Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1957, p. 6

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harem Id ORPORIwNITY openrte ythm vronnulhflug 95 Sula mntrem reallo ror In no Mn man nlheuntlI Intooze II neared Apply llvlnl new no uun nod phone nonber nor lune bummer 1mm roan lawnom onon llvlnx luau PHONE EPA 04003103 9A pull llaollo 333 Elli Ind twovned Infl but YOUNa lather wlu enre ter can In own home mplnlon tor ayeoar boy Phone PA nasal zlm AVAILAnu BMW wlao Jllmr porltlon open In noehroorn or or vvldouer suanuIlo noobJeetlu young my your or Prettan hunter experlenee out or nloyeo benefits Gaod ounce or rd relereneee Box Barrjo Egan venerlnent Ieelllltee el DANGERFIELD MOTORS PlépetylofSoleprkent moon olj Wu neutron 65 Com airyliiunnl ROOM Home bedroom kllchleer INVESmENTS lplece oelh nvlun room dlnlnr room Apt ouudlng elooo In down in end SALESMAN FOR MIMI nounammo yureola Is 1W ct muglnxngoopetlnm EXECUTIVE noun roan moot our ot l5 owmg ON PA somI DQWN PflYMENlS MJLBURN 1111me llama Ill flu lez Dunlélf West at no Blnko St on mull eut duly yen old flvifltw room price nuns nonunlpn slore oloehr lrom ooh AvillnhleDe¢ Apply 01 Blake st indjourvouboarh ntlu Alr In eondltlou ole prle enema NIIA home And roe Notele mmulllonl Churn Phone PA 5511 or Puma JONES trlpluengioeh nnrtoe good Income 9°3Wm mm 01 gt No mvm MISCELLANEOUS Usu FURNITURE dr ANTIQUE mfifimfiufloflgwmfx MONTHLY PAYMENTS so mlnulu new downtown glam rum armamwn $8000 $8500 Inchnllng pnnclpel Inteeeet nd DUPLEX Vlzmg CENTRAL amneot loom one home on very olee comm lot Lot or mom um good error no onu dupleud lolly loll contlandean meutpd room umdwroom down rtrln lrloored nae Concrete poured Extremely good mlminn of IllIM Ind 572$ 33 Terms Iflulled Bu mm Commas ergo room and huh onoment wlth no Irvtor on he notnu nud weenu praro mm tallAl non CHICKENFARK Ellen bluflubln chickn Ann with rent mum close to Bird Brick home room no porn Ben convgrled Inn hylnl llullu Xflx fiorlrerfr an erty murt be Men to precinng poulblllllu at ur on Annll mm $11 film rrn Lee P0115 PA was Afijgmarive Parts BII€°sIs ex one mm to no Elmlmxf nelqu SURVEYING DRAFTSMAN WIthievelounr qunliflcnuonl or per IlllllfllL Mllnn Illh the Town of mmnAnolyIn mung JtIlnn ere educnfion Ill eprnence to 10 3mm Town Enllneer gt llohert Sheetinfiarrle Ont FURNACES CLERK STENOGRAPHER Pl Bloch Ilwl lvlll VHPAMXZBI l02 DUNLOPSTWES PHONE FAB5901 lukewarmm IndLClnlm 351 muflm lnnwelpmnQIAVM Corbyn am For Dltchlng Excuvatmg Back Fill DolerWork MY Kl lACm or Loading PA PHONE STEWART 150 Dunlap Phone PA 35m 54127 unlit Ill ll Phone 712 HEAVY WRBDJ hum rim OUWVApplyfllvar tutu AND wlth bench exoellult eondluon rhooe PA 3474 11154le OAK CHEST 935 Clllkl Ulod Fur him 18 BayloldSLrphOn PA $314238 nont dellyocunuct nowwe wlll MANS OVBRCOAT nun Tm ouurur do the jnblmmedlllely Phone Fred worn once Phnnn FA owns nowen 1121129 PA 83224 