tan in St Andrews Myriam and the reception at 23mm Star John Mlin and Donald McLean Throntoe Univeixity are home for Thanksgiving weekend lrislb Eyes Vilnll number from nround their parts attcnded ch Internationnl Plowing Match with the might much to be held Sturdxyxoct 17 WEST UNDER ONE 30F on the arm of Norman MalGSA 1on or three agricultural ex bibitions in Great Britain are Mr and zeitgg Graven around 200 years old but Canadas Royal Agricultural Winter Fair nggrffmm d3 13 we 25 this year is the worlds largest Jnmcs Hand Min Mabel Hand under Negro lemma Barrie Saturday Oct wit the motion of on whih the UL zclalnr Wmm Contrasting Study of f2ui222imbausff called at the 12mm Homeward over the weekend WLMWm brmch valved Anal 91 $20 plus costs $1750 was impaled Evidence was given lt oth Crutcbez who VT Megan taxetheg each person lath also laid it charge against Cecil from page neeh gGerrard of Bond iiead um nei The rresbytemn wms met onghls own pm lWednesday Oct at the manic Au Cmgngce had made similar false statements 03 May 13 and 953 and tin Allandaie The president Mrs Murray Amos Duncan md Don Campbell attended the Synod lt ialso our days May26 L1 38 29 gt lt Mt tum l0 hwmx be ch plcpded hilly IrVuce Iowan vas znV ViVZVVcaI CO area we Prcsherian tcr the can to wors W954 Guam over we Nanci nan Sept 23 in misfit Evidence was that he had thanksgiving hymn Mm John genie Mr and Mrs Loss and andJim word Mutual was convictedi Cowan read the Scripture followed lt Evnelm mm be MM and GcraldgAlliston Mr and Mrs and gcrivcd 326 and $2 was recovered 15 N2 Hwlcaving balance of $4 duc Ger charge illy hp by prayer by Mrs Camp at dwmh ram LS married an tour laxen hellfgfmutesof the last meetml in the community hall first wcek Leonard nd Sudbmy spam nNORmEEN LAKE th f0 Rcn dont beiiew mag y9u didnt were read and adoptch Cortes In November 2wa erlch are Sunday and miredor its deep clear water irlrimeoziolilpwftlifl gfgdTiffntmfg it 2jgigfmoznigehz$ includeer Lake covers 1765 square Hume For Thurble gmnes on the ManitobaSaskatche Convxcted of 83 with mats of $250 and uh at pm Thanks voiced by he ReVV NemoV no wauacV Van erghVVV wan boundarx MM is an wwzwrwwanmMWw Yrrr idem on SW the additional 34 but at Gerrards Mm N653 for me box UNVV Joy Bearers Mission Band met on Satu aftrenoon at Cump bells this meeting they acceptl have on Highway 90 Nmmm roqucst hc oliowcd him until Oct 50 an acknowiedxmem the Wilcox was ned $30 plus costs 10 mm Wmm invitation to the thankoffermx of $1750 Evzdcmc of pi mVVVVVVVVVV on OCVVV ZVV Mm Ken Gray Jnmcs United Mission Band on the second Saturday in November Well cheer up Lora OPP was that he had brcni involved in an accident when usophght cmSh gaysng OVgngVtVBVrVigulVVVV thtVVanVinsVVElyViVngV Car driven ROW HWY it warm mu br PC Cecil m1 scripture Whom onm was struck and Vdamaged Vl aflnvpbb OPP Mauricc lluurdoni praise Oh God wewgive our thankla autumn 0V $70 OQVVRVHHT heanflptcadm guilty to careless driving to Thee What sight and plea er 0k MU 5W 35 milk sure at thistime of the year bring You can pay your fuel bill for with prompt cash loan from HFCThousands ofothcrs do F35 enemy mice 550 to $10000 V0 mt 55 to 24 months to repay Fwvw Would Womens Honored By lend Friday night splendid crowd gathered in the community hall to wish Mr and Mrs Donald Wicc happiness An address was read by Fraser Campbell and beau tiful chair presented by John Bow mun Ross Wallace and Frank Mur phy Don thanked everyone The prizes for euchrc were won by Mrs Lewis Irving and William Gibbins an can it truck ownd Vin 135me us VIAVltjtVLVinV oththV tifftchthoV titVthV mg me 1ng IrOVVVVVVme newt Slimlivllwtl all lib ltc foinicii Sh9wld or LVrcaung Smry tements it friend who had to many trou Mude Fa 33 33 fudefjim 1t bias but could always give thanks to God favorite and expressive illlUn im zintl In reserved yum nm in Jupjltd f0 lit llglll Tin first to In ms temple CVVVeVymmgV saith glory Make each day to by Miblmle F05 Wide car was damaged to the cxfcnt of me lnsumnv Al 00 UMmP ll S00 lid tn Bi union cu SW CVst VVVOVVVVV VVVerythg Speaks VVV Gods glory Whoso offercth praise WNW JORS W35 0mm gilllllillourdon rcccivctl cuts on one lc him lorif