Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1953, p. 17

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TEE BARBIE EiRINEK WEDNESDAY OCT H1953 Rll IP bi lM guy res ena issmn Band Leaders Held at Elmvale rally oqumiCOc Pica lerialliclNACe 384193 MJiSlvlii United Church Miggzi Bo TVS mm 3113 lwtnnJEC Etl held recently lit Elmmla ng RM QWCH ed brlbom Twig room 23 Tim service include JI me for leaders 01 an arm worship aervice and cercumnzal aaized by mw 5313193 Emmet for thy presentation of the treas Secremzy Of Ml Bani the ore chest Will the Explorer icrv Presbyterial was fl cessful event Mrs Brctbcl opened the ing with dedxaticn to Gud who had given the leans the prml vge of worshipping and work in with Him To worship 13gb is to low each other The theme of the wrshm ser vice conducted by the Elnwale Auxiliary was SurfMing the gospel based on Scripture from Matthew Mrs Brothel urcml Explorer ZLLl not gs Many Leaders Wcic ulgcd to won the Mission Bi plich lZl Mnsizmxry Monthly or dmzuuzuev meals about thenew filigmn He mcmbcrslizp pin 31m lcerlJiczitcs for Expiurcrj etc llicrc i5 new film Strip or use with Mimon Band JlLli Expiw lcr groups culled Silildh Amok1i Llie World It was producul to tipr boys and girls lrnrn abo worship among diflcrcnt Lhrzszi 315 groups to help them feel ll one Ang with all Christian people will Mum llama liitci IcC ONKIL EEtSA of tin 3lii xvii the leadch it put their all nto Rich meet Elm iizi of the nail and dened Mission Band to be dovcio lit in ohip inc same God no flidil lgtllp to ellttf the my iw our Childrn my wha land comes Willi Zie ll e5 children and willingness to Iuvci and Share our all Effff Mrs Robins momma 113w lb To Szon Band literature Sallllli lll id KCgtlxn Ibtdml gt gtlt good books are like chuzcn um Nb ll din Leads Ml km as used it Mixsmn Bum mch 453 BSA llllh Anniversary at la zi of Toronto was prawn and Mrs BUQ age centurylzl men were also iiown ii lured nuirks Nib JoiinS Dzi COLDWAITlewEvcn before the hunted15mg for in Opening 15 ga lull to 3Cf inc aitowu Azlrlr 222 Linn md nooaendldr on adult in it mlluy Oct 9321 12min unmww pin tltc bulidmg juilJZLLil Rev Beverley BISHOIJ Elmcs 1003 Len was LAzmable min Canada Mannie land grant who don olililiilly ugicncd the ghurch Elev ll Crzi on 1118 sgyylcb in nus trunk of 1011393 mime iImngS of which Cllllili301lllil voc 501 Sir 53m Elm Marius 03 cwi the RCMP bu JZ Cuiiuiiizm zzilitnr died 13 two ywrs vltlllllLill vext in the with exttcrlaznzn ago LJIIlLi Inc parisl Wch intro in illfusliuned moses =urrcctuu fzun mun yum stor fvlzlituiy uniform and other Linnc Wurtl by 118 IEAIIRE 0F ROYAL in mount vo lflscllLi MOO of tuck Royal riciil2iiiil NOR iii31 But while ads of lm arr fine mount at contribu lllll Among lllUSc kl warden from whose Linccy ii borne in Mcduntc cuux larger lil 11 1ZUUthli oxides drcanw umber of items for the display 3k 144 BillsIlllI was mame of Revf mu lli fiddled nanny Lillgl ll Ts CEAN UP with values from NOW but time in revpum Temper remlyuur home lung ulnar months are for All you negda Taiyuan 131 ii Immblz to 13V HARDWARE FALL 110L731 CLEANING TIME Lei OOEORII O0 11 1lv iA4ir about the luhillm Band Clil5l lgdaclimmldm If to keep tncir Misson band chi brcen and white in tbc prnnnry guide drcn bus for whole yuan imd 131 the Univcrsitv Llinob Tyc gt Mrs Seymour hell procient Of fer Udufull mml only New prewwerw mg pdlLd Jy tlic Elinvme ladle bc 1Lin mm Ultl sion period Migsion End eld leaders adjourned to the busumcm Wars and icrvcd as colonel nil Iii were urged SC Wm to Semtlic Lorkslinp tll cnzirgc 0101 luff if bllAiF MULLER 