Woonssnocm 3915 clerkr mod 51264 BlyfleldISt phnn MODERN BUNGALOW Completely redeeomed nlrtlu out thlr Byeroom odor hunglowl We msanunng van on All nneednnowrmrnwnldnzvvn nAllow lOllsllznzvtrs RETEOR Y0U Iew OM CUSTOM13m nn Intent ol Coorlorlonot evth eolumndl vlew onho IKE um deluxe room hurlIn Jllfl old nltuetedho rnnznlneent lot 77 zoo henuumny noosewed lmn floor he Illu uvlnt room own room lovely uteneo hieMIR room den and plecn bthmm hlxe bed Vronnu ll er room with laoplecc blth en rune Also mnlll 4pleen hell morn up Thulenuml home eq Ip edwlth double nun RP Gel rec NM wlth bur thermopnn nIumummrtormIr And In And nuns mum exm New MulentobcdwniAbon 000 em down or al thlr exeltulvn llrtlnt By nopflntlononly 1513 eeres good lend All hulldInu plenty or water preuure lynem lnlle from hillmay WIII tell tenorto ly or golng Concemwlth In oury um rodmll llne or Irnplernenu Ilrnlrl Inna hny Alllnl yumuxy FLOOR COVERING Ruhbem dmAmlnlyr nu rnn ounoleome om mu tutrm woollen Ind LADYSWlnler Coll Illllll 111 In encellent eoodlton Phone PA to 07 LA Il 129 hour rugs 531 sglirks Used no It non PA um nature In ham PA Town lIu 31843 7123 loourulevel eIy lolln Ielr hulld Inge nerr adenvrle Arrlng sumo Smell down pylnent nnd my term ll lore VICIll nenr llama3150 nn hero gt ml good howl lot ln Thornton no or Ueed Lumber un llouno su Phone 39m Stmu 7112142 SOFA BED curhe Used Furoltnre all naynelrl st phone PA norm ruo no Hundred teet Lure homage 400 on rund Ellht huedroom bnbllufllllee MIanm eenlnr Also broom Lodge melon honu¢qulpmont Lot yell flied euenl Ind enchPhoto mph ntomce worthy InverIIgtlog $120007DUNL0P ST WEST Two rtorey nrlolr owelung wlth bedrooms lxrge uvlnp roomr hold completely modellured tastefullych conteo neme shloe trees PHCNEPAV845V298 woe1mm 511nm HOMES Fms QCOMMERCIAL AND SUMMER mmm hABGIa IIIZIIASANrwCAL okrlca WAY nutRoux FULL lMPLOYEE BENfiflS annUAlm SALARY SCHEDULES not depends upon quuncrtlom APPLY Box Barrie Examinelz IIlwm ABBWmnln wented to Cure for Ehlfilmllllo another worn Phone PA raAlUluNo RANCH GLSPuIT Iévol good mleétlon or here exhale mm gt1ertnbr phone CSCARIBATES Thorhton ESTATE FROKER Innnr up to 00 nANcnnUNGAIJOw bedrooms down Allrlcuve new room hrlck home hllh Central unto 127129 xrsmmcsn Murnlnut And Mech nnlc Apply The Lcrolve Ltd dDunlop 5L Welt lm Automotive Pam The Crowe co op st Wen lm iD ASH 51 Electric Motors Ross so Bmle nurullNa3n It or 21 IL Her two on overhoed doon Phone FA uozaw 7mm DWAN stun our Used Furonu so Blyllelg st phone lyl 2EINGLE um brown maul rprlnn nAll CUNNELLEVES PA nnua BUSINESS OPPOBTUNIHI Snail MbAtnndnflunnt ee petrol nnl landm with no In garage room lpnrunznz 1m nortn or nerrle ot the junetlon or two hull um Willlululflzl home Ioentlon Ivltn mrgolneent vlew hrle treed lot unnnl nlcdhomen ern lenlurea my HA no he urumed with uhry oulrement Cnll now FA owl NRA nouns Shrunl It 311 with low din PIY mente mm