Dally 8555 pom Wednesday 912 noon snormlo nouns Friday museum SPECIAL HOME FIOCKS 214 SIZES 12 10 Sizes 33to 44 Smart styles Great variety tub fast cotton prints some value Shep II Zelierx Barrl manuscript YARN gm mom worn pm coo 038 Wool reinforced with my claim adsuse Mamet ltltsNMrNW sra norms roll ml roIlIII srr ruuovans SIZES T0 CottonkilltStriped in 67 pleasing colours Styles as shown Specral for Savlngs CORDUROY OVERALLS SIZES 210 Style as shown comesin red green wine royal mill beige Special for Savings GIRLS 2Pf PYJAMAS Sizes to it Flarzinelctlte ik asiel blue Incite prettily pzlttcrlle yoe 157 Special lo Savings SIDERDOWN BLANKEIS 30 40 ins blovelty de signs in multieolour or on pink or pastel blue ground 97 Subs Special MENS IIIOSTIIiII SHIRTS patterned cotton Illllskilii2 in assorted colours Sizes 14 to 17 Special for Savings MENS WARM PYJAMAS Striped Walton fian nelctte 2pc style Sizes to Specml for Savmgs MENS corms possum SHIRTS negligeestyle collar Two buttonthro pockets Doublesewn seams Bantackcd at pockets Sizes 1412 to 17 Special for Savings BOYS FLETIE PYJAMAS Twooc style of striped Walton fiannelette Sizes 24 to 34 Specral for Sav ings PANEL1IES Ior 100 blown ASSORTMENT union TIEFABRICS BOBBIES at JACQUARDS creaseRESISTANT Merl and women who buy for men will choose several at the MoneySaving Sale lPricci Come early Have your pick anodeswoman Sizes 10hto 12 AllWooI All Nylon Nylon Vipara blends Popular solid col ors and some jacquards in the lot Subspriced as high as $169 Practically flawless Special for Save ings pair mm sprout Lllrlls fIIIIIISS srllllrs SIZES 1410 17 OE high coullt cotton broadcloth sanfor lzed shrunk and having trulien iced collar White blue cream tongreygSpeeiaifor Savings 41199f IIIZCOIIAIEI TUMBLERS Illaor 02 oz sizes Special for 57c Illollsr SPECIALS SHOWN AT RIGIIT Lovely tailored and dressy Nylon Blouse lettuccd during Autumn Savings Sale at pri hats sure to save you money Choose from white lime lilac yel low red Sizes 12 to 20 Special at 1SHOWN AT LEFT Tartan Plaid Batwing blouse of rayoniLwool fabric combined with cottonknlt Auth entic Black Watch Margaret Rose and Hunting Stewart plaids Popular sizes SIZES 16 T0 20 SPECIAL FOR SAVINGS Gaily printed smartly styled Houseeoats priced much lower than youd expect Background colors twine blue black 33 544 snueolas TEAROSE wnm MEDIUM LARGE VESTS IANTIES Cotton knit in popular wafflcstitch Rayon stripes Special for Say ings per garment 57c stills lilllll Illuluwrnl LADIES NIGIITGOWNS Small medium large Flan1I neictte in pink pastel blue maize Short sleeves Only LADIESIfLEE PYJAMAS Buther Boy style in small medium large sizes Prints on pink pastel blue maize Only SPECIAL Rayon marquiscttc shade 42 by 12 his Side heals 5illell hour at bottom Pair $247 eroIALI DIIAPES Moulded plastic in Rose Special and Modern Stripe patterns Vai ancI and selfruffle types $167 Ls min mundane shaman Will holding many as 14 gar racnts Vinyl plastic with contrasting trims Salenpriced $1198 ors Sizes tillins LADIES L00rnuos or sturdy cotton yarhs sNonfskldr rubberized bucksx Popular col3 ton mixtures Spegizll atj BRIEFSCelasuede and Celanese featured Net trimmed and tailored styles White pink pastel blue maize Small medium large it 35 fabric CLEARANCE DRAPERY Grand collection of drapery fabrics in gay colorings lidIns wide Clearing at the Specral Price of 84 Yd SPECIAL rLAHNELETTE White 27 Ins Wide timely Buy Just what the Thrifty want for making night lon Shrinbproof 3ply SPECIAL GIRLS SNUGGIES 41c SIZES TO It Vests Bloomers Cream shade Ribknit cotton Sale priced only 47 per garment so llllllilll IIllluIIs ZELLERS AUTUMN SALE is 84 wellnamed Savings Sale Youll save plenty by selecting supply of these nylons for the season at the Special MoneySaving Sale Price New Fall Shades Practically flawle35 subs SALE STARTS Aro am THURSDAY our 15 wear and cosy Infants wear LADIES GLOVES Simplex in black brown navy red green white Sizes to Look theyre only per pair BigValue GIIILSWO0L GLOVES Siz es to White brown red green navy timely Special these Autumn Days Per pair only SPEC GLASSWARE Cocktail Juice Sherbet and oz Water Glasses in attlactlve shapes Wet and spiral band designs SPEIJIALI TERM Townse Whitc striped 22 by 45 ins in quantity at 61 for 49a in bright colors Youll want to bull COMB BRUSH snr Plastic frames nylon bristles In an attractive shade of blue Ilseful and good looking Sbt0nl 67 SPECIAL FlintHARE stir less sleek fSirilplioity brand Tea Spoons Dessert Spoons Dessert Forks Dessert Knives sbsolhiir min switch selsh ioam Am CANADAwAIinrj nanoseconds of tiers 66 80 ms Woolbra 95 Poguhlr coloursIdnoh rayon satian tings At each ethnow sons 42 inch she or znccrlth organise and Woohdmots title qualitywhitecotv Pair only gt Sal priced Baklitc to lose iVQIywalnILt blue Withjmetal clips and turn Shop Early for Christmas Decorations and Save SPECIAL 12 Christmas Tree Dcc orations inpox for only WINCH SILK squaring gt Great variety of colorful fall right designs Smart for now through VWinter Youll want several 77 87c fivith elasticized nylon at back and sides panel Sizes SCIAL CUIS 85 SAUCERS English Bone China In variety bf graceful shapes and lovelylcolorings Set only 69o SPECIAL FRAMED riorlnuls 9x12 ins 20 lovely scenes each in attractive embossed gilt frame it great bargain at 11 WASH CLOTHS 121m serz White Icrrycloih withattractivo colored stripes Youll want lensterm supply at this low Sale Price iheyentire milWill enjoy to rts Embroidered front Only $137 rifty Am ACTIVE EARRINGS Metal Gold or silver color fin ish Some with colored stones others with jet Button drop and hoop styles At pm $1 00 etWiSe Shoppers SLIPON GIRDLES Made FELT SUPPERS Ladies siz es to Style as shown in red wine and blue colorlags Cosy goodjlooking and only $199 suclllll scene TAPFBTA srzssjaz To 40 DAINTY slursln style shown above Trimmed with beautiful embroidered Sheen White worthwhilemull at fellers Autumn Savings Salemirlcel BISCUITS deliciously treshstmdwieh InarSI I1 gillth sell one eulunm some Sale Print ouoooonrr paces Stock up locale Weekend treat ltr