me If cveronc Mustc for doncmg was donated by making 13159 Slaiilllll15 lhillghzmtl and pasxvnucr was cut uu= he was unemployed tunclnu woman conviction brought Vd VV HV VVh isc rescnce Wl LSOLHeaQLLC mm last comijr and Mrs Bert Mulhoiland and xmorgc Jack Hunter and Wit when he was working mid no in inc 520 plus 52140 mm cepted unemployment bvnmits VV Currie QC acting for llth Both Men Charged MISSFLOUISE SHANNON of The Examhmr business or uation ofVlivmgV with God in Hid am Gibbms acting as callers for stuff is holding large potato also of Irish ancestry Dooley temple my Mm 5mm gmy MB square dancing At Wedding cc+ magneto Hum 28 Dunlop 5Wut suond oor phonn 5529 IAltRIE ONI outrun IIANCH ss mum int and How 2314 Crown pointed out that an offcnccl Cowan thanked Mrs Gray fer hcri which wax brought in by Commissioner Brown of Camp uww IVtctor Jobmionc and James Mn and MrSV WV CV Hand ab mulls UPC bears Wm uil ll An unusual ztccitlcul occurred VV splendid talk great deal of Bordon and WfltIilS exactly wo pounds It measures 12 inches lBaverstock liDl011Chlllg the top VeVVded VVVVVVVVV EmmSVGVVVVVOVVVVVy Vch Sympathy of the community IS extended to tit and Mrs Norman Maycs in the loss of his brothc and to Mr mu Mrs Leo Gi is osg is mot tcr and the Golden West Heres iust the opportunity youve been waiting fora delightful V26doVy trip to Sunny California with sightseeing the way Colorado Springs Cave of the Winds Grand Codion los Angeles Hollywood and side trip south of the border to Tia Juonok Homeward bound you visit Santa Barbara and Monterey oy thrilling stop in San Francisco and then return via Reno Salt ke City Cheyenne and Chicago Auk yewAgent for more dutch chili and many 0th Pleasure Htde Vocabom which closed with hymn Come ye thankful people come followed by praycr by Mrs Muir lhc hosless was assisted by Mrs John Cowan and Mrs Hand in Serving delicious lunch $300M restitution had con illdtlpn Supt on Con 7f Oro vhcu business camcbef0re the meeting round tho ccntrc is seven and half inches longr fish of rise in thcrutl mot at tho crcst in almost hcntlon collision mcnxurc and was grown by him in his large garden at The we took cmwitVlrablg lileVtiCcutrc Strcct Angus Just think 38 of similar size would iilt i3l 13135 3ft 931 $6 ilelolv half road Both pleaded ugut cuilty Hidtllkv was given bud followed the uccusc car on iiC Lennon OPP who invostin his motorcycle futir car lctigtltsfSImcoe County willed 0M mile north of C011l0lle0lllld and had clocked his speed The mad gmch 20 fem widQV ll 63 for tiuccpiuilcrs of miicrAquanum with practically no slimildcrs The and theni stopchd inngVIVinVrsdchVIVIV Johnstonc cur was not hcnvilyf Wit um SUI damagcd on the front and lll01W1tEl costs or $450 ex eel VOV other car on the left side from John Ross was charged with the the from door back The rear oilmrilo offence and had been timed the Bavctslock CIII NB OPPOSHLl at til miles an hour 101 two miles thc roar of thc Johnslonc vchiclcq He too was convicted and lined iwhich was it foot six incchs fromism with costs of $450 tlic west side but they were fat Sympathy Extended VilllliMEllT nont4 Rally Day Service very splendid Rally Day scr vice was held in the Presbyterian Church on SundayThe sacrament of baptism was administered on the daughter of Mr and Mrs Nel son Watson Sharon Arlene and the son of Mr and Mrs John Wood Victor John dedication service when new hymn boards were presented by Mrs Neil Jones Vand unveiled by Mrs Harry Arkley and Mrs John Cowan in memory of their late mother and father Mr and Mrs Ibomas Reid During the Service Simcoc County Aquarium So ciety hcld thcir regular meeting on chncsdny evening at Community VIIouse with good attendance The meeting opened with the lcnough apart to allow mother cur iplCSlanl William Bradley in the Flo procccd between the two uchnir Jack Ethcrington was chVos Johnstonc was intended by gt ion as the new secretary taking CorsiowyofwOrillirrmnndBavcri MS Meeting Ever thLticsV Vtht ViVnceVV31lftel istock by Stewart QC Batl LlSanb VxtrmacVe pens trio Evidence indicated that Johnl Ebilczcr WMS in 1h 1mm ant cvcmngruvas enjoyed playing lstone was on the wrong side up of Miss Ail90b Gnrdcncr Oct bingo