rW ummwmm Gel713 roam roam ROOM noun FARMS ram 01 Imp ammo NORMAN Motorccle cod con vn BOARD available ori diuon reasonable Appl 3A Woodncgllllngl Comzoullble single ilggnwgamvs bigwihlaleiegf Mr and It Cllarlex Campbell WWW SCHOOL Girl would like 8331 C7 Cocki 25 Dunlop St AD eds good food Centrally incaledcral small farms near Barrie COh attended the Mama wed sitting in evening Phone 5i Ba 75115 Rcaonabl Phil 6387193115im Henry nd EMCK Realwmldlng at Alan on Saturday em Apply 136 Dunk Si 335 Barrie 29l15HB 2W1 Wonld 8P1 ill 57 Mg mu Take an small ch13 IVER 911 an mo ccommo lBUSH AND Pasture Farm close mic mhfmrfgggrullsmp9 glen in own hllmc willie mIolhcl fgwcme mgtox WANTED bv sales Igpremnmuve 28 311 Wildlan 10 bell 5016 Urgggvg Sundaymogmg II oo jv cud and Chasm Gm MMV mm 3mg bedroom home excellent reler opponunny 02 3mm man at Illnd Wu Rev FIG BPEEDING Embdelt Gecse Elilaso abl ri 10 Boxes in Barrie Comminsmn and MATURE Lady require Om LU FT Deluxe Kelvlnator 89 em phmw 3H Binrm rpgonenmyl Bparcrig mtefg chlavlgl rm will be in prze wnners at Royal L3 Man No exporicnce necessary Phone 2907 gt lrigerator sunsm at 151 M01 little no hmthand Dd RSI men 111l5115 Charge 0H 35 393 any m9 i5 Apply amp of swelling mplpublic emu 740tr ilcClllC stove Sangro Map MLIM Chum Robson rm sax13 14115116 ganggIlrgeka350 Sn accepting 10513llllbllll Allilly ram prehrahly llll5 Crown II MrsII on sale 13ying in IiI Box to Barrie Examiner furnished urgently remixed Crm Robson p11512sz HOUSE Traers one 16 one 18 fact Job 171041 Station Cam TENDER wll ld mm Nave ber ll MelSWen Thom 241 fully CQtlipPEd oil lleatcd Ens Borden llvilliHIlIg house alsso pllllncbintg Charles Campbell can top nghoul Slroud l5r4l between WWMT Ih WEI elemm brakeSI Jack SwalmI JI III 14412115 335321839333 lgfoyin Lincoln Dunlroon Ont 7115415 YOUNG Married Banker with two 0min mm 8th SL WA 06 and pm II ha 5ij housPI ex The Woman Minnow will For Jeweuery Store IfIlliwgrlffrnilllll llglllltcg Arc Weldin School WASHER Connor800 maliion apdllment to rent Regglrencgsf NORTH EAST Corner Lot 21 meet in MM of the perm 1man Good Hemp QI $33 Electrlc Refrlgeralor 3year Phone 2157 or 2976 llwllflllfcoll l0 Nolldwasaga consisting chorch on Tm Oclflil to per we ccs Dmmncw Buccinu J00lionlinuous Tuition lhmughout the inll mm mm mm cu 11 We 55v mm housed 09 31 WS Ed NON crdm MIIUIIIIIII BIIIIIdeIIId RR MI $00 Phone lls 7115 COUlILlI will amaI Ic Illi house orchard creek Tenders will gar Dyerwill be angles IN THE MAIIER of the bank 33 commg season week course SUFFERING from Backachcs $121313Illrimlllullllg 8C rogeivcfi including JllflIy PW and WFW 5185305 ruptcy Hamill Berrismrd Rheumatic Pain Sciatica Lumde Edgar vicinity Phone 5169 CtAlgkgfs3l3CZShto Same gnaw Bar 59 Wakmd wm the own Barrie mume C3ff 1s over if you let Rllmacaps llclp 11115116Smbume Jems mwholqgl U10 HENRI Mr and Mrs Simmer the mute lllrtl you to rclilf Ra Sle Vio RR No Slroud Phone IOrH OR ROOM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII NOTICE is hereby gwen that dlz Harold Berrlsford made an 35518 97176 iilVES 0F Bccs with honey llligltonthiiolgl lgln ll $132531 ment on the 5th day OCIWDEL yrnn 1191 some Cme extractor and number except for wcckcnlls Apply Box 1963 and tllIlit the rst meeting of CASHIER Banepn Rags 51 hsupeIlIc Reasonable 45 Barrie Examiner