14 89m YeoriNo xaminrr BARRIE ONTARIO CAMWrenesoavbema 95 Suppression of News at Town Council Meetings It has been drawn to theyattention of this newspaper that suggestion has been made actually in print that The Barrie Examiner is suppressing Council news This we absolutely refute The implication published in an adver tisement by local store reads Is it fact that all the business of the Barrie Council is not being published in our local newspaper this year We overheard two taxpayers iscussing this question during the past eek Editorially we feel that this is throw back to some of the events which took place in the council chambers last year At times there was some extremely live copy arose from those meetings Readers willrcmembcr the issues which were involved often of personality nature The same staff writer who was responsible for the coverage of those council meetings stillcontinues to handle that work Basically it gets down to one pointwthere has been very little copy of sensational nature this year for the simple reason that practically every meeting of Town Council has been very straightfor ward There has been no suppression bf news of any kind emanating from the council cham bers The members of council themselves know the discussions which have gone on during the year We would be extremely interested to hear from them on which occa sion there was matter of public interest red at meeting of council but was delib erately kept out of this newspaper We resent strongly the implicationthat The Barrie Examiner has been guilty of such travesty of its duties to the public At all times we have attempted to the best of ourability to give fair unbiased items of Town pionship was held in connectl0nwith On tarios 40th annual international match near Cobourg Twenty champion plowmen from it countries competed Plowing matches have won wide accep tance in Canada although many successful farmers are bit dubious about their value Almost every county and district in On tario has its regional match The annual international match actually an Ontario affair with some events open to competitors from other provinces and countries attracts spectators in the thousands The doubt as to value lies in the feeling that match plowing isnt practical for the everyday farmer who hasnt time to fuss with his furrows and has to get his job done with as much dispatch as possible These doubts were fostered for years when many matches put the emphasis on horse plowing with singlefurrowd plows al though mostvrifarm plowingwas done with tractors But in the matches now this has changed For example the world championship rules call for tractors and twofurrow plows Com pctitors are required to plow in stubble one day and in sod another to demonstrate their skill under different conditions In other words competition is getting closer to practical conditions match competitor learns how to do better job back at home and the spectator learns some new wrinkles as well Editorial Notes Another honor has come to native of Sinicoe County The Most Reverend Walter Barfoot of Edmonton who was born in Collingwood has been elected archbishop of Ruperts Land and metropolitan of the Ang lican Churchs ecclesiasticalprovince em bracing 10 dioceses in Western Canada Two of Ontarios top educationists have The plowing use KNIGHT IN WINDSOR SIAll Examiner Feature Article Robin Hocd By Is the Welfare State Robin Hood or Santa Claus This question was LEWIS MILLIGAN Santa Claus son is Nathaniel Micklem for some years on the staff of Queens Uni versity at Kingston does not en ymun is spiritual being and tiicl lStatc is or should be concerned with providing the framework within which human nature can best flower But he admits that iwithout stable currency the woli fare state cannot be maintained IOnly in that sense howsays may tzizth tiill 0W 0m Reade4 McCarthyQC Recalls Iollendal in Boyhood Days 31Iilzin Tutmliis Ugiuncr rimming Walter Inillzv has liulil your so pub licuocd ioII by at tiltlBill which zu pitbasIy Etinsiv tzic lutc Edziiunti ilL Icit the prop who in turn to my father DAltoi Mc but lilt was l2I to bc paid until its dualli to distributed between in lilrs lZlLt my lizilf nit Evin Ftzgilbon and iy ltl II English Reader Enjoys Examiner IOUPage Edition In filing to his uncle Sid ney him 123 Ienetung Street Barrie who had sent him copy of The Examiners Cen termini Issue Purchase 135 Adelaide Road St Denys Southampton England pays the following nice tribute By the way Lncle Sid your package containing the entenury copy of Barrie ar rived on Thursday and have just spent about one hour looking through it guess shall have to take couple of works off work in order to read it all What wonder ful achievement to build up your town to its present state in 100 years Each and every inhabitant must feel very proud and congratulations should also be passed to the editor of your Centenary pap er When you think that our daily papers here are from ve to six pages only and weekly urchase price Mum Section 240985243 l5 scj Owrng to some um misunderstanding on afx my fathers executors and but line Ms absent from rm liur some considerable time um death the trust company will uuz consulting as sold the property to William Pugsley In my boyhood spent many happy holidays at Tollendal nitric made great irrime to tho and log house built rg irtgcrating plant and stablinl Jluy llisti lie had miniature golf course on the property and II DUlll short Steeplechase course round