreniuenuol Irel on well Iliadlulu unmhuiaiiitn Aphflmenlldellor couple lvlnl mom bedroom kllghm rite ondlbrihmm completely melt lvnllltle 15 ground floor upm mmiflfrxmmr Ana nonetea room nirniihod pertinnnt 35 mon thiy Aiming Owen so PA bubs evenllin PA lln gtl=== wool Pox SALE Pony HAMme lorThirnnen or tin pl7un APPLY GarfifiucflukflphonseulA no odfln on my ouom i== PROPERTY WANTED NEW BEDROOM narrtooentl One child only Reuonhhlh Phone PA uori lslum ROOMS Ind bnlh prime enmnce No children as per month Phone PA Mm isiuilo LIGHT Heinekenan Room bedroom uni klmhrll linthad Phone PA 593 1512141 SMALL roamed home ht Ferndlle Apply on Mpl Ave Blrrlh Phone PA 32524 lsm noon uniumuhen rpmhem Pri vote entnnce uid Khllu onto Phone PA sms iiim LARGE mm healed lplflmelit self contained close to but nap Phone PA MGN Rooms mrnhhrd liebed afl ment ulicnnvnniencu Adults one PA am 15127128 nooiu Apnrtmeiii milu ironsr rle nitnuhed lietea Applyint 59 John 5L home 15123 APABTMENT hented unmrnllhzd CenIrl FhaliePA r4012 durim tiny PA user evenings 15118 ROOM House iuily modern con 14 lnnlsill one mile 27 Highwu PhonePA hzilc ISL173429 iiouni nittinned opertmeniovoil nble NOV Abslllllers No Ifhfldren thizPA 1512112 MOMS heated WI will fab llitlea in Loraine nun stove Aluiu Plinne PA 203 151751 Annmm rooms unmmiehén oil henten la nary room fhdllllea Apv July 30 Run Ronn 15121m LAKGB Room ma mmuhed wiih nor to ion lrl Use or wuth ml Vchlg 61 Mun75 lotusus on COMFORTABLY iurnlihed rooms Bedroom bedsluan room and kitchen Phone PA 548 15128 PRIVATE room lplflmem furnished Hnqulred Share vpleco hnth Phone PA l1mbefare phii isizIigii ROOM Apartment private filth imd entrants heavy JIMM Eruund floor Rant 40 Apply 52 Williamst 15128 ROOM Apnnmem inmuheclhuted Alall cgnuenielices oven hing boy on but route Phone PA iomm AVAILABLE NWJS Cathlelor two adults One block mm Postomce Abstlhlen Phone PA gtNMLJS128lfl mumsinzn Apartment inn rum bethupitoiu Cum1 loc ion thud weicome Phnne PA in lbubti HDUB INApIs euitnh tor huslneu uerui ence control Non Flvn Points lieuontole Appivu Dunlops west gt gt 15 also conuin withhert and wnter Aoulu hone PA Null after 5pm lsmiza lmmmxn rAonrtvnent Lnrgo llvlnx imm ueomom Ind hitphenetae in Al lndoie Modem rent Phone PA 34240 lslznzo APAiiimnlr room gouge oufio Runway 4muesoouth of Burrie Phnne PA 66441 evmhll strand Hm 15123 Mimi ulnahell houukeegmu room all heating numerator euonebie int beJeen torhe oppreeioten Phone 51 Will 151274 Pumsnm Rooms hitoheh with nngfin lndhlliedroAiJm1Ja lig liig Anna wo in nine ne we iPhone PA mug P15 12An10mm5mnfllhed mun next tnbnthroqm on second floor contin until hot ter Very rensonehie Phone PA M211 lslzil 0N3 lBiznnooiii one 5bedroom nnd one 3bedroom conu whitnumb convenlenm Appiy Dove Krelnr Wamlfiuvn iolzm mm upper nuplex mm and both on numb Aunttom Pby weinune Avrilohle at Box in Bu rio motto 1512131 SMALL wnnn home herawood more eomple bothmoin waiter nur rehooi with school him Apply man out Buy lsmmi PAETLY mnilshed ment rvall Ible nt lower rent to kennu who will mlnvahlldnll willie mother worn Phone PA 37153 otter rpm lozlia room furnished 115W vote Vtollei continuou ho rt SuitDIE oneor two wurklnl Inuit PA Hm lslrmza 2510mm heeted