33 1de on muons whm News he midecl the Orilliujleadcrs lllczc was dlzlflbusmn bi lrIUldlld mm demonstration of UiiSlIL ucuvmg 1111 55PM hllllil 34 which come Will the hllld books Wm mm Tut DAMMM lJlIlA Almh and also urged to miku 1ch plasmr pun lMldS 51 lm no 11 took 10 wars to build was com nuns about the kind Cf efwvl ers blld cages Of drinking straws bum Wllllllf pmmv mm plumCS it and LUWI wazcrfnl at Vs fv ff Am UZ Group in mm and lid BL YC0Cd rams is the would like the WMS to plUVllli Jbl mm Fl ldp it uni INNH WU5L KW Md SMmll Th lqdk work blind Sewing for 4nd IL SIR Drape we mm Lillgy RIVII watt punng of hm lh wonderful displziv IU LplLKClllilmn llolWllI limou Itvl 510 Band Supeylmendcml Wthh diff 145 41 dlu Iraq Greece Africa and Eur 0315K fliULll lntiirthl WI ill may b0 blamed C0 or lacrmgnlr cofun ope New member arc urcmi ti lIIlCILdbY 41 Old Honingmam from the Literature Depurlmcntfv Idn matador pggpxriwclo tum Out for this meeting of me made by The km Jimm Bally IOmmo lilcllclfm pker 0h llCplUIlul inicrcsl and incn Will 0f Clulghmn Thtw wuxdabo rr Concerning the tandzird Of Rsi wqu some Church have up be cordmlly iclcnmtd inich hOLLPOWLY MUhllC in hdl Oony cognition for Mission Bands there we findivlu N1iltsiur md ll1x Ill ll cm Cdby Earl Ru is whiten armxum awarde wls Floch 11ml SCUILN Ofnrticlcs were snown in Orillin has Ill 11 the first year band attains thc ll Almm PM Ole MiSsmn Band leaderS who hmd of Standard 584 dImWt com monthly meetings Wedding Gills MM Thu 31 rcutceizzzixzd days 1st llLlIlJLlI 0811505 ctur grout rdndfzitncr Of Mr kuzitvrs Mr llrniknvulcri insular Lil Biblcs milzlnry cqmpman 12 ll Pail tin Oi SDOCU clizicit alid iirimzp Com 63c to be the munt privatelyl nintoric cullccliuzi On PLUS For Refined Elderly People EXCELLENT MEALS 62 Maple Axeliue Barrie BIG HOUSE Kinlo House rcsiiicncc Lord Sniciivlllc in Kent England king iffmem room for cvciy clay of lill Y0 My nznbrulgc an other 01 bottle ll EXTRA VALUE extra Dummy iOi only in more all Ior mm together in tlie in II uding photOS utclcn used on ic dwardul for lhk 99 various homes Ihcy how mem years then new vlnt certifi hem of 60 Children and the $0 with alloyed plume 13 pm work llicv put into ILpilllngi Rented for the 5mm lea cowled Iiicctinsls was qixitc elldclll in tnc seals are affixed to II in succccd workshop llSDIEIV in VQJI mti lip theluh Tltcrc was unanimous vote to xhcn green certificate hold another 9ally next year with awarded aftcrwvhich once more different colored seals would be he pm to be 102de Ln iffixcd With regard to Explorer groups this ycar there will be certifiCitc rcscntntion to Explorer 10 TIN 98 urrmcc TORx BLINDS CLOTH WINDOW BLINIIS 49 5000 ROLLS ONKSALE NEWqu PRICES By frllc Roll A5 by Lou A5 Special Prices uni Illoom lots THREE TIIIIELY Burs MOTHER PARKER TEA 0i COFFEEJoday and mail your enfry To win car The more you mail invihe better your chances KOUNG FARMERS AT ROYAL More than 100 of Canadas bus or young lnrmers will attend tligv xoups which affiliate uith the yC Royal Agricultural Wmtcr Omani Missionary Society tic Fixir Nov 1321 Chosen to repro groups which have complcted son the 60000 members of Missionary Exploration and have adian 4H clubs in their groups made money gift to thc society 23rd National Club chk program There isno affiliation service for in Toronto boys and girls will Explorer gruups but there is 11111ng livestock girls compete in domestic science contests and both visit industries Last year 69 boys Jilihl mpcrl cth nine Robinson inn Ilt PRICED FROM 235m McCIAIlY Tum RANGES mo want When friends drop in serve