room huonlowr mllln gll mfld CCARAGE on CARPORT PULllellcORAm BUNOALOWS Phone Ivy 29fll OAKLEY 1511 PICTURE 300x uolm lng extrn to buypmen lewor atom eereenr Flvn weu plnluled lclnlu mun mlrror Anlehed our loan decorated Ahroughout Clan to flow Huh School Cull Mr IIIIr Evnythlnl you wouldulr lorfinothf Member or some Dletrlet neiflzrtrte eon neuroses moth phone PA 11mm $1500 Clnkl Uod lll 3L Iphnnn PA 36128 WOMAN ex erleoeed on elothlnt nlteh ntlone nlll lllr pert tune Apply Box 05 genIo summer ImIzs BXPSugNCKDSuMCn 5qu lttend entr Whirled Apply mm Motors lulled 149 Dunlap St El figs MANwANlBn Ior clunan or used cars somoexperlenee preremeo Ar ply lrrle Motor sue Lllnlted steel and lane 51 lm MEN Alw Women wantedtal rervleo rnd Inle In snneoe County Good poy cor menuI Apply Mepls Awe mu lodpln lmtt man my éyporleuee you cm ern mqnay or your chrletmnr ehop 13an by relllnr Avon eometloe rod tollatrle In your vlclnlty lull ol pun llmz Phone PA 66551 2712 IMO Housewlvul Avon co nletlee areIn demul owmole then everoelore you our earn money anl Avon durlnzrhouls lull your convenkrlce No experleneu neceur J11 Phnna PA 6655 11254 cmlm ouhAllllzn requlred for Town at rrIe ortlee May week 13i hour dry mm 531 employee henellts Sulliy rehedulo elreet Apon Town Clerk craneor phone l=A mm In polntment or Intervlow llzolzn newsman may Ieehnlclrn wont Igloo hoxplul ln lelnlshnhllou Que hee sulrry $950 per monthwllh lu mlul New equlpmt llegullr hours Roam ond hoerd $1500 per inontn Neuroy orhlng oennls Igolt nfllnl Apply Bax llnrrle ax unmet lmlzo lAB munnd sulptunexsnesnleo or lemenrelfiulngl or new product or lull neto hodworld tumour orooo tlon huntian every home No up unnee Nqnnllerlenca homo dry mllutnlnlngxlven Rapid pro moll rlght pen Illgu commu relonn IWeInvItoyou to otlend threeovcnlnz class wlthout ohlllllltlon nox qo nerrle monomer tom Full runs Are you Internet In rrl ehovn averBe Income why nntdn jiglg tho pmlhultlu eelllnz Cgreufwlfll one of Canadas Innm nles organHons muchmilsan ofiufiehélgl Proguctsr No in gt one yappon Kxueuenteomnllrslone an unnm 1oz hotelyew wrlte wlre or VphonenAIm Pele umlted Spo dlon Avtnue Tomnto1B Onterlo mg 3442 llmuo SALESRBPBESRNTATIVE requked In lorootonnrrle dutrleu tor solos novlug andstorege orgmln on afl orlop all employee hehentr Long mound one who leellltles In eevernl omno cltler Mum van llne nume Nofl mmnflll confidential given assume pereonnel wlth some know ledge or tuneportrtlon Our unpln can advertuement mltmnhle terme rul 1p r33 to move In Inc eta ml Illan Intonnrtlou molt TOM ooerd Cofiapantlvn llmngr Invlted Intereuleo ln rental Call Cantu CONSULT USON Low Down Payment Hohlllnrll Duhnllxo Pmpenlen nNetIoonl llonelne um lneome Propelnun PHONE PA 85307 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE in New Km nu HAROLDBJQART ttnlrlo Electra Ilotarv 53 Owen at Pb PA 82306 INCOMEVHOMEslonoo MODERN mama Central loenuon