ILBAHIUE WMINW WEDNSBWJAY I953 Browne K311125111 Hrs111m Grand WW lcmmpion Dairy Spowman Glen NtFarianc and Sam Srigley Ll Senior Dairy Calves Cleri chrlzme 315 out of possible 33315ch or all brceds F33111 biolmiscns Cedar Halli Roaiister Races 12 horror Mr if new perwil rmsand Mcacbcm kwcptp Ibibamieau Karmic 213531 Jewellm 318 Barnes name in the proof Sat3116 Mills Midland Li F0 311530 DCer CEIVB San gtosy 1311 horse Show Barrielblbudau Markdale lSrizley hid 3615 giving fourth high aar as these two stables rHaroiu Sriglcy 382 uslltkd off with ribbons it was smgk mad For Dual Purpose calves Don quite evident ma breeders in wcyrigfjajjj Orchard mode 373 Hiringglgufilgw pm lrm mihauaeau arki Parkcr 351i daic in Hereford Corbett Adamsiouk otb Malcomson and Memberrt worn in the pony class and each Roadster 152ft1rs plsu Willi 377 points Kath with secondS pldCt Morton Pralick 3450 Haroliia Races under baa their share oi the spotlight Cedar Rail Farms started it oflEratt McDiarmld icith win in the opening event brood more under 142 hands with foul The more Gone with the Wltid got the red ribbon with mlt sired by Fancy Jupiter who din hat grand afternoon on the show truck The threogaited saddle pony carol under 12 bands was copped by Bruce Wice Barrie RR No who deleoted Cocliiane of Thornton the only other entrant Ross Therrlan of Yellowknife Farms Unionvillc edged Cedar Rail Farms in the threegaited 12 bands and over with Barrics Ken Lloyd third Actons Robert Kerr stopped in and copped the pair of harriess ponies not exceeding 11 bands uwr Garnett McEacbern but from that on Barrie dominated the pony clibs Nlchchern scored first in the single harness pony 122 bands and on with Miss Commando sired mic fambus King Commando lllt it the greatest harness ponies lti showbusiness Mrs McEachem collected first in the single harness pony not ex Ctkdlllg 11 hands with her husband Ftcorld and Robert Kerr of Acton 1211111 They came back with win in the tandem vizi Golden Gene and Silver Gone but dropped to third in the Childrens Turnout with Silver Gene drivcii by Don bandsr Umphreys Jar Fullls Midland TbibauZ idcau Markdale Winner of Cosgrave opby 1395 single roadster shown Thibaudeau We EAchievement Day Winners Minosing E4H Calf Club Achlevemerii Day for the 411 Muiesmg Calf Club of 1953 itnicb1 lot Barrie was Oct in conjunction with tliol Barrie Fall Fairand added mucli to 1112 interest of the day The club under the direction of both the provincial and dominion tit partmcnts of agriculture and judge was Hugh McGlll of the Ontario Livestock Branch Out of 1000 points possible the rst three high scorers were Glen McFarlanc with 880 Harold Par ker 852 John Ferris 850 Other women were Bob Stephenson 841 Corbett Adams 840 Sam Srig ley 339 George Pearson 834 Don Orchard 812 Katherine Frallck 7911 Marion Frolick 7116 Harold Sriglcy 732 Winners of Barrie Kiwanis Club Specials were Grand Champion ild Amos Barrie This event was captured by Mal comsons entry Fancy Jupiter driven by Ray Pattendcn one of scvcmlwins by Cedar Rail Farms Fancy Jupiter teamed with Del 1053 Warwick Judy to win the pair of harness ponies over 11 hands and to round out brilliant afternoon Fancy Jupiter took the single harness pony over 11 bands for Cedar Rail lFarms Tho special event wihich called for lady driver driviilrg roadster bockney or pony was won by Mrs Thibaudeau with Mrs McEachern driving Miss Commando second The heavy harnesshockncys con sis of only one onlry that of Ru Kerr of Acton consequently he carried off all four events The roadster class proved p0pu Inc with bleacher taps and compe tition in this was keen between Fallis of Midland and Thibaudeau of Markdale Fallis won three rsts and Thibaudeau two but one of the two victories was the Cosgrave Trophy for the best single roadster shown Ponies Brood mare under 142 hands with foil Lnglocziil Pony Farm Barrie 1hreegaited saddle pony under 12 Bruce Wice Barrie Cochrane Thornton Threegaited saddle pony 12 