WIT stayneII Rink WIII II II II Roxy Theatre arrtp WEDNESDAY OCTOBER7 1953 Section 2Pooes9w5 HOUSE or HITSFIRST WITH THE EST BARRIE mm 4m ml on the Allazzdaaie CNRA bowling viiwwWWwWmww ML grab as edmd Mllml mad Mldland Elevator on liar mm otteima Tramin uyner 55 mm pain In LAST SHOWINGJONGHT rank Home and All daze The all and yaM day was pczfecl film and Touching wth 50 point fulI in me $78935 $de Hi id 510174 AdiU Mr Jzz zinc key dinner was prov the Milne and Frank nuq II lad numbe or me 1W conclusion of the SLCulld gmne kct rzglr skxp l3 Watm F0 mm in on lialgv Sadler ilnialiilii ALSO gt II II II IIII lv we mnIane 15 Imus the last tournamcn of ll It IIIII uau Cpl or the Allotidale club II IIII II II lt Twig II AND II lJlLJ 131IIaTcIIIlIofxgi goon LL an Well all gt Lvellvd off for rch seasons Th II II IIII IIIIIIIIII If JAN JUM 051 30 and PW aHl Bat Sal IdwutgpIm er arson II BIKINI BI featuring Loyal True Bloom ailf Rik Il gatm FluI 311 11 mum High St UlL GREERGARSON commons snow SAT 230 11111 We 815 Pm Vltvi Plano Novelties 15 Game ya cszlbluxm 5L THE COLLEGIATE FOUR Pictou N5 in 1091 II name Quart MGM CE CHEST mu GRINDING 300 YEARS pleasam way to get your The Shulfurd mill Eer Thanksgiving Dinner foiiiilfwziggminkI I15 IiilIlUIiIlIlllliIIlIifl rue L511 llfL Ill1 will lmlinda ment But the IlOUycnold null ALSO SHQWHG TI BEAUTIFUL BAVARIA thing possible Ls bum dom to is still grinding livestock XXVml byig II THE LATEST be Mqu mm mm in am by 20 lb Turkeys II DOOR PRIZES Iomltgznfllol bznGgiii coucmching Park In Shot supplkdI II SLNDAT MIDNIGHI Well for lau hin out loud who WAS coow enl ey 03 HO army Rescr ations Phone 3211 RAG III mtklxgilil i1 make it the hm vimx cwr le waicrpmxor the army wants to join the foreign Legion LUCKY SPOT DANCES REGULAR PRICES oath willwin Dancin Ever Friday and 0th modal Saturday Muxic by 40 Insurance can protect you from fmoncnol loss Hwy 50 life However figiTTiLZLfZLLV SlllloulgrSO hoyvngn noglcllderlt Insurance IS the III II in Oniy answerI ALCOMSONS SPECIM TMNKSWING mm TURKEY WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS WWW THE now or oooniNSURANCE SINCE 1899 SGWEd 51 tom M41 ST Orilliu Pocket and Times 73 011 Monday noon to t0 r1 ms summu recrea on pro Nil Comer Comer and Clapperton Streets Barrie The program mm go over and lww lt Orillia Program On Recreation Was FailureAlderman we may have to fold up the com For Reservation Phone 6689 after 830 pm mission the alderman said point jug out that the commissiou had gt lri$tufAuk mg would eat up its $500 gram Too many other attractions for the children resulted in very few showing up for the organized II sports and other recreations that II 130Puma Angust than been intended TITto pm THURSDAY SATURDA Orillia Communtv Centre Bord II 830 1030 11111 ha afskegl7 gag councxlto ttysalda 5AL5 Phone 124 Stamor Pay ATI AFTEkNooN 24 ing accounts WM for Reservatlons Reeve Hugh Johnston anewow is re en live 13in ex wisps tIahalt Swan zenlglxalrzlglzflelt5sn hldhgmtgsgf ty Centre Board had backed mum the mums Of the 1m 558 dub to an amount of $5000 but The gggg szrgegurgm Egeogzil yr hbt djtj 110 ga freshment booth had realized prot of only $7 II eeve nston sax ll 1N LIVL board 35 hopeful that the 39 gt 4950 $5950 ointment of new ma er ENTERTAINMENT 339 Elm enable me am Egan STAIIION COATS SURCO showmg betterIIfmanclal picture $2750532oo $2195$29I50j Coomgervice and 315 We VV V7 CONTINUOUSSHOWS 552 33m SAT 230 rawsat pm ms 19 mr Baffle Fall Fair III AV Iggykggiierglghlwfitg quite an attraction as luCky draws took place each day of Barns REY II ang Friday two NuHealth pieces aer MN Imam were drawn First was combin uw II CIVICIsa 33 nus ation 00396 and tea 90 m5 W0 mm WmmI Located just 50mg name on Concession HETGTIQIIAI MayOIr Hm making the WWI I4 mommy mm between highwayll and new four laner mu sow VV Wm bemg Alderman Pa Ammo wuspmm dison Second draw was for uni 30M3Am lTONlEHTliTll 161783 Io RR on Saturday 52plece dinner II II CL set was given away George Bragg of Brown andgclahmaklnz VV law in JOHN DEREK draw Winnerhoing mun my Master 38 Alb Ave Toronto 39 gt Tutsm wnnusn ISPFCALMATNMONDAYVVZWPm mg say on EVERY THURS DEVINE 7V CAkTooNSTAGTCOACH LISTEN TOQKBPAIAT 614 sums nussaIz FOR mow NEWS Ig