Aurnuhednpmment NEWS Itll mm 1133 II or 27 Burton Au 16lllIIm rent imioeoiotelyS ismlzii 4noowunnnhished lphrtment sell Idol nm or 55 liter uAanAhLY Pflcrd hrm or nmu haldlnz all led for Tara to cull buy er Gill Kelly link PA 57151 or HE $5705 litinns LISTINGS or Burris Propertlerui flatly needed it you Ave lieu busllitss or arm for ole cell PA £77151 Kelly Ru Ethle 15 Clip perton st gt 3312142 ROOM ANDBOARD was olen roonu withihome pflv Hens Phone PA 253820 lZflifl loom Arm BOARD loi zenieman Cen tral Phone PA Mun 1212742 SINGLE ROOM llld film Avllillhln Phone PA 55m arcnll at 5mm iziza COMFORTABLE Ruflm Wlth Band Sulllfll Dr lenllunlll P110 PA mil uimts BOOM AND homo in carillonbl home use at Insult one or two gull Phone PA Hoot lllu ROOM AND éoARDGaod mull dun roomsLPnrltinz spree Central on per week Phone PA 7790 1212112 ROOM ANn BOARD with spnce for en wented rieni Camp Borden fluxcau struetioh worker lune 754 Camp Bur den 1212mm AGEDMAN would like roam hnd bopwfllhngi Hula linme Apply Bishop 19 Cook St or none PA on 212742 ROOMS FOR RENT SINGLE Rooivifliurnished heated weekBl Mary St Rooms FOB RENT lu Eu enin phone PA 552 211 uoussxssrma Rooms APPly 31 with set Alhndllet 4512142 imam to rent Twln beds nounooh attached Centrnl Phone PA o445u 45May FURNISHED Bedroom Ill Business llidy prelerreo Phone PA no 41113 smliuz BOOMElwitl running water and telephone welllnginn Hallie Eli112 6118137 FURNISHED Bedroom wlthroom hnd band if dented Phone PANNSI GROUND H003 iurniilied bediomh Ve nentrni Light houieheepin 41 Phone PAM3215 145127428 LABGEFIlehléd Ivinitih rooms new home Adults Coil uter 530 pm we codrington st Burdc 451154 AVAILABLBNW15 Zllrlb om inheii mm with both hented Apply at 01 phone Pmum 451151 BRIGHT hedslttlno room aimtwin hells Excellent ion in el or get tiemen suitable to elngie person Close to men PA 031 4512mm WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID no SCRAP MinAla tnune PA 6331 or PA 6843 Wnnownrmnww tor INDUSTRIAL IRON AND MEIAE Quintana an PhonefA easol or PA 877291 BarrleMeml SCRAP mommm 85 RIDES RAGBBA1IERIE3 LIVE POULTRY oeaa PlJSmKOFF 451284 Stilvcr infant Also Horny KHKWUL PA 18194 imquymhhhm 1nm bid III Cosmoi CRUSADER lighiful colorings and frquble free Elriying gt 1955 DODGE ROYAL les tires alr ioniliiioiled lieting I954 FARGO PANEL ssooobelakém owner 1953 DODGE REGENT door Sedan anlwooil Blu all through and Wethomuglil Rebuilbrngtur new ti 195i CHEQROLETI PnWerflite Sedan finishedhnevv seat boilers 1946 Pontiac I949 Ford Tleo 1948 Dodge Sedan 1947 Chevrole Couch I95 ROiLrALMAYFAlRfiEGENT SUBURBAN New standdrdé of styling ddvtincedififisjgniuqe roved torsiondire lide Seé the new Custom Royal with outiontheordi ary FlighiSweepl beauivy MakeADatefiNéwTé lh AhdéeTheS$ Wonderful NEWgt1958JDQDGE wow goodgonna or DépendableUsgdCars Rxdio wlndsliield washers automatic trillismlgsioli new tullef 1954 FORD seb DELIVERY Refiliislied good clefn vehicle Rellhishefldv null thoroughly checked tom Lflséigtlsgxggolugggenheating Undel 15000 miles Ono i953 PLYMCUTHISEDAN The5e Havé been thprbuglflykhéckedto they tareall good cdrs winterizeli readufoi miles of MinmlGreenllyDrlve traJnsrn sslon him hills 1952 DODGE RUSADER SEDAN Flnlslied original gleaming blaclt