Low dawn not Income Iron rootel unltr ei th property endlonveo tenure osToNl FfioNflS minl for ownan Blink bulldl wood floonvthnulbmll on Ill ome OVERIIANGS liobu whenqu omLy4LANDSCArm 853004Auncflve room home cnn venlem locntlon av 06 blur Imme gim pon alslnn en fal rellred eou KELLYREAL ESTATE 15 Olappolton SI PARK SBEDRVOOM HOMES BOTH RANCHI STYLE AND SPLIT LEVEL game by Croeley JConolrumml co ODIVIIlEn BAsnMENTs 17 OKITCHEN EXHAUST FANS HENR BER CK HEEffl ancfil utoreypdaoom OILHEATING me Annuynpmpe hthxooro no 0h ANY anzll $7 nAlrllIx fnk ONHA M0 TGAGES nlsmlcrhmmAnlmAnn esslurl 14 Mean 39 no name motthlhl Clll Welwood HE 951053 gt recommended modlvulon Canyon mean WPIECB Wllnut Dlnlng Rom Suite now sandman mimsfluk Ured KELLY REAL ESPATE Fumlturo so ynold phnnuPA XS138 INSPECTION ANYIME letznr VERY CENTRAL$0900 Just hloelu to downtovvno lovely mamIll nod Altar and In Immacul mums Nona Space Hooter Inex cellent eondItIun Arlhur Gloss Cooko town phone flat 7121lu lPl STEEL nun Ind Sprlnkr 3195 Clarks Used Fumltlire as lrfleld Lf°nt£$f°£ufiuflfi Sh phonn PA use 17126 aoono flnflrgom bedroom on up and an wlth fit LARGE crlo Junlor Bej oq eot nounInn redueedtogzhtunqlleléi chrome Huh Chlr Apply 106 lawn1e lovely hurwn haul 1m RCAF Camp Borden F117 18 BAN CONNELLEVES PA £7102 2PIECE Mohnll Chesterfield snlto 32950 Clarks Used Furniture la noyhelo st phone PA um 7123 PREMIER Combination VlcllllliI CIEIII er and Pollsher wltn eomplete or goalsyllkgnew saa lugm l2n lacs Chesterfield Sulte saws Clarks Used Furnlture to Bayfleld sl1h Wow 156616 Ws Ill FIXTURES WlllI MATCHING CERAMIC IPAIMzsl TILE 15128 Properly Mdnnzement PHONES oulce PA V8Ztfl5VEvenln PA V5259 DOWN BUILuING REMODELLING RENOVAIIONS WAXKS Ir KITCHEN CUPBOARQS Let glve you tree esumole or any or ulenhove nnly experienced Flm clnss work gt chmr lesoN PA Dvi52 Illpr EmsI HOUSE It LOTS FORSALE mice4 Mm Mm Bren llrge hulldloz ute plus bunznlow nth y3°° nnd menuoneo Ire zolnzvnt the orleeltooo Iocnunn Ind elomto rlngtou Sdlnnl And the new SchoolI m7 For detour eonrult JERRY QmNNEVES PA 87390 700 anl good $UBDIVISION AVAILABLE SOON Priced Irrom $11500 tosunoo henvy Iduty Cupclt electrle motor Very re eon hle Ph nePA fillsattend fin DRILLING 1or yourrlocal enema mums ukmm mm wlth onslchnlatgmnxn Nery xcleun 1nd Farms Homes Cottages Emoacvgn on 5mm PM Industry emu All Worlr duonnteed nearly Elmle Highch Ir nunnett WMMI P336341 gtHENR HAMMWS an 11mm ONE PA 35333 oll1lp llAlmwoon Fléoln stoned rrnnlehed Tile Suppllzd Ind Inld humans 1114 Cell Noseworthy PA nulls slaom ALL TYPES qnnructlon nnd rt pllr wlnk prompt Janice work tum lulled Lelgh phage PA IIMI Choice 01 Ranch nylo bedmnlll hlln REAL ESTATE BROKER WW tnown puylnent In low as II $1950 00 Comm coupe law Is $5800 munth Erleryrréoulrernents es lowns FOR FURTHER ARE of BIRII Dmrlct II 311 llultnstélernolld nossToAlrsoN non mmv PAW nnnnlooqnzut Burnt more on