Gnond Jonï¬sndï¬ M1513 sloucdeeemrefpiépes éntarybox contamingspeeches orvthe Ontario Bublic Worksyand properly vln hm nm en tannin mrnmem phn iviame mn um éuunged nu meat or mï¬ï¬‚ryphe Beams ll Coopen vel pin enchnndivnl an my would will go for 19 mimics viewt dimly in aourJeQusuma over in rang lhun oi to be chang mhn tel soon be nowlh Mm omce vending mach send reshuranl nulomm in thenear Mute An executive the Tenpo Cimdnml ed recently in though lhamre sent instn tens hnve notyet boundttn Slimfly alter theï¬rst Spnlnlk came on ghegiobnl scene ltlw mine the subyeci qt somejnkin Abdul every columnist and Vbroe cuter hill to gel in crack and them wns gven usedinndvertia ing swam EVENT smcn SEMNIK was one helding noticed overa iclty car dealers display Burl began producing drinks in link topic like Wash ington Sputnik cocktnflione part vodknandlhre pins sourgnpeu Sirieésmh ll arrived there has beenlllil ign bf laughter Wluzg in nnune have I1 ways ddmimi mineral alyrlc nature Signature like Frank Taylor Clnrence Jones William Dyinent nndï¬enneth Walls seem so otdingry But the inspiriageahoht la mer nt Frayne Wflgar And vvhnt nbhut those too hockey coaches 0T Whithy nnd Bellevllle WrehBihir and 13er Denyeg Ami oneAqf thermrtent ushioutbaiistarrgnoyi Traylor ov ay By the mi 3211 Hollemin wliu wag stewnrflrai BarriefCurlinz Clnh lasLleakonhhns turned up as maine qul themaindining room of th new Westbn in Toronto Health VMiniéter men nssruamn mnnagln editor pi The Oriilin Daily Parker and tales to The Pï¬lw Aibgfl DlilySllenld 995 We in amazem 10h leg M1I Tlxslngtpn Joined lhe nuke an Times when 1837 and cbntin Clifford Peters movesjp from new editor to mnnaging editor Orlllin Mr llssington move to Prince Albéri Prime Minister Diefenbakers home constituency ism promoiion allhoushaltia not cgiinlileredl to be permnnenl and hsrflpeeha wanmum Drillln insevenl yéenr Mra flexing ton and spn will move to sum chewnn Vcnrimnns Wanisgeï¬er Name continued minimize one weresoolbeds 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vested wojlld bring the individual eoap interest just an any other investmenp vauld He hoped lam the moneymbscribedto this Iv would he lnvated far as rynnexwelcome 12343313 sarmn WA MandalaIn null Christmas bnunr lilidny Nov ughom 06 Mtemoon he ule Vlapmm and fancy worm home bakingiind candy and link mu 4V ma ChanWilli Junior Farmers miniminn Sadie Hwkim Dim in ChurchiiicOmninnily mu on mm mm 15 lurch spot pd us Good orchestra Lunchjerv mien 75 and 50¢ 128130 hpnmijnd mum denclnr ï¬ne treat an manyto Win Sparling and hisMeiody Men and Saturdays to the Music nkers Pine Crest is miles lnwalehliighway No17 127 128133435 Canadinntanter Society Bab rle Unit annual meeting Wegnes day Nov 27 630 pm St Anv drewxHCliumh Owen Gneslv speaker Miss vCahill Toronto ob Little Red cef also 11 reservation only All interested citizens welcg Dinner tickets $150 Plenselconï¬rm reservations lnwrii by Nov 20 in Mrs re an SophiaVS No ortwwemk hue Complete lysine mdepogimynrm on purchue unulnecembe PEAF Robéri Deliney ttehdancé by 128131 to antigllguvgflgliï¬ï¬ï¬h ossibl further the cometa againszgmonton Eskimos ye mm having to surging runs at Ti at defe ins Thal néive ï¬ne Hayor nompson of Mesï¬rnélmlrmmzm iï¬gflï¬gï¬ï¬g ButCMs qu do an pf inï¬goeéï¬ounty rs 15333 risaiï¬io £3 HES ithitvflie Si ouifly Council SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF BARRIE Lékocnnnprbnsnnvmn wonky $332322ng in 12332 ms imam pm WEDNESDAY NOV 713 connection with late lalelmovmv hme sealed document are Home for me Aged in oo 900 25 nerstone to the new wiring 91 the Ontario Hospice at mimimPMEQflf avor tnnguishene approfessional tap with the the sllvertrpwel g73£5mr£alizymwn 13 dent Ball ru IS gggiggï¬edlt¢am33 Fm olher night aim prize givin superintendent of nurse uDa yolilhkvelr pharmacy in your In containing the 511399 Orillin The townis prepared to starts asked the intervi gun the am3 mm ï¬eryices or such aghomenfflonm sum by agieestoiis establis Id tmiihegruigistlonked ut minded of lei Layinf VI ï¬lo limo naim 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