numbers page nine litiilmrmoladc cud second wise with bar strawberry jam Kantian Synnott of Barrie 359 test first prize with her will puckycannod tomatoes Mrs Scorn Corrutbers or lvy whose raspberries and tomatoes won second prizes while her can not pears took third Mrs Max Craig of Craighurst willitwo sec ond prizes in the canned pears and cloned peaches divisions and Mrs NewtonSmith Barrie with the second best entry of raspberry jam and the third best entry of strawberry jam Mrs Clark took iltl first prizes in canned raspberries calmed rec cherries strawberry gum and rasp borry jam and her second prize wlth her canned strawberries She placed third in the canned pcacb cs class It was in the canned straw berries nned peaches canned pears and pple jelly classes that Mrs Flock took her top awards Her second prize was for hcr entry of citrus fruit marmalade and she came third in the raspberry jam class Picklcs Mrs Flook was winner in the pickles section of the fair to make her one of tho most ntllStantlirlg women exhibitors in the new section litre she look first prizes with her wholc bcc pickles and tomato rclish Mrs Carruthers won lllolhc first prize with in sweet ghcrkin pickles and Mrs Napier 7d Burton Avc Barrie had the has exhibit of swcLt mustard pickles in the shmv Mrs Synnott won second prize for her beet pickles Specials The prize for the best honey diu play was easily won by the Ma guire Apiarics of Mintsing with fine display of while golden and amber honey and honey in the comb Mrs NewtonSmith of Bar rie saw her son Billy come home with first prize in the Dalston Womens Institute special for the best bran muffins made by pub lic school child and Mrs Irwin Clark of Oro Station continued her fine work at the fair by winning the Perkins and Sons of Dal ston special for the best pair of roasted chickens First prize in the Mr and Mrs Maguirc of Mincsing special forthe best honey spice cake was won by Mrs Max Craig of Craig hursf with Mrs Clark coming sec ond and Mrs Flook of Barrie standing third tltc top 3110 mirmgrmpumd chlinpton needleworkc en wed in the fair She had taken several award with her title Mrs Clark was the prize for the best pie and the prize for the best cake in the Domestic Pie and Cake gCDfllDIlOn sponsored by Canada gPackets Ltd to maintain her repu lwm wowed mk sec scrvlettes with crochet trim her iond prize in he 339 Cqmlemm crochet table cloth her pot holders zwent to Mrs Sutherland other embroidered pillow as hm i139 ind Mrs $100k the pillow cases With crochet trim her thnd prize pie The second prize pyjamasm hm mmckcd dress and Wake was mam by Mm SW her pieced cotton quilt and second lg RR Bamc and sum prizes with her embroidered lunch crlaud was given third prize for thl cake entry Artbur Reel of Barrie had most outstanding exhibit in the showgta heavy spread zten towels and her apron In the Womens lnstitute$peclali Mm An McQuay of Thornton iopen to Womens Instiluteslin Sim was um gEBd top prim winner in 3000 County the competition was this section taking three first WW 03050 and iudzing was Very prizes 21 second prize and three third prizes with her entries and Miss Jean Marshall 19 Park St Barrie took three first prizes and second prize With two first prizes and sec ond prize Mrs Max Craig of Craig burst was again foremost prize winner and Mrs Sutherland of Stroud and Mrs Lemoine of Kleinburg each took two first tprizes Mrs Napier of Barrio look first prize and three second prizes with her entries and Mrs Corbett 52 St Vincent St Barrie took first prize and second prize Other top prize winners UFO MSI Hood 60 Cook Sti socond prlzc entry of Minesing Barrie Miss Evelyn Brennan 1183 lWomcns Institute was not far bc Bmdnyrd 5L Barrie Mrs Duncani bind with 84 points for red and Mclfac 15 Dunlop St West Ban1m iwhile chum set with unusual ap and Mrs Arthur Reel All 31i pliqucd leaf napkin holders on the Barrie lbrcakfasl cloth In third place with Mrs monk of Harm louk 83 points was Stroud Womcns Iu bond and third prize in the rstitutc vllll pale blue and yellow icony and Mitchell Square Wo zdifficult jobconsidering the ex iccllcncc of all entries The attrac ltive displays in the Curling Rink lconsislcd of pair of kitchen cur llains breakfast cloth and servi cllcs tea towels fish cloths put iltoldcrs ltitchcn apron