oo my gepturdmruottl n3 COMFLETEL iv MODEM DUPLEX lmASONAnLC DOWN slum mu Plumtyre compleuuy orlvrtonportroenu 2ndJlnnl on room wlth modern kitchen Ind nep rote both nolo noor hu rooms 101 lone monor Ind dloetto com hloed loo rlvute hath Thls property fro ta tr hed mu ovgppméd IL vm my mom wlulstone onto he truly loonted Ana hll good nor lleCnll Norm so well at PA Wk Rm DOWNSVEW SUBDIVISION MILES NORmVOwafl an wnevlew Dru nenrthe new Johnson St Public School and op $13900 FUILPRICZ IAN martini guy well Connmud summer can gfiecggggfyrnommlun 5WSh°lz1 and hootI ham wllh Inrue IllIn room bedrooms klleh bath and ouerlne eholce or lunch style verendah BoEhous smmue lhree Bedroom Bungalowswon llve dmerent plenmo choose irony space on honflheluwAnd mg mam gt bm mm or custom bullillnlnes Lemon¢cul Nom Shouweu 451 oyorloolongheootlml Knmfionfelt neloro you huy he In to reewhilt Cenlse Davie UN1DALEKDDISTRICTJ 17 nuuxn mum nount PA 3186 $flmNewmnrllrduinefllllm filfifiifidomwmfi m5 tumultFlu nndxanlnhed reore arr mm ppmed mflma m1 54 monhly Pl or twobuuflmuy treecl loco ltlhlx urnnrleo rodterm eomlete eeuo hon PA 66387 nnyllllno fin PXGSKIN photo receeeorler we no pn lZx9x4 vvlth Inrge oncoloe oulret thoul er otr hilhnner 59 Comma Comer Lu leether ante Germnn WallaPale eomnur shutter 05fineefl 159£or 120 films PA ml utter pun 4125 EXTRA LARGE Mnholnlly Che of ane woo erch sfllrkl ueed hm EA 12 STRAMNE VE Lovely 5mom hfluk huntIow wItIl SMJIOO to $15100 Cholee or Ronehntyle oom hu See our salesmen tor tullJnlomllua malty QUIN nvn PA 2096 ll wnnu mohl Yeti77M 126118 stool 111M actlon kevbuald Excellcllg tone $250 SIGNI oeIOwen In fileahfigileflanpl zu rell £3333 PA um 5mu GARDEN Plowlnz notolllllng Sod ulnz Tna removlng and trimming well rotted glamre lunrlc eozupmh Render Leo scope on rec or 11 one PA B7l86 sIzuta msunAlION We use No Wool Lhnl wlnz method ehme ormhllgetloo we wlll nlve on Humto Auoorlt M1 IIIroman he held In Term upln me down1l1d arm on Home roomlt mu gallium firnalflmnflml 21 Ill 30X 55 BM A12 an optuen 1ll7llll tlve slzzllu Nursery school hero vnnncles lortwn more chlldren In SIX for can nuderxlflen Phone ooh inlets as steel ennmeUedInlnk wlth hock Ind rlght hood dnlnlinuth nirjlrlla rloon need earn re palm so Phune EA sown 71114 fillIBM Slze oldSfyle Chesterfield Ind chllrlnlnll 5pulluuL oouoh wltn CD set 01110 car clulm ll on most modem on do 32 down dinners mortn ze rrytur et no moo An excellentnun an QUEEN PARKDISTEICT $8500 Sixmm mud bflll um denchodehnma marsrue on quiet Ilnveryeentnl Inca onbrxn modernized lrltehen go dry huemcnt forced lll halflnlr tube everythloz to em rep1r throm eano mean ou Veeeut one PA Mufto feet nnto dosnlng WBUéINgtilufi séabois MORTGAGE Modern bungalow floated on larva GROVE BEAST It unnuvaem rto Inchools Ind mop fishing gags E°lh=°ilwm um Ilmgnmz hueementfunn fitneullmlpmm Bfllht ouement laundry molt honoursdevelopment 