Tropical fish were airarid prouching the hill with 16 mcznbcrs present Mrs ed as prizes also door pllZC of it was also brought out that Gordon KWGSMW 51 ViceDIPii 15h dent was in the chair and opcncd Bhvcrslock had swerved to the good assortment of fish was 11am before roaming the top the meeting with hymn lollowtLl brought in by the members ROUND IRIP FARE FROM TORONTO $057 to change INCLUDES HOTEL ROOM FOR 20 NIGHTS in room by prayer Roll call was answered by 193130 lcontuining the word iorsbip Minutes weroicml and adopted and correspondence road It was movcd and seconded tnttt Judgment was reserved until Oct Each Gets Year Next meeting Nov Show fish are asked to be brought in square jars Prizes of ribbons lst 2nd and 3rd to be awarded For Rev Mr Muir spoke briefly of Mr and Mrs Reid The church was beautifully deClt orated for Rally Day with flowers fruit and vegetables Sabbath School any particulars phone eithcr9052 3728 or 2981 chltural Wintr FairVNov 1321 1500000 Vlrq members assisted iii the service with Gordon Cowan reading the Old Testament lesson and Brian Mc Donald the New Testamentlesson Rev Muir prenchedon buildingl we accept Churchills invitation to join their society on Oct 14 at pm to licar Mrs Evcrit Speak Mrs Dougla Knccshaw achos en delegate to attend th sctionrl meeting in Stroud Oct23 starting at 930 am VIhcucading and Scripture iu the Missionary Month ly wagntnkcn by Mrs Gordon Kuccshaw and MIS Patchelt and the steivmdchip reading by Mrs Douglas Knccshaw Hymn 375 was read in unison Mrs Ernest Knccshaw gave two splendid chap7 tch from the staudy book Whereer the Sun Mrs Patchett read psalm called The Thankful Heart and Mrs Kneeshaw clos ed the meeting with hymn 577 fol lowed lay the benediction Next meeting will be held at the hom oi Mrs Matt Kneeshaw Roll call willbe answered byn verse con taining the word Spirit Mrs Gordon Kneeshaw will take the study book Two young men bqiought hch from Guelph were each sentenced to oneyear for car theft and thch months concurrent for breaking and entry with theft VThcy were Harold Rudd and PeterEdmiston and both well sent back to Guelph to answer oilier charges mun Bus TERMII pnour 5571 mittee Mrs Gordon Kneeshaw Mrs Ev Knccshaw andVMVrs Maggi Knccshaw Further particulars later in Coming Events 80 KINDS OF RABBIT Askcd offhand to identify types of rabbits the average layman would soonrun out of names Yet 80 kinds of rabbits alone willbe shown at this yars Royal Agri Speedinp Cases Traffic Officer Maurice Scragg OPP gave evidenbicon two cases He had charged Eric Marsdcu With travelling at over 50 miles lan hour on Highway 400 on July at 150 pm and stated that he 60BBY Morons LTD cinnsnniis lllllillI BIG BAY POINT Reserve Your Date Now FALL BANQUETS WA Bazaar andTea Details wcre completeddor the bazaar and tea to be held Nov 23 Price committee Mrs Ernest Kneeshaw Mrs Ernest Dales and Mrs Douglas Kneeshaw tea com rs wear Coll SS MRS WAGHORN PHONE 58r121 Stroud When traveller putsup at hOfel he leaves money the community through 10ch shopping This ycar the HotelsV of Ontario Vwill prvideover51006rogns forcm cstimutecl 1500000 You got 392 interfestg for 12V yearsV an the new series CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Vthther you calculate your siblings in lens hundredsor thousands of dollzirstl1e New V8th Series Canada Savings Bonds are an ideal Investment for you because tlicy paya new higlL rate of interest 3every year for 12 years VgVVthey can be redeemed at full face value any time you needyour money back tlley can chbought outright for cash or by monthly instalment payments they are availablo denominations of 550 $1005500$1000 or $5000 gthey are registered in Your name for protection against loss theft orde greasing slfngmds atruction Canada SavingsBonds are such senile Wifnent value thesGovernment nmited indivdnnlpprcbam to 35000 imam youtund each member of yo in Vly maybu up talkiemaximumamotmfw ydror erforlCanadoSorting11611115 success oflhe tourist Ni visitors theammoniumor AVV Villas provided co nlribvtes in great minute the busingrsone of Ontarios largcst industries VflheV popularity of obtain Hoteic lsdue to their ever VV VV Q5EE5TBMWtN commuter ft 97