and flow ich arranged in breakfast room isotting The winmng entry of Painswick ilVomcns Institute was unattrac itivc winc and white color scheme ifor breakfast room and the work iwns excellent lll detail as well as gin nllover design The Painswick entry was given 86 points by the judge llllfl the imcns Institute won fourth prize with 82 points for an unusual set lin brilliant red yellow and blue lioincd with rickrack braid ibordcr Thornton Womens Institute and Barrie Womens Institute were tied for their efforts With 81 points and lllawkcstonc Womens Institute was given 80 points Not much farther behind in order of merit were the displays of Centre Vcspra Womens Institute awarded 78 points Gil ford Womens Institufckgivcn 77 points and Clowns Womens Insti tute given 76 points took it second prize Mrs Per guson of Barrioand Mrs Ilcrbcrt Noble of Barrie were third prize winners Mrs McQuays first prizes were in the crochet Chesterfield set Ital ian hcmstitching andarticlcs made from flour bags classes and her sucortd prizc was won with crochet table cloth She placed third in the mens fancy socks tea towels and crochet pillowcase classes First prize entries were made by Miss Marshall in the crochet place mats hooked rag rug and shop womenus work ping bag divisions and she won womens work divisions were second prize for her collection of to malts her one of the top womenentrants this year Mrs the excellent and considering that the Barrie Exhibition has had no room for crafts and needlework exhibits for the past ll years there were quantities of entries in most of thc sections The committee in charge however could be slightly disappointed over the fact that no weavers or metal workers entered these divisions in the crafts sec tion but leathcrcraft displays were very outstanding and attracted great deal of interest Christmas gifts Mrs Craigs lbp entries were in the tea towels and childs corduroy or wool overalls classes 6nd she won second prize with her smocked dress Mrs Sutherland was top exhibitor in the mens work socks and mens fancy socks divisions and Mrs Lctnoine won first prizes with her babys jacket bonnet and bootccs set and her apron Mrs Napicrislood first in the crocheted bed Mrs Gregory tooltfirst prizesg wilit her luncheon cloth and fourf icon cloth with four sorviellcs her one corner of the new Curling building at last weeks fair McIntosh took two first prizes and Lorne Handy of Dalston took first prize and two second awards first prize and two third prizes went to Carl Peacock RR Sfayner and Mrs George Carrulb crs of Ivy took first second and third Rattle of Guthrie won him sec ond prize and Mrs Adams of Barrie won third prize In the competition displays of the horticultural societies of Sim coe County Vcspra Horticultural Society of Mincsing took top place over Barrie Horticultural and Town Improvement Society Mr Whitbys top awards were in the cut flowers section mostly He took firsts with his anemones his giant asters his dclphinium col lecliou his tlclphinium specimen spike his red igladioli his whlo one of the top leathercmnep childs sweater class and took scc gladioli his pink gladioli his other hibitors wangs Neil Merylmm and prizes with her mens fancy colors of gladioli his named glad 144 Maple Ave Barrie who took socks her pot holders and her erriIioli his gadioli specimen spike first prizes with her matched tool ql key case and change purse and her gloves and third prize with her tooled ladys purse Mrs George Richards 11 Thomp son St Barrie won first prize with her carved wallet and another up award with her carved belt entry and Mrs Fergusnn 126 Dunlop St West Barrie took first prize with her tooled wallet second prize with her tooled ladys purse entry and third prize with her matched tooled key case and change purse derfui Anothier topwinner in this divi sion wasMiss Ruth Brother of 118 Collier St Barrie whose ladys tooled purse was judged the best in the show Miss Lila Hare won two sec ond prizes for her tooled wallet and her tooled key case and change purse and Mrs McQuay of Thornton won second prizes with her carved wallet and her carved belt Needlework With eight first prizes and three Second prizcs Mrs Mae Gregory of Barrie was the undis lyelam broidercd pillow cases Mrs Cor bctts top prize was taken with het collection