the circle remember weft llllt Mr Sibbnld who lifted In the jvills he used to look slim our 11d lipr us in grant many ways it was great grid to us that Tuilcndai want out of the Lunil by an unfortunate misun lcrslndngion no part of the Inuit company remember the old log home ivory incliwtnc lug over the door say rn liont stretched the entire gltillglll of the house also re anmmbcr the four pine trees plant cd by my grandfather which he calico Lin tour Sisters which am will have since been des truyud know Captain Wish very well yin 1x co Ilcxl door with his pretty daughtersnnd was often guest in ins iousc It was about this time that Johnston czy wailknown Toronto barris ter who married one of the Miss Schrcibcrs of Allandale built house at Minets Point which iuvc no doubt is Still there Icplcr barrister in Bar irc who married one of my half sutcis aim had place on the soutli short which was called Tynlicad was often guest there as also was at Stratif allan during the dayziwhcn Sena tor George Allan owned it was always given to under stand that my grandfather Ed mund Lolly operated the old mill wlicrc Tollcndal creek crosses thc main highway am very much interested in the account appearing in your ipupcr and would be most grate lful if you have spare cow if you would send it to me to in lcludc in my records of past days iin Barrie when was law stud ent there and where spent many lmany happy days on the shdrcs OI lKenipenIcIt Bay with kind regards Very truly yours MCCARTHYQC coax mi lscoruuvn hero of the fmerican Navy who tircly agree with Professor Icwkcslwe put economic issues first Bull died in 1792 was born in Kirk claim that the primary responsiithat sense is common sense so furl biliiy of government should bolas government is concerned stability in the value of currncyRobin Hoodand Santa Claus State Speaking as kind of theolorlczui only lowggbotii ilkggggterigli gian Dr Micklem points out thatland spiritual welfare of its people ones 1012 pages it seems in credible to have one that con fairs 100 pages Many thanks all the same for sending it and gigging lagdue time read if Im AN WVm right through PHONE 2414 Idhn Paul James the rst great account of all meetings not onlyof Town Council but of those of the other different organizations which take place in Barrie We are particularly struck by the signi concluded that the shortage of 7000 school teachers in Candda constitutes anational Iemergency and the situation will get worse beforeit getssbetizerr However theft is one raised by columnist who signs himself Nico in the British Weekly He says the duestion was prompted by passage in Ice ture he heard recently aromas cudbright Scotland itrticnlarly welcome at time when the ficance of the sentence in this suggestion Weoverhcard two taxpayers discussing this question during the past week It is extremely gratifying to find that our taxpayers are interested in what is going on or what is not going onwithin the coun cil chambers There is no doubt that it is very healthy sign when people are taking an intelligent interest in the workings of their elected members of council This is unicipal elections are once again looming the horizon We do however suggest that it might be more fitting if certain citizens spent more time attending the meetings of council to find out themselves just what is happening rather than remain absent from these public meetings There is one vague possibility this news paper may be going way out on limb Reading this particular printed piece of news it couldalso be interpreted as read ing that Town Council may be withholding matters of interest from the press hilthm we can say is what we haveal ready said at no time has there been deliberate suppression of news frOm Town Council meetings certain way to get more young men and wo men into the teaching profession Pay them enough in comparison with the trades to make it worthwhile Picton is fortunate in having for mayor man who is apparently welltodo and phil anthropic judging by the fact that he has paved without charge streets this year to value of almost $22000 and last year about as much Mayor McFarland who operates construction companyhas also donated stop light and three caution lights Its about time Marlowe and Mr Gardiner told us just how they propose to market Canadas wheat All elevators are crammed with it and still more is piledin open heaps on every westernfarm Normally Ottawa would have no direct responsibility in this business Selling would be up to the regular trade channels But though warned repeat edly of the danger Ottawa has continuedits government monopoly Prices are fixed and all selling must go through the government wheat board In the new International Wheat Agreement negotiated laSt spring we hoisted prices at the very time world graihfries were beginning to overflow As result wheat isbacking up right to the farmers barn He hasnt been able to sell nearly all of the 1952 crop yet He hasnt ghost of chance of getting rid of the new harvest under the presentrconditions Isthis delivered by Professor ewkes who was speaking of the modern State which removes so much of our earnings in the form of taxationl our total tax bill is about two fifths of our national income and which hands out money so Iavishlyl for education for health for sociall services in general In the passage referred to Prof Jewch said At the moment each one of uinn his financial dealing with the State is waylaid by fan tasiic creature combining in body