Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1953, p. 15

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EDNESDAY OCTOBER I4 I953 Wunszsnarocrfi Magistrate Gordon Foster pre sided and both Crown Attorney llesherlolllrlisl Will Be Speaker iLlVlngSlOu wg present AlCouIIly AIlSlIow Opemnglllday Armed Holdup in connection Witnthe bank rob Illsr Inullgfiollluln THE MARx Ros SHOWS AT 650 9pm BE IN HAND EMILY THE BREKMY SPARKLER THAT Is THE SCREENS MUSICAL GEM or EM ALL COMMENCESM THIS FRIDAY CARTOON OF MICE MAGIC ll glared Gals in the Wonder Musical 201i CenturyFort presents JANE RUSSELLr RILYN HOWARD lgzyygg TECHNICOLOR PRICES FOR TIllSENGAGEMENI ONLY EVENINGS ADULTS 756TAX INCE MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCL CHILDREN AT ALL TIMES 25 Tax Incl GRANAD ENTERTAINMENT it LAST TIMES TONIGHTWEDNESDAY JOHN DONNA CHAS WAYNE ReEog coBuRH mintE llNH THE MOST EXCITING ADVENTURE FROM MGMIFILMED ENVTIRELY CINAFRICIA SEE 1000 WILDANIMALTHRILILS TIIIIIISIIAI rglnlll SHIllIIllht Eve snows 65018 pm IrmMGM MOVIE seems WHITE GODDESS or THE JUNGLE asslle rules with the whip 0V9 909 tithes5 ESCAPEfrom do Island of ocodl DEATH DANCE of the savage IsorgiII BIOQDTHIRSTY lions in battle THUNDERING diorge of the Illinol llicoHTINUOUS snows sAToIloAY FROM 230fpm fplng machine breaking it up and selling the iron for $8 Claude Law son was given two months and 101d Wellar with him received onel ed not guily arose th gh fatal accident onLHighway lemdt 885 pm bery recently at Toltenllam Joseph Cushman Toronto convicted on the unusual charge of lot and turning it in on car with the same firm was given term of like car by false pretences to run concurrent with the first short Storm he is servingyza previous $10 plus costs of $530 nearly three pages with total Mrs menace of Fleshertoni Chargedlwill1behe cnief speaker at thel opening ceremony otgthe Simeoe County Art Exhibit next Fridayi evening Oct 16 at 830 pm Mrs Hilliard was the chairmant of tile first county art exhibit ini 1951 Her interest in the developI ment of painting in the small com munities of the province has been outstan ing Lust yearcishe taughts art at the rural night school in Fiesllertun She was the rst out rider to be asked by the Owen Sound newspaper the Sun lirnes to give oneman show other work in that town Her paintings were the subject of much discussion and healthy Controv ersy illiard haslstudzcd art in Em no York and Toronto nlh An By Lclclies Auxi lre Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Lions Club held its sevenl teenth anniversary dinner all and one paid SIS plus $450 For hav Clunsmans Lodge Big Bay PoinLl ing beer in place other than the ThUTSdy evening Oct residence of the purchaser on Sept hilariOUS Singong 18d byt 30 Innisfil Theodore Bradford Frank Craig with Mrs Marjorie was fined $10 plus 545011 charge Hamilton at the piano contributed was by pc Harrington Opp vast enjoyment to the festivities For conveying beer in defence est after dime abiishmcnt on Oct with charge MTS Earl Cox delivered he laid by 54L Manm of Camp presrdcntial address in which she Borden Raymond Mullin was fined gave warm censmmlmions in her loyal supporters and cxpressw ed condence in the success of future projects Lion President Rowe rc sponded on behalf of the Lions was with an armed holdup and eman ded for trial in the near future The charge was laid by Needham of the Criminal investigations Branch OPP Toronto Sentences Given Stephen Markovich who was taking tractor from local sales three months for theft of the trac tor and three months for obtaining Convicted of taking wood chop month consecutive with minor count Cases UndeCA Fair Jere convicted for intoxic atio in public place and three were lined $10 and costs of 5450 Fatal Accident charge of ehreless driving on Sunday July 12 against Norman Haverson 18 of Barriegwho plead that day when Maurice Moore age son of Mr and rs Nelson Moore was struck by aversons car and died shortly after at the Royal Vicl toria Hospital Barrie The charge was laid by PC Roberts OPP who gave evidence that he had arrived at the scene which IS 47 miles south of Barngzm the Library Hall Wednesday at 817 pm had investigated the ac ev Th cident and had photos taken showl en Ct ere was large number of swaps than last year ing damage to the car hood at the front left The speed limit there is and some lovely plants 50 miles an hour and the spot is just Chang handsThere was good north of curve by onxtemh of turnout Including some members mile Excessive speed was not in fmm the Vespra 50319 diCated JMrs Jilll Gable presided and Cpggn ytggssmjdra Crave ofwelcomedlmembers to the first of Dundas gold that as he was driving the regular fall and winter meet Sheannounced