of Christmas gifts and she won second prize for hcr childs sweater cnfry Mrs Hoods needlework picture was judged the best in the show and Miss Brennan won first prize with her embroidered luncheon cloth and four scrviettes entry Mrs McRacs first pflze was taken with her wool afghan and Mrs Reel won first prize with her knit or crochet bedspread entry choscn aslhc most outstanding ex hibit of the show Mrs Flooks second place award vas in the crochet trim pillow cases class and she took third prize with her embroidered pillow cases Mrs Adams was given sec ond prize for her piecedcotton quilt entry and Mrs Fergusonwon third prize for her collection of Christmas gifts Mrs Nobles third prize was in the apron class Flowers Sweeping the entire gladioli 3e lion Larry Whitby 112 Mary Si Barrie one of the most prominent district flower growers was the sweepstakes winner in the flower show held in connection with the Barrie Exhibition this year Shown in the CurliugRink alongside the excellent commercial florist dis plays the flower exhibits were ex cellent all of the district horticub tural societies joining with the Barrie group to make this first fair display in 11 years outstanding Recommended as iPAINT MIX gtr for new or repaint job ASK ttU PAlNl DEALER FOR FREE FOLDEll fMILD The Barrie flower grower could the well pleased with the success of his entries He went home with 14 first prizes three second prizes and two third prizes Also making an excellentshow ing was another Barrie flower fancier Mrs Ruth Morley 62 Cook St with six first prizes and two second prizes Florence Jackson of Minesing took five first prizes and two second prizes with her fair entries and Harry Buchanan 63 Mary St Barrie took four first prizes and one second award Ar thur Snider of Craighurst took two first prizes five second awards and two third prizes Also top prize winners were Max Craig of yCralghurst with four first prizes and two third prizes Jack Johnson 73 Mary St Barrie withrthree first prize enlt tries three secondlprlzes and one third prize Ray Bishop 33 Perry St Barrie will his gladioli basket his miniature gladioli his living room decoration and his bouquet of mixed flowers His second prizes were in the speci men dahlin class the dahlia collec tion and the miniature garden and he won third prizes with his utt usual decorative arrangement and his dining table decoration Mrs Morley took her first prizcis with her giant pink asters hr giant white asters her African marigolds her giant zinnias hex pompon zinnias and her collection of zinnlas Second prize awards went to the Barrie grower with her uusual decorative arrangement and her calendula The Minesing flowt grower made her top showings in the cacti collection calendula salpiglossis vetbena and miniature garden classes and took home second prizes for her French matigolds and her Africanma1igolds Mr Buchanan took first prizes with his African violet plants his Chrysanthemum collection his pcr ennial phloxandhis salvia and second prize with his anemones Mr Sniders first prizes were in the giant blue asters and giant lplc asters classes and he took second prizes vitltliis giant pink asters his giant asters of another color his cosmoshis phlox drum mondi and his collection of zinnias Hevas in third place in the French marigolds and giant white asters classes His celosia cornflower cosmos and Frenchmzfrigold entries Won first prizes for Mr Craig who also took third prizes with his calen dula and his miniature garden Mr Johnson placed first in the speci men house plant the unusual dec orative arrangement and the dining table decoration classes and took second prizes with hisnAfrican vi olet plants his bouquetbf mixed flowers and his giant zinnias His third prize was in the giant asters class Ray Bishops first prizes were in the specimen dahlia and collection is BEN FLOOR local apple grower who needlework division and Mm was an associated director of the 1953 Adams 29 McDonald St Barrie Barrie Exhibition proudly displays two baskets of McIntosh apples that were among the 27 bushels in the display of the Barrie Apple Growers that occupled Entries of Gctald ApplezGrowees Display 27 Busliols of Fruital Flair pendian tarot consumed wrtb farm with good woodlot never natured resulting in fine effect 1Y3 Strata 32mm who were