the proclivities of Robin Hood and Santa Claus creature which may be interested in transj ferring money from rich to poori rIMEMO TO ADVERTISER one but seems even more Concerncd that people shall carry their wealth in the right pockets and in approv edI forms And the lecturer added thatafI ter these incredible conjuring tricks have been performed many pooi pie donot know Whether they are better off or poorer in the end Prof Jewka is an eminent ccon omist and in his diganosis of the economic situation in Britain was not entirely pessimistic He did not expect any sudden or overwhelm ing disaster he tlioguht that most of postwar economic troubles had been due to incompetence and in experience onthe part of her ruI ers But he thought there was Sonic danger of floundering lgradually like waterlogged raft and said We should very seriously corisidl IM to mar Plowing ls An Art Goadplowing farm experts say is the key successful soil cultivation orderly marketing er whether We really have the means to fulfill all our good inicn tions towards one another in those islands and towards those th9 may OPINIONS or OTHERS Practical farmers agree They know that other conditions being equal the wellplowed field will yield better crops and grow feWer weeds than one where the soil has not all been turnedor where thefurrows are un even That explains the growing emphasis on plowing matches which put premium on skill at this basic and ancientfunction of the farmer gt PloWing Competitions hit the limelight this month when the first world plowing cham mu muslin WALLS President Average Net Paid ABC Cllcilllllb Six Months Iendinlent 80 5539 Brabridgc Bypass North Bay Nugget It must be reported that the drive to Tonto is much more enjoyable with the completio of the 20mile Bracebridge Bypass This new stretch of highway broad and straight eliminates num ber of miles of twisty narrow road Coupled with the new 400 fourlane highway from Barrie to Toronto it makes the drive between North Bay and the QueenVCitIy lot easier on the man behind the wheel Arid thejbest part ofTijliiis the remainder of the highway is also being straightened and brought up to modern standards so that in the not toodistant future the entire North BayToronto route will be rst4class highway Emir ACloss IA NwSpoper Published Monday lt The Wilson Building Post Office SquarE BaifiIOntario Canada by TIE BAR RTE EXAlNER LIMITED CL CHITIICK VlcPresident mvmr SecretaryTreasurer Wednesday Friday winter of class4 Newcomers ind Canadian Weekly manners mdciltion OnhrloQium Division CHILL Audit Burepu of cuculatlonci Subscriber to GP wx WALLS Helium limo gambit mu arvm cannons Tamman 10mm mansion mm nanny coorlpmcaumionw Iv curler delivery In Timuzvztso for weeksi moonlit ti months 8300 month Authorised 90m clu mil in the Post officaDepartment0ttowo 1Igucmmj funk an onmca mu curling ciliainn zonal cranes in snowuaasww 54 actuator WA fuI studyby Canadians who ad riglitly lookto us for lieIp BIaIance Summation Prof eiykes sums up his rcflcc tions in balance sheet which deserves quotation in full for euro mirethe Welfare State experiment in Britain and would like to sec it repeated in this country We have in Britain said Prof Jewkes numerous mildly doi iv lent highly ingenious people ing in country with few natural resources but with an accumulatedl mass bf delatively efficient capital equipment people whose sense of sappedI in recent Vestsvyho have fallen into the improvident habit OfllCllIlllQn the same way that STEIRLING on silver signies standardof known value so is the ABC om blem symbol of integrity for the circulation of newspapers and periodicals It means that circu lation so identied Iismcasured according to ier values rules andstandarls of the IAiJDlTBUKEAtHFwI CIRCULATIONS cobpgrative and nonprot association of 3450 publishers advertisers and independence has been Somewhat ThllABc is of not providi capital for the future andwho since thcvend of the war have shown moreenthus law for doing goud=to others than power to dogood in fact And the question is whether looking at the balance sheet it would be wisefor us to drop our fusiasm lower oursightsand parochially potter about with our own affairs or whether we shall retain our enthusiasm by doing what is necessary to turn them into something more than pipes As between the twa possi bullies the economist of course as concerned only to point out that there must be chbiceiconscious choose theformer the my way we musi give up talking about this New Elizabethan Aget Notyln Axree merit llico tile coluhmist who in pct iI Iquyersv and Sellers of advertising Iught Onler cut of advertising chaos by sett up standards for paid circ nu landeslablisihing rules andfhthods or circuldtions or unconscious If welfare to for measurm auditing and report Therefore thevVorkcf tilt ABC waluwsm 359W be member provides you valuable service You can buy with direct and Iadvcrtising as you wouldniake any other sound business investment on the basis of Well known standards known At regular intervals one of the Bureauislfgf stall of experienced circulation auditors makes ai thorough audit of our circulation records Tho results or this exacting audit show How much advertising agencies Organized in 1914 Elrcse igqcirculutiohzwe have where our circulation goes draw it was obtained and many other FACTS that you need in order to know just what you get for your advertising This auditiedwiinformationis pat fished by the Smeauineasydo ABC which are