11 Dalstonas speaker Music for ior ehoirs anthem was Song of Services Held in Barrie hurcliet Em Bud Church Thanksgiving Sunday was spe The evoningservice Dial daypin the churches of Barrie as eburchgoers set aside part of the day before the holiday to offer anks for the blessings bestowed poo them in the past 12 months since the last Thanksgiving On Monday citizens of all de nominations gathered lll Central United Church for speciali Thanksgiving service conducted byl the Barrie and District Ministerialx Association with Rev Russell Pike of the United Church charge The Feast of Thanksgiving which he Outlined the with ones life the 11 oclock morning service was provided by the Central Choir un der the direction of Warren Mac lean ganist Frank Butcher In the mornlt To God sung by Miss them was How Excellent Thy Assiszing in the service were Rev Name in the evening Miss Lorna NewtonoSmith and Rev Bcwell Harvest Festivals lt in two Barrie churches Harvcst Festival services were held two weeks prior toThanksgiving Trin ity Anglican Church and St Georges Anglican Church were de corated with sheaves of grain and autumn flowers for the special Sun day service St Georges Church was filled to flowing for the morning hnr Burton Avenue Church taut thanksgiving service The In Burton Avenue Unfted Church choirs anthem in the morning was the theme of the morning worship Will Feed My Flock with the duet taken by Mrs Walter Bayliss and Miss Norma Bayliss The jun anthem was Fear Not Land St Andrews Church Rev James Ferguson the minist er was the speaker at both servic es on Thanksgiving Sunday in St Andrews Presbyterian Church who organist Apgus Ross by the minister Rev Eugen Beech on the theme He is Thy God that hath done for thee great and ter rible things The theme of the ev ening worship was And the Gold Thanksgiving with special vocal work by the Missrzs Joyce Gregory Joan Mitchell and Grace McKin 110 Rev Dr Abbott Schem berg was speaker in the morning and Major Rev Butler senior Protestant chaplain at Camp Bord on was the speaker in the evening Trinity Church The preacher at the morning ser vice in Trinity Church on Thanks giving Sunday was Rev Shor ring and the rector Rev do by the choir was under the direc tion of the church organist Harold Dempsey Salvation Army At the Salvation Army Citadel holiness meeting was held at 11 oclock Sunday morning and the special Thanksgiving services came to close with prayer meeting at eight oclock last evening conduct ed by Sr Major and Mrs 11 Essa Rood Presbyterian Church on Thanks giving Sunday Mas broadcast with the church minister Rev Muir speaking on the theme Two iWays To Thank God in the mom in Mr Muirs sermon was entitled in ways of thankang God with ones lips by hymns and worship and prayer and Special music was provided in the morning and evening by the church choir under the direction of the or ing there was duet Thanks Re Thelma Pearsail and Mrs Muir and the in Cumming sang 5010 Walk To day Where Jesus Walked and the where special music was provided by the choir under the direction of service was outlined in the sermon ofthe Land is Good Special music Attend Presbytertal Wyevaie United Church was the destmation of number of women fizozr Guthrie as they oumeyed tto attend the semiannual meeting in the Womans Association Sim Icoc Presbyteriai Mrs WOsi borne president was in this chair rhe Collingwood WA conductedi ilhe worship from2nd Corinthians 6th chapter Mrs Moon andf Miss Jean Arm Home of Forest Home sang three levels duets durl ling the day Mrs Jory itouched on the highlights of1 EDominion Councri which she and ngs Osborne had attended Mrs llalpenny stressed at Council that levery presbytery have project lot 100 per cent membership this zyear You have voice in your gchurch Rev Roy Webster of S1 Pauls Church Orillia was speaker in the afternoon His theme wasi based on the church Church was not monmade Church began when Jesus chose his disciples God doesi not write his messages in thci clouds but in our hearts The WAI is church group and the church is an organism not an organiza lion Mn Webster went on to savl that Christian living is only community and fellowship Gui ye into all the world and preach The WA is unit of thel Christian church to bind together by worship and establish fellowl ship None must be for himself5 but must sureid himself amenl others Think of Christ first and use his love as link to make fellowship The meeting closedI with hymn 500 followed by thei theme prayer Vyevalc