gluon third prize used Mortification theme tbeir duplay illustrating with Home for of dilapidated house and ya pleasany painted house with flowers television and other im provements Whlclr is yours2 asked the Ivy young people who advised home owners to clean up lextfp paint on and keep up their propertieslbcir leader was At nold Banting of Thornton Led by Mrs Roy Gray of liawkc stonellawkestone Happy Home cookers placed fourth with an old nactivemodcl cooking display in the club colors green and yellow Their model wore gingham oven mitts and the club girls had made pot holders table cloths etc against which to display their bright utensils to make Bratan Muffin ecipe Placin fifth were Glenoro Junl loss under the direction of Cough of Shanty Bay who advisch conservation of farm Imminent Keep them running by painting to protect proclaimed the luniorsf tit Greenlngs Tolman Sweet Cortland St Lawrence Golden Russet and Wolfe River apples were attractively exhibited in the biggest display of apples yet held at the fair Growers Goldie Flock Harry Morten Stewart Bell and Mrs Otta way contributed the fruit Ihoio by Bruno Pareto Rink exhibit iuon and third prize or her bou Creighton Womens Institute again quct of mixed flowers Mrs Adamgitook top honors along with the won mild prize for her giantlBond llcad Modern Misses home zinnias and the Rattle cntry wongarden club led by Mrs Alvin the second prize in living decora Smith RR Bradford The Bond ion cmpetition Ilcad display iilfld fl pleasing au tumn look to its arrangement in IJunlor Fair creased by the added decorative Along With the rest of the Barrie mum of golden marigolds and EXhibilion this yefll1h0 Jlmim greenwicker basket The Jarratt Fair was an outstanding success in Creighton girls also used mums whose motto was Slop neglect slow costs In to tours Sixth prise Went to Notlawosasa Junior Farmers with huge stir against red wheel pointing to the methods for good mill prol duction The uses of Canadas grains were shown by Mount St Louis Cereal Menu Makers under the direction of Mrs Fraw ley in their seventh place display and Mrs Earl Scotts Hmvkcstonel club members advised the public to follow Canadas food rules in their eighth place exhibit Potato and Grain Clubs Two 4H potato club members from the Penetang district Jullcnl Maurice and Martin Maurice won first and second prize in the Oni tario Potato Club compelltloni at the Barrie Junior Fair Third prize was won by Maureen Elph ick RR Utopia with her display of 12 tubers and Marion Leach of Alliston was in fourth position Helen Smith of Utopia and Dix annc McMastcr of Utopia took thcl fifth and sixth awards Ten prizes were given in the Ontario 4H Grain Club cotnpctivl tion at the fair which was woni by Elwood Jerry RR Stnyner Ruth Ireland of Everett was sec FLYING FAMILY WETASKIWIN Alta Cpl Gretchen Mather lijrafuid Van couver blorzdu has arrived to up come august instructor to the 4333 Chm litre kler fatuer and bmzher also have pilots Lecnses and her mother expect9 NEW hers shortly rll started with mt chum fireproof vcmltllllc installer Ialolllw alum positive but bull DullFIN llm requires no mortar Supported by floor or tolling Mill Listed by Undemvitcrs Labora tories of Canada Eliminates many feel of censlruction Re quires no bricks mortar scaffold Erected in oslilfle as hours For buildings of any type High efficiency low cost Lifetime safely THE all respects Interclub displays were the finest to be seen yet in Barrie and the open classes and livestock divisions were equally outstanding The juniors made themselves felt on almost every part of the fair ground and the attractiveness and general good qualities of their displays could be ch1 compared with corresponding senior exhibits Junior Homemaking Clubs The JarrodCreighton Homemak crs Guthrie Merry Mixers and the Hawkestone Happy Homemakers had the bst displays in the junior divisions The Cereal Shelf project cacmbeing given rating by thc judges for their efforts The JarrettCreighton club girls led by Mrs Cuppage RR Coldwatcr presented an exhibit thatdook top marks for ncatness the cereal grains packaged in neat ccllophane bundles on the well setup display area Equally at tractive was the Guthrie gils out standing cntry showing the ceri eals from the stage of the sheaf to the byproduct The