141 new ONEMAN Opereuoo nevuplro polnunent all EUCMH spray outfit sew role re GEOIIGILWRIGm EVES PA moo gououmaufllt Ivhloh east Hmonwul nndln Any type mlterlnl SIlfiplyOflllln wanted lcfllu mne EDGE OFI TOWN PA Le golng torts ooh so Whole mantel lor 3500 1394 For pertleulnrr coll lfll oenn um nu nltALlons lleted below And then ulumen ore wort out In to sellwout property WIthout TramPS Ironole neeoru rluyer wllp Illnovel cnrtrldle Phil IlI speeds Rerroo 1y pflnednnd In ex cellent eonoltlorl Apply 76 41mm Lone phonePA m1 7lls TYPEWEITEBS on oe uhlee nddlng mun es cash In no rervtee Comnn reorereutrttve 780 FIVE APAllmliNrs Bmiflim nownmevv hue toot¢e gONIACIj the c909 Imp omen due all STANf You can only finnaem ove Isulle 1pm at Construction youtycholee houre nun apartment hu rep loo gtI entnnee nvrte lath end honor EOAKEHN Inullltlee hrselnent PlenWH zal llrrdlortl 8L 510mg rp lhle pro ext RA 85284 lo Acltlts Mush ln tehl 1n Chum ll alwWN cm la met our nod lot tedcm to the slum newnomlulon mpnrnlnml III on CARSON 111 Is lrunlop gt log smluzgha nroonl stucco shdmo pesntlnllly decalpr €33121 excellentlmllon or tiwn For you perucnl All Normsuelswnl or PA nouns Owen st extras not vlnzloo wl nullan Possesilnnlowd0WIl luv mint New hrlck nhch homeombud MAKEjOFFER WY KLRIGK kM ed 1t 65le In bod room NBA ullaulow year oldl etomu modem romeo now down allege Ind onler possenon uttered INELSONMELROSE Avis 595NHATRESALE 33139 MWIMtrlekmmdh oomploarmlo all lichlfi lovely Inhlped vlnldln cdlnblll ll hr ngzed klhhln lfllfl Illnllhon In file lbm early Weirbophum show wloe chole at pow homulncoma pro Ind bulllllnl loll In oll CAMP nonnENannwAY MDOWNv nIce store home Buy 1401 For rull nu PERCY FORDWES PA umo WATS AND MOIQRS LAlnzann aunt wlu Ill hp on board treller Ille nmervers etc so eomplot PA 04120 43127128 Founwlngconlecutlvelneortmns 20 whrd mllllmm 40c MUSI on fun wenmono Slnnllhuslnuawlth good potentlol mum nroeerleemert nrltL elro hummus rtnuomryehlo enolnemuz uteheu cloubtdmom Wm umln luer Idtehen Control Bulenln lncldontlll lnclulunl Non llvlng splen Muted lnjood rddenml In with 90 busineu cunmnln one In locetedmnau 07 mortsnge It 10Lclonlln lc oolllndlm blur mute All Norm ellwell PA emu Llellngm my $13900qu PRICE mum RICK BUNGALO FEATURIN 1a ANGUSPROPERTlEs uah Mullen or Dmonthgyulnmedhte nonmetal at one rtm Celt RE N165 uniloll on entu eeulotyeer round mutual um reel Modcrn ln everwa dawn plus tnehvnelle to rt Hum padre on to PM problem we renqu we must help loo gt gt Illa Cloth C1018 lace bathe I110 hll HE CPI all puma olllgombhylgleble 1mm WY mgn nerve buntan lot 371 talrolm ll enlela II Phone mnlzfi III own all Ninth In Illll tho mel qlfilr all 313 magi owl cnlcns Buntan Roultry Erro 19 Smlfll fllfl lllPPly younchlzk 191 do menu orletuehel with your cumulus wfih erheto+nrey gmllfellu kzeal km or eoc Ml 25 Anon

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