and over Ross Therrian Yellow Bccf Showman Corbett Adams nu um mm 154119 52m mm MW Alon payuh uniwalling an PayMil lurkhomo noun in mid can is sponsmcd by the Kiwanis Club held on Friday orint Pralick 1311 357 Plated icz Shottrmmhlp were Sam MuFarizinc 2121 up out of pleglMt 1011 Sari Sriglcy 21 Car bett Adams 74 Bub Stephenson 69 Hamid Srigicy 87 George Pearl son 13 John Ferris 61 Katherine old Parker 35 anti Marion Fra ilLk 53 T011111 IIEEI OIL BURNER PBOVEN CANADAS CHOICE completely installed In your prcsent furnace 36500 including 200 gallon storage tank MONARCH Ilelrigerolion to 118 Mulcaster St Barrie PHONE 2059 $50 to $1200 YES promptly to out of employed peopleumnrried or sin gle Ivisit loan phom rst Ypu select best payment date No bonkifblo security required Phone write or come in today low much on Sigmuwnlmn or Auto Flskkcrs co and FL Public Utilities 81113 1231 TE SVSTIM in 13 15 BAYFIELDST BARRIE Phone 5931 John Gillespie YES MANagcr OPEN DAILY TO MATURDAY TO 12 on and in milnit of oil wrmndlugmo Personal Finonn copay of main knife Farms Streeisville Cedar Rail Pony Farms Barrie Kn Lloyd Barrie Umphreys Jarratt Pair of harness 11 hands and under Robert Kerr Acton McEachern Barrio Pair of harness ponies over 11 hands Cedar Rail Pony Farms Ba 1e harness pony under 11 hands Mrs McEachern VBgrtiefZ McEachern Bar rie Robert Kerr Acton pony over 11 Single harness hands Cedar Rail Pony Farms Barrie Single hatkess pony 122 hands and over McEacbern Barrie Tandemhiirness 11 hands and under McEachern Bar rie Childrens Turnout Cedar Barrie Lady Driver Thibau deau Markdale Mrs Mc Eachern Barrie Pairs of roadsiers Fallis Rail Pony Farm Barrie Robert Kerr Acton3 McEachern PCE CHROME DINETTE SETS 5951 9950 There is wonderful selection of styles Comfortable choirs upbolstered longwearing plastic to match or contrast with the table tapany colors to brighten up your kitchen or breakfast nook Midland Thibaudeau Markdale Team Race Fallis Mid guigi Thibaudeau Mark Single roadsters JpFal lis Midland LThibaudeau Markdale Thibaudeau ae HOME rbRuIsmiios 38 BAYFIELD ST moire 2843 BA mo suppurs Seedless Raisins AUSWALIAN la 11 ChOICe Curlunis cunomm 115 23 on GUARANTEED mans or QUALITY COTTAGE BRAND WHITE BROWN CRACKED WHEAT lobldwsDaIedDaiI Broil SPECIAL Wesion Custard Creams QUALITY PRODUCT OF lIHE lOBlAW BAKERY such or ltd unsucso to 33 ILB CELLO BAG lOBLAWS QUALITY CONTROLLED PRODUCT 818 PIN BRICK PM CARTON MrsHamIllonsMincemoul 313 29 Red Marascllmo Cherries JsA 23c Aunl Dinah Molasses 012 110 Fined Dates its 336 Cut Mixed Peel 155 180 CuICEIron Peel 86 Ila Cul lemon or Orange Peel 821 18c Whole lIed Glace Cherries mfg6 19 SuttonIa Glued linoupplo53KG 19c Mixed Glace lruils 2E pls 21c Dultons Fsmmsmv Cocounul 23c Shelled Pecans mm 33c Shelled walnlspiicss 23c Shelled Almonds 1251 23 Shellednrqzils 161 290 Manond1 only 73 491 PICIILES SAUCES IIC Rose Brand 315 Pickles 031 32 Rose BrundGherkins elf51 471 Cruncho Plckles Staff 310 Coronuhon Holland Onronsolijim FANCY ILP Sveet 5m Picklespuw 33 291 Queen Anne ChocolatesAimm Dyson Whole Dull Pickles 11 31 mums CE CR Clarkspovernor Sauce mail I9 as as co Cream BurBQRellsh Jill 310 Royal heal Ice Cream 15 OISe Olivesmzwaue 0355 no Hostess Sherbet libbys Tomato Cuichup 315 23 oeun nwggs suu 230 eg INQHOLIDAY STORE HOURS euver lumlr9leunuis 5121i 11 euver Popping Corn $3151 131 Buliqrdslflor Dogs 33 29 glvug Megnex Hitka or cnum Box Ester Briaml Dog Food 25 OCTOBER 14 avex cougiiilrinlmo Ion 02 EFL DZ BIL IIB Johnsons Paste Wax 6W 61 LARGE EKG PKG lax Toilel Soup 2m CAKES mobff IechaIe Ct Orange Cake CLOSED TMONDAYIC 57 gun Meaty HA1 SPECIA CHOICE CALL Now THANKSGIVING synum gt gt HIGIIHOYSQQP 19 gt 11 gt5 SPECIAH MIFOM 51mm cruncm Tokay Grapes 219 See Our Display of IKEDELIVERYIN5 FLORIDAWtleSEEDLESSSweera Juicy Choice Fairlie 18212 SPECIAI cor cooAnn zrsrro msmi AFRESHIBIRDSONLYK 111CoIIang TURKEvrms 51222031 =STEWOGDSAcinnamon= 611m AMIVF r999115l1335 no cm to own Emit murmur soon 02