equippedou conditioned higat Imgfium signals wheeldigct cor is in excepnonalicondltionr 1953 DODGE CRUSADERSEDAN finish 7l301lvla 19s PLYMOUTHCOACH BARGAINPRlCES oniHESE VVCLEARANCE SPECIALS Am milnun mice autumn TRAVELLING TRUNK wulflcd In the candlflnfln Apply Apt Huh 03 EB Fug Oll fink0t iv 131191 WI 13 caR co GLYOOL 1955 0615012 SEDAN it green nhnip iowinile Ezugéhglowmun on owner en 1955 CHEVROLET 150 Cuthim rldlo very clean en ml mi 19 law 1955 DODGE CRUBADEE SEDAN Mina fien momIndia 7149th 11 1954 DODGE mmsmgdm lair251 muffin PLYMOUTH PLAZA PA 961 pm 22 m3whlloiluch month PW 1954 PLmomPLAZA 2vDOOR pomtionw let hiuinncwlie am iiihr nito totally cor tune may 3953 DODGE REGENT AN an PA 135 Glenn well ironed SYFE anti Copen Ellie and Beige powerfllle alr gonii lonadelieiitlngrqood low miieru nor 95210HEVROLET SEDAN edluin bluenodiow colt 1951 DQDQE causation SEDAN Ion blua nu nut mm Almost now whlte wll um Good nuinlllzi 10W Meghan 1951130130 afEDAN Dhrlizlxieuiilc mo flnlsh clmoin ndlo newsent govern Luxurynooei at low prle 1951 ingrown QAMERmeE 5213AM lk blue null new seat meia Fraudrunning our loco tires 194911335010 maroon utoinotin nor Exceptlon We Halea Few Top Quality Truéks loll Purim mull smxp FARGOlgTON mm mo PAltoo nuox tr iiin um Alyssa unlit unit hind tom nuse ill potted PIInLIi tumu IML no film cum mnlllul mlflm ms Pneumonia it 1954 FORD Clutchlino hehter lndll lilo port Willi 00 Gavin Phone SIde W11 Illa 11 1312741 FARM EQUIEMENT Township NOTICE Knnuehnnu eon bonnetlimo oi the rownu Bornem ruintad to onNovemherillHI 51351 during lh Remembnneejbusmm tn memory oilihoeo who In their liven in delence or ogreuntq ixmAliniiAlv manner Colin iii igililvisiilil tuna Iii fig lento oi the court or Doss Pentium Chry Dem elmlul um WM yen out inoculated no homo minmm nAcnrlen inn Preach Poodle pi Good relation Bothmiheddlnl inllmlb 27 Bull Mly Knuth lldhlimf BinII IQEwfl will lllfl winter urn hold unlll Cliflslmu Phone 174437 =£= PERSONAL ins mortfinunn door mow room cqndlllonflwclcnt blue Ind while 23000 milenowner Invtuetho count glerms eon be rulingsr 35o fileowl°nonnneé on on on llsljmsean its liner in out hydnnntie llfi Jag mod om ny lol Vlflofll LOSTANDFWNP MEMlmmd cinnamon nbznt On uniqu mmlwllewud omen luz lugm Pouttntr WHITE mum Goes for It Phone wm old laying or nln also zo Guy omit iiiP gt33 on on nu fl 1412742 Muir vacations gland beauty canineIon milxbm5 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS Alli mm salmon HOPE flown Mfir NB HomVAilB ml ehel Ind cochlea Ind plfllal phallI Ap Lee PA in Wilma run to Senien coriu Bottom32 en shin won PhonePemigrrm otter7 pm fillmil mm CotimlarxchlIMVM moire XLmilking are an hvllrhlo mm un ory Meow BhrrlhphonzPA 4g AuplipN iSAiEsj Lucio merri Financial Solo 02 pm moron mail min on moved myth sum Tenoruni APPLES hileg Ru Sweeu Also whee Phone PA will or pg hum AP naminamifireeninu Cabot uw carnel Peel Ind goexPnon 391343 chirots routine new cm Hillels Ghrduu thpmnfl no one mile out Phat MI 5711 film Wiii deliver in some Phone mmvle 51f gelled 201214 PLANTSFr FLOWERS NullSERIES Yes we rtlli here o£the stith enu lat strand rith on alrhwoy 11 Good Peihint Now bi toot time We expect no good seieeuon nd cut lower at Afiqommodot