that the date he saw ban in me all going easy for the annual meeting had beenl Swpr Night Many Plants The Barrie Horticultural Society held its second annual swap night south that evening near the scene 35 to west and there was small boy Set for NOV 23 andfthat Bl on the gravel at the East side of the COCkbUTn W0U1d Show his Slides highway He saw the boy start to many of which are this years pic run across and was struck by an ap lures of gardens in Barrie She proachjngv car He heard no horn extended an Invitation to an inter sounded He got out of his car the 85W 10 join the Vespra Society boy was lying still and some one from the house carried him there Mr Craver thgn reported the accid ent to the police The other car came to step in short distance and the driver was IIaverson whom be identified in court In crow ex amination by Defence Counsel MWLMW QC he said that hevhad rangement after another no occasion to notice previous ms rst arrangement was 599 0f the C1 The ho was moYl Christmas mantel decoration Us ing toward the 1131 Starledlto ing piece of starfoam quite ml The ban 385 15 mg the law new material sold in sheets be ad me we 5169 ded little string trees Christmas Mrs Elsie Brennan stated that she ornaments and save leaves was driving behind the Cravercar the angel and snowman made of VOW the boy run across the road china Mr Fendley explained that Heihe edabout two feet from he shims ground for an mega the pavement She then heard brak things and on slackldayhikes up 95 0f elthelf the HaVEISOn 01 craV arrangements for Special occasions er car Hamson could not have been travelling faster than 35 obit 11va picture Using shadow box miles an hour she said madefrom lovely old fashioned Norman Havemn Stated at he picture frame he placed imit bee had been drmng toward Bar quet of whitand colored asters in nth friendand When mg white vase then placed single around the bend saw the ball flying spray at the foot of the vase for from west to east Then he saw the Mustic touch By changing this be stop and thought he had seen 50 the car He then heardsome one pigngegziycz have different can and HavelWK slowed bun His third arrangement was for the verv brief time inrwhich to Halloween and when completed we act estimated at 20 feet from the doubt gt it would rhave lasted boy by other Wlmesse he had Mt long at Halloween party It was Stopped 1mm after the lad wasla tattleeentre with staFfoam wk base and Halloweenballoons and l5m35tn mcmsssxmma novelties stuck in it chinavase tlo queShqned Haverson closely re with peat bog from hog near gardlng his action at that time and claimed that he should have done eovemfsgg 9lflogggfr33me$$ his best 10 stopDefence counsel mums was set however Pomtedmt that the was leaves and Hallotldlzgn Itandgdlrg no indication of speed Another wit ness said that the boy wasstanding Egzcfilsfhm 1t It was most near the pavement which coero Mr =r endley commended the Bar berated Haversons statement that lie society for the work it is do heggfgoggznhgaigg ing in promoting better ower ed1judgment until Oct 14211 10 Ideally Docket Thursdays docket had charges but many adjournments cut down the length of the session THURSDAYrOCI Magistrate Gordon Foster presided witb Assistant Crown Attorney Idvmgstpn Docket 16 Chorgf The docket had recordiistof for their swap night at Midhurst Forestry Oct 13 Fendley broughtraiong considerable number of owers and articles for flower arranging and everyone presentwasgiven real treat as they watched him for an hour and half make one ar His second arrangement was irangements at the Barrie Fair as an example of this effort The audience was shown exact Made from 15 American Beauty roses amid centre of tulle and interspersed with feverfew the merge There were quite number of for new arrival in thdamily Christmas table decoration with fruit and owers la corsage of 76 charges but Quite number were adjournmenfspr railroads and court was concluded by 430 Turn to page nineteen please MALeo conveyed with deep feeling of 1delightful surroundings with danc lHe left on Monday Sept 2i for arranging He cited the fine ar the making of brides bouquet audience Saw beautiful bouquet other arrangementsxincluding one thanksgiving table decoration made and several bthersr One She has been regular altellder at the arts and crafts weekends held at Blue Mountain Lodge Her Vibrant charming personality will contribute much to the open ing night of the third annual hr exhibit sponsored by the Slsrzeue Arts and Crafts Association Wilbur Reed Warden of we County Will open lze officially it is hoch lira Mayor Hart of Barrie Will be pres Illtr to extend greetings from the Town of Barrie The art exnlllit will take place at Cndrington Public School in Barrie