olte and McClnry Electric Iiungm one all zic cd featuresbu1uin drnndnmitg Mode shown Ientur Tiibiilur clcmcnh automatic mcn control hentswiicth iamuS VIcC dry oven Sloracc drawer broiler with Slllokelcr and Beautiful Txumium Inorcclnm enumcl flnlll McCLlIIlY Cool Wood Stoves ll RPhone V3140 FLAT STEEL LIAF NAK will not dun age turf roots Wri landvaie quality ROUND incur SHOVEI with 10m handle and solid throat Exceptional PLASTIC TOILET SEATS available in white pink bloc buff green and black low price siovi violins PDT5 gagim hand andk utenc slipto 7f muck each illharam mm WdWtuumg 495 Penetang Bottling 30 LIMITED Penning 0m Divas Full length Fuaancscwes Jcood quauiy gamma ed IDaLcnlmpes Full igngin ROYAL ESCORT block 6190 degrees and 790 ELaows TTODO degrees INCH Knows iorl 790 dcgrces and ICooking becOmes pleasure whcn igloo uSePa McClary Coal and WOO Range There is more vcpoklng convenience than you hava ever known before In the lglght beautiful models Brtng satisfying beauty to your kitchcnvlth aVMc If you are called and do not have phone your cm home go to the narest phone booth or neighbor Mother Parkers pays all phone chargesto the studlo you must enclose with yo entry the guarantee portion of the Inbcl 1mm package of Motlv Parkers Tea or Tea Bags for the Code Rumba you nd on the bottom of the VllcuumSClIIBd Mother Parka3 and 43 girls represented thena BEFORE HER recent marriage MAKE TOTEM POLES tbc former IliissFern Onkes was Charlotte Islands of the BC coastllamp and and Sauce by are famous as make of mth fellow employees at the Barnes Electric gob LIWIIIZIRlYflg all 979519 alion on tie assem CALL THE EXAMINER FOB lgirls is Forman Gordon Brown CGE New VITAMIN VITAMIN gt in EV ERYBBDY OR On Mother Parkers Radio Programmc Saturday October to Thursday night0ctober 29th The sender of this Icttcr will be announced och the air and he or she will then and there in the Studio thus contestant correctly identifies the tune he or shele bcawnrded brand new lions 4440 clubs The Haida Indians of the Queensprcsented with beautiful table poles Works of the Canadian GeneralL ANOTHER PMWNC PROVE WI be RUBIg use letter will lie pickcd mm all tlic letters received be asked to name hiystcvy Tune that will be played De Luxe Meteor Carin choice of any Standard colour furnacc pipes gquaxilzed x90 degrees IN ORDER TO wm THE METEOR can THE $20060 CASH Cofiee can AND NOW ALSO You CAN MAIL ANY PART OF THE MBEL FROM JAB or MOTHER PARIIERS cOFIEE BAGS ORlINSTANI cOfrEE Buy YiiqrMOiheT Parkgrs Tea or blather ParkersRCofiee Today and Mail Your Entry novs AND GIRLS van AV BicYCIE AND $10 cAs In addition to the Adult ptizes every week Sunshine bicycle is given away Mail your name and address AND to win also an extra $10 cash be surevto but in the Four Purity Mixes WHITE cHoc0lATE GINGERBREAD PIE CRUST Nix SS Rx l3e on timewsll the time STOVE FOR NEW MchARY with One of these beau tuul ODimthcmiuutel album clockle Theyre xceiltiogal value ll enclosures smcntionedain paragran above Listen to Radio Programme for 11er tons Bakedo bluesarc baniSIch llmllks lo Purity ylake Mm 10 1111 that TUNE IN SATURDAY 733010 PJIL T0 gives you commit Cake quality other Parkers Musical Mysterios every time With Special doublc mixerI process Purity blcnda itsirnc iiigrdients thoroughly and uniformly Addicfiheggfonlionienufde good c4933 Rely onPurityCake Mixenjoy the bastain extra cost gtYOur nutriesTTHAI cosTATiON organ mm STATION may HOUR MILLS UMITED alto Miller of PURITYVITAMINl ENRICAHgtDOOZJR 50R PIE CRUST MIX PUleY OATS and HONEER FEEDS

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