on Wit lulled APAnrmzm winter loi conpie hrid chlld Handy on nowutuwh Abply Zeb len phone PA um iilu Liv FOIgSALE ween lil Pet ulvenvonr den RR i$trauil Phone 12m smud $me nerPip toloo ponnor Brediord phone PP Ill PlumiWBBKs Shn murmur SfifialkJum hm Severl toehoose iron Pound Li mu PP stnyn hone may Spurth Shawl nelklou both muchlnu ctisltks NOVTICE or fillsirosmle or 0115 IS ST Polioiotieeihnt nveJotetiup It the lfnwnnhlp cum in owen so some onuie at 1551 the vote impoi veep1 monthly merit 12ml oiiiiilPsgsnl lay virtue oi two Wonants innueo 3n me undertheundlprd ml gnu Act 1180 19$C129 552 Ava Ielzed oneAinnli eep There Unit upflflhfi modal on one ShElVIdol Handsettor Ipproxlmuely le It ln good condluo gt Mr C7Mr MocDofigld 198 smotehewen lam Camp Bordeh0nt lohnzrlx lllilie 5h County oi 2anionic Lwii otterJorJele he iibovtmi gotten nmc£by laxubllc iauctlon and recover ow us innexpenses of nine2 sue to béh£ld on seturdnv November 1957 Elma FIIX Eh Chgflelsi ni 1967 an rimmed to Jerry Column Aliclldnm tor an Townebigmilube new in the Dunne lull war on many November l5 rt lo pelock tn ihMuiniur gt Any person Juvlu nny hunineu mnnecllon with ml Court or anlslrin thinly Went themeiven eeoniinr nonnArr cm onrii clerk Inn jruwnriiili 1i NOIICE T0 CREDITORS Notteekhereby giver nortruer mu Mun claimunion the ante oi STANLEY exotic nuuocx into or the retro home in the county at Slmcou Automooue Dbhlen de nned whmdled or nbaut the 292m or September 1957 are required to no prtlcuinrr or their ihe unnrmmed on or Muralbet 20th November 1957 liter which or the Executor wlu distribute the nuts ol lher mete lupin renni onli mythole al1311 oi nvhlch mg Wul II rupodhio for 1w Mann mm at lIrlle this nth WonV1 um nun mm lung street fiaTICE T0 CREDI ee it hereby Inn that un omit cllllis untotthe ego n1 Aliinuciuo love or 1hr Town Ihlp oi inning in county 018151 too sentientn decoled who tiled on or nbnot the 18th any oi willy Humr humu chin to the flog an or boiore lhhfiui lily of Novamar 57 otter wnlcndne themum wlu ninribute the Imuotthé er tote hovihrreurd only to the chlnu fungal sh fihlll menifinve notice no in respon or oilen mm November MuLAB Bmle not Solicitorp or the beetrot Hum 15 957 Ai Noousmiitr iocAfiq SCHOMBERG HIGHWAY 0F N9 HIGHWAI is ThAcioiisiliahn onnnooo lnctor an rubh John Deere AR atom io Deerebmoflzl 13 Trac on John neern model mutton complete with hyoruuu plow cultivan talid mowel Deere MC rowle Aumchrimen ociuhuu model an Stanth Proctor Olivenmodel 60Shndnnl Tractor liir uni nydnullr nncxeip Mistey modal ffl Raw Crap Tritium zlwm Cooled stou En wkhPullsil ohmsNe er with mat Mal rum Baler with motor New Holllnd Bhlel AuciioNréA High Class Household film ure The on ea Ancuvneei hu reeeiven instruction iron URBAN LAJOIE at FOflOWIN chmm Sagoid ruhihz eglQele White from 4m DIM Narrows model 76fwltli moth John Deere WirePin Brier model llnwvvitli no la c6MBlNE5Johm1fifl1 moclll 2A Oomhlne win motor and nb MlnnehpollsflollnaComhlne PTO nno groin tnnhgAllipchaime Connine with Pro and min tank Minerflhrrla cuppe Comhlne with PM MurrayHorne self ro peiled comhtne with logger uhie anlri tnnh FLOWSA SIfimW motype Pioweys 1wa Llftlype lawn 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