llllOlfi SMALL WHITE MALE RYE FOR SALE Prion no gradllzrsoml be otnlhhe hush one On 171 htI Wm II mo er Shorllmnd rcquircd Modcrn 111nm 1515113 BEDROOM Houso or large opallCHlHUAKUA 10 olytwo oclock in the afternoonqu WALLPAPER and mil mama vsamurs ormlv ovc wl vaIeP W1 one years rOl iclu ecclvcr 16 I0 Household Finance Corp frltmItIIblllnstood or coal in ood vidc references Needed by Noll 19Aikmli WM House in the Town of Barrie conll 1011 1150 medium size 1ch Apply Box 36 Barrlc Exnmniclf APPLES Choice sprayed hand the Province of Ontario IIi Dunk 5L We FemdleIThousonds of rollg be bcc lleaterlllone 3585 after pImI 11103110I114413l picked Snows Delicious Spys and qt Barrio mi day of Phone A1339 Phone 3113101 37 5115 lhlr 34011 ds osed of to make room 9WI Bra 05 October 1933 LADYS Com AnmE Cheaper w1th own containers Les MG ARFN CA Tulst lfor Stock aroon mall on Allen 285 Blake St Phone 4152 or 1p llie Street sped High Prices PM to lnm 520 It also mms blown Okblmy dog g0 mm someones 20llo BALI OntzrioI box cont size 11 $10 Built like FURNISHED ROOMS Pl we unnoticed Thi dog den LIVE POULTRY 11 11 Menus Ilnlcd lo rcpmrnt Cannon Highestpc Pam 100 31m 101 0mm 3667 ldwlloIISILL arled CARROTS Beets mummy 30 641 lulln 11 11 11 bl 11 Potatoes 250 Pe llnsh miInllImzanI IonIrIIrIolIlIlIolIIInIIIrIIIlIlIII SCRAP IRON FURNISHED BEDROOM Phonef REWARD $25I00 5CI I25 bushel Appg gigs II men with 0er Mid lnlllntllc Coxu MODERN Bedroom Suite also kit 3275 15115 Pcewnukec 50 St 92 bushel WWW Mid Nilr 361 HH Md 11 homehalr fume chcu suite maple with red mm PHONE 5211 GrapesI 505 sthC5bgeIoTumipsI WWW Yr Ranrcue All 11x rUllleurl BEDROOM Pl 17115 plied We one can let lid ti l9 Clnilcrlnn St Phone exec Li COM moim 5C 9301 40 dozen PU kins 100 ms and buslrlrs drnnllrnlal 711531 mm Samme for Until $7410 I379 13115115 30c Zinnias 30c dozen pApply 298l Farm She and 51 2I 83 Collier St Phone 2301 mmsrmn moment Add FARMEQUJPMENT BMW ZGIISMI WPemehl LET US supply your hog 09ng Phone 33 15112mm FURROW Case PIOWI wide bob Ihc UlldtlblgllCd as lcccnc me For further particulars mile to Collect hone culls acc ted an WOOD FOR SALE instrumons from SNACK BAR and gasoline business for sale Good turnover Reacting for selling owner has other inter Apply Box Barrle Examiner WELLINGTON Pay alter Your Digs go to market Essa Station phone Barrie 810112 49 Wellington St Toronto Out tom Apply Jack Hiolmes near N0 lntclest Contracts available ROQM ma located Board The Fonthlll Nurseries Phone or see le lllmlv leml lene 5027 134154101 CORD 01 Hardwood 4ft some Metal Salvage GREAT FALL EVENT 535 5de $935333 Mm Unmmm It $13910 6406 resigns EH Lot 18 01181 Essa LAMS DEALERS IN 50 To BR John Deere Tractor fuel oil SCRAP IRON METALSIURS ma RIGHT Inch adjusmhle bench SaWI tinned looms smk ln Phone 5870 in rst class condition good mbI my HARDWOOD $10 per cord L0 SOUth IVY lathe 11nd jigsaw with motor and 157115 bcr Clsc Murrow plow for pow Alldred Fergusonvale To Sell by Public Auction on WANTED HIDES RAGS BATTERIES lme Shaft mounted table Emil SMALL roomcd furnished coli er Cyhndm cummor for horse 67109420 III lyohn Doare sale and Service THE FOLLOWING loll IIhmICI 86mm 395126 Softwood Slabs Sawed and dellv CATTLE Roan Shutthem CowI saw blades and turnln 11L FEATHERS Rcmonable Phone 3i53 gwalksill mm mm mm Phone 2285 Ydmw 01 