ladies served grand lunch and after 1110 meeting lovely cup of tea Imv AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 roauw drocsrsms co uuueo ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT 15 16 17 Mills Pencier Wright preached the ser mon at evensong There was holy communion servicemt both Anglican churches at eight oclock on Thanksgiving Sunday morning St Marys Church The regular morning masses at St Marys Roman Catholic Church well attended on Sunday ing at eight nine 10 and 11 oclock the latter being high mass with music by the senior choir with Miss Margaret McKinnon at the organ Collier Street Church Thanksgiving Sunday services were held in Collier Street United Church conducted by the minister Rev aE Lewis with the choir directed by the church organist Lloyd Tufford Theme of Mr Lewis morning sermon was Thou Crownest The Year With Thy Goodness and he Spoke at the ev eningvservice on another Thanks First Baptist Church At First Baptist Church the theme of Rev Lucks morning sermon was The Privilege of Thanksgiving and in the evening the minister chose as his sermon topic NightScenes Special music by the choir was under the direc tion of Miss Elsie Cloughleyfor ganist HMO MO MO 15419 52959 75656 $12 $28 $40 Above paymonlx com everything Evan Payment for inbolwun amount are in propmion Kan SC Rainy Monthly Evangelistic Services Free Methodist Church is holding revival services from Oct 13 to Oct 25 and services were held on Sun day morning and evening under the direction of Rev and Mrs Rotzpwith evangelists and singers taking part The Thanksgiving Sunday service at the United Apostolic Faith Church was at three oclock Sunday afternoon under the direction of lPastor Hutchinson and Full Gospel Tabernacle held evangelistic servic giving theme Rediscovering The 35 on sunday mommg and evening Wonder In game of Lifevs Good under the direction of the pastor CO as cosy Ogilvie Grimsb Puklesi MIXED VANnrA on ViDe Flldge MAM Flavour Good luck Margarine Ridgewuys 5oCIock leu SOUP Chicken Noodle Cream of Chicken MIX Chicken Rite Cream of Mushroom leulund Puckles Pussn Boots Cal cum lxLI am or Laxz PL Golden Bur Cheese pro ROLL Employed peoplemarried and se SNACK R0 lilies you to coast to coast credit in or write PA 2nd Floor Phone 3505 Mae Leu SNACKBAR zLl Pmlemo 5le loCulorv Cheese MILK oz PKG singleenjoy promptfyes at No bookable security ll II in Canada and the Wide choice of paymeneplans Phonev Loans $50 to $1200 smitusiaynud 2nd Floor Plionefgen 0pm eveningsphone for hours loull nude lu residents of all surrounding mun urn and snack csuo non 44 1915 required loan at en rstfot loan in one visit Come NANCE ORILLIA 32 Mississaga St Personal Finance Company of Canada CANADIAN INVESTMENT Canadians have put up 85 per gent of the $25000000000 invested in the country since 1946 Ian IPIIIICI AC Ioolh Paste Ipunu Too Payne M010 5AE102915040 Sprus Mixed ngls 13kg 0f The Year I43 GIANT TUBE mos TUBE GALLON TIN LLB BOX 87 29 lLB PKG Jul oouuuuunuuurgunug on if groasrs dl OZ Tl NS 1202 PKG lCOZ PKG 902 PKG warm QUALITY iii TRADEWYOUR FURNITURE 7114P5ltEasl gPho5557 Central United Church CANADIAN ransn warm The morning service at Central Canadas fresh water areas con Sunday was broadcast The theme the total area of 3845000 square of Rev Bewells sermon miles $353piggyvfggngggghggugg SLC Loblaws Duled Dally Bread ULSELDIcgMLloi OBIAWSLA LOBLAW QUALITY CONTROLLED PRODUCT cum Anne Chocolates Iced Date mu weson sues suess IIqud wax swrrrs mowersw REG SwiftslewelShoIIening cumuy Toilet MS 326 Ivory Soupllckes KG lGE BEAUTIFUL 33 Dlsev Idicliiwlisue 231 ghi oak suite is one of the many swing cleanser cirii 21 Axmm 32 nus rr uununuoT LGEV FROZEN FOODS PKG Birds Birds in Green 390 Porlerhonse wag P0laioes mm Available like loblaw Marni suhln painless We ELmm 355 BonelessShoulderfm Juice Oranges 45 gimme asons5eedlessf Wine 19 sue amnsn commas Thee little Pin Pork 5mm CALIroRNIAnENoeg FIRM wed 31111550 SHOE lB Gifts Rev Burgess United Church on Thanksgiving stitute more than six per cent of was Thankfulness Drapery of vice on the theme The Crown COTTAGE BRAFDWHE BROWN CRACKED WHEAT SPECIAL QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOSLAW BAKERY orange cake EACH 35 Ammpnia Powdersuowms2 Pkos Maple Leaf Iolleloup $5 as use In Sunmng mi CANNON PKG Swifts Allsweel Margarine 39 Fab Wm WM newffall designs on display Birds Eyeorgngg Juice Bia FRENCH cm slalom Bells jl3ii VJeISeYs Best 3me GiiEEN liaise rnssn cur snowwan ITEM Ready ovum