Doors Open on Friday Oct 16 at 730 pm and at two oclock on Saturday and Sunday afternoons Oct 17 and 18 Clos in time is 1000 pm ill Friday and Saturday and 900 pm on Sunday SHOOT JOEL MCCREA Sizzl flUlV niversary Held liary to Lions club offering to the ladies ins sill cere apprecration for the many tine undertzlklngs in which they had carried heavy burden He LEO GORCEY BOBBY 2ND COMEDY HIT LovE HAPPY DONT MISS THE FUN FIRST EVELYN REYES Monwith dangerous future ond Girl with dangerous past in breath taking adventure on logshrouded murderiship DANGEROUS PASSAGE Starring ROBERT LOWERY PHYLLIS BROOKS Wllli JACK mace VICTOR KILLXX ALEC CRAIG THE BOWERY Bovs ORDON HUNTZ HALL pride the reassurance experienced by the club in the unfailing assist anceyrendered by the auxiliary turkey was won by Mr and Mrs Ed Norman who held the ticket for the lucky door prize Mrs Smith was con vener of the splendid program for the occasion The evening continued in STARTS THURSDAY the BOWEIIY IILIIzIIIIIrIl Illlrrllllll North Bay actosxto Sault Ste Marie Michigan and on the long hop from Duluth by US Highway 10 through Fargo and Bismarck to Spokane Washington and north through Everett to Vancouver There he enf iv If daughter gigs niareiosaggrhihRe thern loop for the return byvICoch who is on the staff of the Van me to North Bay and hcme comer General Hospital They en The new sections of the Trans joyed boat trip up Howe Sound Canada Highway werewall quite to squamish passable and the whole trip meant Bill then determined to return trouble at all except miSSing ll by an allCanadianl route and was ferry on me Kootemy advised that the Mexican way Nll Harris is veteran Of through the mountains was easier First World War Was in the 810 but talking it over with garage cery business in Aliandale for some man he decided to try the highway years and then in the Barrie Pgstal through the Cascade Moulains and service before joining the staff of enjoyed it all even the hairpin cur Smith in Charge 0f incoming ves Crows Nest Pass three ferry crossings on the Kootnay River and Lake and did not see one Douko bor is route took in the Okanagarl Va ley the HopePenticton High way to Grand Forks Nelsonand Creston Then Femie Leighbridge to Medicine HatSwift Current Regina and on to Brandon and Winnipeg The most welcome sight was sign Welcome to Ontario before reaching Kenora and the autumn tints all the way north of Lake Sup erior in Algoma were beyond James Veitch at the piano ancouver II it In OrIIIIa Hotel The sound of baby crying last lWednesday led to the discovery of its mother in an Oriliia hotel The woman registered at the hotel believed later to be under William Harris on the staff oflbridg address the afternoon Smith Furniture Store return left the 110le apparently ed on Friday Oct from very 33 mm couver and return taking two hotel clerk heard the sound of weeks without too much speeding YOUDESICY Crying in one Of the hotel rooms and on opening the search of the room found the youngsters clothes package of meat bottle of milk some ing to the music of Dr MlChiId Abandoned tlvoyearold boy abandoned by an assumed name giving Brace enjoyable motor trip alone to Van TWO hours later Run James door found the boy cookies and bananaX printed Loyal True Blue Hall High St Friday 815 pm note said only that the boys father was Huntsville man Later in the evening the hotel desk received telephone call from the mother asking if the child had been found and if it was all right When told that it was she quickly hung up The boy was turned over on the Childrcns Aid Society CATTLE RANCH IN mm One of Canadas biggest cattle ranches will be established in the heart of lloronto for 10 days this year When lidcattle will ms semblefor the th Royal Agricul tural Winter Fair Nov 132 DANCE Sotu relay Oct I1 PINE CREST Dancing every Fridly and Saturday Music by THE HEYIONES words He chose the Longlac nor was made from ragged looking STATION COATS flowers that most people Would $2750 $3200 discard but when put in certain arrangement Werebeauti ful Mr Fendley was thanked for hisi demonstration by Mrs Bruce Johnq ston Two draws were won by Mrs KDawe and Mrs Jack John stem of Minesing Mrs Bruce John 5th won lovely corsage for hav ing birthday closest to Oct After the meeting members made their plant swapsand had friend ly half hour chat number of useful horticultural leaflets were distributed $895 $1005 BARRIE PIPE BAND KJDOTECT WHAT LCU OWN St1 5U PHONE GENER ub SURA NC Clapperien Street 25 BARRIE crises SURCOATs $2195 $2950 TOPCOATS ZIPINLINED $3950 STETSON HATS $4950 $5950 BROOK $595 Mens ind 55 stunted BINGO enormous TOIIIIIHT Proceeds to be usedin nominee of ana eguiDmentg

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