humor Stanley smtm HARDWOOD Hmdwom Slabs Class Sheetmeml LIVE POULTRY COFFIELD ThelmoTub eleclrll workers II our mm Wm can High washerI white enamel with chrome ROOM Furnished Apartment ggifsgrggld special price pald wmgen Owner leaving IOWIII Separate entrance PhonIcIIIIllIlIliiIlIIIIII High Hourly Rate PII qt Wotlld amp aPIZIS Cycle washer as one an ner II II par paymcn one 5334 7115 FURNISHED Bedroom llousckcm II lull Vallcty unllt Seiecllon Day Week Hour Day 9M 9m eld Dennis Moran phone 2907 years calf at foot Roan Short 47 FORD FERGUSON Tractor ex 6407124 horn Cow 10 years call at foot shorihom Cm Years calf $22 cord HardWOOd horn Heifer 30 months due Cell CCllcnt condltlon Hydraulic fur SOFTWOOD Slabs and Body III foot Rod ShIIIIIhom HeiferI 30 row plow used seasons ydrau lie Tiller demonstratolf Used souwool $12 cord months due by 52110 RM Short International furrow low 10 bottom Graves BIIIISII DFeIIgIIson slabs $18 cord Cut and dellvered 17 Red Shorthom Hem 30 Farm Equipment 305 Buyeld St Phone 6567 63119 months due Oct 20 Roan Short NoiihBarrle Phone 333 39115 horn Helfer 30 months sprlnglnu Red Shorthorn Heifer 30 month brad on pasmmz WhneShonhoni Heifers 20 months Whltc Short II Ihorn Chlf months BiackICalf GIROCKI STEAM BATH ligscirilaiiiGiiilliu Edgehlll Drive Barrie 10 and 11 years 3100 lbs FOR YOUR CAR Body Conditioning Arthrltlc SWINE Registered Yorkshire Sow with 10 pigs Yorkshire Sow table lN FIVE MINUTES IreatmenIt remedial Iexercises II POKBlOln and Metal mas COS wamod to livery 139 labia lalilnps 6C7 glgzgro C123 selenhc reducmg mm 10 pig Ymksmle 80 heavy lug if desired Central Phone II SEE CRAIG HUNTER for service 5211 TIme and one half IOIIII f0 EVOLV mm on your Faster Feeds Frost Fence 15113 and Farm Supplies Sales service lWARM Furnishcd Bedroom with Overtlme AND COMPANY and demonstration on Graham double bed near new factories Hospitalization Yard and Office 156 Tlfn St Flows Phone Stroud 53r5 Hunters Phone 4497 15115116 Poulll rm Paid Statutory Holidays 80150 UNFURNISHED Rooms newly II COLLIE PUPI around McCLARY Combination Electric decorated good location Phone Plant w1h Downtown LOC momma 5mm to mkII Rom and coal or wood stove burners 2036 after pm 15115116 atlon ncth Robinson Cookstnwn phonyM large 0V9 in excellent condition 27H 3I WI apartment type FrigidI NICEL Fulnlshed front bedroom WRITE PHONE OR APPLY TO SCOTCH PINE and Spruce Christ felted Phone 3421 15115 aim Extqnsion wooden kitchen central location Gentleman pre with pig ccmber 193 Contract laced now Bo den will elllwomS HO $1 08 Licensad Graduate M3559 Enquire 129mm SII 3II114116 rr lInls ed lg house eplng Ab 10 am till 10 pm daily Tgaligilmfffsd Ilggwllllfde Products lellECl Visit Om Bmmem 14 FT it 111 SHAFT large tamers Phone 3919 1o115116 CrossTown MOTors Private lIlepolnlmenls Only Tractor me the mcansgl 015mm ONT AGENTS WANTED Store for Some Real 355 23 iglifsblesgagslpuiii UNFURNISHED Rooms hot wa 220 Bradford 81 Phone 5430 Tiller IHC SpringTooth Cultiva II Valuesin drum with tapIpart mg 130521 left sepallale entrance Prefer army 13109 MADAME Icmielta clairvoyant EgrrHBl f3IIFITrIIglITIIact01Plow PHONE 3575 LOCAL AGENTS WIIIIIIIIdI no Investmem Fwd and 40 Chev PianoIACI personnc Phone 4616 15115 1933 PLYMOUTH Coach fair con readings dally aItI50 Maple Ave II IIIee IllI 0c IHC