LEAR oidmembenorthe Chnadian Legion was ï¬rst tobuy aPpPPy fromVBarbare Bur dette Legion Poppyseiiers will be out in rrie todhyand tomorrow and the public th laying of thecornerstune ofthe wing to the Onto only 11160ntaanlnisterotrHealt HonMacKinnon tailli iip MDLCMLLLD offered $2501 his ownvmoney as prize nyone who could suggest 13 better name to replace Hosp llor the criminally insane by courts 0er mos tor Minister pointed out that of he utely entally that the old tlgma memalgtiliness wasn with accommodationjurisz beds and at present there were 161 to he goo amhnssd paints Si dors for the Give Dr Car well on av 11 gunk is lagging ted the preseut addition which would accommodate Vauother 452 patients It was expected that finished uilding would pro to around ï¬okpolicy holders llealth was the iarxovMl of k5the non William Gries were well ad 290 bed hispitll 1n Owen Sound Mayor William are asked to give generouslyrto this oncea year uppeaiTheuicney condth fromrthe Each3M6 BizHie sale or poppies goes to relieye distress Members otlhe executi Among veterans an their families Hospital at em tangulshene on Wednes milllon dollars of the taxpayers ncrcasingldemands listl neces hospitafiinsuranc thecoopmï¬ oï¬eredhospitni walstmbfthe adieu on the CPR tntkséulh Simcoe Trustees lieelect Ofï¬cers the annual mee ng mcoe xCounly Trustees Ratepmrs Assoolat hle Wydhrlqge Commumty HallJ night with one exceptiqu th yéaral oflicers wereret med preside aid Archer Eimvale pa ident Horn vicepresident JohlrOImio Station secretarytreasurer Re ards Mrsul Post Lflgtclaughim Suï¬ lield Cecil Young Jamel Ciync Mei Sag VCeciLYouneh member thé Earrirlublic Séhool Board war elected to the executive to the ï¬rst time in piece of Geoer bun Barrie Public Schoo businessmanhgei AiulLreport of the meetlu ill appearin The harrie Exa nMonda gt RE an past II parade will leovefl he73gt Fair Grounds on Essa toot at approxlmnteiy 1Q niche circulkoithe streets and en rtmen spent nearly 80 money across theprovince large ly in hospital construction the present time Maiy of Toronto grid Mrs Buifc speakerg wh have not ken out the govern ts hes spiteiplah by th of 1959 at he latestnwiil not have unycoyeraieihiswas made kno yiflau Meehan Field man forthe Qntario CooperaLt eVMedical ï¬erylces Fedora tion ritthe Simcoe County In ing 91 Wednesday Nov in the Angliean Church Parish 11911 inEgimvaie Allncornpanies selling vbasio hospital lnsuranc ure Nourishment la provid ed by the hdicsknxillary in the form Lloteol loodjnd here consolation Thar were won lutnlsht by Watson RoyBtu Ighan mei Amos lfhyllia Johnston Joo drumm ones gt Barrie it uh 147 of theCanlt gthdianugion ll be parading Ouaotlph Service gt The lenth sérylre under the auspices the Bmie the cm Legion WI htili am on Monday The service will be conducted tryLuca the eReer her ring MC VD The branch parade onthis oc casion will form up tat Queen Parknt 10 am under the com mind of Parade Marshal James FL the Rev 11 the RCAF CilIIP llorden was thespeaker at the traditional Bea rmeinbrance Day meeting 91 the ems Club yesterday Eachjearthécluh onors the fallenï¬of tw WorldWIrsvnt the meeting nehreSt to the ofï¬cial Day oiflemembnnce The speaker hether Ite Local Bgsmess BqlfeDies epn sau 731veli km essmanrvdied Wednesday in vital purpo uponthisday as me toiremegn lime reexamination time tor rcdedication Rs Slumber husine tor3 of the can Sent to Trial mm gay committed daughte the evils of warthen iormerMabelBarrett ogBar eiieved that this real expe es We must eccep for lust one of He considered shrgieal policy the third mential Mr Mechaaadned that an his lab to mine the people pl 113 must get out the rieldby Jan 1959but we arenegotiating let presentfcontreots run on ordof Directors ho govern the 8000 membersw te in this area My $40per policyholder po year paid to he provincial indeï¬nitely Commission it will ent uh elitical Body organized men corporatio mplbyed groups of esser number or sell oyed persons pareularlx Krejot compelled deg policy WM 550401 year and single perg year or public ward M1 Meehan who 15 Lrongiy farv dike goverpimclgt plan ani lutionnt smnller renliuur but hu he expia Aha oftilegovernmentprismL itcould do things thrtlthe prlyat companies and cooperatives cou frhp iinit to said Mr Meehan in on address sahe ï¬ctive action Ross MBE Veterans whether members of the Legion or not nreJuvitrdtc join the parade Condiments at tï¬eari1ned forces at Camp Borden the Bar rie Air Cadets and the Barrie sea Cadets will take part in the psraueu Led by the RCAF Trumpet Band from gamflnrden and the Barri Citizens Band the harhde wii march to the Cenotaphvyla Dunlap Street Following the servioe it willfreturnjweut along Dunlop Street Ciappertooï¬treet Collier Street past the post of tire where Colonel QBE MC CD honorary president at the branch will take the solute The pnradeiwill dis at the Legion Memoria Hell Foster yester ltrial two Bar Clogela it an charge of Tapes set at $5000 nefly WeaiherToday Conlln es southerly Wlnds Seasomhle weather hnslpre veiled with in extran giving opportunity or Int unzn outdoor two This at rain which willt cantin ny yin forgot rie men