Guthrie leader was Mrs Gerald Rattle The Hawkestone club colors ye110w and green made the display of the OtoTownship club girls unusually eyocatching Given ratingswere the Clt eal Shelf displays or the Mount St Louis Club girls the Silver Maple Willing Workers from Hillsdale and the Wyevale Girls Club Under the direction of Mrs JFraw ley the Mount St Louis group proved themselves to be menu makers exhibiting the uses of cer eal grains around the clock for breakfast lunch and dinner The Silver Maple girls display had ekcellent variety and the Wyevale clubs bluecovered scrap books and cellophane packaging made it top contender homemaking club Also well inthe runningin the homemaking club competition were the CrosslandCerea1 Club and the Craighurst Junior Home malting Club given mung There wereleight entries again in and fall flowers to give their fine ldisplay distinctivo look Guthrie Morning Glories took rating under Mrs Rattles dir cction sharing second place in the competition with Silver Maple den Club led by Miss Lca of llillsdale Flowers in and out of the house wore part of the Guth tic girls theme and the Silver Maplc group had arranged their vegetables most attractively Gilford Willing Workers had us ed red and white silk backdrop to show off their display of vege Ltables Led by Mrs Mansfield Harrison of Gilford the club shar ed thirdzplace in the division with Ctbsgflfd RC5 Irnterettes who used tinfoil as back drop Craig hurst Garden Club and Lafontaine Garden Club directed by Mrs Al cime Gignac RR Lafontaine InterClub Displays The Chilli Willi Junior Farmers took first prize in the InterClub displays int the Junior Fair this year with their excellent fatm im provement project showing the good and the bad in farming methods by means of bright and wellmadevmodels of houses on barns and sutroundingTaYmlands Set againsta background of cedar boughs the project brought out sharp contrast between good and poor farming methods and the re sulting neat bltlerand white farm house and brightly painted red barn compared with poor log house and shabby woodcn unpaint ed bagn Mount St of the club inlsprucettvigs The its portrayal of thebad effects of KEMGLO The Mirocle lustre Enamel 1411 the girls home garden clubs ex hibits of vegetables and flowers from members gardens Here group directed by Mrs Cuppage the JarrattCreighton I953 HoeHondlers sponsored by Jarratt of dahlia divisions and Mr Handy took his first prize with his snap dragon entry angrhis second pri2es with his pompon zinnias and his giant white asters Mr Peacocks first prize was in the phlox drummondl class and he took third prizes in the pompon zinnias and collectionof zinnias Mrs Carruthers won afirsl prize for her single petunias second prize forher dining table decora ST in Will your car stattilts cold weather We suggest you Ahhave your Battery Starter preventhord starting and Distributor checked to ENGLISH CARS 3am carryiErfldo batteries of for till core humane trowels Repairs fot airplanes GISl0ll0lllulttilli kill sills nmlnrs outrun town Isnt cos 0nd prize winner and Charles Irelt land of Everett took third prize Martin Maurice again was top col award winner taking fourth prize MWED and Helen Smith of Utopia placed fifth Sixth prize went to Vital2 Mary St Phone Turn to page sixteen pleasel nanny snot Modern equipment to handle any of your requirements MACHINES BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS lllllllll WELllllll tannin ca 17 Mulcaster St Dial 3744 Louis 4H Forestry Club used the samevmodel scheme in its project spelling outlhe name club was given second prize for posturing woodlot the corres on lltuthnntl Fillintents ynufleezeup lll010lSltltIfPllllMllILllf torsional summon Guaranteed squalprolselionlto the Highest Priced Brands wwsrnnnotyn PEltMAFlLL=ANTl FREEZE Aphrovcdlw concentrated Ethy leneGlycol protect downto 62 degrees below zero 9nd fillingvhqtojll winter Cant boil off IarmalFilLisguannteed harmless to cgrfinlgh hose or gaskets and against rust and ourrocion Sold onlyin sealed combiner for your complete protection touted provn product QUART $105 MoteMastervg8uler AntiFreeze Hills quality VMcththydratdBue blended with opall fnbllgim tppzqvmt uni corrosion ft long mm lull3 pntullonut loin Lou vou get um quick IA GALLON hustling c9 bugged MOTORSALES 398