Mow Comfortable walling accommoda fi it COCkShlllt Manure 1115122 necessary Should have small truck COAL 85 WOOD RANGES or an nee some remnsl Acme ROOMED Cottage Partly fum dition Best Offer Phone 5mm tion Intown for ll Spreader FW StiffTooth Culli box stove surtable for wood Rad 01 Ilme and stalage space F01 furthel ln rI lshed Ir mile hum school store 20r41 13113115 Consult the Madame attend valor Illshank SpringTooth Cul LADY Hardlesser wanted Mabels formation please write Mr RANGETTES lam Heme Phone 6449 Bairm 233 and train Phone0m 197 private parties 30n5 tivatorI 13 teet mow Rake 10 ft Beauty Salon Bradford phone Rogers 1599 The QtlenswayT0r ELECT IC RANGES Bayeld St Hughes 75116 15114116 1947 CHEVROLET Sedan ill$1 Kid Kangaroo 2FurlowPlows 151 09 Qnirl 051350 CLimizL IR ROOMED Apartment furnished 33i3ae 4959 aelzflsltl MH N0 Single Plow ZDmm WOMAN FOR Cleaning mom F1134 WASHING MACHINES abstainers no children Phone 3984 gltflellullmllllrlellrotillMlFlgllllYV Clllgmilf lugs week hours to 12 Must REFRIGERATORIS BDEERHOUNDS men daytime 3073 in evenings I39 130003 dill1g 5mg lick Thursday Octls rarm stock and 11inch Farm Wagon yand rigid my siltfill PROPERTY FOR SALE Apply John lllwman llioeli Sllkl adshmihrelsilbli gggleggyghygtgfg ssyni 95331130 Sets 3100p grills R0 II rI ce zer am es aanllng WAITRESS preferably experienc LOTS including building Cen Take advantage ofour LayAway 3115116 mentOgroggstegloglfndellltsamtg siin 1341 911 Watch inventory later M111 Cutter Bag mick GrlndI excellengconduionsI good wa trally located Phone 5126 or 6672 Plan start Christmas Shopping PUREBRED Female Shetland stainers Apply 69 Henry 1952 AUSTIN Sedan 14000 miles Charles FOStell Aucnoneen Stone sugar KemF BUCkey Brim gm Apply Prysons Grill Dunlop 16115116 OdDY Sheep Dogs months black and 15115415 privately owned radio and heater 2415 Wmo Chm cameltl St Barrie llltlw white Papers availableReason in perfect mechanical order $1200 Friday Oct George Davis lematlIOMlI Cream Sellarator In 50 ACRES 0F muck 13nd good able Phone 4240 38115 3RO0M Bungalow with piece Phone 4522 13415416 east half 10mg Can Essa good lemn FEMALE Typlst wantedpart time celery and truck land Easy terms bath and large sunroom Available 1033mm of Aucuo saleof HARNESS Double Set Harness General knowledge of office mac and cheap Patterson RR BOUND PUPS Redbone and Walk Oct 15 Phone 6300 or 2951 51 METEOR Victoria overdrive farm stock and it lemems Terms Horse 30111113 Pa Horse Blank tlce Monday to Friday to 11m 51 Bame Phone 3523 164154 91 mmhiOldl ready to 15115 iadiov tum indicamrs Chrome cash Sale at mp mule ets Box Barrie Examinen 1114115 Parents gnodJon fox or deer John wheels Low down payment Fin Au 10115 Quantity of Hay and Straw REAL BARGAIN atIIClalghlIlrst HARDWARE Mlller Waverley Phone Elmvale HOUSEKEEPING Room furnished ance can be arranged Phone 5674 Rom Clams Shovels and many IGRADUIATEI Updergmduate or ex 13 mlles norl of Harm on ngh 91er III 3811411 or unfumlshedI continuous hot wa 131144 Thursday Oct 15 Blacks other articles too numemus to pengnced pracuca nurse fol gen way 93 12 storey asphalt SlllnglP 31 n10 Street East erI phone 573g 33 Thompson Regent Galage No 90 Highway mention Will Inniswood LOdge Phone Clad 515004 Phone 3717 15115 1950 CHEV Sedan Delivery good forsale by public auction tinder All will be sold without reserve Florence BreakwenI Barrie 425g 113114116 PHONE 243 II tires $950 or best offer Terms Mechanics LienAct 34 Oldsmobile as the proprietor is giving up farm 11101 115 PAINTING UNFURNIISHED Roolfmain czIm heparratllgeh No CtrdIilet in 13511ng 471229 6195 ligilfe lug oorseparae entran ease riva one 00 sown Imo ie eria FIULL TIME Waitress also partmmacel 011 healed lotI67 163 girl preferred Phone c736usmesgt I108 collect l3115116 47583 51 license L239Jerry Collgh 6135ggjoulgalzltilmgg sling time dishwasher Transportation 0n apartment lmmedmte poss BABYS PRAM color wme price DECORATlNG 15115415 lipAuctioneer 115116 Stroud 23111 in Barrie pmvidei Appxy Stew essmn On Burton Ave Phone 5077 $8 Mrs Frank Columbus Angus 1950 AUSTINI radio heater 10w II arts Restaurant or phone 821mm 1611 7115 Intern nd Exerlor Prompt BElfDROgMISIN Allfandale Teacher mileageydexceponan Clean Ovn 1415116 Dre erre oard dsired Apply er now riving company car ea $11r500NeW bdrm bIICk bun COOK STOVE white enamel Nice to 311 inqunieS Work 11 LADY From 35I50I Io care for NI $me 011 heating large living years oldI steel topI PhomIIIaozsII guaranteng on arrle Examiner sortable Ca chk erras phone III II AB erly lady some housekeeping live mom When Wily decora ue 37115115 1523135 5946 ame betw en and out sonicIpursing experience ted large lot landscaped Near NEW Self ontnlned roomheated would be an adv SChOOL $5500 down Mortgage ar GIBSW Gumrwgmd Conditim artment b1 or 2059 an age lirlisl ranged Apply Box 31 Barrie Ex $50 cash or best offer Phone Phone 6777 141 Center St 13 Nov Bogc7fggllrigoilxgg VESTOCKFOR SALE ami 16115 6630 7115 or 011cc capable woman who 15115 GRADE 3015 New all 1m GGS M035 would like to 15 GOOD LOTS excellentview of KITCHEN Cobinetf natural ex FURNISHED Idclf years or age Phone Strand Hausewoe r2 ra gmd wa lake can be had en bloc at less 09116 COHdltlon 51 1509195 Street liht housekeeRlprgm wltamec for 53111 9115 gcnl invlnlid oma gm clare than half current prices We hallo Norlh 7115 bgard if desire 13 r293 and nr aunls number of lots to choose from Armsuongs Floorcovering WEANED Yorksmre Pigs Ap Img all convenlences lee various locations suitabe for good 231ECE Green Corduroy DressI Linoleum 10115 ply FraserIIIICampbeuI IsmudI PM VizII F412 homes See Hmy and ElrickI size 12 sultableIfor girl 12 tel Ribber and Asphalt Tue FURNlSHED Bed sitting room phone 161 9115 II wgliLhagergde Realm Bame 16115 Emma 2734I I741 III Plastic IWall Tile lilihwglllnilpiw 31 limit 10 PIGS WEEKS OLD pig gnm steady employfhen BARRIE IlNICOME Home excell IECE Dmms rooSUltePwal Mdteilall Supplied and Installed St 15115116 Strei 33m Sqmib mfg 3031315 5t Christmas Apply Jack ent lQICallon on Burton Ave gu dml gOOd icon on hone Free Estimates pne II Storm 59 Dunlop rooms storey buck house full trou 41 15116 WELL Furnlshed housekeeping Heifers vaccinated cellar modern kitchen hardWood 100ml linen plied rened ho gt IBarrleI 1111 oors downI hot air heatfngI in LARGE on Space Heater like WOLEENDENICemmI BusinissIgirl or coupmleI due Oct 10 Gordon 111x Strand IMONEY at homeaddress sulatedI Lot 52x165I Estimated in 23 gel reasonable Phone7 90 Cumberland SII Phone 5185 abstainers Phone 5780 133115 333 2813 9115116 envelopes tor advertise1s Use come over $100 monthlyinyith CALVES purebred Shorthocn 565142 wajger or lon handI Good rooms free for ownerI price $990 CEDAR POLESI from 24II to 30 LARGE Bright heated room in Charles Robson BR IIBarrieI amaid Mall 51 for ln Joseph Anderson Broke 35 ed Robinson and Orr hone able fm wuple Rangem AVAIL WI IImanualI TransgIOI PIOI Ines IBIVIIII TOIIImIIIIzIrHUIgIstIIfG 114 Mines 113 115113 4333 5115121 able immediately IIhone 2951 PUREBRED Registered Herald latin heater also number of SIGNS Lettering 86m gt N0 Thornton 9115116 xv pipesg Phone 251133 7115us leaf window lettering Luna NEW APARllMENT debghlful PIPELESS Hot An Furnace ood m5 Ch mdem 311 red Would sell or exchan gt mm 25 Dunlop St East 71151m Stenolrnplly Burl Business 15115117 wm gt College Iirmntq St nan1e CHOICE HolsteinHeilers one In Com530 gun do cremains condition 3125 when offer Box hemd elimmlshedi 10 lily Geor earth RR on FranksW Greenhouse Mineslng PYQUiGt couplerrbr aI business NEDTO OHIO 180 3m 10 GEESE also 400buslielsr or Your choice 0120 differentkinds WOman Plane 3103 15415110 GRADE Holstein Co years old th 111861130113 303 word DEADSTOCK tan0v from your hadwood floors gt Students violin Offers whenseen ad Phone collect Barrie 3017 Mulls 0111311 qtunnelliate possession 01an Young Limited 53thI Near bus stop rApllly 124 Henry gowle hell ch Oct mmd nybalanced feed re COAL 0R Wood anneliawlthDWhite WATER Weill For on enamel end Kitchen tabletzwlthI and our 0111 eul FURNISHED Be Sitting room lrlm grillielalgogpfil 1y prpdngtlpnIgII more frequent jsmetime cam ngs Satisfac $4000 down balance easy terms ft long for break waters Phone FURNACES AND Chimneys clean apartment house fumiShed sum Phone 35412 95115416 I1 543 Wichita KansasI USA or HUlT9467 15112115 GOOD CHEER wood stove circu 15115 BullAppl3r McEacllern RR Isted phone 3432 Hm view large llvmg room bed SUFFOLK RAM years1old well MOST Desirable IIIII HEINTZMAN Plano good playmz Pb Hm 3me with calf at foot due AP II 36 Sunday 3IIBarrie naming I7Iu5 IULIP BULBS from Holland at Jew andvery centmIII smabye In phoneI525llInII I5 II II oatAl arm 73 Bdtedd tbrAl Scoword mlnlmm1c Phgne ggtngmyI I303 Huffy 1121 upsrAlllm foomsiIovIvlthanintclclgIrg landll ymlrrfidznllliefsclullipol Clillilllililllied Wt Iablkful PAIR Mans tube skatslrlzo form promptlyjlor sanitary dis water partly rumlshedlleated smug HEWIUBWF II 0f 5991339389me 1er ell 81 gt 1515416 youngscows llamaland cults lnllIlusllerrate of egg drawer Phone 3455 734159116 btand50n Huroutarlo at villi adjoining small kitchen Sec LA SIZE RoyTh Space Water tin continua GRADE ernSe Hagen $45 ILZelon jars Walel Abs nerg Bus stgqugl October or ll rte Con 10911127 ig +113 ubgsgngggg SScIllIIoIIoIIl Tinyogllag door GrIo St Phone 3908 sows of gun ply COL MAN OllBuirner warm ce gm on 15115 Marsh r000 slowal tillc blowennriaedjmn be reel grervlgg llllbtlefsltlog COTTAGE room 1111 convenl nhne m2 F1156 at 594 School St ISM IMMG Mucouan road 3361531311111 32 Ilowed1n winter lmlleaotn gldlllers urge EY talcum Ito Iltlkocwimmlu member de II Wad ll Onlert or II apmmgrnWfll mm red Ivlceable age large English at gran 911 Quill QW Won dllpolgkgter ar boars alsoGilts months on =eci00nd Ion and thll and do light war or and 41xtonths Gills Arthurlucr gt Mum I5Ills Root Barrielxaminen 15403 row phone 23113 soundomfu 99 9d Onl Phils 318M nd 00 11 newly decorated marlret U165 oi